>You are decended from a fish that just randomly grew legs and lungs for no reasonWhy are athiests so fucking stupid?

>You are decended from a fish that just randomly grew legs and lungs for no reasonWhy are athiests so fucking stupid?

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>>257411359are you saying that race realism is fake science?

>>257411457Do you like fish dicks?

Cuz they are man children

>>257411508I love fish sticks

>>257411359>My ancestor was a piece of bacteria slime living on a rock>I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE!!!!!!!

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>>257411359>you are descended from a God who just exists for no reason and has magical powersEqually retarded. Also evolution didn't happen over night.

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I hate to admit, but they're right though.

>>257411359>for no reasonfish saw white women and wanted pussy like a nigger.god and evolutionists btfo

>>257411359evolved legs to get back into the water when caught in the tide

>>257411359> i was poofed into existence by mysterious sky dady who stole my rib to turn into a wimminwhy are religious cucks so retarded

>>257411359>>257411359Tell me which is more likely:-species emerged through incremental change over billions of years where the weak were ruthlessly culled-we magically appearedI'll wait

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>>257411603>equally retardedbut you then defend it with a "qualifier" that it didn't happen overnight?

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>>257411919>-species magically appeared through incremental change over billions of years where the weak were ruthlessly culled>-we magically appearedYou may a compelling argument


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>>257411919>Big bang>not magically appearingThis is how retarded fedoras are

>>257411919unironically 'we magically appeared'

>>257411359Asians descended from dragons

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>>257411359>nigga is making the same face>clearly a fellow Hwitecheck mate thiest

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>>257411919>we magically appearedStatistically more probable than evolution, unironically.

>>257413512more like dragonflys

>>257411925Because that qualifier is where it's at. Unimaginably long stretches of time OP either cannot understand or is playing dumb.

I really hope this thread is bait. Absolute brainlets.

>>257411359>goes out to grab food, grows legs Hah

>>257411359>memeflag>retarded opinioncome on guys you're better than to fall for this bait.

>>257411359Time Spiral was a cool block.

>>257411359Did someone say fish?

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In all honesty they’re probably right but in their defense it is a hypothesis. Putting forward the same thing except that IT DID NOT happen that way isn’t really a hypothesis though. It’s the exact same thing with fedoras trying to argue there is no god, god is a positive hypothesis so deep that they cannot argue against.

>idiotic post that shows that the op possesses half the required knowledgeYou know what to do.

>>257411359>You descended from some man and a rib woman and her many inbred offspring

>>257411359noahs arc was actually a fully robotic spaceship with embreos of every animal. the only way we will be able to expand to the stars is if we freeze embreos and have them raised by robots after 100 years of space travel.so why couldnt that have happened to us?


>>257411925OP said something wrong. I corrected it. You're welcome.

>>257411359Based Tiktaalik poster

>fossils and science are fake

>>257411919>-species emerged through incremental change over billions of years where the weak were ruthlessly culledwhere did the first species emerge to begin incremental change oh they magically appeared


Ah yes race realism lol. We all fishes an shit

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Place your white race above your Sky daddy and you are okay with me


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>>257411359If the fishes environment changed so as to make adaptations in physiology and behavior more advantageous...This is likely.

>>257411359We magically appeared and then decended from a fish that just randomly grew legs and lungs for no reasonWhy is it so complicated to understand that htis world make no sense? This universe has infinite dimensions ffs

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>>257417839I have a theory on this that involves bacteria and viruses needing "vehicles" to be able to reproduce confortably. This led to more complex cellular life and the bigger and more complex this life became the more it's body had to change to become suitable for this earth.

>>257418406How is cat so clean?

christcucks love to present this dichotomy or either you're atheist or you're christian. big bang is mysterious and seems implausible. some god creating everything also seems implausible. but you know what seems absolutely retarded: a god creating everything and then just sitting around for 100,000 years as those he made in his image die of starvation and tooth infections and create moronic religion after moronic religion, and then finally he sends his 'son' down to a barely literate backwater in the levant (yeah, don't send him to rome or alexandria or a place that would keep good records and have reliable witnesses), and then the son predictably gets caught for being seditious and is stapled to a cross like countless other seditious clowns, and then he dies, and some stupid woman and his former cult members say he came back for a few days and then disappeared into the sky, and if you aren't totally convinced that he was the son of god, that benevolent god will BURN YOU IN HELL FOR ETERNITY FOR NOT WORSHIPING HIM. christcucks, unreal.

>>257418531Because it didn't behave like a dog

>>257418531because someone just threw it in the mudduh

>evolve lungs>420 blaze it fgt

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>>257411359why is evolution difficult to understand? it's a logical and elegant theory and we see evidence for it every day in fron of us. what part is difficult for you? I'm a Christian and evolution is part of Gods plan. Perhaps I can help explain it in a way you can "get it"

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>>257411359first to use science to decimate people who dont think like you.Last to use it when preaching your bullshit.Cant wait until youre worm shit.

>>257418930that thing makes noises like a very sick dog>planet of monsters

>>257411603Who made this image has no idea how evolution works

Starting to think we are more electrical Than chemical and energy can be directed by turning it up or turning it down , too much mine craft for me .

>>257418538no religion stands up to logic and reason. grow up.seriously. it's not the point.pic not rel

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>>257411359Because they care less about how the human race came to be than the "freedom" to stick their cocks where they want and being able to do drugs.

>>257417839yes, macrobiotic life did spontaneously appear, it's not even weird, the universe is booming with weird phenomena. you are crippled by a narrow mind and poor imagination pic not rel

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>>257413322Dumb n*rdThe Big Bang is just a scientific theory, subject to change as more information and facts are discovered through scienceIt's not the definitive explanation, but it's the best we have for the moment


>>257411359>for no reason they moved to landwhat if nigger fish moved into their pond?

>>257419451ScIeNcE is HARD for these midgets

>>257419521invited in by the jew fish

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>>257411359And you think some giant guy in the clouds just made a man out of mud?Who is more crazy?

>>257411603Evolution is fake. Adaptation is real. Nothing has ever become a different species over time and you can’t prove it with facts like fossil record and you can’t observe it in nature or recreate it with experiment. Therefore it’s impossible as a hypothesis scientifically

>>257419623He’s not in the clouds he’s three beings of one nature that exists outside of time and spaceIt’s not as stupid as everything coming from nothing

>>257418990Evolution isn't mentioned in the bible

>>257411594This but unironically

>>257411359What was his tax policy?

>>257411359>experiment nº9865983 thinks they come from a fish>laughs in anunnaki

Mana from heaven is future foreskins. Jews have repaid skydaddys investment with interest. Skydaddy literally taught them usery. Thankfully they are skydaddys chosen.

hurrr durr evolution doesn't existThat's why Rona is mutating, or why we are locked in an evolutionary arms race with various pathogensThese same retards use the term "gene pool" on a daily basis on here, as if they should even be allowed in it, KEK

>>257411359im a retarded offspring of 5 monkeys having buttsex with a fish squirrel.

>>257418406>This universe has infinite dimensions ffssource?

>>257418406It's just life finding new opportunities through physical changes. Much like the virus that kept you locked for 2 months.

>>257420155False equivalency makes you look pretty small mindedYou can’t show proof of one example of any species becoming another

>>257420205>indian flag>another mention to anus or defecation

>>257411359Holy fuck all the mental midgets ITT, commit suicide by cop and go to heaven, retards.

if evolution is real how come there has been no evidence of it in the last 50,000 years?

>>257419339Sure it does. Atheists just criticize the supernatural portion as proof its false and purposeless. It's the same as reading the fox and the grapes and ignoring the easily observable phenomena the story conveys focusing instead on the talking fox. The casual retort I receive in that case is>I dont need a book to tell me how to be a good personMissing the point entirely that it's not about some arbitrary "good person points" but rather mass producing morality and virtue in humans. When you destroy this, you dont end up in some technological super society, you end up with a population of >dont have kids! Save the planet!>stop eating meat!>let those migrants in!>free the criminals!And morality is no longer treated as an absolute concept with a strong foundation, but a malleable clay easily manipulated by those with stronger convictions.

>>257411359>for no reasonplenty actually, too many, only a few were followed because most conflicted



>>257411359Actually Prometheus made us

>>257420699How about artificial selection operated by men on countless species proving how you can drastically change the aspect of a species simply by selecting its mutants?

>>257411359they grew lungs via random mutations over thousands of generations.

>>257411919>we magically appearedthere is actually a very real probability, albeit infinetly small, that you can spontaniously combustdoes that mean it's magic?

>>257411603>equally retardedBut not MORE retarded.

>>257411359>Once upon a time there was absolutely nothing>One day, that nothingness suddenly and violently exploded into absolutely everything>Atheists actually believe this

>>257420871breeding donkeys with horses is totally proof of evolution congrats on your super smarts.

>>257421053E X A C T L Y

>>257411359When will you fucks understand that DNA is the only life form and its goal is to spread.We are the flood

>>257421053I see you've clearly never studied physics.

>>257411359>magic guy made it happen

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>>257421311go into your backyard and pound rocks till you create life. I'll wait here till ur done.

>>257411919Both of your positions = magically appeared you low iq retard.

>>257411646It jogged right over to the nearest clump of moss. The (((bacteria))) in the ocean convinced it that the moss had to share because the moss's ancestors kept the fish's ancestors down when they were both photosynthesizers

>>257421053>Once upon a time there was a god which was bored>One day this god made man out of mud and dust but then punished him and his future generations cuz lmao >christcucks

>>257421311Have you got an actual argument or explanation? Or just bullshit basedbants?Have you got an explanation for the interruption of the inertia of the singularity and the cause of the explosion that caused “the Big Bang”?

>>257421447so you are saying change can only happen through an intelligent beings actions. intresting

>>257411359This God just made us in a big puff of smoke!

>>257421514Why do that when I could pound your mum and create life?

>>257411603I think there's a higher chance of me being created by higher, superior power beyond our world than a fucking fish

>>257421659Actually, God punished all of mankind because Eve was a weakminded thot and Adam was a simp, so that is far more believable than>muh nothing exploded for no reason into everything

>>257411575Flag checks out

>>257421796lol i mean if that makes you feel better then keep believing the delusion

guys guys what if guys what if both of those doesn't need to be correct or false but instead guys you listenAYYLIENS

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>>257421909t.randstad neger

>>257421447That doesn’t prove change of kind, the banana stayed a banana. Nice try. Ray Comfort has acknowledged his mistake with this btw, and it is really weak bait for you fags

>>257411359>RandomlyThis is where you're wrong.The mutations are random and very small and take a very long time. Evolution is NOT random. Take differences in population height. If we put all the food on the top shelves at stores only tall people would survive. The short mutation would not survive and so would be able to breed.

>>257421447who created the modern banana? was it the 8000 year old banana or was it something superior to a banana?

>>257421796No fish ever told anyone to cut his foreskin off or kill his son.

>>257421874>muh woman ate from a fruit so billions and billions of other people must suffer because of the actions of this one woman when god caused the flood why he didnt kill everyone , he could had made new humans which are perfect

>>257421909>delusionThe delusion is; you think you have a rational argument, but when pushed, you're actual belief is that Everything just appeared out of nowhere, for no reason, magically, whereas the Christians actually have a rational explanation, Something Created Something. >Atheist positionEverything Magically Appears> Christian positionSomething preceded EverythingOnly one of those positions is rational.

>>257422077because humans would never learn and become decadent and destroy themselves, just like we're doing so in western society

>>257422219>you're actual belief is.......your.....

>>257421991>Evolution is NOT random.If its not random, then it is guided by intelligence.

>>257422077to give us a taste of armageddon. the bible predicted we will all die in a nuclear war 2000 years ago.

>>257422077You don’t know anything about what the Bible says about gods will or His nature. Just stop tipping your fedora now, it’s quite pathetic

>>257422077Because he didn't want perfect beings, if he did he would have made man as such. I'm honestly surprised more of Holla Forums hasn't accepted the Christpill, because it fits right in with pol ideology. >Women started the entire chain of getting punished>Jews have repeatedly fucked up history so bad, even killing the literal Son of God >The end of time will see only a minority of jews make it to heavenSay, you wouldn't happen to be against Christianity because you have moshe genes, would you?

>>257422268Damn dude you got him on an autocorrection most likely, at worst a typo or even grammatical error. Wtf his argument is done!!!!

>>257411359>Why are athiests so fucking stupid?A magic wizzard "God" appeared from nowhere and magicaly created humans from clay and women from a first human rib.Is that smart or i miss something?

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>>257421400Agreed with the image. Most atheists are just the reverse side of the coin.

>>257422431As a Russia you should be the first one to know and educate people on dangers of State Atheism

>>257422431>God appearedYes you missed something vital

>>257421712I'm saying it's one of the factors. Human action surely changed the course of the evolution of countless species.

>>257422219the actual belief is "i don't know" while you pretend your fairy tale explains it all. Some of us can admit we don't know.

>>257421702What even is string theory?

>>257419663So a polar bear is not a polar bear, it's actually a grizzly bear that adapted to the environment? There is no DNA evidence showing ANY difference? Uh huh go on

>>257418844>a cat lays down when you toss it instead of immediately sprinting for the nearest source of coverRetard. Learn how cat works.

>>257422266>because humans would never then the christian god is not a perfect all powerful being , since he cant create perfect humans>>257422297>muh predictive programming >>257422325>muh fedora >Because he didn't want perfect beingsThen why punish us since we were made to be imperfect , he made us like this then he should be happy of his creation , the bible is all about how the Christian god is butthurt


>>257419663Do you even know what the word evolution means?

>>257421053>>257422219Why do Hypochristians think a big bang coming from nowhere and making nothing is absolutely ridicious (it is) but some god coming from nowhere that suddenly is all powerfull somehow isnt

>>257418990I've never had even a fundie deny it when presented with "wouldn't god be capable of creating life that can adapt to the world around it as things change? If he could, wouldn't he?" before.

>>257411359Imagine believing in a 2000 year old jewish psyop.

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>>257422658t. notorious cat thrower

>>257422634How does that explain inertia interruption with the singularity? There was nothing outside the singularity point supposedly. You telling me gravity’s interaction caused it? It’s a theory that scientists hope will one day explain the origin of the interruption. But they can’t figure out how. So how is that a gotcha argument at all? Try harder

>>257422726God created perfect humans (Adam and Eve) and we betrayed God by being tempted by Satan, thats why God cursed us and sent us to earth to suffer as a test of who will be reborn in heaven and who will go with satan to hell, its one of the first things you learn in the orthodox bible which I suggest you read

>>257411359Yes.God made us!

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>>257422804Yeah there’s microevolution and macroevolution. One isn’t provable and one is adaptation

>>257411359Evolution proves a creator. There is a fish fossil of the point between the creation of nostrils that proved life came from the sea. Before its discovery it was theorized the only way nostrils could have formed is a random fucking dent in a fish's face before it became a hole connecting the outside to the brain. This was considered a theory too stupid to be taken seriously and discarded. Then the fossil was found of a fish with a random scoop in its fucking face. No one brings up the between points of evolution are random crap that are usually not beneficial and only make sense if they are working toward a end goal planned billions of years in advance. Even microscopic organism study turned a microbiologist into a christian. He said the way a certain microscopic organism's tail worked, it would of had to of evolved a useless joint on the tip of a tail before a second joint evolved. A useless piece unless the future usefulness ene result it doesnt even know it will turn into is taken into account.

>>257422272Mutations in the genome of living beings are random (well, actually not completely, the number of new mutations per offspring gets optimized through time in order not to have a mutational meltdown or to have a too sporadic incidence of beneficial mutation), the mechanism through wich are selected is not random.

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>>257422077New humans who are perfect? Something like Gods chosen? Who will bring about "healing of the world" through liberation? I wonder if these people will make an idol out of themselves and attempt to rule the world in this image. Hmm

>>257411603>Thinks he can truly understand how a literal God works >Doesn't understand time isn't realFucking atheist make me sick they think they can actually understand a being on a whole different plain of existence. it's like an ant trying to understand how a jet engine works. you just can't.Agnostic is clearly the way niggerI don't know if there's a good you can't say 100% there isn't one .

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>>257422726>Can't create perfect human beingsI CAN cook a pot roast tonight, but had rather have pizza. Not doing something does not indicate an inability to do something.You logic is shit tier

>>257422840What is the oldest fossil? It is Mycelium Fungi. > God created man in his likeness and imageAll plant life on earth evolved according to fungi, Fungi is organized exactly the same way the universe is. Every inch of soil on this planet is full of Mycelium that feeds plant life. Without Fungi there would be no life. Before plant like the earth was covered in Fungi Mycelium.

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