Yeah, I’m really not okay with this.>engraved with a swastika in the center of an iron cross & an inscription in German which reads ‘He died far from his home for the Führer, people and fatherland.’”
Nazi swastikas at US veterans cemeteries
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So they decided to kvetch about it nearly 80 years later... why not at any point in time before that?
they are even canceling the dead now
>>257409739You wonder why people hate you. Constant kvetching like little bitches.
>>257409877we all know why
if you whine loud enough maybe someone will care
>>257409877Does it really matter? There was no push to remove confederate monuments until a few years ago, nevertheless it was still the right thing to do.
>>257409956Why is it the right thing to do? Fuck off with your fake moralism. You baby dick sucker.
>>257409739>I’m really not okay with this.No one cares what you think you evil fucking kike. They deserve graves just like everyone else.
>>257410021Nobody is saying we should burn the body and scatter the ashes in the ocean, all we are saying that it is despicable and insulting to keep confederate monuments and nazi tombstones.
>>257409739Boy, I’m really sick of you people.
>>257409739>Checks flagWe really don't care about your opinion on this subject.
>>257409739>kafka>germanoy vey
>>257410043>They deserve graves just like everyone else.I'm not disagreeing with that. But there is no excuse for these nazi tombstones to exist on US soil, maintained with US tax payer money. They must be replaced.
>>257410128It's not a nazi tombstone it's clearly a Tibetan burial ground, you can see it from te Buddhist swastikas
>>257410229>must be replacedGlad to see you're up to your old kike tricks.
>>257410229There's no excuse for Jews to exist on Palestinian and American soil.
>>257410280This. We wuz Buddhists 'n' sheeeiiit!! :D
>>257409739>I’m really not okay with thisAnd I'm really not ok with fighting your wars, sending your occupied territory money, and having to suffer your propaganda everywhere.Yet here we are.
>>257410304What does this have to do with Israel? Your paranoid anti-Semtism is showing.
>>257410302Nice one, you get raked last
>>257410229Why do we support you with US taxpayer money? Nazis never stole nuclear material from us. Nazis never sold our military tech we offered to share with them to China. Why should Jew graves not be desecrated?
>>257410394You're an Israeli bullying dead German Tibetan Buddhists.
>>257410394Paranoid? Nah ... we're all totally reasonable down here. ;)
>>257410423Nazis declared war on you, whereas Israel has been America's most loyal ally since the very beginning.
>>257410394Palestinians ARE Semites you Orwellian cocksucker.
>>257410394You kikea are the only ones butthurt about it and the times of Israel is stirring up the story. 110 comes soon
>>257410128should be the familiesfamily's choice
>>257410483Forgetting the USS liberty so soon, Moshe? We didn't
>>257410483This. Even saved them from that dreadful JFK guy! :D
>>257410483Right well joke joke very funny and cute. Here's your last (you) enjoy your attention thread kike
>>257410541>kike this>kike thatDoesn't all the hate wear you down? It's all so tiresome to be so hateful all the time.
>>257410580>USS LibertyIt was an accident.
>>257410483Loyal is a very loose term when it comes from an israeli.
>>257410623>Doesn't recognizing my disproportionate influence get tiring?No>>257410656An 'accident' you will pay for, dearly
>>257409956>right thing to do>flagBack to the oven with you
>>257409956Neck yourself.
>>257409956That Star of David is deeply offensive to some people and if they object; it too, should be removed from the gravestone of every American Jewish soldier.
>>257410483>America's most loyal ally>Attacks USS Liberty>Forms biggest lobbying group to control our democracy>Used child porn to run a blackmail ring>Steals masks from US during CovidWith allies like these, who needs enemies
>>257409956I agree. Old things should be left behind and better forgotten.The removal of the Israel State is also the right thing to do since the idea of it is ancient and backwards. I knew you would finally agree with us... :)
>>257410623Says the guy bitching about 80 year old tombstones. You guys really are hypocrites and cant stop kvetching for any amount of time, doesn't it get all so tiresome?
>>257409739Who cares if you're okay with it, faggot? They were honoring him, his beliefs and what he died for. Honor isn't something your disgusting kind can understand, though, so it doesn't surprise me that this would trigger you.You disgust me.
>>257410483I'd suppose that the crew of the most heavily decorated American ship would not regard Israel as a reliable ally.
>>257410905There is nothing honorable about fighting for a genocidal fascist regime.
>>257410818What? No! How are you supposed to identify them then?!
>>257409956That isn't for you to decide, you fucking circle.
>>257409739Someday the Jews will be erased from this world, and that will be one of the greatest days for the universe.
>>257410955I see, so when is the IDF going to disband itself?
>>257409956Then the right thing to do is also to erase isreal and return that land to the Palestinians
>>257410955You're a member of the Israeli government. You're actively genociding people and taking their land as we speak. kys already
>>257411138Heh, got em!
>>257410741Whats the matter.He said it was an accident.What did you expect?
Who gives a fuck?I certainly don't.P.S Fuck you Kike.
>>257411156palestine is not a race dipshit. they just random arab refugees
>>257410483Not really. The US was already at war with Germany before Hitler decided to allow his troops to return fire against American attacks.
>>257410955Only when your side loses. History is a lie agreed upon by the winners.Trying to judge the past by the current political fashion trend is a path to a dystopian future. You can't see where you're going if you can't accurately see where you've been.
>>257409739> MRFF chair Mikey WeinsteinOf course.
>>257409739Hey kike OP. I'm not okay with this
>>257409739Christ on a bike, don't people know anything about dignified burials and war?
>>257410656oh look a kiked kike
>>257410623are you looking in the mirror. kikes are the most hateful racist supremacist assholes on the planet the Talmud makes Mien Kampf look like a children's bedtime story.
>>257409956A fucking kike.
>>257409739I'm not ok with Israel, but unfortunately we can't always get what we want.
This is what we do now, kike? Desecrate the grave of a long dead warrior and remove the symbol of his cause from his headstone? This distinct lack of honor is so particularly Jewish. This sort of rat like behavior is why when the romans broke the gates to the temple mount, they burnt the second temple to the ground. This is why when Palestinians throw rocks at your kevlar protected heads you still find a way to die. Fuck you and eat my cold shit.
>'The Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) hereby demands that V.A. Secretary Robert Wilkie IMMEDIATELY replace the gravestones of all German military personnel interred in V.A. National Cemeteries so that ABSOLUTELY NO Nazi-era symbols, such as the repulsive swastika, and no homages to Adolph Hitler, or the German people and the German fatherland he led as the evil Fuhrer of the Third Reich, will ever again be allowed to appear on such gravestones in V.A. National Cemeteries maintained by U.S. taxpayer dollars,' MRFF chair Mikey Weinstein, said in a statement.>the German people and the German fatherland he ledA Jew wants the existence of a German Volk and the German nation erased. Imagine my shock.
>>257409739Who the fuck cares these are fucking stones thousands of kilometers away from you
filthy kike
>>257410955>genocidalHere we go with "muh 6 gorillion". It didn't happen. What's your next flawed, empty pilpul argument?Even if in some parallel reality 1 million realities over from us where it DID happen, that isn't the point. It's about honoring the dead, and now you fucking scumbags want to go fuck with them because the tombstones simply exist across the world from your pathetic and invalid state.Just leave them be and let them rest, you absolute faggot. Maybe they'll haunt the fuck outta you specifically if they're disturbed.
>>257411564These are the graves of German soldiers, not nazis. The tombstones should be replaced.
>>257410128The Germans were the enemy but damaging graves of dead soldiers is truly some disgusting shit, only (((Israel))) would do that
>>257409739What's wrong with the swastikas? Don't you know there is an American Nazi Party? Ultimately I think it's not of your business...let them be and see if you can stop the inevitable...
>>257409739Yes they were enemies But this is the corpse of a 20year old man, Who fought for what he thought was the right thing. He died protecting his country far away and now your feelings are hurt for something that didnt even happen to you because the insignia that was used at that current time
>>257409739>Yeah, I’m really not okay with this.I don't care?
>>257411675>All of the headstones date back to the 1940s, when the Army approved the inscriptions in questionHourly reminder that the enemies who actually fought Nazi Germany were more respectful to their enemies' cause than people nowadays.
>>257411988Yeah anti nazi laws only became a thing in the 80's here.On Hitler's birthday Charlie Hebdo had this on their front page back then, now it is probably illegal.>Hitler Super Nice >Sup Kikes>does it gas? (slang for how are you)
>>257410128Don't you have to shoot some muslim kids or something with your moral highground?
>>257409739Nobody gives a shit longnose. GTFO 4chan.
>>257409956>nevertheless it was still the right thing to do.throw it all down the memory hole Winston
>>257409739Fuck you bitch. Of course kikes stoop so low to desecrate graves of the dead.
>>257410483>Nazis declared war on youlie>>257410128>insulting to keep confederate monuments and nazi tombstones.insulting to whom? to you people who want to change history the way they like it?
>>257412375They do it to see if they can get away it.
>>257409739You people really are the fucking worst
>>257409956Let's just make up history!
>>257409739Haha time to defile some graves, goyim>No GOYIM you CANNOT bury your dead without (((us))) interfering!!!
>>257410229What about palestinian tombstones?
>>257410847You antisemites don't appreciate what the chosen have done for you.>steal US nuclear secrets and become a rogue nuclear state>Sell US military technology to the Indians>Engage in middle eastern proxy wars and consistantly push the US to get tangled in said boogaloos.
>>257409739> MRFF chair Mikey Weinstein, said in a statement.'Indeed, V.A. Secretary Wilkie must first timely explain WHY ANY such former enemy military personnel are even buried In V.A. National Cemeteries, in the first place, alongside our honored deceased American veterans? 'Lastly, in light of the shocking and inexcusable existence of these Nazi adorned gravesites in V.A. National Cemeteries, MRFF demands that Secretary Wilkie issue an immediate and heartfelt apology to all United States veterans and their families.'EVERY. FUCKING. TIME.
Oh no! That slab of rock has symbols on it. How am I supposed to live with that?. "I'm just a onions boy, I need your sympathy. Fucked by the Nazis, need to rewrite reality." Queen...probably
Onions boy
I actually can't post the word onions
>>257409739>I’m really not okay with thisLuckily I don't give a fuck what you think or how you feel.
>>257410955You're right. There's nothing honorable about fighting for Israel.
I will actually go balistic if these fags try and do anything to these graves. These are dead people move the fuck on.
>>257413446Lurked for a long time, didn't expect to be cucked like this.
>>257409739>VA-refuses-remove-Nazi-symbolsbased VA
>>257410483Get off the VPN you faggot! Talk about slide threads. 4chan really should make the Israeli flag a meme flag to save people money on buying a VPN to do this shit..
>>257410304>There's no excuse for Jews to existBrevity is the soul of wit.
>>257409739>The Military Religious Freedom FoundationI wonder if anyone else out there reading finds it ironic that someone who is a member of the so called religious freedom foundation is offended at historical grave stones because a symbol.I guess religious freedom in this foundation must only mean free to be Jewish, or only what we Jews agree with."You're free, only if I agree" I guess
>>257410229Tend to disagree. Jews didnt fight for themselves they used other peoples blood and sense of justice. Now that the man is dead A jew wants to smash his grave its not an ethic i can relate with.
>>257415496It's dishonourable, but honour is not something that Jews care about.
>>257410483Loyal ally my ass. You havent sent troops to fight in our wars that you made us do t fight for you by proxy to keep your backyard safe
>>257410656The holocaust was an accident. JudeoBolshevism lead to communist mass murder of tens of millions of people. The Nazis believed they were fighting against this evil. That symbol represented good men fighting against evil to those that died for it.Wealthy Jewish Oligarchs who had enormous influence in the allied countries tricked the Western men into fighting their natural ally against Jewish supremacy.
>>257410483Get fucked
>>257409739>I’m really not okay with this.who cares, shlomo?
>>257409739I’m totally okay with this. We need more swastikas.
>>257409956>>257410128Don't make me resurrect Hadrian, kike
>>257409956We are going to eventually destroy all jewish cemeteries and dump the remains and headstones in the ocean.
>>257409956If Christ isn't your moral compass of "right thing to do" then you are of the evil one. Hearing a kike non- Christian talk about morality is absolute poison. Both this german warrior and the warriors of Dixie are a million times more honorable than an unconverted Jew.
>>257410483Britain and Australia are far greater allies that you traitorous snakes
>>257409956Israel needs to import Africans and open up to the free flow of Palistinians. They need to be more multicultural. It's the right thing to do.
>>257410394>do disgusting jew things>do disgusting jew things>eat baby penis>do more disgusting jew things>get called out on itOY VEY ANTI-SEMITISMS!!!!
>>257409739>getting offended on the behalf of your grandpa>when it was your grandpa's generation that didn't have a problem with that tombstone in the first placeIf the people that actually fought and died during the war could live with the evil windmill so can you 3 generations later.The americans back then could have just as easily said no to nazi insignia but they chose not to do so.
>>257409739Oh no not swastika's
>>257411838The jews have used their hollywood ever since portraying Germany as evil personified. These were German soldiers loyal to their home. The jews want history erased. I sometimes think every bit of history should be erased. Then maybe the holocaust will actually happen for the first time.
>>257409739Fuck off kike, they died fighting for what they believed in, let the dead rest in peace. Isn't anything sacred to you kikes other than shekels, foreskin, blood libel, subversion and pedophilia.
>>257409956>Does it really matter?Yes it doesIf you store something you dislike to use as a political ammo when the time is right you can go fuck yourself with a rusty swastika kike