
What are your views on psychedelics such as: LSD, DMT and shrooms. Are they beneficial to society in anyway? Do they naturally make people more receptive to psyops? They clearly have a strong link to left wing groups, but are they the cause of their beliefs, or just a result of their beliefs?

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Other urls found in this thread: mckenna&FORM=HDRSC3 mckennawhat

Bump 4 interest

>>257399855>Do they naturally make people more receptive to psyops?quite the opposite, which is why they were abandoned in MK Ultra. Psychedelics are based and swirling-colored pilled.

>>257399855Sure they're good for an adventure but don't put that stuff on a pedestal. You can go through all sorts of erratic mood swings on shrooms. Stick to books, not drugs.

>>257399855>They clearly have a strong link to left wing groups, but are they the cause of their beliefs, or just a result of their beliefs?Left wing groups in the West tend to be more socially libertine, that's all. Plenty of right wing and libertarian people use psychedelics as well, they just don't act like complete retards about it or adopt the cringey culture around those drugs.

>>257399855I imagine a lot of lefties take very surface level doses but psychedelics do cause you to think about humanity and the planet in a different light. I took lots of shrooms and experimented with acid in my early 20s and I’ve maintained most of my conservative views.I don’t care for humans fucking with the earth and polluting but most of that takes place in shitskin countries I have no control over.As for the psyops thing that’s just plain retarded and not even worth addressing

>>257400447I have to admit that more of my lightbulb moments have come from books rather than psychedelics

>>257399855mushrooms is good for self introspection and really "tripping" entering other dimensons and shit at heavy doses (over 3.5 with 16 ounce orange juice)they can ironically help you find "god"lsd..lsd is good to do with a group of people or by yourself if you have something to keep you busy besides the acid for 8-12 hours. its a nice social drug believe it or long as everyone knows whats happening.dmt is rocket fuel to multiple dimensions.and quick lived.shrooms are really god tier.small doses are very safe.under 1 gram for most part.anything over 1 gram, you are risking a trip.tripping is ok..but once you know the trip..dont really need to trip it watching the same movie 100 times..once you get it, you get it.thats how psychedelics work..with weed.. coke.. etc.cigarettes...people keep doing it..over and over.they never get it.with psychedelics..within 100 times..they'll get it.and never need to do it again.

>>257400732>I took lots of shrooms and experimented with acid in my early 20s and I’ve maintained most of my conservative views.>mostAnd there you have it. Drugs compromise people. We'll never have the same conservative we could have had before.

How's DMT? I got really intrigued by some user mentioning it here a week ago.

>>257399855Do it faggot.

They will fry your fucking brain in the long run. Take 'em once or twice, that's it. Don't try to recreate the magic of your early trips. Try it once and get on with your life.

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>>257400877Are psychedelics accepted more in canada since the weed legalisation?

>>257399855Feed your headYou must enter the doors of perception to find the answers you seek

>>257400997nnnOooOoOooOoo you can't just SAY THAT each designer drug is its OwN tEAcHeR!!! each molecule is sPEcIaL I have an entire c0lLection to prove it!!

>>257399855I did LSD and mushrooms every now and then some years back before I got into politics. They're definitely fun, everything looks cool, you feel more at ease, your thought patterns change, music sounds god-tier.But when you're sober you do realise that it's just a drug fucking with your head and making all these things up. Just enjoy them, but don't take them too seriously.

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I wouldn't listen to what most of the faggots on here to say about psychedelics, 90% of you don't know shit and have clearly never been exposed to drug culture in psychedelics.There is no link to left wing groups you fucking retarded just open minded intelligent people I.E. You tend not to get retards taking Psychedelics often or effectivelyI have picked magic Mushrooms every Autumn in England and have done since I was 16. Magic Mushrooms removed my fear of death in Late 2016, Good times.Pic related

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>>257399855HiPsychedelics have no link to any side of politics. But will just make you question you, your beliefs, your problems.This is particularly profound if you usually bury them and they dwell your subconscious. Because it will come out like an avalanche.


>>257400909DMT is some fucking serious shit and you are getting in over your head with it. Even if you're a veteran with other psychs, ketamine, whatever. The other drugs are Drugs, DMT is Real and the beings who you encounter may very well be hostile. Basically, you can think of DMT as setting your soul up to get date raped. It's possible you might just go to the otherworld and have a good time flying around and getting insight from elves or whatever the fuck but they are not the only thing that lives there. Trust me bro. If you want to have a good time, take some lsd, that basically just chemically simulates the good parts of the dmt experience without putting your immortal soul in danger.

>>257401011I don't think anybody cares. Weed is like milk it's just a staple product that makes you feel good. No hippy stuff over here just a bunch of consoomers that know a good herb when they smoke one.psychs are just a fad like they always were.

>>257399855shrooms should be a rite of passage for most youth coming into young adulthood. this user has it right>>257400447you can come to whatever inane belief or conclusion based on your experience/environment and that is not true enlightenment or revelation. drugs are a shortcut. it takesyears of hard work, meditation and self-study(reading, applying knowledge) will get you up that mountain.

>>257399855Lefty scum will tell you youre hallucinating. But its actually opening a portal to truth, temporarily unveiling masks/layers that artificially cover our perception of the universe.Its like a cheat code to the restricted game called modern life. Use wisely, there is no going back.

>>257401151>not cultivating 2 kilos purple mystics Otherwise based

Literally CIA funded crazy pills to make you schyzo...user, I...

>>257399855Psychedelics hit differently when you're a low level aspie I've experienced barely describable things nobody else I know has

>>257401151I was meaning more the 60s hippy movements. Was it just because it was the new trend then? A lot of idiots taking them then. I would imagine more that psychedelics are more of a niche drug smart people use to explore their minds.

>druggies doxing themselves in this threadthis is what drugs do to you, make you stupid enough to confess to doing drugs

>>257401158I can agree with this. The arguments I've had with myself in my head on acid.

>>257401289>I've experienced barely describable things nobody else I know hasYes they're called emotions. Welcome to the club aspie.

>>257399855I used to do them a lot. They're fun. Makes you think life has meaning temporarily. They're like little pranks. Last time I took acid I thought the dirt at Burning Man was significant and took a bunch of pictures.

>>257400862Let me add that if you're going to full on trip with another person it has to be with someone you're comfortable with who you've known awhile who you can trust and they can trust you. You really can't lie that well or maintain a fake persona for a lot of the trip

>>257401281strange hearing this from portugal where drugs are decriminalised

>>257399855I'm not interested in doing drugs, nor do I care to do any research, but I don't think LSD is properly portrayed in media where walls melt and you can "see sounds" and stuff like that.

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i did alot of mushrooms and acid growing up.i lived it.i recommend it to anyone in triple digit iq range.

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>>257401351I don't know if you are aware but the powers that be love drugs because they keep the npcs who abuse them braindead

>>257399855> Are they beneficial to society in anyway? LSD 100% yes.Mushrooms are just fun.DMT is over rated drug that causes anxiety and fractal patterns when you close your eyes.> They clearly have a strong link to left wing groups, but are they the cause of their beliefs, or just a result of their beliefs?No according to the lefties I am an extreme far right ultra nationalist.I have experimented for the better part of a decade with psychedelics, because of my fascination with them from a scientific stand point more than anything else. Google Karry mullis and LSD.They offer enlightenment, they give the game away, show you behind the curtain, they show you how you think, they show you why you think, they are the ultimate red pill for breaking out of the matrix.But be warned they are powerful things and should not be abused or underestimated. Example 450micrograms of LSD will give you flash backs to your child hood of when you first picked up colouring pens and can evoke emotions so strong that you will feel like you just broke something in your head.


>>257400877A lot of cuckservative views fucking suck though. The type of conservative who think that mass immigration is worth it for increased profits should be put against the wall alongside the lefties

>>257399855Excess Dopamine and 5-HT2a sucks, but I guess it might make normies feel funny for a bit.t.schizo, so basically on shrooms and LSD 24/7 naturally

>>257399855psychs de condition your brain and allow you to look at things from another perspective. not some solve all, just take em for a good time. natural plant based (entheogens) is your best bet. forget about all the superficial shit in your life and press the reset button on your brain for 12 hours, take from it what you will

>>257401451Accordingly, I recommend tripping alone exclusively because for the type of person who is on Holla Forums, you are probably almost always explicitly 'hiding your power level' around everyone and will have a bad time if you're not completely alone, or at least not interacting with anyone. Nature/park walks are based but don't try to do any complicated navigation or generally go anywhere far from home/that you're not intimately familiar with.

>>257401100Are you retarded, or just jewish?

>>257399855>Are they beneficial to society in anyway?Yes. People who take them are more likely to commit suicide or get into accidents. In other words, having psychedelics freely available removes the weak from the genepool.

>>257401479you wuicjly buikd a tolerance to strong visuals so dont pussy foot your first/best trip, go hard

LSD used to be legal and it was called Delysid. But as more researchers were getting theirs hands on it they couldn’t help but party with it. Their scientific work would often turn into an evangelical movement to change the world with LSD. That’s why it got shut down hard.But it’s beneficial because of neuroplasticity, the ability to reform synaptic connections. Psychedelics basically makes it easier for you to learn new behaviors.Before it was illegal, it was the single best treatment for alcoholism and even AA used it for their members

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>>257401271Thank you sir, Actually my first ever post lmao Have lurked for 6 months never intended on posting, I guess The people's views on here on this matter motivated me to do so. i will go back to lurking permanently after this >>257401320Apologies OP... I got carried away lolYes I understand where you're coming from with the idea with Hippie's etc. I myself have come from similar roots doing mushrooms at Hippie festivals. And whilst I'll admit it can be left wing, you tend not to get these Far left types therehere is a video for you to watch OP -

>>257401709I'm canadian. Why?

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>>257401389No not thatI've remembered things from when I was 3 years old on lsd things that I couldn't remember before I experienced a kind of splitting effect where I felt basically a spectrum of emotions joy on one end depression on the other and sort of a relaxed middle ground but I could feel them almost all at once I also could swear I got some kind of insight into the great question of what everything is sort of a pointer on where to look but i still can't find the words to describe it

>>257401650hang out with only those whom you are intamate and comfortable withlarge crowds sucks

>>257401868PHWOAR some fit birds in that yin

>>257401650I actually turned one of my best friends I think We did not get much into anything political most of our dealings were with matters personal and physical (ie speculation about the universe etc) but I did lose my grip on my power level and he believed me and was stunned as if everything he's been told could be a lie

Like anything in life, without knowledge you become dangerous with power. Psychedelics are worthless soma for people who don't use them with an objective purpose. Combined with things such as psychotherapy they are immensely powerful tools. You'll find very unsettling things while on mushrooms if you use them with the right kinds of purpose, especially when you realize those things were already a part of you and in your head from the start. You're never truly alone.

>>257399855They're tools that can be used but don't do anything at all just by taking them. I.E. If you're an idiot and conformist and etc and take LSD, you'll just be a conformist idiot on LSD. Anyways, dissociatives are much better.

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>>257401940>but i still can't find the words to describe itThe difference between a mystic grabbing his dick and the philosopher is that the philosopher finds words.

bout to nibble on some mushrooms right now.fuck it.0.1 gram before bed..what could go wrong?

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>>257402370based and shroompilled

>>257401466Depenalized is not decriminalized. Drugs are still illegal

>>257399855Legalize, but fire anyone who goes to work while on it.

>>257402514has that had a negative or positive impact on the country?

>>257401559>he has to qualify it with 'abuse' instead of just 'use'ok druggy

a hard shroom trip will cure any long the time it's over you'll be happy you are alive.for the first time, since probably when you were born, if you never did them.theyre like a shower for your brain.our minds get cluttered and way to clean it.psychedelics will bulldoze that shit out the other side of your skull.that probably why they call it brainwash.clears the head space.

>>257402579well there is a difference between drinking alcohol and abusing alcohol. Same applies with certain drugs.

also to all you autists out there..the autism shell.. the aspie shell..we stuck in..the shrooms crack the fucking shell like the nutcracker. good way to join the "normies" for a few months.mushrooms is what autistic kids need.shhhhh.

>>257402736you mean to say their is a cure for my autism?

>>257402587.,. brain shower... brain power..... brain FLOWER........wait a minute....FLOWER...FLOWER CHILD!!!HIPPIE MOVEMENT!!!THEY KNEW!!!!!

>>257399855I watched some of The Lighthouse on shrooms and it was quite an experience. I couldn’t take too much of it but the dinner scene was amazing.

>>257399855I've read theory that they are the origin of human consciousness.if you consider the origin of humanity as africa.our connection to cattle.and the mushroom growing on cattle dung.everything is there for a co-evolution event.idk was a theory I liked.never tried them but I probably would given the chance.

>>257403271Shrooms grow naturally here in the UK and I know our ancestors used them religiously. Maybe that is why we are so fucked up.

>>257402803yes, it's about 0.2- 0.4 grams dried cubensis.that trapped in yourself autistic shit, goes away real quick. like taking a tylenol.

>>257402865yes. they are based and redpilled in pagan spirituality. and by that i just mean natural law/alchemy. that's why they thought it would save the world back then, but they went too far commie with it. or too far nazi. but somewhere in the peace & love.they talk about.for a just doesn't last forever.nothing is only a moment.

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legalize medicinal lsd and psilocybin mushrooms

>>257399855Checked. I use LSD and shrooms sparingly, mostly when I can tell that I'm coming up on major changes in life. I meditate on it, and just try to commune with God and center myself and find the best possible route of approach. They're not the end all be all, but they have helped me immensely in my personal life.

>>257403271that is the stoned ape theory.terrence mckenna explaining humans relationship with mushrooms was very well done. he was a shaman in rl.they say he was a professor etc..but really with that much experience under his belt, he was speaking from shaman point of view and was telling the truth, as if 1 were under the effect of the mushrooms/relationship to humans he spoke of..he knew the truth in his own way, on the topic.terence mckenna is your mckenna&FORM=HDRSC3 mckennawhat he talks about is exactly what a mushroom would you tell you.when a mushroom tells you the truthit will bring you face to face with god/satan.that is what is at the end of that light.the face of god. and fuckin satan.

I enjoyed psyches. I'm not doing drugs for a while because I finally came to terms with the fact I have depression and doing recreational drugs won't help me. I'll probably do them in the future but as of now, I'm just content with living.I've had a fair amount of psyches and have had terrifying healing experiences and trips where I just laugh my ass off about John Wayne or playing uno. When done properly they can be fun and beneficial. Although the most interesting and healing experiences are when you freak out, think you're going to die and face all the demons your mind can manufacture. As crazy as that sounds, you either have to deal with them or let them destroy you, just like any grief related experience that happens in life. As far as manipulation, yeah, you'll probably be prone to thinking you're "woke" or believe in crystal fag shit, or even flat earth. But after you're older you see that's all bullshit and we're all just weird ass people. I just want to live a modest happy life. That was probably the greatest benefit of psychedelics.

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>>257402575No idea desu. Don't know much about how bad it got before depenalization. Wasn't born yet. All the boomers and druggies love it, though, so probably made it worse

>>257404105yeah I read his book.he also died of a brain tumor and he was a boomer.kind cool but...

>>257403271and to trip you out a bit.the redpill on mushrooms is..they're not from here.they came to this planet on fucking meteors and are actually an extra-terrestrial life form that makes "mushrooms" on this is older than us, and more intelligent than a can show you your entire life, and you'll think"HOLY SHIT!? THAT TRIP WAS CRAZY!""HAHA!? RIGHT!? HOLY SHIT SAW MY LIFE FLASH BEFORE MY EYES! HAHA"then.. the reality sets in...and everyday you live a little bit..then you realize that the imagery and hallucinations you saw are experiencing and living today...little friendly reminders.. that it was real.mushrooms are extra-terrestial man.theyre not even from earth.that's the redpill of mushrooms/ is literally "out of this world!"people have no idea about this shit.

>>257402803Not so much a cure as it is a new viewpoint, with weed and shrooms I realized that I am an aspie. It's really strange but I recommend it, just don't dive into the deep end right away.Started with .5g - 1g - 2.5g - 3g I played vrchat on 2g and really felt love for friends, and 20 minutes later felt true evil from someone else. Like I would get really high and listen to music and for the first time I understood what the lyrics actually meant; the emotions tied into them, it gives you deeper understanding of the world in a normie kinda way.>also led me here and made me hate niggers & jews

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>>257404325portugese guy I know is a massives stoner. I doubt he even goes a day without it.

>>257404485last time I smoked weed I hallucinated so I am apprehensive about trying shrooms.

>>257404509I know a bunch of young folks like that. Still happens a lot around here

>>257404830he isn't young by any means late 30s maybe

>>257404638weed is very uncomfortable and emasculating if you have 0 tolerance.actually increases anxiety/paranoia chances alot with 0 tolerance. the only people that like weed, are people that smoke weed.take a break from it, and try kind of sucks. nothing magical about it.just feel anxious/shitty/weak.mushrooms are similar and like turning on a movie of randomness in your brain.takes a while for people to realize it's not "where is the remote clicker?"but more so "i am the remote clicker""i am the director""i can do anything."in your own mind.not your head.but it will play out like it is real.but it will just be you an's interesting. worth trying once.just make sure you have 12 hours of calm/peace with minimal chance of that getting fucked up in the physical world.

>>257402803A one-time dose of shrooms probably won't change you radically, but look into microdosing

>>257405130like a crazy realistic lucid dream?

>>257399855Let me just put it this way, a post asking /lgbt/ members if they did drugs and what was their favorite drug made it to the front page the other day. Literally everyone of them loves meth and a ketamine and they ALL actively constantly use a wide variety of drugs.

>>257399855I don't think they provide much benefit. They can certainly help in some cases with introspection with one who is unfamiliar with that practice.I've done a lot of LSD. I'm over it now.

>>257404638The effect I've gotten has been very influenced by my setting, like I sat on the couch and watch the sunrise with my cat and felt like a fucking primal caveman which was cool, but I've also been tripping and started coming down the the flu at the same time; which was terrible. I could feel the sickness in my body and was shaking in pain. It temporarily cured my social anxiety and I could look around in stores and not get tunnel vision.Just be careful about when you do it and where, have nothing to do for the day and no one coming over. Also stay the fuck off 4chan for a day or two after while your mind heals.Too much weed also sends me into psychosis so I'm really cautious with it as well, I think it can be fun and can be useful too, but really moderate yourself with weed and shrooms.Start small and build up, I don't know how easy it is in the UK to get spore syringes but the process of growing is easy. Look up the uncleben tek, there's a pretty good subreddit for it too.

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>>257405330Literally none of the drugs you mentioned are psychedelics you retard

>>257405330meth? Is that due to their voracious appetite for dopamine?

>>257401571>450micrograms of LSD will give you flash backs to your child hood of when you first picked up colouring pens and can evoke emotions so strong that you will feel like you just broke something in your head.Should change your wording here>will give you flashbacks>WILLIt didn't for me and I often did 500µg+ trips. Something like that didn't even happen on my 900µg+ trip.

>>257405406shrooms grow wild in the UK and spore syringes come within a day or two

>>257405442wtf are you on about?

>>257404483their showing you your life because you have no free will and you are an actor on a stage basically. God is in control not you. shrooms are not from meteors you brainlet

>>257399855I really liked LSD and DMT. Think they should be legalized and everyone should be able to try them. I only did each once so they aren't addicting its such an experience its like a climbing a mountain I didn't even want to do it again. Amazing stuff. Shrooms was whatever.

>> your dreams being being awake and dreaming simultanously.would be accurate for a mushroom "trip"except more someone turns on a lightbulb in your dark skull and you get consciousness with the ability to dream whatever the fuck your mind whips up.the whole key now.. the hard controlling it all like a orchestral conductor.if you are not the conductor..the mushroom will be..lsd its very easy to stay in controlbut not as trippy as mushrooms.when people think of "tripping" most people imagine what mushrooms would do in some way.or dmt. peyote.. etc.lsd is probably the easiest/most gentle.but lasts a long time.low iq people get fucked up on it.120+ iq's have a great time and laugh their asses off for some hours. making fun of the world. like what we do here.

I have been doing larger and larger doses of shrooms. My largest one so far has been at least 5 grams if not 7.5, my woman didn't finish her whole drink. I have been consistently working up to 5.0 grams, my first dose was under 1 gram and I went up to 3.5 over 2 months. I waited a few weeks then I did my first heroic dose she couldn't finish hers nothing is wasted so I finished the rest of hers off, the majority sitting at the bottom. Whenever I look at pictures of exploding nebulas my brain tingles in my frontal and prefrontal cortex on my right hemisphere. I just did this a few days ago. >>257401650Good advice

Do you guys remember that huge riot at the Trump rally in Chicago? His only rally to be cancelled. My friend and I took a ton of LSD and wandered around watching everything. Wild experience.

>>257405652true. thats what it is.very accurate.

Vastly overrated. It's no coincidence that the mass homosexual movement came out of the mass LSD experiments from 1964 - 1967 in the Bay area.

>>257405701Free reign over the subconscious

>>257399855I'm pretty sure LSD helped cure my liberalism. Also could have just been me growing up. Did a fuck ton of the stuff from 18-23. 27 now. Haven't done it in a while, but I'd love to again. Dont be afraid of it.

>>257405857yeah but it is bound in some your morals and shit will be can only go so far into hell before it turns to heaven, and you can only go so far into heaven before it turns into breathes like that.+/- trick is to stay in that heaven realm shit.goodboy points.

>>257399855I posted this a few days ago but the thread died, psychedelics are the future of natsoc and is likely the only thing that will drive humanity to primordial traditionalism.

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>>257406044that's mad

>>257405541>It didn't for me and I often did 500µg+ trips. Something like that didn't even happen on my 900µg+ trip.People are different I guess. I had a friend who started hearing voices, she was in the corner holding her head saying she could hear demons and we were all confused.I got pretty confident on the drug and ended up going to a bird aviary when the birds landed on me it was so magical.I also spent some time near a few water falls as while during the peek of my trip with a few friends, the water seemed to blend with time and the feeling was intense at times. The next day we were all fucked from sitting 6 hour straight in direct Australian outback sun but totally worth the experience.

>>257405850did you see your future in your trip. did any of the events happen yet?

>>257404105terence mckenna is cool but he was wrong thinking human lived polygamisticy 20,000 years ago, when the truth is monogamistic ultra trad fascism. The commie tribes meme is false propaganda

>>257406208its true too.i did 600 ug with a transgender before.they wigged out. pretty much literally.he realized he was in a dress.and thought he did something wrong.was like 2 years into hrt then too.about 2 hours into the trip he was back into t-shirt jeans. except still hot looking.cause was feminine anyhow.but even he knew, he knew he did something wrong and it made him take off the dress and put on t-shirt pants. couldn't accept reality.when he saw it, he ran away.knew he was in yeah.trannies need lsd/shrooms before making big decisions like that..same with autists..nazi punk autist wants to shoot people up?hey bro, take a fucking mushroom and think about it.amazing.

>>257406229It was in 2019 the 20th of April. 1200µg of LSD (actual potency of like 900µg due to tolerance).The come up was weird. Harsher than normal (which I expected) but not as hard as I thought it would be. Ultimately around the time when I would peak I stood up from my bed and saw something that looked like a court filled with angels. Some sitting on something like horses seemingly getting ready to depart. One angel (at least that's what they looked like) spoke to me and said>Fret not, we are comingThen it ended and pretty much miraculously my trip "ended". I only had very weak visuals and body sensations. It felt like I had taken not 1200µg but only like 50µg to 100µg. Definitely one of the weirdest trips I've had.

>>257406208same guy 6 years later

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>>257406337There's no time dimension when you trip

>>257399855Shrooms could be quite helpfull for many people.LSD is more tricky and should be for more experienced people who want to dive deep into their psyche.DMT is not for everyone. Only for real truthseekers who dont mind dealing with external entitys fucking with them.Most people misunderstand DMT. >t. did shittons of Shrooms/LSD and 10+ breakthroughs on DMT

>>257406555Big trips

>>257406440i accept that.the commie attributes will lead to death.the ultra trad fascism you are talking about nurtures in are correct.

>>257406555That's actually amazing, the guy got cured of his mental illness and sounds legit normal now

>>257406559i meant when hes sober

>>257401187I did a shitload of DMT and nothing bad ever happened. DMT is the best psychedelic you can get into and definitely the best for beginners. If you want to get serious with DMT substance than you would take ayahuasca or DMT with MAOI

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>>257405442>constantly use a wide variety of drugs.Reading is hard. Instead of reading comprehension, you instead went straight to triggered and on to butt hurt.You have to go back.

>>257400909DMT is like someone grabbing your head and moving it to make you look at something. What you see may be amazingly beautiful or possibly scary if you have a weak mind. It feels a lot better than LSD or even shrooms. It's more of a weed high and not speedy like L.

>>257406518holy fuck bro, did we just uncover the antidote to all our woes? >>257406555>>257406044ehe4th5aeg0848gfH0WRHGOA08ERHGAEHRGHAEHR9EAHR97

>>257406552Ive never experienced anything like that.But then again I've not taken such a high dosageWhen coronavirus ends, I plan on going to your Berlin cathedral and taking some mushrooms that you can purchase from the various roaches who inhabit Deutschland. I want to sit and listen to the choirs, the last time I was there I smoked up and loved to listen to the sounds reverberating off the walls while looking at a giant statue of an angel.I think LSD or psilocybin while looking at angelic iconography of an angel and listening to choirs will give me something similar. I seldomly trip anymore but when I do it has to be very special like the end of lockdown.

>>257406552you believe in christ now user?

>>257406337yes many things.there is no time there.things already did happen, are happening and will happen all at one time compounded what seems to be infinitely until it turns into "god"in 1 english its called "eternity" or some shit.all cultures know of the can be experienced while being humanin the mind.

>>257406823>I did a shitload of DMT and nothing bad ever happenedMaybe you didnt notice or more like the definition of bad dosent directly apply. They are all leeches up there and not some benevolent deitys. It dosent really matter much though. We dont really lose anything.

>>257401451Yep, I had 2 tabs basically killed by tripping with an unknown person who was very egoeyI was all in my head concer

>>257406943It was at a time where some people from here and cripplechan wanted to invoke the spirit of Hitler. Since it was his birthday. I though I'd partake but in the last moment at my peak I changed my mind and called out to God instead.>>257407008Yes. I don't know exactly when I really started to believe in Christianity as I do now. It could have been before that or afterwards. I kind of believed in God and Christ as his son before that event but I was not really Christian as weird as that may sound. But that event in particular wasn't the event that brought me to the faith I have now but another since the event with the angels was under the influence while the other was not.


>>257406552based. had something similar.can see where you are coming from with angels.similar dose. similar experience.maybe we are blessed.maybe its the acid fucking with us.

>>257407054What are you even talking about bro?

>>257401902Reading your post gave me more brain damage than the drugs

>>257407334>What are you even talking about bro?Bro? ?Hes on the clouds haha

>>257407330>maybe we are blessed.>maybe its the acid fucking with us.Exactly. I'm skeptical about experiences under the influence. Also see >>257407233

>>257407233>while the other was notwhat do you mean? you had another expierence sober?

>>257406907possibly.need to find more autists and trannies that trip and see what they say about their experience.i seen it happen in real life. while on not doubting it.know it can happen.

>>257407407Yes. One some time ago and the other like 2 days ago.

>>257406823>I did a shitload of DMT and nothing bad ever happened. DMT is the best psychedelic you can get into and definitely the best for beginners. If you want to get serious with DMT substance than you would take ayahuasca or DMT with MAOIThis guy is lying DMT is so powerful and not for beginners start with weed, then shrooms and lsd and then try DMT if you are still a psychonaught after that. Oh and if you take Monoxidase amine inhibitors with DMT you straight up you will probably end up in a bad place.Psychedelics need time and experiences to become familiar with, when you hear of those fuck tards who run into the streets and get killed or jump off a building its because of shit like this.Start with a puff of a join and then slowly progress into others. Also not all drugs are the same, stay away from stimulants and opiates. Psychedelics are mind bending, the other drugs are soul destroying.

>>257406600I feel like my time on Holla Forums would lead to a punishing trip on LSD and especially DMT. I've said and done horrible things on this site. It's like a karmic thorn in my soul. Was that the case for you?

>>257399855It's an experience everyone should have. But more or less they just give you a false eureka sense. If I'm gonna do drugs nowadays it's to feel good, not to become enlightened.

>>257407597>I've said and done horrible things on this site. It's like a karmic thorn in my soul. Was that the case for you?I'm not the same dude but yes. Which is why I generally try to not be too rude on here or anywhere else.

>>257407520you think dmt is demonic?

>>257407403theyre tools like people say.they crack your skull enough to let the light of the lord shine through. or the demon..because of psychedelics, i found god when was a teen. and accepted christ about 13 years after.after having known god and sinned.i accepted christ.cause i am a sinner.god is still my #1.but now christ is there too.i got buddha and some weird hindu first trip brought me to thor and i was his hammer. he swung me around i could feel the g-forces and everything. smashing metal and shit "OOOOUGH! SWOOOOOSH"bad ass trip. first i tripped i found god.after learning about god/devil heaven and hell.i lost interest in psychedelics entirely to be honest...cause its all nonsense to normal people.(((even though it's not)))

>>257400366>thinks they were abandonedlmao...

>>257407424My trips have been amazing, I loved them all. I started small at 2 grams for a few weeks, then to 2.5 then to 3. Those small doses were now that I look back at it most definitely excellent trips. I was in my apartment with my partner and we just gamed and talked and chatted about how it made us feel. What we thought about life and how we wanted our life to be. It was excellent to do it, I want to try them alone and a large dose at that.

>>257407685>as i tripped i found god.>after learning about god/devil >heaven and hell.>i lost interest in psychedelics entirely to be honest...Essentially the same. I got a feeling that God is not that happy with me continuing with tripping since I had already found him and I think he'd prefer to see his child talking to him in a sober manner.

also i was 100% atheist before any of this shit, and didnt even know about "gods/god"thought it was all i see they are at least just stories of our ancestors spiritual experiences..probably from eating mushrooms lol

>>257401853it doesn't reform synaptic connections, it obfuscates them.

how many anons here came to christ after psychs?

>>257407233Seeing "angels" or any other deities are just interpretive.My brother did 500ug and he said he saw the Aztec gods.I've done a lot of DMT before and I've seen all kinds of shit. >One time I saw two devils showing me a good time.>Another time I saw Buddha smiling at me>I seen the machine elves.>I've met the clockwork elves.>I saw aliens and I was in a spaceship.>Another time I was in a hindu temple >I also was merged with a snake and believed I became the spawn of evil.>I also saw an old ancient wizard blocking my path.>I saw the a Mayan god his people worshipping him.>I also was in the world of plant-like creatures.>And then I went deeper and saw the world of polygons.My point is your psychedelic experience is just interpretive there's no real "religious" aspects of it that's just interpretive.

>>257399855>Do they naturally make people more receptive to psyops?It seems so, just observe how druggies claim they had some revelation during their drug induced haze - even when they know it was just a drug induced haze, no more meaningful than a bad dream.

>>257407597Maybe maybe not, they reveal your true self to you. You might be better of then the normies who are to afraid to to dip into there dark side/shadow

>>257407812see the stoned ape theory

>>257407779thats a quality sober trip.i have a few friends i would do that with.always a good time.if you get the higher dose/alone time.get comfy. poop/pee before hand..make sure you are not too, or eat a few hours beforehand.make sure you are hydrated. eat them with orange juice.and get comfy in a peaceful physical environment that will stay stable physically.wherever you are physically , you wont be there mentally. lollol

They're not inherently good or bad. They really open you up spiritually, which is great, but also makes you susceptible to letting bad things in. Just be careful using them, bros.

>>257407896>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.See the

>>257407666> you think dmt is demonic?It's not demonic its just a stream of consciousness viewed from a different's short acting and the trips don't last too long. Your mind can go to really dark places and it can show you apart of yourself that you may not like.So I was listening to music by WOODJU on DMT, my mind went to a really dark place and I didn't like what I was thinking about which manifested in me thinking that I am liking what I am thinking about and while I was looking at a creepy clown riding a bike in my head.> was then touched by my gf on the arm and the clown turned into a rainbow and I started to feel warm feelings in my pants and butterflies in my stomach. The rainbow melted into water that then threw my mind into a place that was good, but, alas I remember the bad thing I was just thinking about and it went back and forth like that for 15 min.

>>257399855DMT all the way. Its all true about elves. They were laughing at me. Now im laughing at them when i visit them. Sometimes they are confused sometimes they laugh with me. Never take anything from them. Also beware of parasites. They are ways which will make them flee if they are too anoying. There are many creatures which are larping as something else. Mostly they are pathetic and upset when They cant control your actions.

>>257407396DMT Entitys.>>257407597Not at all for me. Could happen on LSD if you really have a bad conciouss about it.(I dont)DMT is another thing. Dosent mattter at all. Entitys are gonna do what they gonna do no matter what you think about it.

>>257407520Here is my DMT cart. Still think I'm lying?I smoked that shit for 5 days straight and had many breakthroughs and experienced ego death. And I'll tell you this much DMT is still very easy to handle because the trip is so short.

Attached: Screenshot_20200514-055451.png (1572x2048, 3.52M)

>flaghah look who's asking none other than tavistock kek

>>257408257>They are ways which will make them flee if they are too anoyingWhats your method? IMO one of the most important things with DMT is to learn to get rid of assholes you dont want to deal with.

>>257407520>Oh and if you take Monoxidase amine inhibitors with DMT you straight up you will probably end up in a bad the fuck else would you take it?

>>257408379Smoking. Way easier to control cause you are back in max. 15min.

>>257408091yes every time I have smoked cannabis after eating them. at first my small doses were just eating them on an empty stomach. with water, I didnt realize at first either but I never knew not to drink alcohol luckily Im a resilient fellow. after eating them I smoke some high quality cannabis to reduce the nausea if I get some, and plus I find it helps ease me down. if not I get the giggles or the funnies and I am very talkative. agree with getting comfortable very important, I am always hydrated. if you do not hydrate you can become a heat casualty nobody wants that. dont be a dummy. i secure my firearms and weapons before hand, I now know to put on black sabbath and other things like that. I enjoyed the song eight miles high, to be honest kind of typical generic things, but those are the best and funnest ways I have found. monogamy is key and good family values and humanity must be kept above all. when I think about my trips my brain tingles and feels like pop rocks, or fizzly. i know for after a week of a heroic dose you can feel weird because of seratonin is this true. Im sorry I let my guard down, I have autism i think lowkey. or some sort of personality / mood disorder or sad.

>>257408426waste of dmt

>>257408278>>257408278How does a fat nerd with no connections get DMT? How much?

>>257407917the cia tried to use them for this as you are more open to suggestion during trips but as far as we know it didn't work out and they are using different methods. Plus, dude you know nothing take a few tabs >no more meaningful than a bad dream.Besides from changing countless lives for the better?

>>257408222I don't get why you got to put that in the paste bin. when you take a high amounts of LSD it's going to be more similar to DMT. and will be more guaranteed for you to encounter "entities".My psychedelic experience even though I've seen many entities had not made me any more religious than I am now I still consider myself to be an atheist. However I do believe it's psychedelics in some way in some form shaped some world religions especially ancient ones such as paganism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Aztec/Mayans.

>take 3-4g dried shrooms with friend at my place>I'm enjoying the show, the colors and patterns>He starts acting very anxious>"Why am I here?" >"I can't take anything seriously">"I just want to be normal" Had to take him home after an hour of this. Ruined a good trip. What the hell happened?

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>>257408278>I smoked that shit for 5 days straight and had many breakthroughs and experienced ego death. And I'll tell you this much DMT is still very easy to handle because the trip is so short.DMT is a crystal, what are you mixing to vaporise it.Did you ever turn it into a fumerate to ingest it?Ego death is a mainstream meme, your ego always returns it never dies.

>>257408584Installing Tor

>>257408707jesus I didn't realise we had such a strong psychedelic community on pol. guess great minds think alike. go on son

>>257408734some people are fags on psychaedelics.

>>257408734Your friend is a faggot NPC. Happens all the time.

>>257408769what market is safe nowadays? haven't bought in like 4 years

>>257408584legally get the plants and extract it, google dood >>257408792thanks dad

>>257408792/Pol/ has reguarly pretty awesome DMT /psychedlic threads despite faggots always trying to derail it.

>>257408584It's easy really just get it off the Empire Market or The Majestic Garden. That's how an American like me can get some 2c-b or 4-ho-met since it's extremely hard to get here in the states. You eurofags have the best psychedelic around. My favorite LSD vender is gammagoblin.

>>257409005I have seen a lot of people mention it but I thought most saw it as degenerate

>>257408714>I don't get why you got to put that in the paste bin.Neither do I.>when you take a high amounts of LSD it's going to be more similar to DMT. and will be more guaranteed for you to encounter "entities".What would you consider "high" amounts? I've done probably a dozen or two with 500µg+.>My psychedelic experience even though I've seen many entities had not made me any more religious than I am now I still consider myself to be an atheist.Funny in some way. I virtually never encountered entities but yet it moved me more towards the spiritual away from atheism/materialism/determinism. I think my breaking point was pondering the concept of free will while on LSD and while sober that broke me away from my former beliefs.

>>257408489within 1 day. you will be sober.but know something is different.the after effect will last 1month to 1 year.make you realize "peace" "love" all the wholesome shit will most likely come to the front. or be apparent.

>>257409014psychedelics delivered straight to your door?

>>257408914From what i hear (im not saying i have used these site fuck off glowniggers) Whitehouse is the best and bitbazarr is alright just make sure you check the sellers reviews before buying and make sure they are shipping from the country you are in.

I love that DMT is referred to as the “businessman’s trip” I’ve done DMT, but didn’t breakthrough, immediate hallucinations which are just the patterns underlying reality, saw the crystal wall, felt like that was good enough and never did it again. The difference between drugs users on the left and on the right is generally about class, the left generally does drug as a form of social competition(they’re not using the drugs they’re just messing with people) where as the right actual uses drugs for their intended purpose mainly pain relief. Generally the right understands the intense necessity of set and setting with drugs(Evola mentions this) where as the left generally does drugs without any concept of set or setting.

>>257408766You you mix one gram of a DMT extract into one ml of VG ejuice then I just vaporize it through my g pen.> mainstream meme, your ego always returns it never dies.Well no shit psychedelics only remove your ego temporarily. Ego death is an experience when you basically forget everything that is known to your existence your name, your environment your language, and you only understand everything through concepts you essentially become one with the universe you pretty much feel like you're dead or some might say it's an out-of-body experience.

>>257400862did fucking your brain with drugs make you format your post like a retard?

>>257409432>You you mix one gram of a DMT extract into one ml of VG ejuice then I just vaporize it through my g pen.I guess everyone is different, DMT for me is harder to deal with than an 8 hour acid trip.

>>257409491>did fucking your brain with drugs make you format your post like a retard?No that was most likely reddit

>>257409158Well pretty much yeah. But I use a different address just for extra precautions for me to have deniability if you know what I mean ;) Either way the underground online drug market had not die ever since the silk road was seized by the FBI niggers in fact it is still kicking and stronger than ever.

>>257409324were does he talk about them?,so far I just started reading RWY

>>257409547For me DMT is easier. Mind is clear and the trip is very predictable once you know the ropes. On LSD pretty much everything can happen and once it goes strongly into the wrong direction its hard to steer away. Maybe i just take too much every time. A low-dose is not an issue.

>>257400909I love LSD, but i do not love DMT. It just makes me think a lot and when I do have a nice feeling, a small change in the environment will rip me from that nice feeling and bring me back to thinking too hard. I basically feel like im pmsing, with a bit of anxiety thrown in. I love LSD though as i said. The visuals, the feeling, everything. THe first time i did DMT I got stuck in a negative thought cycle about my life and it just felt shit. THere was some visuals but it was just like a geometric kaleidoscope, nothing like i get with LSD. Maybe I didnt do enough.But i did benefit in a way from the negative thoughts, it helped me get over shit.

>>257409646who knew reddit is worse than drugs for your brain

After finding out how to correctly identify shrooms and where to find them I went picking with my friend. We found a clearing near a farm in a place called the Brindabella mountains where there were heaps of them growing out of cow leavings. Picked 2 paper bags worth and went back to his place. My friend ate 2 or 3 and I ate around 7 that had distinct blue markings down the stem (which is the psilocybin) and about half an hour in I started to feel pretty funny. I sorta had this misguided idea I might be able to do some work to fix my life or that I'd come to some epiphanies or something when I was tripping. We went to his room and tried to play some games but I started to feel really anxious. I asked if we could go for a walk. His mum came home as we were leaving and I said hey but blanked out after she asked me a question like I was totally unaware she was talking to me. We walked for a little bit, I started to feel really confused and spaced out and we walked in silence for a little, I was pretty worked up and my friend made some observation about me that wasn't really a judgement so much as an outside perspective but I sort of failed to grasp if he was talking about me or generally speaking. It was cold so I suggested we go back to my car and go for a short drive. We got in the car and started driving around and this was when I really started to trip. It's hard to describe, everything was swirling a lot and reality was pretty distorted, my perspective seemed to get pretty muddled too but I could actually competently drive in spite of all of this cos I think it's such an automatic thing for me and the hallucinations were just sort of layered on top of what I would normally see anyway so I could still see the cars and respond accordingly just fine. He asked if I was ok to drive and I said probably not so we did a single lap around the block before going back to his.

>>257409908You clearly didnt break through. Non-breakthrough is a waste and just annoying. Once you break through shit gets real. Just take double dose or something. You cant really take too much.

I was on disability for YEARS spending my time browsing the internet occasionally looking at self-help and literature and psychology and that jazz. I went from living with parents, severely depressed, neglecting myself, and unemployed to living independantly, decent career, exercising, eating healthy everyday. It's like everything I had learned over all the time I was depressed just sort of "clicked" and I was able to put into action what I knew I should have been doing all along. Sometimes my life feels surreal I'm like some character out of leftist propaganda.Diminishing returns set in quick and the vast majority of benefits came from the first 3 trips. I've never had a good experience with shrooms and I've tried a few times. DMT was interesting but didn't actually change my life in any way. I have tried a number of drugs, prescribed and not over the years and genuinely I think acid is the best drug I've ever tried because I just benefited from it and I stopped abusing it and it transformed my life and it cost me like a few bucks and a few days of time with a friend. It's not my most used drug, not even close, it's just a nice drug.I feel psychadelics wouldn't be as effective for somebody in less extreme circumstances... although I do think it could be beneficial. I could also see psychadelics fucking up a healthy person's mind because the things are more like accelerants than anything and they can accelerate bad things.

>>257409790I agree. When I was on two tabs of LSD. I basically told my brother that I wanted to do DMT. He said he will give me some DMT and I said hell yeah he came back and then told me you sure you want to go through with this you going to have ego death. I was thinking about it while I was on my peak and then all of a sudden a dead drop feeling of dread Hit me hard and since all forms of rationality was gone I started to panic and instantly told him I changed my mind. My come down was pretty difficult for me for the next 4 hours I had major thought loops and I kept saying "user help me out help me out".The moral of the story is when someone's tripping never give them the idea of second thoughts or suggest them bad ideas they're going to regret.

>>257410012Im thinking this is what it is, but everytime i do it, I puff a little bit at a time and there comes a point where I cant hold the bong anymore and i just have to put it down. And then i get this mediocre event. Maybe i need a larger enhale straight up or something....

>>257409790There is nothing like being in nature on acid while it rains on you.I had mosquitos eating me and I felt good about giving them my blood and saw how they would feed the next generation and then the fish would eat the mosquito larva. You really feel a sense of interconnection with the universe, having sex on LSD is awesome as well you feel like a wolf and you can last for ages.I could not for the life of me get it up on DMT and felt dirty.

>>257409491no writing/typing is one of my weakest skills before i tripped. even shows up on iq tests.>>257409646i never made a reddit account in my life.i am just retarded at typing and dont give a fuck really.

>>257409970Once we were back in his room I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do, I was already feeling like I just wanted all this shit to end and I was in a state of utter confusion. I couldn't relax and immerse myself in anything like a game or a movie, I think because of some subconcious belief I have that immersing myself in entertainment is a waste of time and its all propaganda anyway. I said I was going to leave before begging to stay twice before I finally grabbed my shit and left after telling my friend I loved him and hugging him twice. I jumped in my car and drove around for a bit tripping absolute balls, it was markedly harder driving but doable because it's something automatic for me, a reaction I don't have to think about much. I drove around not knowing what to do, wanting it to be over but not wanting to be alone because I felt like I was in a lot of psychic pain. I drove around aimlessly for a bit screaming before I went to Mcdonalds and got 4 bottles of water. I was shaking a lot and my equilibrium was definitely out of whack. I put on my normal guy persona even though I was feeling quite derranged. I paid for and received the bottles of water and drove home to my parents house which was never the plan but I was kinda feeling like I was gonna die or go insane on some level.

>>257410279>i never made a reddit account in my life.I don't think you are retarded user, we are just slightly autistic on here and like order.

>>257410211three, big, hits bro, you have to have someone help you hold the bong for the last one or set it up in a way were you can take the last rip

>>257410276How difficult for an Australian like you to get drugs off the darknet since customs is a pain in the ass for you?

>>257401451Learnt this one the hard way.

What exactly is the best thing to do or say to yourself if you are finding your trip at the time not enjoyable. is it true that every trip is a good trip even if you have a bad one? you can look and analyze your fears.

>>257399855They scare me tbqh, had a bad DMT trip once and never tried it again.

Aside from medical applicationsThey should be used solely in culturally significant contexts like community rituals, festivals and other customs. They should not be legal for personal recreation as individuals are usually prone to falling back on them to cope with stress etc.

>>257410605It's not as hard as you might think. There are a few vendors on the Darknet markets. I've never had any major problems obtaining drugs. You can also get some stuff shipped in yourself from China etc. if they practice stealth packaging. I've had steroids sent in from overseas, packaged cleverly (seriously, you have to know what you're looking for to find them, the stealth methods can be amazing). It's maybe a little harder than in the US, but not impossible. P.S. Fuck Australian customs CUNTS and kill their families.

>>257410831don't smoke DMT in an unfamiliar place would be my adviceI went backpacking with a buddy and smoked some at a campsite in the middle of a dark forest, it was not a fun time

>>257410365I walked in the door and immediately told them what I had done at which point they started admonishing me. I told them I had taken too much and they asked whether or not I needed to go to the hospital which I said would make things much, much worse. Everything was swirling and distorted, my balance was off and I felt like I was falling backwards intermittently. The nodes in my throat felt swollen. They told me to go make myself vomit and I tried to jam my fingers down my throat but it didnt work and I just drew blood. I spent the next 4 hours just pacing the living room, drinking water to try and help metabolize it faster while my parents told me I need professional help. I went through mood swings the whole time, radiating love for them at one moment, feeling intense fear they would abandon me the next. I tried to take stock of my life and the world I live in inside my head but my thoughts were pretty garbled. I thought about how we're trapped inside all these different matrices that suck our life-force. I thought about how we just get caught up in other peoples ideas and maybe the idea I should l continue living at all is just someone else's though-form. After about 5 hours it started to wear off (I'm not sure of the typical duration, maybe drinking 2L of water helped speed it up) and I felt crushed as I reflected on my own miserable existance. I fell asleep around midnight and woke up still feeling like shit with a headache. This was yesterday, oddly enough I feel alright at the moment - maybe bad experiences on psychedelics can be uplifting? Maybe moreso hitting rock bottom. I've definitely bounced back from both before :^)

>>257411372and everyone clapped

Shrooms made me a better person. Taught me introspection and self improvement. They grow on cow shit. Even my bad trips have been important.

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>>257399855Psychedelics are degenerate. I say no to them. Ended a 4 year long relationship over them (and because of the atheist hippy jewish friend circle of hers). I identify drugs as inherently left wing and jewish to make me distracted of the stoic life i am searching for.

>>257411372>maybe bad experiences on psychedelics can be uplifting?I was half expecting you to conclude with this when seeing your trip go south. Psychotherapists who use psychedelics do not believe 'bad trips' to be 'bad' in a strict sense- in many cases it can be beneficial to the psyche in the long term, particularly if there is some kind of thematic focus to all the unpleasantness. For example, ibogaine trips are by all accounts extremely brutal, both emotionally and physically, and yet it is likely to result in an actual rebirth of the soul. If you are still in the afterglow of your experience you would do well to meditate or something to help your ego to integrate what has happened. You have likely already done good work by typing it out for us here. Write down any other reflections for yourself to continue processing the experience. Good luck user, and something like this is only a mistake if you learn nothing from it!

>>257401650totally based.

>>257414303Te és a magadfélék vagytok az utolsó reményünk.

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I've taken LSD in varying doses about 6 or 7 times. I've done mushrooms and peyote cactus. Taking these kinds of drugs can knock you out of a rut it's true, but they're not really a big intellectual or even spiritual thing. At best it's like going to playland and going into the House of Mirrors, or the House of Horrors. Sort of goofy crazy fucked up lurid fun.Tobe Hooper got it the best in the few scenes he got to film in Poltergeist before Speilberg freaked out and took the project away from

>>257414530Thanks for the advice! I will do as you suggest. During the trip I genuinely thought I would go insane but I actually kind of feel mentally rejuvinated now.

DMT left me troubled. I went into it as a Christian and encountered a sentient Triskelion, which (I found out)is the ancient pagan symbol of my ancestors. I still felt like the occult was trying to lure me away from my faith. It seemed indulgent yet stern. Maybe even slightly patronizing. Didn’t like the creature but it was interesting.

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>>257399855I honestly believe most people lack the IQ necessary to benefit fully from these drugs. Low doses are just party shit for retards, no different than any other drug. High doses are where things get interesting. At high doses, you basically start to leave your human avatar, and move back toward the source of all things, sometimes rejoining the consciousness that is One. It is a lot like death. It is hard to be a strict materialist after psychedelic use, and it can change people's perspective for the better. Most people though, if they do take high doses, they simply lack the brainpower after the comedown to make some sense of what they have experienced. They just act like hippy retards. For those looking to fast track their spiritual knowledge and insight however, and have down some prerequisite work learning about comparative religion, as well as basic biology and evolutionary psychology, then these drugs can help you achieve instantly what it might take a Buddhist/Sufi/kabbalist decades of meditation and study.

>>257418869These principles/themes will characterize the awakening process of each enlightened citizen, and thereby the society as a whole (as above, so below):>"Thou Art That." You are a holofractal representation of the whole, the One. You are an eternal being tightly interconnected with the rest of the universe.>We are all living mythological arcs. From the persecution to Jesus to Jason and the attainment of Golden Fleece, the stories of humanity permeate all of us and guide our lives from on high.>A balancing of male/female energies. Slaying the ego can also be seen as the opening of the “third eye” or ajna chakra – the Shiva/Shakti energies then reside in the heart center in their merged, primordial state as the Ardhanarishvara.>A reconciliation with the shadow. During awakening, one should expect to engage with many negative/evil aspects of yourself and society as a whole. This is known as the "dark night of the soul". This may be construed as a confrontation with evil.>Synchronicities. They serve as guideposts for your personal "arc" or your "infinity narrative">Spiritual Alchemy. Everyone can turn a leaden soul into spiritual gold by undergoing the hero's journey, reconciling the above aspects within yourself and finding peace within and true love without.>A recognition of the fundamental loving interplay between male Christ Consciousness and female Wisdom (Sophia).>Living simply with a dedication to a craft alongside a loving family within a strong, local community is key to sustained happiness>Planet Earth needs to heal> Each religion contains a piece of the spiritual tapestry. >It's about unlearning as much as it's about learning. Getting comfortable with paradox is important.>Untangling yourself from negative karmic webs is tough, but worth it

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>>257399855unearned enlightenment comes with a price

>>257418869This user knows

>>257419316There is some truth in all of this, but I have a less rosy view of the situation. In my experiences of merging with source/all, I experienced the excruciating pain of eternal consciousness existing in the void. It was lonely, and the will to create was painful. As the All, we want to escape the turmoil of infinite consciousness and the void by creating worlds, dividing and restricting our consciousness into individual creatures. There is peace in the limitation and physical/spiritual restriction of an individual life, whether as a plant, animal or human. There is also however the discomfort resulting from that limitation which we all know so well. We long to return to the void and merge back to source, where we will be unrestricted and free, having forgotten the excruciating pain of being Source in the void. Thus we continually create and destroy worlds, trying to create a refuge on the physical plane for our troubled Mind, but cannot form a world in the physical that does not involve immense suffering. Utopia is not possible. So we bounce back and forth- atomizing ourselves into individual bodies to achieve refuge for being One in the void, and then merging back into One. The cycle repeats eternally, ceaselessly, without rest. It is not a good thing. The Buddhist concept of Samsara, or the idea that this world is a place of suffering, is correct, but I believe they are wrong in thinking that dissolving into Nirvana is necessarily better. Nirvana is excruciatingly painful, which is why we create worlds in the first place. There is no lasting heaven, not in the physical, and not in the spiritual either.

>>257399855>>257418869checked and nice, gotta agree with this>They clearly have a strong link to left wing groupsI disagree, it used to be like this, but most people I know who take psychedelics are either apolitical or libertarian. Sure you get a lot of Bernie bros but that's only because they don't think about politics much. For people who really take these drugs and think about things, you come away with a certain appreciation for the natural order of things. You realize that nature itself is perfect in it's own way, the good and the bad.>Do they naturally make people more receptive to psyops?I think they make low IQ people more receptive to psyops. They take acid and start having a weird time and then develop a kind of "cope" to reorient themselves and be comfortable again. That cope is often a sort of internal psyop. The problem is that these drugs do help you to destroy your ego temporarily, and thus to take in more of reality at once, which when used properly can lead to great insights. The problem is that a lot of people take this to mean that ego is a bad thing and they should work to rid themselves of it even when not high. This is a problem because one needs their ego to navigate our reality effectively. Without it you just become a huge pussy that gets walked over by everyone

>>257420473There is no doubt: the infinite is terrifying. I've come to the conclusion that the human mind is not made for living this realm: the infinite hell or heaven of one's own making. Time itself doesn't mean much in the higher realms. What is eternity, these beings/angels/etc. surely seem comfortable and at peace with their circumstances - why shouldn't we believe them, that it's ok?But, remember, you can always take a nice nap for 4.32 billion years.

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>>257420144>unearned enlightenment comes with a priceunearned enlightenment is not enlightenment. peering through the keyhole and seeing your parents have sex when you're 5 is only going to make 5 year old you think its fun bouncing up and down on the bed.

>>257420866just don't worry about anything ever again. truly.

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>>257420866>There is no doubt: the infinite is terrifying. but at the end of the day: it's just another aspect of YOUBecome comfortable building, crafting, playing music, creating.

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>>257399855LSD fucks up your eyesight permanently, with very annoying tracers etc. these drugs are as degenerate and harmful as meth or heroin. They shouldn’t be allowed in the ethno state.

>>257408278that could just be cannabis oil


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>>257399855anyone against psychedelics is one of (((them)))

>>257400862this is why i havent had the urge to do lsd cuz i did it 25 times last year, literally every other weekend. It never got tired, each trip had a different vibe, just watch space movies and mind fuckers and think for 8hrs alone, really is nice... music on the other hand doesnt seem to do much and almost gets annoying when i was trippin

>>257399855i took 4 hits once and remembered i am God and smashed my phone and puked

>>257421326yeah i noticed this too

>>257422198Every watched silent films from the 20-30s while tripping? Never thought it would hit that hard. Its magical.

>>257422312>i took 4 hits once and remembered i am GodThen mission accomplished. The rest is just lore and masturbation.

>>257421326faggot, give a nigger lsd a few times and theyll quit nogging, maybe you should try it sometime and you'll most likely lose all traces of faggotry which is consuming your being

>>257422383hmm no, that does sound interesting, i would watch this "movie" called timescapes and listen to this band called Vinyl Williams... thats about as far into silent movie tripping iv'e ever done

>>257399855I think everybody who wants should try shrooms at least once. I don't trust synthetic stuff like LSD unless you are REALLY sure it's pure

>>257399855i am a racist and a xenophobe, i love LSD , mushrooms and xtc , in fact is the oposite people told me, traveling and drugs made me more racist

>>257421326This is not the case with most individuals

i dont fuck with DMT though , my theory is that shit gets you in another tune, and yo can come back with some shit attached like fucking spiritual leechs, the people in my friend group that did the most DMT , they are absoulutly worthless

>>257422651As there is no voice actors had to overexpress what they mean with their face and tripping really enhances this 100 fold. There are also lots of weird hidden things by the directors i wouldnt see normaly. Its fascinating.