HOLY FUCK.CHINA SHITTING THEIR PANTS.THERE WILL BE "QUESTIONS" and this time, JT is serious.Better watch out china

HOLY FUCK.CHINA SHITTING THEIR PANTS.THERE WILL BE "QUESTIONS" and this time, JT is serious.Better watch out china.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>>257398070What costume will he wear while asking the questions? A lab coat and stethoscope?

>>257398070>globalism personafied has questions for china regarding kung flu originyep, we're definitely going to war


Bearded Trudeau ain't fucking around.They better take him seriously now.

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>>257398227hot mommy nurse with needle.

>>257398343>>257398227I don't think you realize how serious this is.JT calling out China on anything.... is huge.

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>>257398227A costume where he has balls, he has not dusted that one off for many years.

It also comes after the Globe and Mail newspaper published a report saying that Canada’s ambassador to China, Dominic Barton, pointed to the regime’s heavy-handed conduct as damaging the country’s efforts to boost their global influence.Barton, who has faced criticism for being too close to China, also admitted that he “probably drank the Kool Aid there for too long” with his vocal support for the regime.

>>257398070China already got new pants. No shit found there anymore. Nope. There never was any shit. You can't prove otherwise. Implying there ever was is racist. Now buy my stuff!

>>257398070Canada is a satellite state of china right now.WW3 is going to be so much fun.Our news media will be like "The evil american empire has bombed yet another civilian factory so the CCP has graciously decided to sink an American destroyer, the CCP is so merciful."


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>>257398070Bit late to the party ay leaf?

>>257398467Chinks aren't human

>>257398467>Canadians enjoy an affordable meal under the Trudeau regime, 2021

>>257398592Which is why I'm so surprised the liberal party calling out China, at all.

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>>257398227He's going in to investigate.

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He replaced Obama as the most feminine and weak of all world-leaders.

>>257398878I'm glad your girlfriend is okay.

>>257399187Kinda true, if you put Castreau and Obama on the same gay casting couch, Castreau is definitely the top.

>>257399187That was no easy task either.

>>257398592Unironically this.Based Leaf

>>257399029A mystery is afoot! To Wuhan!

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you know shits getting hot when even the leader of the leafs starts questioning china :D

>>257399571Why are germs so racist? They keep targeting China first.

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>>257398878he's just going to ask them for some tips on spying on his own people. he's taking your rifles for example.

>>257399212Sorry Xeng that webm must have upset you,

>>257398070He’s going all in with the juice, and throwing the Chinese overboard. He knows who the real power is.

>>257399752>XengMy name is Hung Dong you fucking racist.

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>>257398070fuck ya leaf based!

I just want to see chinks being slaughtered. Just embargo them and let their little dick faggot leaders declare war and we will mop them up.

>>257398866They're all out of luxury soups.

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Chinks are the niggers of the East.

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>>257398070Imagine if Canada did a blind sided attack on China and actually crippled them

>>257398592By the time they come back from the war I have bred all Chink women with my Arab cock.

tfw Canada lights WW3 because Trudeau wants access to Chinese baby boys to fuck.


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>>257398467You do realise people eating things on camera is the chinese alternative to onlyfans as porn is banned, yes?

I feel like the game has changed. In the past, the U.S. simply asserted its right to sail in U.N. internationally recognized waters in the South China Sea. Now it looks like the U.S. is actively protecting Malaysian vessels. Anyone have thoughts? Am I right thinking that something seems to have changed here?wsj.com/amp/articles/u-s-sends-warships-to-support-malaysia-in-south-china-sea-amid-china-pressure-11589382717

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I'm not so sure that anyone is intimidated by the maple minister. I'm pretty sure my detarded cousin could kick lady Trudeau's ass.

>>257401037go coom

>>257399029this man continues to amaze me.

>>257398070yeah the beard makes it worse somehow. i cant even take him seriously because hes trying too hard to look like a grown up

>>257398227He'll be wearing rags and one of those asian straw hats.

>>257398227>President Xi, my wife is a big fan. I have just one last question...

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>>257398227The gimp suit and a paddle for his question man. >Yes, spank me harder so I can know the pain of slavery.


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>>257398070In all seriousness, I wonder if Trudeau knows that the world considers him to be a top cuck. And if so, does he really care?


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>>257398467there are so many of these disgusting retards over there that this is the kind of shit they have to do to stand out and become popular... just nuke em already

>>257398227He’s wearing a glue on beard so there’s that

>>257411021I can actually see him pull this off

Justin Trudeau banning Canada from owning guns because of a guy who didn't own guns. With no vote at that... That if more egregious than China not being forthright in fucking anything. It's smart of the Crown to make that figure head position otherwise the people might direct their anger at the monarchy. Get fucked Canada I hope you have a civil war over this.

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Anyone find it weird that all these different men (mostly republicans) have started growing a beard? Is this some kind of virtue signaling? Is Trudeau in the same fraternal order as them or something? He's never had a beard in the past. Neither did Rand or Ted Cruz. What does the beard signify?

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>>257399571i still think she is hot. i would marry her.


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>>257398227Yellow-Face, and scotch tape to make his eyes more slanty.

>>257411784Dont forget Alex Jones too.

>>257399029Hold on guys, I think he has a clue!

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>>257398070Reminder that blaming China is the glownigger globo homo position.

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>>257398070Whys he such a fag. Make fun of Trump all you want, glad hes not this fairy.

>>257398343Is the beard making him based, or is becoming based maping him grow the beard?

>>257413890Damn those Chinese posters have an american proxy and know what glownigger means now

>>257411784Its because theyre no longer shavingSheltering in place is a major lifestyle change if youre not a worthless neet like you

>>257398070>trudeau questions anything>nobody cares

>>257398070What’s with Trudeaus hair and beard?


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>>257414314Yup, Anglin is a chinese posterdailystormer.su/trump-orders-investigation-of-who-and-china-to-see-if-they-hid-information-about-the-deadly-flu/

>>257398070Uh oh xi, he pissed you blanked him that time at the the G20...


>>257398070Samurai, because fuck bug men

>>257398070I actually respect the fuck outta this guy. Not for this, but because while he clearly is embracing what he enforces about hair stylists remaining closed, my governor appears on camera daily looking like he hasn’t missed a single cut and dye job yet.

>>257414314You're acting like this board full of retards that post the same 10 posts 24/7 is hard to figure out, most of you fell for the glowniggers brainwashing and don't even know it


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>>257413981Neither, hes a fucking faggot.

>>257414641>Daily sperger

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>>257413890动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>>257414793It was clearly sarcasm, user

> implying le funny blackface man who believes getting killed makes you a winner is ever serious

>>257398070We have questions for the leafs as well.Questions that can only be answered by posting IN STORE PRICES

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>>257401221based but I'm keeping my rifle after

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>>257398070>trudeauWill the question be how many of their dicks can he suck in a row?

>>257414910>anything being clear on Holla ForumsThe shit people believe on here

>>257398070I bet the chicks are running scared now that glass joe is coming after them...

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>>257415044The horror does not end...

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>>257415359I'll send you some luxury soup based leaf.

didnt this Fidel Castro looking motherfucker ban all guns in Canada a week ago?

>>257398070Once a gamma, always a gamma. How come HE doesn't have questions?

>>257398070is that a green screen?

>>257415487Going to need them for the military if Canada wants to do anything beyond getting Chang to hurt his sides laughing at them

>>257398070>questionsYou first, Justine.youtu.be/lXtOwt-sITY

>>257415487No and you're a dumb nigger for thinking posts on Holla Forums are reliable sources of information

>>257398070When will Canadians question this?theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-ottawa-funds-covid-19-research-project-that-is-collaborating-with/

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>>257398070isnt china literarly untouchable until literal WW3 happens?No big country like US can say "we gonna have no trade with china" because its to unfeasible and to uncompetetive

>>257414314He's right though. It was a deepstate funded lab where the virus came from

>>257416022In China, with chink scientists.

The absolute madman is at it again !

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>>257398070I thought Canada was barely even a real country like what do they even do and who cares?

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>>257398070this is keyfabe. justin trudeau's dad is fidel castro. his only hope to save him from a very bad ending is for a chinese bailout.

>>257400137Holy shit that is really fucked up. She didn't even offer to share??

>>257398070You know you fucked up as a non-white nation when Canada says your gonna have to answer questions were gonna ask the hard ones boys

>>257398227This one during the investigation phase.

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>>257416319are you genuinely retarded? Trudy is bought and payed for.

>>257398070>the country that depends on china,has no fucking gold, and one of the least notable military presence is going to "ask the hard questions"more like trudea will buy xi some wine, and open his ass to him, and china.

>>257416102I'm gonna have to agree with that statement tho, Toronto definitely deserves a nuke


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>>257416658>Photoshoot for babbys first ph changing experiment with a magnetic stirrerYeah, I recognize those reagents used from fucking 30 years ago.

>>257415359>>257415044beware the games you play, the names you speak for you may summon...THEM

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>>257413981It's for the muslim vote user

>>257417219>then we will be forced to reach out to you again but our future attempts will not be as generousFear the Soup Cartel.

Don't fuck with us. DONT. FUCK. WITH. US.

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>>257399739>>257398343Ya, ain't he a bit worried of actually looking exactly like Castro if that beard gets too long?


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>>257417219beware the soup syndicate


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he got exposed as part of Obamagateprobably got a phone call from Trumpnow he's talking a different game

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>>257418889OH NO NO NO

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>>257398070Is the Day of the Leaf upon us?

>>257418576Is that Fidel in the "son" pic right above his head?

>>257417317>>257417841>the [redacted] team here at [redacted] have been working with law enforcement to review the content www.4chan.org/polin a sentence they imply the police are in their pocket, it was the police who helped trace his IP for the letter and will look the other way if "false information" keeps happening and are "forced to reach out again"GUYS I"M SCARED IS user OK?

>>257398070>Somehow "stands up" to China while letting Iran cuck them.

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>>257399029Like he did with Iran?

>>257398227That should be his schtick. Talking to Nips? Geisha costume. Eastern Europeans? Adidas tracksuit. China? Batman cosplay. I’d move to Canada and vote for him.

>>257398227F P B P

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>>257398227Probably a chinese kimodo

>>257398070>noticed the World thinks he's a permacuck>"how do I change my image to be more manly, but not toxically so?">does the same thing every dirty leftist on Earth has done and grew a weak, patchy, but elaborately dyed and shaded beardLook at that shit. Bet he still can't change a tire.

>>257398070what the fuck is your retard prime minister oing. theres no questions left. we already have the answers. China stole intellectual property from other nations and used it to attempt to create a biological weapon. ended up releasing it on their own people. then sent those people around the world.Fuck China. Trudeau and most other world leaders are complicit.

>>257403476Both sides are waiting for the first shots to fire so we can figure out ROE

>>257421106Trump is like Kennedy, this is sign-language with destroyers.


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>>257398070He wants China to kill him so that he wins

>>257398592That wont be allowed to carry on for very long. The fear is turning to anger. The reckoning is coming.

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>>257398878Wew. That was close.

>>257403686Hes in really good shape and trains boxing at a fairly high level. Hed kick alot of our asses. That being said, a real street brawl with a hooligan would likely send him for a loop.

>>257399745Nobody outside of Toronto is swallowing that pill. The CAF and even the RCMP aren't having it, and everyone I've spoken to about it basically said "from my cold head hands".

>>257422423Based Harper ended the LGR. Good luck on a 5% compliance on anything that wasnt registered.

>>257400137Literally a Burgen.

>>257403686u sure you aren't the one who is detarded?