What are your though on emotional abuse on children...

What are your though on emotional abuse on children? Should laws be harsher on parents that mentally scar their children for life?

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>>257384403for a second there I thought he was about to beat the kid with the bat.

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that shit's expensive. i wouldn't smash it i'd just hide it if my kids were not listening or some shit.

Grow up, accomplish something, forget it. Fuck you.

>>257384611wish he would, fucking zoomers

This is a nigger and he should be treated accordingly.

>>257384680My thoughts exactly

>>257384403Why not just give away his console/TV to charity? Why break it? It would only instill hatred in your children and is a total waste of money.

>>257384680if you had shitbag kids like me, I found the n64 my mom hid and then hid her purse to get even

>>257384403Meh, kind of based but not quite. Faggot little zoomers need physical beatings if we want to truly return to tradition and have our boys grow up to be actual men.

>>257384403>man breaks his own stufffucking retards, he's doing it for tiktok views.Did you learn nothing from daddy of 5?

>>257384403My mother did this shit. She's a complete psycho and I have no love for her anymore. What did the kids do?

>>257384403>father acts like a nigger>wonders why his kids are white niggers

>>257384403Open palm on the bottom when toddlers.Open palm upside the head when old and still not getting it.If you have to hit or physically threaten your child past 16 you failed.Congrats, nigger.>>257384680This, my mom would throw away what few toys I had and it hurt knowing she would actually throw them away or give them away.

>>257385256>What did the kids do?"i told you to stop playing"Parents like these are really messed up. Fuck them control-freaks. If you can't instill discipline in your children without traumatizing them you shouldn't have kids

Just grow up then get revenge lmao. Fuck 'em.


>>257384403>destroys a $50 TV and some madcatz controllersFake and gay. The wife was standing in the corner of the room recording the whole thing. They figured they could make some quick cash off of the video.

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>>257385358>break some controllers>ahh help ive been traumatized for lifeFuck off pussy, they'll get over it.

>>257384680>shit's expensiveThat TV's $40 and a couple controllers... The fucking nerf guns cost more than your weekly salary

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>>257384680>expensiveThat is the fucking cheapest TV available in stores, you can't find anything with a small screen size.

>>257385115because its fake and gay

>>257384403I brought you in this world, I'll take you out.

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>>257384403They're doing it for social media likes, just like the Tik Tok Nurses, just like every other retard.What he did was:1. Not safe for others. Bits of plastic and metal shattering everywhere could harm someone.2. Not safe for himself. Metal bat against an electrical device. Stupid.3. Not smart. Violence and psychological trauma actually leads to lower IQ. He is sabotaging his entire family for social media points.But no, the state shouldn't be involved. Ultimately those games are his property. He will eventually see justice when he's older and his kids never talk to him. He may never know his grandkids because of this. He may end up alone because of this.Also I'm convinced every parent who does this on social media is an undiagnosed narcissist. Anyone have more Webm of ridiculous shit?

>>257384403shits fake and gay, white people do this shit all the fucking time for views

>>257384403you should be able to sue your parents if you're circumcised without consent

Not my used $50 TV!!! OH NOOOO!!

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>giving your child a tv in their room It's like you want to encourage this shit

>>257384403Screens should be regulated, age restrictions and shit.

>>257385355Yup. Plus you make the smacks few and far between. Usually the threat is enough to steer behavior. If my kid is doing something wrong all I have to say is “you wanna get smacked?” And he listens. He’s 4 and I’ve only smacked him 3 times in his life for serious shit

I wish my boy played video games, he only goes out and hangs with a bunch of queers

>>257385769The kids are in on it dipshit. "After I smack the TV, slide the madcatz controllers over to me, we'll be tictok famous!".

>>257384403You can emotionally abuse a child by being too soft on them just as much as you can from being too hard on them. Anti-child abuse laws rarely benefit children that are actually being abused and often threaten families that had a child that acted out enough that they needed a corrective smack to get them back on the right track. You want every child to have a perfect childhood? Only way that's gonna happen is to tear down this broken society and rebuild it according to the rules that have been established to work (i.e. high trust society). Until that actually becomes feasible the only recourse is to individually strive to gain the wisdom and maintain the cool headedness to raise our own children with the correct foundation of harshness and softness.

Yes let us create another bureaucracy and give them power to judge parenting.

Acts like a retardDresses like a retardMust be a retard


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>>257385115It's American.

>>257384403What he did is great. Those kids are squandering precious time. They won't appreciate how much time they are pissing away until it's too late. Video games are the greatest trick the devil has played on the goyim. Top kek.

>>257386002>Father wants me to have no social outlet>Become confused so I hang out with faggots insteadFix your shit nigger

>>257384403>What are your though on emotional abuse on children? Physical beating is required. White people are cucked by their children.youtube.com/watch?v=3gD1woa_Cbw

>>257385975>for serious shitKey word here, my man.Fucking parents hand out slaps like fucking candy it loses it's flare after the twentysomething hit.

>>257385975Thats terrible. I hope you actually try and teach your son why something he wants to do or has done is bad. So he grows up to be a rational adult that reasons and doesn't use violence and fear to get what he wants

>>257385543it's not that, it's living with someone who at any second could get set off into a rage with little to no good provocation. You end up living constantly on edge, unable to ever let your guard down or relax. Constantly in defensive mode. It fucks up your ability to form relationships and maintain them.

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>>257384403>Not destroying the little bastards skulls with the batJesus, what a tryhard faggot. He's a beta a his kids know it.

>>257384403Based dad is just trying to save his son from becoming another soimass useless faggot.

>>257384403breeding should be strictly regulated

>>257386269Depends, before I moved to America me and my buddies would play video games and have parties with girls.When I moved back to the states? All my highschool friends disappeared.Sucks.

>>257384403>What are your though on emotional abuse on children? Should laws be harsher on parents that mentally scar their children for life?we don't need more laws that abduct children and put them in the hands of human traffickers.

>>257384403this faggot has failed at parenting. If your kids dont respect you unless you are being violent or implying violence, you're a massive faggot and your kids have every right to resent you.

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>>257386397except for all the non explosively tempered other people who server as more attractive rolemodels*ahem*RETARD

>>257386397Now imagine its your moms boyfriend, not even your dad.

>>257384403This guy probably has room temperature iq he doesn't even need to unplug their Xbox let alone break their controllers they have a built in function to allow certain amounts of game time for kids.

>>257387043yeah but when the people you see the most and live with are like that you start to second guess everything you do and it causes you to question if you are one fuck up away from setting those other people off. aka as a child you think you are the problem not the adult because you dont know any better yet, You fucking cock licking dickhead.

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>>257384680>expensiveThat's a fucking ps3 (three). That shitty father doesn't even buy his kids current gen consoles

why buy your child a game console in the first place? the father was bullied at work that day and wanted to feel powerful

>>257384403He's probably subscribed to Blacked.com

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>>257384403>wearing a hat indoorshairlet detected

>>257385355Hits children and calls other people joggers.You are a literal monkey.People like you are the reason I have no solidarity with my race.

>>257385975Wow. Are all the people here monkeys?So you hit your kids, like a monkey.Let me guess, you also mutilate them don’t you?

>>257386397Almost like you are always ready to start jogging.

>>257384403anon, you must be 18 to post on this boardbut at least wait a few years, they might still drop

>kids turn 18>"why don't they talk to me?!">gets old and cant work anymore>"why won't my kids let me live with them?!"

>>257388393>>257388529Go back, nigger lover.

>>257384403My step father smashed my n64 game with a hammer for ignoring his demands, then I called him a motherfucker and he bear hugged me until I couldn’t breathe and threw me against the wall and made me stay In my room for 2 days only giving me a slice of bread to eat every 6 hours. I’ll take what OP is having instead.

>>257389569Sorry to hear bro. Do you still have a relationship with him?

the nerf guns on the wall have me laughing

kek. gen Y can't raise kidsin a month he'll be apologizing for this to them and buying them new and more expensive toys

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>>257384403>>257384611>>257384798Why Gen X dads dress like teenagers but are tyrants like boomers?

>>257384403Jeeze, what did the kid fucking do? His room seemed to give the impression he had a fairly balanced life. If that's the dad I can't imagine the kid is very old.Destroying the things that make him happy is pretty fucked up.

>smashing a bunch of shit you paid for real big brain

>>257389768No my mother left him after he stripped me naked in the front lawn at 12 for not taking out the trash, beat my ass then threatened to murder me. Then after she called the police and he stayed the weekend in jail, he came back to threaten to kill me again for messing up his marriage and told me to watch my back for the rest of my life and smashed the window to my bedroom before leaving forever.

>>257390073I think this is when I lost my self esteem having neighbors see my awkwardchubby body naked.

>>257384403Penalty should be 10x harsher when used for social media kikepoints.


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honestly if you have to threaten your kids or their property with physical violence you're a shitty parent who raised monsters

>>257385358If you cannot bear to get told no and be disciplined without being traumatized then just neck yourself

>>257384403>Should laws be harsher on parents that mentally scar their children for life?OP is a pussy who's dad took away his XBox.What a weak little bitch.

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>>257390355violently destroying all your kids' stuff isn't something a good parent does

When people deny that asians have higher IQs than whites, remember we have a lot of people like this dragging down the average

>>257384403based father. video games are the devil's creation.

>>257384680I would sell it, to teach my children that even in punishment things should not go to waste.

>>257385132I'd have hid your bed in the garage.

>>257384680It's fake shit to generate views. Fuck those uncreative fags.

>>257390073My father died when I was still a kid, my mother was dating some asshole that lost his shit a few times a beat her, one story of an actual stonk woman moment was when he tried to take my sister away(His blood) after they got into a fight. My grandfather came over to try and smooth things out while he had my sister in her baby chair in the passanger side, she came storming out of the house after realizing what exactly he was trying to do, reached back and swung her fist so hard through the window of the truck she shattered his nose and took her daughter back while he choked on his own blood.I found out years later that it was one of the proudest moments in my grandfathers life.Just redneck things.

>>257386397>unable to ever let your guard down or relax.>NEVER

>>257385704my mom actually likes to use this 1.except she goes the munchaussen by proxy route.she always says she'll have the cops kill me.probably right. "you hear mike flynns getting exonerated?"OH THERE YOU GO WITH THE CONSPIRACIES AGAIN!"trump wont be impeached"JUST CAUSE THE STRANGERS YOU TALK TO ONLINE SAY SO DOESNT MEAN!"i'm a christian."OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGG*SATANIC BELLOWS**CLAWING OF FACE*shits fucked up.

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>>257386002>My son only hangs out with queersGrab a bat and get your wife to film it, bro.

>>257388225That shit gets used more as bait and insults than it will ever be viewed. That kind of porn consistently loses money and is unpopular, it is mainly produced for propaganda/demoralization.

>>257385132I wasn't a shitbag but my dad smashed up my N64. He made up for it by buying me an Xbox for Christmas. I was the only kid at school with an Xbox and Halo for awhile so I guess it worked out in the end.

>>257384403I bet you also cry hacker when you lose you fucking queer

>>257384403The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away.

>>257384403It's funny that he has a gun wall full of nerf guns, just wait until they are real guns and he's a mentally damaged social outcast who has a vendetta against his father.

The kids will remember this, abandon him where he can die alone and encrusted with shit in a nursing home. All actions have consequences.

>>257390863Your mom sounds like a bitch. I'll fuck her mouth for you so she can't yell at you anymore.

>>257384403PCfags showing their true colors

>>257390812Based and wahmenpilled Mine never stood up for me, she always said I was overreacting. I lived in fear for most of my childhood, he would take me on car rides alone and tell me about how if he left me out in the woods we would pass off the interstate that no one would ever find me and he’d call me a runaway. Only my grandparents would make me feel safe throughout that period, they wouldn’t let him pick me up from their house where I went after school instead of home alone with him. So I would watch cartoons until 8 PM when my mom got off work then go home to sleep only. In the morning he would mock me as I got ready for school then sometimes if my mom didn’t want to get up to take me he would purposely drop me off miles from school so I had to walk and threaten me if I told her. I fucking hated my childhood, I never felt safe or comfortable and now at 25 my family wonders why I haven’t talked to anyone in years and there’s millions of kids going through the same shit as we speak.

Why not just take it away and give it back when he's learned his lesson?Fucking room temperature IQ white trash.


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>>257384403>mercury contaminate my child's room>smash things near them with protective eyewearsomeone should call the EPA because that house is fucked.

>>257385256I feel you. Emotionally unstable adults have kids and then jus proceed to trash everything when they get frustrated. No talking no healthy resolution>>257385358This. God majority of people just should not fucking have kids

>>257390863Your mom needs a good dicking. I know women that act like that. They're just bored and their pussys all dried up. If you were any kind of a son you'd drill your mom nightly so she wouldn't have energy to bitch.

The way their scuttle back with their legs after throwing the controllers at him is quite sad.

>>257386345i hope the instincts you pretend don't exist as the main behavioral corrective system for humans fail you.pain and pleasure are the best tools to correct and guide human behavior. it's literally fucking science.

>>257389402So you confirm that you beat your kids like a monkey, snip them like a satanist, and yet you call me a jogger lover?You are incapable of appreciating the contributions of white men to the world.Go back yourself, slave of the satanists.

>>257391353My mom had her share of problems, mostly drug related when she was teenager, hell she had me at 16. But one thing that never changed how fiercely she loved her kids, there was never a question of her man before her children, she'd legit kill a mother fucker if he attacked one of us, which none of them were ever stupid enough to do.

>>257390355nobody wants to hear shitty parenting advice from 16 year olds.

>>257384798nigger mentality

>>257390494>>257389402This. Fucking monkeys.

>>257384403How is this emotional abuse? If this bothers you, you need a thicker skin.

>>257391783i beat my kids a total 4 times in their 20 years on Earth. stop beating your kinds like a monkey, nigger.

>>257384403>not taking it away>not locking it up>not calmly explaining that the failure was one of them failing themselves>say you are disappointed in them>but they can EARN their way back into your graces>and get back their game machine>set clear goals>kids achieve goals>give the machine back, tell them you are proud of them for achieving the goal>never bring up initial failure incident ever againI spanked my kids when they were little when explaining things would never work but instill respect for authority would. I can count on one hand the number of times I spanked my kids. Now they tell me wihtout me having to ask where they are going, who they are hanging out with and constantly update me on their progresss at school. All things I do, time to time, independently verify. Love and rpaise all the time, discipline when necessary. that is how you raise kids.This guy should have his ass kicked for acting like a psychopath in front of kids. Children should fear your disapproval and lack of respect, not being beaten with a bat.

>>257384403Imagine spending money on a product just throw a tantrum and smash it, what a fucking cuck, guarantee mum makes him buy them all new shit.

>>257384403Drunken millennial suffering from the effects of Zionism. Rinse and repeat.

>>257384403>millennial parentsThat guy is pathetic. He buys his kids stupid toys to keep them quiet but has no idea of how to establish rules and discipline. Those kids will grow up with no understanding of value or restraint. Guy dresses like a 13 year old as well.

>>257392001Your children shouldn't fear you at all you absolute psycho. Imagine thinking physical pain and the fear of more physical abuse is better than breaking some media equipment.

>>257391882Call her tomorrow brother and thank her for her service because statistically this isn’t the case. Women who have low self esteem and worth feel like they won’t be able to do it alone without a man even if he’s traumatizing her kids and even abusing her. I never felt like I could even relax until I started staying in my friends basement when I moved out at 17 then into my first car and then I haven’t talked to her in years or anyone. I have my empire of my 1 bedroom apartment where I am in control of everything and no one can hurt me, no men no women no backstabbing no lies no trust being broken; just me and my walls.

>>2573863974 retard replies from people who never experienced it, I can confirm, my mother was prone to violent tantrums and also dated fuckwits when I was a child, I couldn't form healthy relationships with people until I was in my early 20's because i couldn't trust anyone.

>letting them have a tv and game system in their roomYeah, no.

>>257384403>Should laws be harsher on parents that mentally scar their children for life?Clearly not. That's way out of the grasp of the law. Parents who emotionally abuse their children are shooting themselves in the foot. Those scars are blood in the water for people who'll gladly take advantage of your kid's insecurities once they hit the real world. Those parents naturally selecting themselves out of existence by basically ensuring their kids will end up stunted and have trouble with relationships later in life.

>>257392223I talk to her everyday, my mom's one of my best friends. She's also redpilled as fuck, hates liberals, hates niggers, hates jews.

>>257392001>This guy should have his ass kicked for acting like a psychopath in front of kids. This guy doesn't know that his entire world has been misled by (((progressive))) tricks. He innately knows what is right and wrong, but is confused that his family doesn't. Such is the plight of white men.

>>257392429Holy literal mother of based

>>257386648If cops weren't violent and had guns and the full force of the state I wouldn't respect them.

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>>257392416Incorrect, those children will grow up to do exactly what their parents did. Even fucked up people eventually have kids.

>>257392178Well said.

>>257384403That dad is terrible, I hate it when boomers do shit like this and think they are being good parents.

>>257385194Not based at all, its child abuse.

>>257392507Someone broke into her house once and she beat the shit out of them with a baseball bat.She's just the right amount of crazy.

>>257392691>boomersHe's literally a millenial, brainlet.

>>257392841>t.30 year old boomer

>>257384403Is that what passes as emotional abuse these days? Fuckin sped dad raising sped kids is all I see.

>>257392936Nah, 40 year old late end gen X. Married 14 years and a good father. The man in the video is a millenial, brainlet.

>>257384403>buy thing for kid>don't like that kid then uses it>proceed to break it because of your tard rage>probably because he retard parents did the same retarded thingJust take the power cable or something, God damn. Why break shit you paid for?

>>257392660This process continues for generations until you produce a bottleneck of people so dysfunctional that they can't hold good position in society. Either you break the cycle or your gene pool gets thrown away even if it's useful. Bad parenting produces cursed generations and it can be hard to lift those curses

>all these faggot postsYeah, this is why muslims rape your ass in broad daylight

>>257392990Yeah, that was pretty gross and low class. His children will no doubt grow up to he the same.

>>257393029>don't like that kid then uses itPretty sure that's not why he was angry, brainlet.

>>257393019Since you're 40 years old I'll forgive your ignorance of the meme, but anyone over the age of 30 is a boomer here.


>>257384403>mentally scar their children for life?

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>>257384403Why not give it to someone poor instead of breaking it?

>>257392660>those children will grow up to do exactly what their parents didwhere does this idea come from. if you actually had a parent that was terrible at times, you'd swear to not do what they did and follow through.

>>257384403Not nearly as abusive as religion.

>>257393591on that thought, the worst adults I've seen as far as randomly violent were the ones spoiled and coddled by their parents growing up. not to justify smashing electronics though.


Hilarious video its clearly staged>breaks controllers and tiny ass t.v that is worth nothing but not the PS3 itself>someone already filming when he walks in>dude is dressed like he doesn't know what he wants to be a wigger or a redneck wearing a cap in the house>seriously was this intentional to make those people look bad because if this dude dresses like this regularly he literally looks like a fucking child, Hell by the thumbnail I thought it was a high school kid>validity of the video aside this is a terrible lesson to teach children>one of the first talks you have with your kid when they are able to understand is not to go around breaking shit on purpose or by accident>this lesson will be spoken many times throughout the years>this blatant disregard for his own child's personal property makes all those previous lessons pure hypocrisy>children are smarter than most people give them credit for and they know little else other than their families so they pick up on shit like thisAlso all the people acting like he did the kids a favor you are idiots. Do you not remember what it was like to be a kid? You couldn't just hop in your car and go across town and do what you want. Back in my day we had vidya but most our outside time past age 12 was just listening to music or trying to score cigarettes. Life as a young teen is like being a fucking bum and its genuinely pretty boring. Then you have all these helicopter parent types that won't let the kids leave the cul-de-sac or even the house and its a bad recipe. Hope you live in a place convenient enough to have friends basically right next door.Then reasonable response is to take shit away and make the kid do some extra chores. You teach nothing by acting like a child yourself. Unless your goal is to have your kids have zero respect for you and hide everything they do even shit that doesn't matter. Anyway fake as fuck dude prolly didn't smash that ps3 because it was probably his to begin with.

>>257384403>What are your though on emotional abuse on children?I'd rather had my mum punch me in the face than having her mental shenanigans rain down upon me.

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>>257384403If I were one of those kids I'd stab him while he was sleeping, and tell him why when he woke up screaming.

>>257384403NahBeen through thatI can tell you with clarity of mind that it's akin to assraping a grown manYou break their spirit for no good reasonYou don't teach them anythingYou just turn people into killing machinesWhich makes sense yakno because only loveless killing machines would inflict such trauma upon their own. See what I'm getting at here. The father thief teaches his son the only thing he's good at, whether he wants to or not.

>>257384403Boomers are fun to be around. sike

>>257384680like 9/11 dude. gotta make a spectacular show if you wanna arrest the minds of the goy

>>257393695try this thought on reddit

>>257386397This is true. It's like being constantly in your fight or flight response active. I live in constant fight response now ready to murder my parents whenever they feel like being niggers. Nobody respects you unless you carry a gun sadly.

>>257390494LOL Asians are way harsher on their kids than whites. My Korean friends mom would drive him 10 miles out of town so he had to walk all the way back home as punishment

>>257384403I never had a wall full of toy guns. Serves them little spoiled shits right.

>>257386648(((cohen))) is a talmudic scholar/fluent in hebrew, just check his wiki: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacha_Baron_Cohen#Israel_and_Judaism

>>257385194You do realise that it’s not good for the children’s brain development right? This faggotry way of parenting is how we have dysfunctional adults and addicts. Kids will mirror parents behaviour, especially those who are abusive and become shitty parents themselves and shitty people in general, some turned out okay and good because they realised that their parents were just dysfunctional people who never learned how to regulate their emotions. We need more men to be real alphas, strong and only uses his strength to protect his families from intruders and niggers, not this faggotry big baby way of communicating by throwing tantrums to kids.

>>257384403>smashes shit he paid for while using physical intimidation tactics on his kidsHigh iq parenting

>>257393128>muh sandniggers stronkAs always you're the faggot, leaf.

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Cuck dad, white people are fucked.I took some tips from a Mexican woman on how to raise my kids. 1. I spanked them up until they were 5. I stopped having to spank them then.2. I don't break their shit cause it teaches them to be a consoomer who doesn't value anything3. I don't let the public scho system turn their brain into mush. When they get home from school they have an hour of learning with dad where I teach them math or science the right way. I also assign them a monthly book I expect them to read, its typically a good book like narnia or a development book for my older kids like one of those jocko books.4. When my teenagers act out, that's fine. They just get put to work on the weekend helping dad do manual bitch labor like hammering TEE posts into the ground while I drive the tractor in 90 degree weather.5. They have jobs, but I bought a car for my 2 teenagers to share between them because I don't want them to be social lovers.6. I've been saving for their college since I was first married so each of them is going to have their community College paid for or they can ask dad for the cash up front if they want to go to a technical school.

>>257395600Everything in this video except minecraft screams white niggers.

On a side note, what percentage of pol was spanked? Or physically disciplined at all? Any old fags get hit by a ruler in school?

>>257395799>white people are fucked.>I took some tips from a Mexican woman on how to raise my kids.Oh yeah white people are fucked and we should all take the fucking mexicans as examples. Retarded mutt.

Depending on what the child has or hasn't done it could be a fair punishment. Fuck vidya anyway

Based dad btfo'ing minecraft tranny

Video games will get you nowhere in life.If you don't play by MY rules in MY house then you are going to have a bad time.Addicts justifying their wasted lives and hate for authority have a long road to recovery.

>>257396061Clipped round the ear but never spanked. It worked on me.

>>257384403shoes indoor and threatening your kids with a bat.

>>257395799>Mexican>saving for collegeKEK they send that money back home for the exchange rate and the kids have to start working when they're 12, you stupid fucking ignorant piece of shit who's never met anyone that didn't live in a mansion.

>>257396147They have a lot of guns, baseball glove, rugby ball. It's fair to assume they're not glued to their playstation 24/24.Also Minecraft is kinda like lego as a videogame. As long as they don't play too much I think it's not a bad thing.

>>257386459I second this . Only Indians with blondes

>>257384403Imagine being an adult and wearing a hoodie.

>>257385570Sorry Ezekiel, I didn't know you were poor

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>>257388225Or yellowed.com

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>>257390892U ARE ssow wrong I dont EVEN know where To Start chile

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>>257391486Fucking batard kys

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>>257384403I've yet to hear anyone state why boomers have such a hate boner for video games. Like, pretty sure their parents weren't the same way with TV's, or their parent's parent's the same with radio, or their parent's parent's parent's with nickelodeons.

Some kids need to be heavily corrected. Anons here are on their high horse thinking that every kid is this perfect follower of rules for most of the day and fuck up just once in a while. You have absolutely no idea just how far some kids will push the limits of what they can get away with, time and time again even within the same day. Having to repeat yourself more than several times and they still do not listen, to the point where it's the tenth time you've instructed them reasonably and they can't even repeat back to you what you said.Some kids will give you hell, and let me tell you that these kids respond only to the force of an authoritarian.

>>257386397so just like being an adult in normal society then.

>>257384403>emotional abuseFuck you. Dad was absolutely B A S E D. >(((video games)))>(((anime)))>(((porn)))>(((hobbies)))All of it. Pure fucking Jewish cancer. My boys have only two "hobbies" which are MMA and shooting. If they behave I let them play sports, ride bikes, and harass the black children.

>>257390433wrong. your kid is supposed to be watching his baby sister but lets her wander off outside because he is too busy playing halo then yes destroy that shit, or be a jew and sell it i guess.

>>257397374>being such a shitty parent you actually relegate your own responsibilities to a fucking 8 year old and then get pissed that they act like childrenLet me guess. Do you live in a trailer park?

>>257397228Those kids are sociopaths

If you do a bad job raising your kids and they don't turn out the way you wanted, then you blame your kids for that you're an ultra retard. I see it a lot with friends of mine who have kids. Kids learn by watching their parents, not just listening to them extolling the virtues they want kids to have. It's like the difference between just telling your kids to do their homework or helping them when they struggle with some new mathematics problem.

>>257385355You are deluded. "Smacking" a small child on the head is a great way to give your offspring brain trauma. My father, who was an unstable creature at the best of times, employed this kind of discipline on me when I was a toddler till about the age of 15, which, purely by coincidence I'm sure, happened to be the age when I was large enough to turn the tables on him. We no longer speak.

Beat the kids not the hardware. PS3 has like 3 good games.

>>257385194Found the dumb kid with the alcoholic dad

>>257391052I had the same thought. The neatly arrayed nerf guns are an ominous portent.

studies have shown that emotional abuse does the same kind of brain damage as physical abuse

>>257385194Intimidating a child with a weapon is far from it. The guy is a faggot and he’s also going to raise his kids up to be fragile pussies and cowards that do the same to their kids.

>>257388225you chinks are so obsessed with black men

>>257397754try 17 year old. no trailer park.

>>257385543>Don't worry folks, I have a phd in child psychology, and they'll be fiiiine

>>257385904couldn't think of any other reason for that to be okay, huh, user? Is it because your parents abused you and you just don't wanna admit it?

>>257387307now there's just some shithead in my house breaking my shit and fucking my mom.

>>257385194You don't beat them, you punish them. If you really want them to toughen up maybe teach them boxing or teach them how to fight like a man not instill pure violence into them and act like you dont know why your kid grew up to be a damn criminal

>>257384403Ah, Yes, Saturdays are Made for Dads!

>>257384403my dad smashed my ps1 on the floor ;(thanks for reminding me of traumatic moments from my child hood memeflagi hate you meme flags even more now

>>257392324I still cant, watching various men batter my mother and me has left me the same, i am hot tempered but its difficult to control the emotion, i can control the physical outbursts but the emotions get me everytime. Im single ,pushing 40 and nno kids. Did have a 12 year relationship from 16 to 28 although it wasnt brilliant it wasnt tue worst.

>>257394783Based and Father Material

>>257384403>Emotional abuse best abuse.

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>>257391783>joggerIs this some gay reddit shit to avoid saying nigger?

>>257384403He should have trown a book at them for them to read.

>>257384403dude is unaware that he is a bully and is happy that he can bully his kids and thinks its the right thing to do

>>257384403Just reduce the penalty or punishment for children that kill their parents. If you fuck up raising your child so incorrectly that they believe they'd be much better off with you dead, you more than likely deserve death.

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>>257401934>when youve only been here a dayYea mate its all reddit zhit now. Youre better off at 9chan

>>257385526>The wife was standing in the corner of the room recording the whole thingThis is key you retarded brainlets

>>257384403my ex stepdad did that shit to me. broke a ps3 and my computer. being the oldest i got the blame for mess his kids made. logic. good news is I got a better computer from mum. not sure what damage it did to me.


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>>257384798consider ending your life

>>257384403This has been confirmed fake.

>>257384403>hey kids I'ma break all the shit I bought youDumbass


>>257388225Ching Chong tiny dick Chang

>told you to stop playing!!!Ye because there is so much to do during quarantine... maybe have a good game of throw the sphere (niggerball) or uhh idk do meth/coke like the other retards I know. These types of dads are the ones that are hardwired NPCs that would say to "do something" while watching TV nonstop.

>>257384403they should just be put to death some of their kids too

>>257384680Or take out the fuse to his room so he can't power anything on.

>>257385132Fucking based. "If my stuff doesn't stay safe, yours won't either."

>>257385132>hid her purse to get evenI bet that cost you some good boy points

>>257384403You can tell this guy was a spoiled faggot who just threw temper tantrums to get what he wanted his whole life

>>257384403People will do anything for the clicks/views and now you bring this shit to 4chan. Hang yourself nigger .The world will be a better place without you.

Every christmas eve I put up a post saying Im selling my sons xbox or playstation that he uses for 20 dollars, games and controllers because of his "backtalk"

>>257384403>What are your though on emotional abuse on children?The only abuse I see here is the parent having given all that garbage on the wall to their childThink he confused the old addage "spare the rod and spoil the child"?I see a rod and I see spoiling.

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>>257384403You know, bad stuff happens in the world sometimes, bad stuff we can't predict or prevent. The government doesn't have the magical ability to stop bad things happening if you give them more power, they'll just use that power to do more bad things. We get kinder and gentler over time, trying to force it just causes growing pains

>>257412406Craigslist poors eat it up.

>>257385570>>257385603>>257387689>Jew-cucked burgers promote consumerismMust be a good goy and buy more stuff, even if it means destroying the stuff you already have.The fucking state of it

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>>257384403>Smiley 33Fake and gay

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>>257384403lol buying your kids all that junk because you are a city faggot. all them deserve the rope. nice hoodie too wigger

>>257384403>this is what happens to console players in this household!>now go build your castle on pc, like a real man

>>257385769>Thinks if you take a bat to a television you'll electrocute yourselfBit of a sheltered life there?

>>257413249>thinks acting like an animal deserves prestige and is less sheltered than being civilized

Dad did nothing wrong except allow those little leeches any time for 'gaymes'. In all odds the knights ITT are druggies and faggots raised by women.

>>257413995and yet you're posting on the greatest game of allreally makes you activate the almonds makes you think

>>257384403 For fellow anons who went through this, how have you tried to get past the incredible anxiety and fear this instills in you? How has that been going for you?Jordan Peterson has been incredibly helpful for me to know the basics of how to actually live, and my life has improved a bit since attempting to put into effect some of his teachings, but the fear of the world is still often overwhelming ya know? I gotta get better habits still I think

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>>257384403>What the fuck did your mother tell you to do today!?>D..d..dishes, and t...t...take out the trash.>Why didn't you do it!? You're home all day and you can't do those two simple things!?>I...I d...don't know.>You don't know huh?>Well guess what, no more vidya for you!>Motherfucking KIAI!

>>257384403>smashing a tv and a console is emotional abuseReally user? But yes, mental/emotional abuse is far worse than physical abuse. The only reason it isn't taken seriously like physical abuse is because that's what women do so it's okay.

>>257384403White niggers get the rope too.

>>257384403The last time a generation of fathers were fit to call themselves "fathers" was pre-ww2.People might not consider it relevant, but when you look at the fucking state of western society, I think it's clearly linked.

>>257384403Depends a lot on the degree of abuse and the motivation behind it. You need to be able to distinguish abuse from strictness. Naturally being an abusive alcoholic who punishes without any principle is a bad way to go and state punishment should apply.

>>257384403Yes.Right now there's no line in the sand apart from the kid crying to a teacher, cop what's going on. How about all the kids too afraid to talk, too threatened to even grow up.Not sure if thread is joke but I'm serious.

How can kids survive society if they are pampered at home.Passive dads can go fuck themselves

>toy armouryDo americans really?

>>257415267Until a certain age. My nephew had a lot of toy guns until he turned 9, then he got his first Ruger 10/22. Problem?

>>257384403>daddy smash>he king of his house, no, literallyThat might've meant something in the dark ages or before a man had any entertainment but now it's just sick.

does this fucking retard not know how hard it is to find authentic sony ps3 controllers that arent used at a reasonable price?

>>257384680Yea but where's the shock value?Where are those tiny sharp plastic bits hitting your kids in the face?

>>257385570>That TV's $40 amore like 100

>>257415614It's funny watching zoomers squirm because a man decided to punish his kids. I'd be willing to bet losing your phone is cause for suicide. kek

>>257385132I would beat your ass to get even

>>257415817I'm no zoomer.

>>257384403I would also be traumatised if my dad dressed like a fucking child. FFS why to americans dress like fucking wigger retards?

>>257384403>dresses like a teenager >destroys things he probably paid for >teaches the kids nigger behavior Based. Holla Forums is right to praise him

>>257384403>>257384680lcd monitors are cheap as fuck atm so they will recover

>>257384403Imagine being such a beta disrespected faggot that you have to go to such lengths to control your own children. A real man would have to simply speak and the children would listen and act accordingly.

>>257384403What a retard. Imagine your parents smashing a big tv and your playstation back in the 90s. Would never happen, they simply unplug it and confiscate it until punishment was over. This retard just smashes it because he an idiot who hasn't grown up. He simply thinks he's the big boy in charged because his parents are not there to keep him under control. Fucking hell, he's even wearing shoes and a baseball cap indoors like a low IQ dope.

>>257395743Using jets from 8 miles up you fucking turd frog

>>257392223Nice. I haven't talked to my mom in 5 years.

>>257384403It's been done for many generations by many people. You don't see people who end up in a higher quality of life get abused a majority of the time.>>257384680We're talking about snow niggers here.

>>257385526>Fake and gay. The wife was standing in the corner of the room recording the whole thing. They figured they could make some quick cash off of the video.This is actually more disgusting. I bet his daughters become hookers and his sons drug dealers.

Those kids should be playing on pc anyways

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>>257385358Parents like that are just dipshits who think they're the big boss now that they're the adults. Problem is they haven't matured past being a teenager who wants all the control. Just look at the douce he's wearing a baseball cap indoors.

>>257386397my dad did this to me, and I fantasize about making his old age a living hell. emulating every situation hes ever displayed his OCD, and rage. i'm still fucking salty. he's genuinely an awful guy, and even his friends have started to cut him out of their life.

>>257390073hope you have a gun to mag-dump him. i hear the desert is great for that kind of stuff in minecraft haha

>>257384403>let's smash the $30 thrift shop ps3>let's not smash the $1000 iphonefake and gay

Dont hit your kids lads.Even if at the moment all is good many years later those memories could come back to haunt them.Cant even what's my father without seeing him beating the shit out of me till I bled.

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