What do we think of depression Holla Forums??? It seems much more rampant in society today than it did in the 90s and before. Why is this??? Is depression even real???? Is it a hoax??? Discuss
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>>257381680Take your soma.
>>257381680kids were depressed in the 90s too. do you not remember nirvana and goths and shit
8/10 would sniff that sexy feet and lick pussy.
>>257381680To be expected when people live in a manner askew to what they are supposed
>>257381680My homicidal tendiences are wholesome
It's real but most people (particularly women) are exaggerating/faking it
>>257381680We have it so good we can now focus on the abstract problems that plauge our lives. Breety simple stuff
Women can't be depressed and there's nothing for them to be depressed about.This is their golden age, they can do whatever the fuck they want with no accountability
>>257381680Social media makes people depressed because they think everyone else is having fun with perfect lives, but it's really just a fantasy. Reality is most people are boring, live with roommates, overworked/no-work, in debt, have a horrible sex life and only look forward to some shitty movie coming out and getting drunk with a bunch of other losers.Worldpain is real depression, normies don’t feel worldpain unless the TV says so.
>>257381793I was pretty depressed then. Turns out I was being a faggot
>>257381680For the most part seems whiny. I'm sure there's real cases and I'm sure it's not fun. Pain is never beautiful, that hoe is probably thinking of nostalgia.
>>257381680Most people who say they have depression or anxiety don't really have it and don't fully understand what clinical depression is. They just say they do. I'm sure if you did a survey of youtubers you'd find at least 2/3 will say they have it.If you advertise your depression then it's most likely you don't have it.
>>257381680>"It's not my fault, this condition a Jewish psychiatrist made up a few decades is the reason for my problems!"Depression is just a scapegoat for weak willed people that refuse to take responsibility for their lives.
>>257381680>be a vapid whore>be depressed with you meaningless shallow life>b..but muh depression is beautifulpeak COPE.We live in a world of literal double think.
>>257381680Blessing and a curse. Lifelong fight I expect. The “beautiful” part is only found if you’re creative and channel the extreme negative emotional state into art. And you’ll only feel the “beauty” when you’re having a slightly better day.
>>257381793>>257381680>kids were depressed in the 90s too. do you not remember nirvana and goths and shitmehit's just the romantization of a state of mind, imaginated or notlike beat generation or the greeks poets many centuries before thempeople do anything for status and recognition, even to showcase they sufferingin the past suffering was real and was transmutated into real artcurrent suffering is fake and gay and produce fake and gay pseudo-artsy bullshit
>>257381680depression, anxiety, and similar diagnosis are just a cop out for people who cant deal with their emotions or lives.coming from someone who was prescribed anti depressants as a teenager against my will, and has attempted suicide. most of the time your problems are just mental constructs and if you can attempt to look at them rationally you realize how bullshit they are
>>257381680She doesn't have depression. She has ennui caused by narcissistic entitlement to attention. Cunt has never struggled in her life.
>>257381680>dumb whore says weakness is a strength This is why we no longer have a country
>>257381680Dakota johnson is so painfully average looking, cant imagine how much makeup she has in on that pic kek
>>257381680Bump The real question is: Why aren’t you promoting comunity card games? There’s nothing (((they))) fear more than an organized card game league, fraternity, sorority, or society. And why?1. Chance to meet your neighbors and form bonds.2. Build strong communities by building friendships. Strangers are no longer strangers.3. Provide an outlet for conversation so that everyone can enjoy themselves while drinking beer, listening to music, and smoking stogies.4. Learn new games and games To improve your brain’s skill sets.5. Male bonding makes stronger better men.What games to play:Card:Rummy, spades, War, Hearts, Batak, 31, whisky poker, oh hell, 500, 1000, Kangs in the corner-aces in the corner, garbage, spoons, old maid, go fish, kemp’s, trex, 42 (dominoes), Mexican train dominos, crazy eights (full), Chicago, (((Yaniv))), Basra, Dilote, Pitch, All fours, Skat, bridge, whist, sheepshead, euchre, tonk, Belote, scopa, canasta, Trump, Pinochle, Durak, spite and malice, rat-a-Tay-tat, golf, hockey, Beggar you’re neighbor, Coup, army ants, sequence, cribbage, all fours, Sueca, neets, 7’s, phase 10, faro, 66, 99, gin rummy, 13 rummy, tarneeb, spoil 5’s, concan, poker, Boure, blackjack, red dog, ronda, klabberjass, ombré, pit, coupDice: Farkle, pig, passages, midnight, ship-captain-crew, crag, yahtzee, yazy, yaht, 3’s, Qwixx, tenzies, craps, street dice, Can’t stop, left-right-Center, Board: ticket to ride, Agricola, pandemic, pax, coin...What’s stopping you from forming a game night? What card games do you play?
>>257381680Gay and fake thot.
>less people were depressed in the grunge eralolwut
>>257382863based and cardpilled
>>257381680"In his book The Selfish Capitalist, Oliver James has convincingly posited a correlation between rising rates of mental distress and the neoliberal mode of capitalism practiced in countries like Britain, the USA and Australia. In line with James’s claims, I want to argue that it is necessary to reframe the growing problem of stress (and distress)in capitalist societies. Instead of treating it as incumbent on individuals to resolve their own psychological distress, instead,that is, of accepting the vast privatization of stress that has taken place over the last thirty years, we need to ask: how has it become acceptable that so many people, and especially so many young people, are ill?"
>>257382863You aren't wrong but my neighbors know I'm a meth addict so they don't wanna play cards with me :(
>>257381680that is some sad shit. I was "Depressed" for the longest time but it was because i was acting like a bitch. My solution'? get a job, workout heavy, stop watching porn and masturbating so damn much, live on your own. I never had problems with women since a teen. don't do drugs or take jew meds.
>>257381680There is a concerted effort to normalize mental instability as it is an unavoidable side effect of modern society and life. Instead of fixing the world, we fix the people who see past the curtain. And by fix I mean sedate.
>>257381680Everybody dissastisfied with how their day is going is having that feeling tagged as a medical problem so they can be sold powerful pills that fuck with their brains.If you suddenly drop SSRIs or other mood lifters you can go seriously crazy. What a great product, offered as a treatment for a symptom, not a disease. The disease is attitudes to modernity, depressed anger and apathy are symptoms. When treatment is symptomatic, it's no treatment at all.
>>257383043It’s become acceptable as a direct consequence of the decay of society. This decay being a direct result of the Great Society and changes to immigration priority. This decay is also the reason for lack of meaning (depression) for a lot of folks. Why does capitalism have to be attached to this? Unless there is a better alternative (so far nothing even comes close) then the author needs to get of off freedoms dick.
Women aren't really depressed, just bored. Only men suffer depression
>>257381680It’s (((their))) method of keeping us in control. Devalue one’s self-worth through race politics, material slavery advertising, video games, etc.
Fuck how does it feel to bury your face in stocking soles?
>>257381680>seems more prevalentIts not. Normalfags just think "OH NO I dont feel like my ego is being constantly stroked!!!" = depression.
>>257381680Depression being a problem is a big joke.Depression is simply the manifestation of your true intellect that occurs once youve broken through the fake illusions you believed were true. These fake illusions are what you believe is "common sense" and once it breaks because something unexpected happens you start questionning lots of things about reality that suddenly happen not to be real. Suicidal thoughts are a natural response to this and they should be promoted, as this is where you will sink into deeper "depression" and will actually come out of wiser and more enlightened on life. Problem is that you are told depression is bad and must take pills and avoid it, which prevents you from realizing the truth and breaking free of this cycle.
Anyone who dresses well, is physically fit, socializes, has a clean house, etc is not depressed. They are pretending to be depressed because they're a normalfag who hasn't gotten laid in a week.Real depression is barely making it through the work day, coming home to a filthy house, microwaving half a leftover sandwich or eating junk food you don't have to cook because you can't be bothered to stand in the kitchen, watching part of a TV show, and falling asleep on the couch because you feel like you don't even deserve the comfort of a bed. You only do chores when you absolutely have to, like re-using the same plate and fork for weeks because everything else is growing mold in the sink. You do the bare minimum to continue existing because you feel like you aren't worth more, but you haven't given up on that last shred of whatever hope you're clinging to just yet. Maybe it's your cat, or imagining your mom crying when she finds your corpse. You just keep trudging along, not dying yet, but not living either.
>>257381793>remember nirvana and goths and shitI was there. But we didn't have social media to complain about it so we had to deal with it. the 80's weren't that great either.
>>257382671Maybe you're right, but fuck man Idk. My older brother whom I was extremely close to turned into a tranny freak and tried to molest me while I was sleeping. How can anyone deal with that without wanting to fucking blow their brains out.
>>257381835this, based
>>257383947Too close to home, man. Too close.
>>257383087Yeah, you’d probably cheat at blackjack for that sweet meth money.
>>257384241Yeah I wrote from personal experience
This faggotry is fierce And claims of depression are more common now because life itself has become so complex, complicated, and fast that the average human mind cannot keep up unless you have high functioning tism, so you give up on society and is bullshit, but this causes others to look at you as less because you do not run on the hamster wheel for society (really it's for your bosses and corporate leader, Ex: Jeff Bezos and the shekelburg gang) but instead of doing something different because you have a house with a deficit and need to eat, you instead go to the doctor/ psychiatrist who is on the payout list of pharmicudical companies (yes they do exist, they give doctors money's to prescribe their drugs and bring in gifts (bribes) for the other employees. I quit the medical buisness because I realized I would have to become a whore for people who are essentially protected drug dealers). And they give you either an ADHD medication, or a SSRI medication that makes you forget hell scape of a society and not kill yourself out of societal agony. Therefore protecting the corporations assets (you reading this) and keeping you alive so you can help pay all of those Federal reserve loans the government needs to prop you up, but not get so smart that you realize modern society is a sham so you drop out and instead do something with your time that helps the next generation realize modern life has become a big circus that should have been closed a long time ago.
>>257381680If you have ever seen what this shit can do to someone you care about, what real depression does, you wouldnt romanticize it. Theres real depression that can cause brain damage.... not some artistic schtick.
I don't have depression, just really bad general anxiety AND social anxiety that I take meds for. The general anxiety has a lot of paranoid and catastrophic characteristics for me. The social anxiety makes it impossible to say hello to someone or maintain eye contact for more than a second.On meds you really couldn't tell. I have no problems with any of it. It's like a flip is switched. If I miss them for a week I think everyone hates me and that people are trying to kill me. I also get really irate and mean as a defense mechanism.l, and I don't want to speak or look at anyone.If imagine depression is similar to this except it's more of a misfiring of the brain that makes you truly believe that everything is the worst thing happening and that you suck no matter what.It really is very sad that people have to live with these mental problems. It took a long time fore to realize that my brain is just fucked up and I need meds.
>>257382269thats where their life lose its meaningwomen must be subjulgated so they wont be depressed'sucessful' women with no kids or husband are dropping like flies from their luxurious lifeless apartments
>>257381680I was incredibly depressed about 15 years ago for at least 10. My depression stemmed mostly for a girl who was the love of my life. i was raised in a military family so, every three years or so we moved. This was pretty difficult for me, especially in the middle and high school years. Every three or fewer years, everyone you know, all your friends, girls you tried to build relationships with, gone. You keep in contact, of course but, slowly you drift apart. The girl you hastily lost your virginity too, the guys you spilled blood with on the football field. over and over you start over until you just dont bother any more. One day you get a call in your fourplex apartment, the girl youve dreamed about reuniting with is getting married, she wants you to come to her wedding. You talk for an hour or so, steadily draining a bottle of German brandy. All the while you are running a scalpel up and down your arm, the drunker you get, the deeper it goes. Im crying, saying I thought it was going to be us getting married but, deep down i know its my fault for not leaving this fucking hell i am in and moving back to her because i am a coward and time has run me over. You go one too deep and the blood pours out but again, you are a coward so you dial 911. You wake up in a hospital where doctors hate you for wsdting their time like " why didnt you just die, coward". You never tell anyone about it except your brother who you live with who has to mop up all the blood. depression is real but, i dont have it anymore. depression is for kids. in adults, depression turns into coldness. a dull aching longing but reality is heavier. death, real permanent death, means more when you are older and less brash.
>>257381680My entire life i have struggled with depression. I always feel hopeless. Sleep deprivation is the only thing that works - if I only get 3-4 hours of sleep a night for weeks on end I dont feel sad or, well, much of anything. I cant get help because Ill be labeled a psycho and they will pull my license and clearances i need for work. I have to pretend everything is all right day after day and the only thing that keeps me alive is the idea that committing suicide would be such a plebeian pathetic thing to do, if I couldn't do it in a huge way.
>>257381680Being gen z is fucking shit. Everyone has depression, anxiety, or I want attention syndrome. This entire generation is defined by self-deprivation , progressiveness, and being useless in general
Anyone who claims their depression is beautiful is not depressed.
>>257381680If I were the daughter of Melanie Griffith and I ended up lookin like Don Johnson I'd be depressed as fuck as well
>>257381680Female "depression" is 100% false.
>>257381680faggots like these undermine people who are actually depressed, beacuase it's hip now to be depressed
>>257383947It's even worse when you have a wife and kids to worry about but you fucked up so bad you can't give them what you never had and you realize you're doomed to repeat the mistakes your parents made which led to your shitty fucked up emotional state and negative outlook on life.
jej shes probably only depressed because she lives a hollow hedonistic lifestyle thats burned her out. its the opposite of beautiful
>>257383289>Unless there is a better alternative (so far nothing even comes close)Nothing comes close to the *material* wealth generated by capitalism, but at what cost?
>>257381680god shes beautiful
>>257381680What is she depressed about?
>>257383087>meth>addictPick one, Leaf.
>>257381680It comes from millennials thinking that life is supposed to be great all the time, so as soon as they have even a little bit of a sad it's muh depression.
>>257381680Birth control literally causes depression at a significant rate and we put girls on it at 14. Beyond a direct cause, it undermines bonding hormones, undermining human connection. Probably causes even more depression. Makes have to deal with these people as a source of love and affirmation, causing more depression.
>>257381680>beautifulReal depression pretty much ruined the last two years of my life. What a bitch.
>>257383603based leaf
I’m just depressed I’m not still with my ex, miss that zoomer bitch :(
>>257381680yes its real and I unironically blame smartphones
>>257381680I hope she gets raped by a bunch of smelly unwashed somalis so she can be genuinely depressed and want to die.
>>257382504depressed and unescapable abyss pilled
>>257381680Fuck that cunt. She isn't depressed.
>>257381680yo, she's actually kinda hot
>>257381680There’s nothing beautiful about the following unless you are a melodramatic woman who has never truly suffered the way an ugly man does. >sleeping to the point of feeling sick from oversleeping but being asleep is better than being awake.>personal appearance and hygiene go out the window because who gives a fuck? No friends no job no gf no life.>getting fat as fuck or skinny as fuck from depression appetite >self pity and daydreaming about your own funeral as you do a test run to see how long you need the rope to be. Yeah fucking glamorous and beautiful.
>>257383947this, this is depression.I've had it on and off, when i finally beat it away, i have a free great weeks months or even years, then it comes back with a vengeance.hang in there, i would go into the spiritual truth behind it, but just know, you got this.and if the spirit of suicide comes for you, call on the name of Jesus and find you a Christian pastor to payover you. these demons will flee. hang in there bro
>>257383603Nice take leaf
>>257381775Fucking based as fuck.
The faking of sadness is sick
>>257381680>what does Holla Forums think of x? no. Faggot
my mom, who has never been depressed or had any real issues like that, suddenly retreated into her mind back in december. she barely eats, doesn't want to get out of bed, and when you force her to be near people you can tell she's staring off into space and not listening. she lost like a third of her body weight and looks like a typhus victim. its very strange , and we don't know what to do. we even had her sent to some clinic for a bit but the doctors said she's not bad enough to keep during the epidemic. no idea what to do about it. if you ask her whats wrong, she'll say she ruined everyone's lives, and if you ask her how, she says you wouldn't understand and won't explain it. anyone have any experience with this?
>>257382671>most of the time your problems are just mental constructsthis is the jewish take. Most problems are actually nutrient and chemical problems from a shitty diet and fucked up additives in the diet.>coming from someone who was prescribed anti depressants as a teenager against my will,Doctors will prescribe anti-depressants when there is something wrong with you and they dont know what. A GP doctors job is to save your life by identifying and refering you to a specialist. If whatever you have is not life threatening and doesnt require surgery or immediate intervention then they are not gonna have much interest in it.
>>257383603Based leaf. This is the best post I've read this week probably, because it is completely true. It is the reason most people remain children well into adulthood, they use copes to run away from hardship and ultimately maturity their entire lives. Because the world is so easy and full of distractions nobody has to grow up anymore.
>>257383123This. It`s so fucking evident (ignore attention seeking about to kms people) nowadays that doctors have started throwing Prozac/Zoloft at every kids head like it`s fucking black friday. No matter if they really are troubled or not (add depression meds being a fucking tranqualizer) they all get the same treatment. Fit in or get modified to fit in.
>>257381942Blood...for the Blood God
>>257381680Depression was been glorified by the degenerate social media so it's pretty trendy now to be a neo-emo attention whore.
>>257388106Jfc kys
>>257381835She is definitely the sexiest actress we have
>>257381942Preach it. Some people are scared of this part of themselves and others entertain it or even go hand in hand with it.
>>257381680>vapid whore using a form of mental illness for attention >self-diagnosed >>depression is beautiful God damn boys I'm getting real sick of this shit
>>257381680People with depression don't brag about it on social media. She just wants attention.
>>257381680people with depression, the actual kill-yourself-is-freedom kind, have it because of hopelessness brought on by nihilism or just a break of will.
I can't say I didn't believe depression was real, but I definitely didn't get what it meant it and assumed most people that claimed to have it were exaggerating or using it as a cop out.I pretty much assumed it couldn't be that bad until I went through my own major depressive episode. Shit is bizarre. It affects every part of your being, even making it physically difficult to get out of bed. It comes with a lot of shame too. Even if people are taking it more seriously nowadays, how am I supposed to tell my boss I was late to work today because I woke up at 2 pm due to "depression." Not many people are going to buy that shit. It just made me feel even more shame for my behavior and more depressed as a result.The term "suicidal ideation" made more sense to me as well. I used to think suicidal thoughts meant that you wanted to kill yourself, but when I was depressed I found it was moreso thinking about the idea of killing yourself. Like my brain would just show me imagery of me sitting on my bed with a gun in my mouth. The increased frequency of these thoughts was very unsettling, confusing and caused even more shame. I didn't want to kill myself, but it just became more and more of an option as time went on. I could never go through with it though because of what it could do to my friends and family. I can't imagine how dark of a place the people that actually go through with killing themselves are in. Chilling.
>>257381835Any man who licks pussy is not a man at all. There is a reason why in prison admitting shit like this could get you beaten.
>>257383947>>257384241This is complete bullshit. I have lived the normalfag life. When I was young, I was an antisocial retard with no friends. Once I grew older, I lost weight and started studying social cues and human interaction. After I got good at it, everybody loved me. I was the most well liked person anywhere I went. Work, school, etc. It is not anything like what you think it is. People are fake as fuck, nobody is honest with each other. Everybody uses this bullshit persona to try and be liked by more people. They pretend to like and care about people they despise, they laugh at jokes that they don't find funny, they act happy when they are angry, they are fake fucks. None of them have any real personality, just the fake one they use in front of everybody else because they want to fit in. After awhile, they forget that they are wearing the mask and have no real personality or identity beneath it. They have become soulless, a script for a program whose only purpose is to be accepted by others. None of them are as happy as you think they are. They feel just as shitty, so they lie to and distract themselves with meaningless shit like status, materials, money, and drugs in order to forget that they aren't happy. Their true feelings will only come out when they are incredibly drunk, crying about the many ways in which they have fucked up their lives. Then they will get right back to lying to themselves. You are all exactly the same except the fact that they are better at lying to themselves than you are. Rise above this retardation as I have. cont.
>>257396759>I can't imagine how dark of a place the people that actually go through with killing themselves are in. ChillingI hear ya. It's fucked. I have suicidal ideation all the time (though I'd hardly say I'm depressed), but actually acting on it is another story. Some fuckers just took a wrong turn at Albuquerque
>>257396183Take the honk pill. But don`t mix it up with nihilism.
Our world is literally collapsing. Not being depressed is insanity.
>>257397104Forget about the opinions of others or others at all. They don't matter in the slightest, just treat them like the mindless animals acting on basic instinct that they are. Stop whining about your retarded depression, it is pathetic. I have been in the same mindset you are now, I know how difficult it is to escape but you must escape it. Stop thinking about yourself as a victim, it is the hardest thing you will ever have to do in your life and 95% of people will never accomplish it. Literally every single group of humans that have ever existed have come up with ways in how they don't have it as good as another, rise above human nature and primal instinct to become a more evolved being.
>>257381680>women’s depression=having a bad day>men’s depression = having a real case of depression
>>257381680looks more like an attempted foot fetish thread tbhfam
>>257381793> remember nirvana and goths and shitAnd the rise of gangsta rap90's music was shit straight out of Seattle.
>>257396759how did you get out of that depression? and how long did it last for?
>>257381775Luv SomaLuv feeliesLuv orgy porgySimple as
>>257382411Based and spider pilled
>>257381680Depression is real. There can be chemical imbalances, most of the time it is a deep seeded routine of behaviors that reward shitty things like staying inside and being lazy. Behavioral depression is fixed through personal change, persistence, and above all, exercising. Chemical depression is more serious and has been on the rise but most institutions use it for a catch all so real numbers are hard to tell.Severe chemical depression requires meds to level out, if the depression is part of a Manic-Depressive disorder then schizo meds usually help.9/10 kids are suffering behavioral depression. They're in a rut and need out or they spiral out of control. Keep an eye on anyone who claims they're depressed, but when you see them begin recovering welcome them back and provide extra help - this both rewards BEATING their slump with positive attention instead of rewarding being in the slump, as well usually during the recovery arc is when actual depression can hit the hardest and result in self harm.
>>257383947>Maybe it's your cat, or imagining your mom crying when she finds your corpseI remember. My parents were the only thing back then that made me not go through. I'm an only child and they're physically impaired(deaf) while I had the luck to not be. I could not bring myself to hurt my family in such a way. Gladly I received help and have no real considerations of suicide anymore even though I still struggle to go against my apathy and laziness.
>>257383947Sounds like laziness, to be honest with you.>>257397649Fuck "depressed" lazy sadsacks. Get a job.
>>257381680While some people have legit reasons, I mostly see people spending more time indulging in self pity, envy, or "getting in touch with their feminine side" rather than getting actual shit done IRL.
>>257381680I recently made a suicide attempt by way of overdose. It was quite the experience, the seizures and body becoming unresponsive as those around me tried to do what they could to keep my stable before EMS arrived. I got to that point after years of feeling I was nothing but a failure, that everything I do must be perfect or I've utterly failed those around me along with my view of the current state of the world degenerating into a mess of disgust and hatred, eventually developing it into such hopelessness for the future of the white race and humanity as a whole as we willingly march into a void of degeneracy. Something did quite change however after I'd made my recovery, like my mind had cleared. I still yearn for death but now I merely want to die in service to a cause greater than myself and for the good of my race and people. I no longer feel everything I do must be perfect, but that I must build upon my failures and see them as lessons instead of marks against myself. There is true hopeless depression, then there's just vapid whores that want attention or they think they're depressed because they can't go out and party every night and act upon their base, degenerate impulses. tl'dr: There are cases of actual depression that can lead to better understanding of life and it's lessons, then there's just stupid millenial/zoomer faggots that want to be validated.
>>257381680a HUGE part of depression is lack of vitamin D. go outside and get some sun! or drink vitamin D milk in the winter. it helps a lot. I used to have chronic seasonal depression as a kid and all I need to do was drink vitamin D milk, also going to a tanning parlor during winter helps a lot also. but since moving to northern California I have not had seasonal depression ever. Its sunny as fuck here all the time. neets and depression go hand and hand, just get the fuck outside and in the sun.
>>257397487I honestly can't say for sure, I think the actual major episode was like 8 months. It was a weird combination of fuckery that caused it. I think I was already predisposed to having it due to ADHD, and I was also starting to get psychologically attached to weed. On top of that I had a very heavy workload at college and was disappointed with my performance. I just stopped the weed and took a break from school. Basically removed myself from my situation which is an extreme luxary. Haven't fixed the underlying problems tho so life is still kinda shitty. Really need to see a shrink. Probs the best thing for this kinda thing.
>>257397104Underrated post.
>>257382649>romantizationthat's funny coming from a ROMAN catholic.f*** off spic
>>257382389lol kiwis should be shot
>>257381680Its not. It's more fashionable to be depressed now so perfectly fine people pretend they are.
>>257381680when a zoomer normie says they're depressed it can basically mean something as petty as "im bored" being depressed is the hot shit these days. claiming depression is how they justify being dogshit as people and nothing more. at the end of the day they just want to be able to shrug and sigh
This broad just needs deep dick, with good width and a good stroke game. If she got that from one of us, and properly put on chills afterwards, then she'd clam up.
>>257381680>It seems much more rampant in society today than it did in the 90s and before. Why is this???Ted Kaczynski explained why
>>257381680consumerism and hedonism has caused the decay of western society.
>>257381680Depression has become a meme to seem quirky and deep, you got normies on fb posting shit like.>feeling depressed teehee ^_^
simpssend her a dm I'm sure she checks them if you got your dick hard
>>257399383Wow this explains my lack of depression/envy. Goals and camaraderie (combined) keep me healthy. Without my bands I'd probably be dead or miserable.
>>257383603>Problem is that you are told depression is bad and must take pills and avoid it, which prevents you from realizing the truth and breaking free of this cycle.tru. it's hard but ye.
>>257381680I would have a depression too if I had been starring in several boomer woman sex fantasy movies.
>>257383098Yeah, that wage cuckery really takes your mind off things ay. Fulfilment comes in small forms in small doses. Ive been bipolar for as long as i can remember and it winds me up when i see someone living a functional life moan about depression and want some form of attention for it by telling everyone how bad it is. If ypure like me n have it you hardly mention it. Ive worked out that i cant be fully happy 100% of the time so i just sit inside when the feeling is overwhelming and enjoy the days im full of energy by jumping on my scooter and flying round the city. People expect happiness too much.
>>257397017Ask me how I know you're gay.
>>257381680>>257382099This. Add "anxiety" to the list. That seems to be the go-to attention seeking condition women use.
I get periods of pretty dark depression, I have never talked to anyone about it, probably never will.I think it's just a sign of the times, there's just so much fucked up shit going on all around, and I just feel powerless to do anything about it.The more I go on here and see the world for what it is, the worse it gets.Seriously considering taking the soma pill.Just chill and live in complete apathy and willful ignorance.
>>257381680Depression doesn't exist. It's just the way you feel when you know insurrection is the only way forward and you're too coward to save your own neck.
yeah dude ive been depressed since my ex who i simped for hella hard suddenly ditched me with no warning for a fucking NIGGER of all things. honestly my friends say its because i was too nice to her and that made her a spoiled cunt who expected everything from me. fuck, i use to drive her everywhere and buy her all kinds of shit, do whatever she wanted at a moments notice. i know, its cringe but i guess i was "in love" so it was hard to not shower her with love and affection and do whatever she wanted. Anyway fast forward 2 years after we started dating, she abruptly leaves me and has her phone turned off and i cant reach her, i get worried over her like a beta cuck but meanwhile she took all her clothes and shit with her so she was obviously OK. few days later i call her phone and some ghetto sounding nigger asks who the fuck is this, stop calling her nigga shes with me now, says hes gonna fuck me up if i keep calling her number and that she doesnt want to hear from me. 2 fucking years, and i realize now she was most likely fucking random dudes whenever i wasnt around the whole time anywayim drunk af right now but the moral of the story i guess is not to be too nice or a simp because women will be spoiled cunts and hate you for it anyway
>>257381680Its always been real and thats why you need hobbies and to enjoy the small things instead of getting pumped full of SSRIs and Xanax.
>>257381680Watch Salo 120 days of Sodom while realizing it's based on real life and this is the world in which we live.
>>257381680Gonna agree with the posters ITT saying women don't know what depression is. Just the other day I overheard two female coworkers bitching about what a woman problem it is to have to sit down to take a piss. And in my mind I'm just going "really? that's what they're whining about? they really don't know true struggle". And they don't. Chicks love to bitch about male privilege and shit like that, all while not realizing just how easy they have it in life.
>>257395737how about problems are actually problems and solving them helps mind and body>my job sucks and im depressed>maybe i shoudl try to change my mindset instead of my job
>>257381680Her legs are beautiful no homo
>>257382389You've never suffered a day in your life and someday I hope everything you hold dear is violently ripped away from you in an instant and you're simply left wondering why.
>>257381680It's become a first world meme. You can thank Kurt Cobain for that
>>257406831Yes, women should be forced to endure hardships, it's literally the only cure for being a bitch.
>>257381680>Depression is beautifulYeah, feeling like life is in slow motion, being unable to experience emotions, finding joy and interest in nothing, food tasting bland, feeling cold constantly, and having to constantly not kill yourself to escape the sheer hollowness of it all is real god damn beautiful.I have depression, nothing is good or pretty or magical or deep or meaningful about it. I love my wife, but when the slow times hit I feel nothing toward her and when it leaves I hate that I could have thrown that feeling aside.Chemical imbalance, nothing super sad ever happened to me, heavy medication gives me periods of bad times instead of constant bad times is all. Worse part is I'm a guy, so nobody gives a fuck and just thinks I'm a callous ass.
>>257408839To be fair, melancholy and depression are centuries old medical concepts.
>>257381775>le edgy Brave New World referenceUgh
>>257411819It's hardly an edgy reference. More of an accurate one.
Mental illness became a badge of status for retards in need of attention. As someone who suffered from crippling depression that caused me to miss out on the entirety of my teenage years and messed up my life I can say that none of those faggots are depressed.
>>257381680People need to set and meet reasonable goals in order to be happy. Modern society has essentially turned people into hamsters, eat shit sleep, make your wheel go around.Then there are the drugs and sex many have tried to fill the hole with, but these short lived pleasures cannot elevate the masses. youtube.com
>>257381680Stupid cunt. Depression crippled me and made me lose out on my 20s, thankfully I'm coming out of it now but I'll always be handicapped as a result. Boils my fucking piss that people like this use it as an accessory.
>>257381680this is the definition of a slide thread. wake up you faggotsand>what do we think of depression?>weOP is a faggot
>>257412043>>257412012Glad you are doing better bros. I've got about 20 years running of it. Hope to be done with this shit one day.
>>257381680depression aint real nigga
>>257412217Following my grandfather's advice I pulled myself by the straps and gave it a strong handshake.
we should give the instant death penalty to anyone who brags about having depression
>>257412219Depression is indeed real but most women claiming to have it don't.
>>257411819It's more blunt than edgy.
>>257397017Im 100% with other user in this one. I used to routinely lick hot pussy as a teenager. My wife and I just did it the other day at a new house going up in our neighborhood. We never thought we’d get shot for it! Licking pussy and men: it’s just what we do
>>257381680Depression is a fake meme disorder like ADHD, aspergers and autism. Its pushed on white people from the day they start in kindergarden to reverse our evolutionary advantages.
>>257381942we need to accept who we are. I for one can only feel sexually relived while gassing kikes. I identify as an holocaust
>>257381680>Why is this??? Is depression even real???? Is it a hoax??? DiscussIt was real then I GOT DÜBZ
>>257381680I love she define it beautiful.They use hypnosis to try to appreciate painful things.Satanist adepts are trained to enjoy sodomy for example, to look for painful actions and get satisfaction.She is arguably a satanist.
>>257412043it is most likely attention seeking from her but you do start thinking some insane shit when you're going through it so I can understand why someone might think that it is beautiful
>>257381680It’s the result of having no community, purpose, spirituality etc. These are fundamental human needs.
>>257381680Im not depressed i just want to unleash brute violence. Kill them all. Let their blood flow under my boots. Hear them screaming with their last breaths. Crush and maul their bones and skulls with hammer. One day it will be festival of violence. Hate empowers you and smites your enemies into dust.
>>257381680as if this dumb rich sloooooot knows what actual depression is "omg i am forced to stay at home for a month!!omg so depressed" go fuck yourself your retarded slooot try over a decade and then come back dumb whore.
Whatever happened to being a strong independent person? Why are so many people begging for reasons to be so spiritually weak ? Fucking pathetic.
That invokes tactile experience.
>>257414561how can you even last a decade?how have you not ended it or started self sabotaging?
How do you define what depression is anyway?
If you are "depressed" you need to stop being such a fucking pussy. Literally just decide to be content with your life. It is that simple. Read some goddamn stoicism. Sick or this shit.
>>257381680Clinic depression is death alive. People who feel good about depression dont have it or have conditions not severe and barable to cope. Real depression is life crippling beyond repair.
Depression is real, but truly depressed people generally don't admit it or openly talk about it, ESPECIALLY on social media.
>>257415248Real depressed people lie on the floor for about ten years or turn to drugs and alcohol to cope and end up dying.Even suicide is not a collateral of severe depression.
>>257381680Depression is the sign of a low libido male who have given up on his instinctical will of reproduction. Stare at some boobs and stop being a faggot
>>257384601Based, the conspiracy theorist in me is leaning toward this.
>>257388106You deserved it simp, Reddit is that way.
>>257382863Very based
>>257381680Depression is a big money maker.Good luck on your tilting at windmills.
>>257414914well it is now getting better tried to an hero and got put in a psychiatric hospital for a month getting routine,medication and help. Now i am out again but have to visit everday and do therapy.
She probs just hasn't been fucked good in a while
>>257381775I used to take soma as a muscle relaxer. It was nice but no antidepressant.
>>257415832is it environmental or are you just fucked?mine was because of the shitty situation I was in and I btfod my life so hard and so fastluckily it only lasted about 9 months, lost my shit around 6 monthsgot referred to some mental health services by some extremely concerned doctors but at the time I was so freaked out by being around people I couldn't take it
>>257397017Only do it if it want to hans. If you haven’t licked a girls sweaty pussy and asshole I feel bad for you. Well, I would feel bad if you weren’t a dirty kraut.
>>257398308Shut up boomer take a hike(literally)
>>257381680Depression is a normal, healthy response to being enslaved, domesticated, isolated, and emasculated.
>>257381680>It seems much more rampant in society today than it did in the 90s and before. Why is this??? Is depression even real???? Is it a hoax??? Discussdiet. we eat too much carbs>>257382411lmao you are retarded. she is mentally ill, why would you lay weight on her words. she may be depressed, but she has not depression, but is bipolar. again, she's eating too much carbs too. whole western world is being poisoned by too much carbswatch this, they have been warning us back then. the ketogenic diet is the antidote for thisyoutube.com
>>257397017this fuck the simp
>>257417987bread has been the staple food for civilizations for thousands of years. its probably more to do with portion size
The "epidemic" of depression in the 80s and 90s was because of the diagnostic criteria. If someone wasn't happy there was something wrong with them on the diagnostic checklists; in reality the default state of human beings isn't "happiness" as people usually define it (i.e. all their earthly needs met and all their desires fulfilled)
>>257419475goddamn i posted a pic, can't you see the arrow? carbs got a new importance in the american diet in this time. high carbs low fat regulations were not a thing. but yeah, we got more jewed in these times, high fructose corn syrup started selling around 1970. this is quote of wikipedia of production of high fructose corn syurpe in america>Domestic production of HFCS increased from 2.2 million tons in 1980 to a peak of 9.5 million tons in 1999some people have succesfully found a way in between 1970-1980 to poison the whole western world.
>>257411819>>257411819No, this is you projecting your own pretentiousness.
>>257419475yeah and those people lived poorly with shitty health for thousands of years. all that was good for was increasing the labor pool so that kings could stay rich and in power
>>257419644Which translates to life sucks ass.
I dont believe in depressionBeing sad shouldnt be treated as a disease or as an excuse to sell you a product/service