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>>257257345you're god damn right
I agree with the poll nerd, race should be called but the only reason he doesn’t is outstanding absentee which isn’t gonna clear that margin
>>257257633These fucking retards STILL think the Katie Hill shit was about "2 adults in a relationship" and not abusing public and campaign funds to appoint her stupid fucks into her office on a salaryThese retards will never open their eyes to the truth
>they’re already rigging itHow’s it feel that your vote will literally be usurped because some Jew wants to gain political capital?
>>257258336now you're beginning to understand the cardinal flaw of "democracy", and why the founders never meant for it to continue indefinitelyit doesn't matter who votes, it only matters who counts the votes
anyone have a map of the precincts left in CA-25?
The current standings!
so when's the fix coming in for CA-25?
It's over with 102% reporting and 300 of 292 presincts
where's that one faggot that tried to claim Trump was poison for candidatesif anything this shows that the retards that got complacent in 2018 have learned their lesson
>garcia is up by 9 points in LOS ANGELES COUNTY>a district hillary carried by +7Can you feel it?
>>257258636is it locked already?
>>257258585there isn't an election they haven't rigged
Are a record number of dead people voting this special election? They seem to really turn out for these events.
>>257258634I think a lot of Republican Californians are going to turn out in 2020 than people think, not that it will go red but there may be a few house seats more contested than people originally thought
>>257258548Fag spotted
>>257258468>had TWO mcdonalds M and M mcflurries today
Just to confirm I remember it correctly. Katie Hill was a freshman Democrat congressman who was a degenerate sex freak and was fucking her female staffers along with her husband? And also had lots of nudes posted?How did that stuff never come out before she even ran?
>>257258594low income - D's are annoyed at all the russia russia shit instead of making deals for gibs with Trump. They are tired of politics now.
>>257258675that's a jungle primary, something totally different
>>257258706 this was mean't for this >>257258634
awoo is deep state psyop to turn you into a trannybe weary when you start to wish you were a girlrealize you were brainwashed through mk ultra techniquesstay away from awoodon't become a trannydon't cave in to deep state globalism
>>257258636>LOS ANGELES COUNTY R+9What the fuck am I looking at here? Is this an inspect element moorish jape?
>>257258567They’re not calling to rig it
>>257258765It's more than that, the people she was fucking she put on her campaign staff and paid them with the campaign money That is why she resigned, because she hired and was paying her fuck toys
>>257258594To give analysis on this as someone who understands that district, the higher income margin is sticking to the typical divide but the lower income you go the greater divergence; either the lower income aren’t showing up or voting again against it, I don’t think you can eliminate Coronavirus from the election with people pissed off who can’t afford to quarantine for months and lose their job to remain Dem voters when their material conditions clearly contradict that.
Wisconsin WINCalifornia WinningWhat happened in Nebraska? Did Trump beat Nixon?
>>257258738100,000 votes for the Dem incoming!just needed to wait for the graveyard vote
>>257258634I hope this awakens cali republicans, how livid would they be if they lost CA due to complacency? TO TRUMP no less.
>>257258675it's over.....
>>257258598The feeling I'm having is, I think I'll call it murderous intent.
Trump urges a stop to the bullying
>>257258567They cheat with the outstanding absentee. They won't let a R take that district.
>>257258851mexicans are natural born conservatives that hate fags and women
>>257258738so 2 or 3PM in good America.
Garcia expecting an early call.
>>257258733>I think a lot of Republican Californians are going to turn out in 2020 than people think, not that it will go red but there may be a few house seats more contested than people originally thoughtIf Trump has a DOJ he controls and takes them at the voter fraud, he can flip CAMass deportations are needed though
>>257258871He got over 200,000 votes so I think so.
>>257258738>>257258851>>257258636Los Angeles County had an election? Is it just part of a district? I didn't vote.
>>257258627I was being rhetorical but that's some third world country shit, stopping it for the night conveniently and then rigging it and magically have the votes to beat.they now know to get over 10% of the votes and will harvest them by tomorrow. fuckkkkkkkk
>>257258760enjoy your diabeeters>>257258867interdasting
>>257258851those are probably the suburbs, they're still nominally majority huwhite, and most likely romney to clinton voters
>>257258707seriously where tf is this info? i can't find it in a search anywhere
>>257258966cant wait for Trump to congratulate him in front of the angry media lol
>>257258636>over 10% leadlmao for fuck's sake, call the race for Mike.
>>257258777Checked, imagine how pissed they will be in three months when the next lockdown extension is passed
>>257258943>They cheat with the outstanding absentee. They won't let a R take that district.Would have to be a gigantic cheat at this point, why even he is hesitant to call it at this point with a double digit margin. You can cheat margins, but you need plausible margins to successfully cheat them.
>>257259004Good job faggot you forgot to vote for a Trump endorsed House race.
>>257258900>>257258932>>257258966>>>257258967If CA flips the world ends
>>257259004It's a district that crosses LA and Ventura County.
>>257259004District 25, wherever that is.
Post YFW
>>257259007>I was being rhetorical but that's some third world country shityeah we've been banana republic for a while now
>>257258900The current and extended lockdowns have much to do with this backlash against the D's.
>>257259007the problem is if the state District Attorney is compromised, then the state is fucked forever, no laws touches any dem
>>257259007>>257259177Large problem is that the FEC has no teeth, and people that want to rig know that.
>>257259135Map, North LA metro basically
>>257259130Why does this retard talk in third person?
>>257259130Why does this freak talk about himself in the third person?
>>257259015I only consumed 300 carbs today because I needed the brainfuel, for the past month I've been lowcarb (not quite keto though, because that would require me to cut out protein).
>>257259117Do you think they give a shit? The media covers for them. They can blatantly cheat these days and the GOP sits there and lets them.
>>257259134>>257259135>>257259123nvm I'm not in that part of the county.
>>257259240better map
>>257259194Top kek that pic is great
>>257259126>If CA flips the world endsProp187 is what killed california, if he pulls birthright citizenship and starts mass deportations california (and probably NY) will vote for anyone who mirrors Trump for the rest of our lives
>>257259117It would almost be a good thing at this point. Would give Trump something to bend Democrats over a table for the rest of the election. Media would have to cover it too.
>>257259250>>257259245>monkey brain
>>257258468We need CAnons watching the offices where votes are being counted overnight and into tomorrow. Literally until they give the next update at 4 PM PDT.High quality video, license plates on trucks. Faces of anyone carrying boxes into the building or removing anything. License plates of whatever they arrived and left in.This is necessary. DOCUMENT THE FIX, CANONS. Do it for the Republic.
>>257259194Yep. Voters hate the Trump Lockdown.
You don’t say.
>>257259214This whole call for memos seems like a Trumpian plan to show the injustice of trying a case in DCHe should read all those briefs at a press conference after Flynn is free.
>>257259211hence why soros spent so much getting crooked lefties into those positions
Anyone have a screencap of /ptg/ predicting a max of 300 covid deaths?
>>257259303Cheating doesn’t work if you can’t stuff enough ballots to make up the margin precinct-by-precinctc the best they can do at this point is lower the margin, AP will end up calling in the next hour or so. Double digit in California for GOP is a death kiss.
>>257259385>cenk 'I sure love bestiality' uygur being named dropped.Oh lefties.
>>257259130why is he speaking like Bob Dole?
>>257259385Why do they hate Cenk?
>>257259340>california (and probably NY) will vote for anyone who mirrors Trump for the rest of our livesWill you stop moving east too? Because thats like a utopian scenario for me>>257259445>Trump endorsing their opponent was seen as a bad thingHUGE THINK
>>257258567> wait for the mailed-in ballots!so that's a mainstream thing nowthat mail-in voters are coincidentally a democrat voter bloc, like black voters or jewish voters or welfare voters
>California goes Republican>Holla Forums doesn't care>California goes Democrat >Holla Forums has a fucking carnival
>>257259383Perhaps.I guess the floodgates with Obamagate are open and aren't closing soon. This would be just another scandal to add to the pile. The media are also doing their best to protect Cuomo and that's starting to crack. Americans are also getting sick of being told to stay at home while Trump's telling states to get back to work.No clue.I have no faith in Americans right now. We collectively took it up the ass for the flu and bent over to the authoritarians.
>>257259445Uh oh, they're beginning to understand.
is this mexican doing history in California?
>>257259572>being surprised shills are a thing
>>257259419This. Eyes open and watching, please.
>>257259298>300 carbsgrams?anyways i don't really count that stuff anymore but i just eat sensibly, lift, and do a couple miles every dayit's good to pay attention to what you're eating though, good for you user
Based Buc-ee’s
>>257259430Trump's not the one locking them down and people know that. Your stores locally don't get closed by Trump, they get closed by the governor. In fact, Dems have been completely unable to blame Trump for covid and the economic woes because of it are falling strictly on partisan lines with voters having significantly more confidence in Trump on the economy than Biden.
>>257258900>>257259194I just want CA to uncuck itself. Stop the illegals from voting, get the whites and asians to turn out and fix that fucking state already. How long does it have to be a burning bag of shit before they say enough is enough?>>257258733Parscale noted that there are something like a million more Republicans on record as living in the state than voted in 2016 for Trump, so they're going for 1m more.Now let's think- if enthusiasm for Biden is at all time lows, especially among spics (cuz of "muh deporter in chief" maymay, ironically fostered by democrats in hopes of tricking dumb boomers into voting amnesty) and Republicans spend some money pushing turnout to somewhere like 5.5-6mil while Democrats are focusing Biden's limited cash on damage control for the raping and swing states like PA and FL, then there's a chance you could see something like only 14 million people in CA voting and only 7.5 million D, 6 million R and .5 million 3P, leading to multiple districts flipping. It also means the Dems lose a 2.5 million popular vote advantage, which would be drowned out in other states like NY and IL too. Bringing the blue states closer and the red states farther apart in a year that fosters red turnout means red tsunami.
>>257259629Why thank you
>>257259674you seehispanics are natural conservatives
>>257259674The fuck is going on. The whole democratic political machine is dead/asleep at the switch or something?
How did trump jr turn out to be such a cuck?
>>257259479So , if there any way mccain's catcher is not going to run?
nothing will remain of usa unless we are
>>257259784oh i feel something all right
This stupid election in California means nothing Fuck you
>>257259479that's a dumb fucking reason to switch sidesor what he really meant: "girls name isn't on team globalism now that mcbrain is gone so i'll back another globalist instead"
>>257259803demoralized like we've never seen before
>>257258594Minor blackpill; he's only winning because he's Mexican.
>>257259674cali dems lost 5 districts in the midterms but regained them a week after the election was overanon doesn't forget
>>257259674We taking this country back
we count the votes, goyim
>>257259688Macros are important, carbs before tests/work/workouts to keep the brain/muscles fueled. Then protein after the workout to stimulate muscle growth.>>257259674Yeah but is this a traditional dem seat or what?
>>257259531Because he's 70 years old.
>>257259340Shit, you guys fix your gun laws and the ripple effect would come up here. A west coast with liberty would be paradise.
>>257259816Just imagine what trump could do if the house and senate were both republican. I bet he could build the wall and get obamacare repealed.
>>257259558I want to move west, to AZA Nixonian California without any non whites would be a dream though
>>257259572I think the big takeaway is Coronavirus for lower income workers; the woke brigade who can teleconference their jobs don’t give a shit about shelter-in-place, but the guy who can’t return to work, go to the bar or shop at regular stores without enhanced restrictions is gonna be fucking pissed. Dems thinking these people would turn on the GOP instead of going “what the fuck reopen shit already” was a fatal mistake. The apolitical don’t give a fuck about the science or twitter, they just want to live their lives like they did previously.
>>257259859>assuming my political identityfuck off bigot
>>257259831me too
>>257259736The next three months should motivate them.
>>257259803im sure they are doing this because they have something on the incoming (R), he is goign to be shouting FUCK DRUMPT by next week
>>257259298>cut out proteinNo you don’t. Insulin will never spike from gluconeogenesis
>>257259479>inTroubletrump will endorse girls name and then he will win again just on that alone
>>257259803The party is dying. Very low funding.
>>257259942and whats going to happen in Russia?
>>257259726True. Trump has done absolutely nothing to respond to covid.
>>257259951Also the return of the rooftop Koreans.
>>257259918I think this is going to be the big thing. Personally I'm amazed at how for granted the left takes the working poor. Trump could seriously secure a permanent political realignment making the Republicans the party of the working class for a generation.
>>257258714I’m surprised. I know people are fed up but I didn’t expect it in LA.
>>257259803Some Mexican is crashing the plane in California. If Republicans can get their foot back in the door in California it’s over for the west coast wing of the Democrats
>>257259803They can't leave their houses lmao. They accidentally locked up their own riggers.
>>257259584Why cant we get people like this to stand up here in Northern VA and push back? Northam is such a fuck stick that he literally said he didnt want a regional opening to VA and then allowed localities in Northern VA to delay their reopening. I hate that man and I hate these local faggot county board members that are pushing this bullshit.
>>257259898Love to have you, but we are 100% full and the waiting list can stretch from Phoenix to Santa Claus (both of which are full too)I’m sorryIm so sorry
>>257260046That's later, we red wave right now.
>>257260006>her campaign needs some fixing or somethinginteresting choice of words there
>>257259950thread theme music?
>>257259736Legal immigrants generally support mass deportations They need to quit pandering to the lowest of the low, and go full on pinochet/eisenhower.Deport illigals by bayonet point from the schools
>>257259942B-b-b-ut Drumpf made us do it!
>>257259803It's no different than 2016. They've convinced themselves through half a decade in an echo chamber that they're completely unbeatable because they're on the right side of history. that every single candidate they've put forth in the last five years has been an unmicrowaved shit sandwich slow chewing itself on national TV.10 years of unjustified smugness snark arrogance cancel culture PC bullshit social justice bullshit forcing absolute degeneracy on the entire populace up to and including pedophilia (they're starting it, we've all seen it) and with Joe God damned Biden being the best they can put forth as a presidential candidate It's all coming back to bite them on the ass collectively.
>>257260034and no leadershipPelosi and Schumer were all they had until their impeachment imploded and they keep looking like losers who wasted 2 whole years passing nothing of importance until Trumpbux
California is one of the most beautiful states in the Union. I refuse to "give it up," even if the demographics seem hopeless. Same with New York, NYC can get nuked but I will never surrender the Adirondacks.
>>257259934why is that fren standing on broccoli?
>>257260006Crush your enemies and see them driven before you, Pajeet.
>>257259853Fair, but you kinda need that to win in Southern California. Racial politics still matter, they’d rather have a Mexican Male Republican than a Female White Democrat. Machismo matters for Hispanics.
>>257259385Okay this one actually made me laugh, even plebbitors know Cenk is a fucking retard
>>257258927Be best
>>257259883checked for you, it was 51-49 in 2018 (R victory)
>>257260006I love to see them upset
>>257260152it's nutritious
>>257259892I'm in california's retarded colony, square potvilleThis fucking state needs a massive reset
>>257260167>Machismo matters for Hispanics.This. Don’t hassle a bean in front of his chica
>>257260086He is pushing to see where he receives backlash, if he receives none he will keep pushing, these tyrants only understand one thing and it is popular pressure.Law Enforcement don't even have personel to arrest everyone, and they are releasing fucking criminals because of this disease, for fuck sake grow a spine.
>>257260064what do you think she smells like
>DNC is losing California races right now
>>257259736It won't happen, but could you imagine the nuclear apocalypse if Trump won California
>GOP wins LA>LA cleans up>LA makes sure that the GOP wins forever>LA then becomes a golden city of the west.
>>257260287you think california goes red this year?or at least lesser blue?
The election in California shows that we are nowhere close to 2018 right now. The shills pushing the "but dems did +7 in 2018" are completely nuts.
>>257259803>impeachment>seditious Russia hoax investigation>slander/libel of Brett Kavanaugh>authoritarian illegal executive orders for pandemicAnyone whose not a dem with a head up their ass knows the Dems have very poor optics right now
>>257260287I dont think a gf with zero depth perception would be very fun
>>257259849What does this mean
>>257260192Top kek
>>257260325imagine the shitposting possibilities
>>257260287The DNC has no money or donations coming in right now. Hillary took the bulk of it 4 years ago and then they blew almost all the rest of it for midterms.
>>257260287Maybe a fundraising ploy? Try and drum up money by using these examples as why they need more gibs? Just baffling to see the dems doing so badly in their own backyard.
>>257260325>but could you imagine the nuclear apocalypse if Trump won CaliforniaIts happening now
>>257260363No way. But the fact that the DNC is currently losing means they’re fucked nation wide
I'm getting the feeling that the 2018 momentum the Dems had is 100% gone. Not only is Trump on the ballot, people the lower income dems are sick of the bullshit. They may not vote Trump, but they aren't showing up to vote for the Dems either. Enthusiasm with Democrats is fucking dead. The only people who gave a fuck about the impeachment were college educated white people and immigrants. Working class dems are now sucking unemployment wanting to go back to work while their politicians and the media tell them to stay home and suffer.Trump's got like a 15 point enthusiasm gap over Biden too. Turnout for the Dems in November is going to be historically terrible. Today proves it.Republicans generally lost most of the competitive special elections between 2016 and 2018. They held a few in more Trump districts, but got wiped out in anything that went Clinton. If this holds, which there is no guarantee but it's looking likely, this is pretty much proof their momentum is gone and has shrunk considerably.
>>257260074>Trump could seriously secure a permanent political realignment making the Republicans the party of the working class for a generation.Socially conservative, economically nationalist
Democrats are NOT losing in California you chud Magazis. There are still plenty of time for votes to come in and change it.
>we are predicting California going redStop Bros. It makes us look bad.
I just want to see leftists and chinks burning in the streets.
>>257260379There is no recovery from even a pink CA because that means the rest of the continent became Oklahoma colored
>>257260088What if I deport a few mexicans? KInda like two out, one in, like in the costco nowdays?
>>257260422soros is bragging abou trump destroying himselfim scared of this bilionaire jew, if only trump or someone could get rid of him
>>257259445People unironically like Trump? WTF?
>>257260118>Deport illigals by bayonet point from the schoolsCan we issue them M14s for that? M4s don't have the reach to be a proper spear.
>>257260498>>257260490>Shills moving goalposts
>>257260464Except Blumenthal never went to Nam either.
>>257260422Individual Dem senate candidates have been out raising their competition throughout the beginning of the year though. GOP has more in the bank, Dems haven't caught yet. Trump's outraising Obama's midterm by a considerable amount.GOP funding needs to be a bit more well distributed to ensure they hold the Senate.
>>257260517I see, fren. The bird is still mine the same way your governor is a homo.
>>257259803>>257260006>>257259959The Dems had a lot of cash in 2018 to throw at races, they're out of cash now and putting it all towards damage control for Biden. They don't have the money to spend on meme races.This race is demoralizing for them because it means the seats they won in 2018 will probably be rolled back, meaning they'll lose all their gainz.This is between you guys and me, but the Republicans should actually have like 20 seats in CA based on their turnout in 2016, the problem usually comes from certain seats that are like 52-48 D-R, with the Dems getting the better every time.If Dem turnout actually falls in CA because Biden can't get the money to spend there like Hilldawg did and Trump pushes CA turnout up to win back House seats, the Dems will probably lose harder in CA than they have in 30 years.Not necessarily lose the state, but it'll be the first time in a long time they're on the backfoot in a state that's supposed to favor them.>>257259978A part of a keto diet is having 3 times more fat than protein/carbs, which means sacrificing protein foods for fat foods especially if you're on a cut.
>>257260517Trump beat Nixon's record in Nebraska today
>>257260498>we>usJust stop
Carl & OthersWe'll most likely be watching another episode of that Dark Side of the Ring series tonight.
>>257260363Would surpass 2016 salt if it happened
>>257260525You may have a deal there fren
>>257259883The entire point of Leto is that the body is optimized to run on fat. If you feel you need carbs to perform mentally, you’re doing it wrong. Only high intensity exercise suffers from keto because you can’t burn fat anaerobically
>>257260363tell all your cousins to come back to mexico and maybe
>>257260592DA NANG DICK>
>>257260498Anyone extrapolating that from a single district race is a moron, but it’s not looking like a massive landslide if they are bleeding support in their heartland districts. That the key takeaway I will have once the race is called.
ca25 still at 76%>inb4 the fix
What were the ((polls) like in WI and CA?
>>257260611I refute your assertation of bird ownership>>257260621Based Trumo
>>257260619i dont believe that broke crap, they can pull infinite money out of their asses, they have hollyweird, the world bank, AIG microsoft Sony et al. at their fingertips
>>257259892The amount of liberals that are new gun owners due to pandemic is probably a factor. They’re reqlizing the gun control platform is bs
>>257258636If Republicans run a spic like Rubio in 2024 they could pick up New Mexico and Nevada and win the election that way instead. Rustbelt is too unreliable.
>>257260619This probably isnt the easiest time to fundraise either. Dems could genuinely be fucked this year. Hard to get money when everyone is shitting their pants about a likely recession.
>>257259674based Riverside my home town. I remember when it was all white and deep red. When I left it was full of Mexicans and turned blue.
>>257260464Is that true that it would be the first pickup in 22 years in California?
>>257260517>*except MD
its awoovement
>>257260464Retarded Reddit. This is a Clinton +50% district. These people didn't vote for Trump in 2016. They may not this year either. These results point more to a majorly depressed dem turnout because the whole party is a broke joke running a pedo.If this holds true across the nation, this election is not some D+7-10 bullshit I'm seeing. It's more like a D+2-3 and Trump's gonna win in a landslide.
>>257260775The bird is mine. I earned it in blood.
What this race really means - there is absolutely no fucking way dems retain the house in 2020. This was a fucking hillary +7 district. There is no chance they hold a single Trump district and that alone would cost them the house.
>>257260793>If Republicans run a spic like Rubio in 2024AFL.
>>257260813Granted>>257260839I was born in the bird
>>257260793>If Republicans run a spic like Rubio in 2024 they could pick up New Mexico and Nevada and win the election that way instead. Rustbelt is too unreliable.It's smarter to run Cruz who outperformed Trump in Wisconsin in the primaries. He would easily take Wisconsin and Ohio, and Trump can push him over in Florida.
These election results tonight don't mean shit They are called special elections for a reason Fuck off
>what the fuck edition
>>257260794Harder to get money when your platform is stay home and vote for this rapist we're gonna leave alone with your kids
>>257259445I think Trump's voters respect his endorsements more this time around because the Democrats winning the House was so awful.
>>257260946They call you special for a reason too
Pride and autism of his ancestors guide him! Legalized tomboy time!
>>257260805>i-it's not overouch that's some good salt
its real awoo hours
>>257260850my body is ready
>>257260850>What this race really means - there is absolutely no fucking way dems retain the house in 2020This is a good point, house margins are going to be non-existent if you are losing seats in fucking Southern California
>>257261051>>257261052ayy lmao
>>257260950the despair is setting incan you fucking FEEL IT
>>257261051>>257261052Good job
>>257260723i watched a few war movies so i'm a vet too really.
>>257259803This "demographics are destiny" has always been crap. Hispanics are already moving towards the GOP and as more Chinks and Muzzies start getting imported they will view themselves as white and start voting conservative. Trump could get 35-40% Spic support in November.
>>257261051>>257261052nice work gents>>257261050>>257261054>>257261055we'll get it next time
>>257261052>>257261051YES KITTY YES!YES BELMONT YES!>>257261050>>257261054>>257261055oof
I was off by two!>>257260942I do not trust Cruz all that much. Hawley or someone more Trump like. >>257261051>>257261052But my frens made it!
>>257260435No. The thing about elections and midterm waves is that they result from limitations on fundraising. An incumbent president like Trump COULD have used some of his 200 million dollar buffer warchest to push Reps to victory, but that would weaken him in 2020.This is what happened in 2002 when Bush directed the RNC to put more money into the midterms, the Reps holding the House for the first time in decades during a midterm election.But this meant Bush was short cash in 2004 and when Kerry had mostly wrapped the primaries up before super tuesday it meant Kerry was in a great position vs. Bush despite being the designated loser candidate which is why 2004 was so close. In fact the 2002-2004 cycle fucked the GOP for 2006 when Dems used their saved warchest to fuck the GOP in Congress, then in 2008 the collapse meant Obongo got way more than he needed to win.2012 is a surprise election, because Obongo drained the DNC of money to prop himself up but still did worse than 2008.2016 is a bigger surprise, because Hillary used her own deep pockets from the Foundation to bankroll her campaign- normally after 8 years the party in power tends to lose because they're a spent force fundraising-wise and need time to recover. By all metrics, Trump should have lost.2018 was purely money power, the most expensive victory ever.The Democrats are like an alcoholic that's chugging listerine because it's the middle of the night and all the stores are closed because of corona so they have no booze on hand. They have NO appeal beyond what they can push along with mass spending.In 2020 they no longer have the advantage of mass spending, fundraising numbers will be close but likely in Trump's advantage. This translates to a 5-10 million vote lead for Trump. But since Biden has no enthusiasm on his side, I would err closer to 10 million for Trump.
>>257260805Counterpoint: this is what standard turnout looks like without rigging. Remember Judicial Watch sued the shit out of LA County and won.
>>257260942I'm thinking it's going to be either Cruz or Pence for the 2024 nomination rn>>257260946Salty
>>257260805>2018>Trump not on the ballot>Dems generally win>2020 >Trump on the ballot>Dems still winThese retards don't realize there was a significantly depressed GOP turnout in 2018 because Trump WASN'T on the ballot. The amount of Dems going to show up in 2020 who didn't vote in 2018 will be tiny compared to the amount of GOP who show back up to vote who didn't in 2018.Trump being on the ballot completely changes the game as we saw in 2016. Probably moreso now than in 2020 as the NeverTrump movement died and a lot of conservatives will begrudgingly vote for Trump given how radical the left has become.
>>257261158Whoa there buddy lets calm down just a bit
>>257260942Cruz is also harder on immigration I believe
>>257261051>>257261052relentlessly based
>>257261158FUCK CIVNATS
>>257259674>>257259674the true conservative hispanic has been activatedthe spanish inquisition once again was not expected
reminder that i am still baking
>>257261050BEFORE ME IS ALL THAT MATTERS>>257261051BASED>>257261052YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS>>257261054BOOOOOOOO>>257261099ty>>257261118ty>>257261160ty>>257261172ty>>257261173HOG TIEM>>257261181Based Saint Pepsi>>257261239You too
>>257261043Eat shit
>>257261051>>257261052ON TIME & REMEMBER TO HYDRATE
>>257261141thank you for your service
>>257260593You posted your gambling memery last thread and everyone called you retarded. You're still retarded.
>>257261020Valid point
>>257261158Fug off you dumb leaf. >>257261160>>257261172>>257261173>>257261282I will rise again.
>>257260547>Can we issue them M14s for that?Clinton melted a shit ton instead of transferring them to the CMPWould a 20" AR work? Not super handy for buttstroking though
>>257261240FUCK WEEBS
>>257259535I don't know why THEY do, but you should hate Sink because he's a dog-fucking, Armenian genocide supporting, greasy Turk.
>>257261211>I'm thinking it's going to be either Cruz or Pence for the 2024 nomination rnPence is not a good candidate. Trump only picked him because all the serious picks thought he would lose. Pence makes more sense as a secretary of state or something else in the background.
NEW THREAD>>257261403>>257261403>>257261403MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN>>257261403>>257261403>>257261403
it's time
>>257260677Ok, I'll be on my way asap
>>257260850A 15+ seat swing in the House is going to be rough for the GOP, but we may see the margins close. I don't think the GOP can take it back in 2020, but they could make the DEM hold on the House irrelevant. A 5-6 seat majority is not enough to secure every vote you need.This is a much better indication that the GOP will most likely hold the Senate (even if I'm dooming about the election betting odds right now). It's also a great indication for Trump.Polls don't measure enthusiasm that well. Trump's got a massive enthusiasm gap on Biden and his name on the ballot is going to bring a lot more people back to the polls who skipped in 2018.
>>257260784No, they'll spend at least a billion. Possibly two billion. But what I mean is that their ability to outraise the GOP is gone while the GOP is going full throttle this year. Trump is doing his own fundraising+self-funding+magahats while the RNC is focusing on pushing along Republican candidates. Democrats are in a bad position since their strategy relies on the GOP having less money than them by a wide margin.
>>257260793>If Republicans run a spic like Rubio in 2024 they could pick up New Mexico and Nevada and win the election that way instead. Rustbelt is too unreliable.Kill yourself, thanks
>>2572606791) I don't do keto2) it's medically proven that carbs are necessary for brain/body function3) keto is for fat loss, not muscle gain
>>257260619Wrong again, high fat is useful for induction (when you start keto or get back on it after a hiatus) to help get through the transition where your body needs to become acclimated to using ketone bodies for fuel. Once it is, you don’t need a high fat diet (though it will generally be a relatively high fat diet if you’re not eating carb). There’s no ratio requirement, just keep carbs under 35g per meal (I keep it under 50g per day) and keep calories down if you want to lose weight fast (I do 1200 usually). Many days I’ll jist have a 1lb delmonico for one meal and a salad for another meal. When I was younger I’d average losing 5lbs per week, now I only lose about 3lb per week.t. guy that lost over 80 lbs in 4 months two separate occasions
>>257261365>Clinton melted a shit ton instead of transferring them to the CMPREEEEEEEEEEEEEEMight as well stick to modern gear then.
>>257261509>>>257260793 (You)>Kill yourself, thanksWhat is the alternative in an increasingly non-white America? Cucked white leftists are never going to come back.
>>257261232Trump will have deported at least 30 million people by 2025 so I sincerely doubt Ted is hard on anything.>>257260805>doesn't represent>democrats don't bother to vote at allMaybe turning california third world was a bad vote-getting strategy?
>>257261204I still don't think Trump's gonna win the popular vote. There's literally no polling nationwide that indicates anything like that. There's also a lot of indication that people who hate both candidates break more for Biden than Trump this time around, but I think that's being overblown since Trump's base has actually grown significantly converting tons of skeptics. It doesn't help that the Democrats have gone full commie and many NeverTrumpers are going to vote for Trump just because the alternatives scare them more than Hillary.Of course Trump doesn't need to win the popular vote. Let liberals run the vote up in CA, NY, and IL. Who gives a fuck. Though the enthusiasm problem Biden has is going to be a real problem for the Dems. He's going to get less votes than Clinton did. Trump's gap in the swing states may be higher this time.
>>257261533Look the needs of a thin man gaining muscle and a fat man trying to lose weight are completely different, you can post all the stuff you want but it's true and keto is meant for fat loss not muscle gain.