>Hands up user, we're going to give you your government-mandated shot and you'll be on your wayWhat do?

>Hands up user, we're going to give you your government-mandated shot and you'll be on your wayWhat do?

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>>257243441Die I guess.

>>257243441Will it trigger the libs?

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>>257243441This scenario won't ever happen.

>>257244232They're policing social distancing, masks, keeping people off public land, and locking them in their homes for weeks.Hate to tell you, but in terms of government control, we've already crossed the rubicon into maximum authoritarian power. All we're missing are the gulags and death camps.I'm not a believer in conspiracies btw. I'm sure it was all done "for the right reasons". That's all fine and good. Objectively speaking we've still already passed the point of maximum government control. Go to any other oppressive time in history and you'll often find people were less restricted than we currently are under coronavirus. We have been living in a police state for weeks user. The courts decided it was legal. This is our new reality. Any time politicians want to now, they can lock us in our homes and dictate where we can go, who we can see, and how we live.

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>>257244232Bootlickers said the same thing about gun confiscation. Now we have red flag laws and cops love playing GI Joe, dressing up, and enforcing those unconstitutional laws.

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>>257243441Not happening, faggot. Cops don't want to get shot en masse because people still have the right to refuse vaccines, faggot nigger faggot.

>>257243441Nothing. Once you're in that situation you're already powerless. When police pull you over, detain, or question you, they have total power over your life and your being. There is nothing stopping them from doing anything to you. You can attempt to argue in court or complain to their department later, but when it's actually happening they own you completely and have total physical power over your body.This is why you politely obey, try to convey that you're at least a middle class person or higher, and hope they aren't a psychopath.For all the anons in this thread saying this would never happen this this person >>257244232 , keep in mind that armed police have been stopping people all over the country for simply driving somewhere. Any law will be enforced. Any order will be enforced. If a vaccine is mandatory to travel between states or cities, you can expect that being stopped by armed police, questioned, and treated as a hostile for exercising free movement will be exactly what happens. It has already been happening, just minus the vaccines.The most unrealistic part of OP is this part:>and you'll be on your wayThat's way too polite and deescalating to be real.

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>>257245420No, faggot. I'm in a lockdown state and cops don't give a fuck. The police aren't stopping anyone from going outside, and if they start, then the second civil war begins, same with any fuckery with vaccines.

>>257245975What happens when they outlaw that "right". Now you're just another criminal. That's how their game works. Take something legal, make it illegal, arrest everyone not in compliance.

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