China behind SJW/LGBT/Roasties

It turns out that China is behind the entire LGBT/Leftist movement. Behind Roasties, race mixing, abortion, single motherhood, dogmoms, SJW etcThey have been working hard for decades to erode western civilisation. They are using "Anti Racism" against us to not close the borders.They own our social networks, our movie studios and politicians. They are in it for the win.China is behind it all. Dont trust your thermometers and don't trust anything made in china, don't trust the media.

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Other urls found in this thread:>American>A

>>257242763I never liked the jews or their eastern brethren.

Nice VPN, Schlomo.

>>257242763Thank the devil, everything in this country needs to die. Nothing is worth saving.

>>257242763Nah, it's the jews

>>257242763They're not behind anything. They're just smart enough to not allow their state capitalism and social liberalism to commit civilization suicide like in the West.

Stop gaslighting please, its the jews. The only thing that pisses me off more than this false claim of the Chinese is the "satanists" or "freemasons"

>>257242763The roastie thing is a meme. It's a genetic lottery, some vagainas are like that. My mom for example has a pussy like a baby, you cant see the labia Yet my sister has a big labia even when she was a virgin Same as the "uncut dicks smell Thing I am cut and mine smells in just two days of not showering while the dick of my father, who only showers once a week, never smells

>>257242763This.All this SJW/open borders/anti-white male shit started to rapidly escalate from 2008 onwards- which marked the beginning of the economic decline of the US and the rapid ascension of China on the global stage. The year 2012, in particular, being the year Xi Jinping got elected and China ramped up its agressiveness on the West, things especially accelerated particularly fast. That was when Europe had its refugee crisis, the US had the BLM protests and riots, rampant illegal immigration increased, ISIS terrorist attacks multiplied worldwide (none in China though, hmmmm), massive unemployment and poverty all over Western countries, massive Fentanyl (which is made in China) and opioid drug use and epidemics all over the US, and anti-white male rhetoric came to the forefront of politics. The timing of this is too strong of a coincidence. If you want an even further back date that marked the downfall of the West though, go back to the year 2001 (have things not been declining in the West fairly rapidly since then?)- that was when Bill Clinton got China admitted to the WTO and officially legitimized them on the Global Stage- it was all downhill from there.Of course, nu-Holla Forums is too stupid and low IQ to understand and comprehend this.Heres a documentary on the relationship between (((Wall Street))) and China, which spans back over half-a-century, before even relations were even finalized with Nixon, showing how (((Wall Street))) funded, built and sold out the US and the West to the CCP and China, and continues to fund the CCP to this very

>>257243225>Aussie flagShut the fuck up, Chang.

>>257242763What a weird ass photo, I would just grab her by the face and shove her like a chinaman would. Then spit on her and maybe attack but not rape until the bitter crying end.Anyways what's wrong with thermometers? :o

>>257244053How do you explain that there's relatively less SJW-ish type stuff within China itself?

>>257244425Because you dumb fuck, in case I have to spell out for you, SJW/open border/LGBT faggotry is the new age of economic and social warfare to destroy, stagnate and destroy a country from within. Your question is about as dumb as asking why there is less SJW-type stuff in Israel. Hmmmm why do you think, moron? Use your big boy brain. Just because an aggressive and expansive super power is Nationalist and Supremacist for themselves, doesnt mean they feel the same way with the rest of the world being so- in fact, its the opposite. China wants to win- at all costs.

>>257242995>>257242840>>257242826I see Israel as some kind of operational entity.If you wonder why they get perks and preferential treatment even more then the UK or Canada or other thighs allies, here is why:Israel is basically a US military operated "Nation", basically an excuse to be in the region.Its rumoured to have vast oil resource under the Golan heights that exceed those of Venezuela or Saudi by far. They are connected to the backbone of the US intelligence and have direct funding and informational transfer with the difference that the US citizen do not benefit from all the tech that is being kept under locks but that tech is rolled out in Israel.Also US politicians are dual citizen. Its a relationship of the US serving Israel because Israel is an US organ.There is a lot of Israeli fuckery going on and im not a fan either but the entire subversions of the educational institutions, media, activism, funding and propaganda are all from china.FUCK CHINA

>>257242826now you know where and how China steals US technology - by proxy from the jew

>>257242763>China is behind the entire ...Yeah no shit. Muh joos and 4000 year old doomsday prophecy is just a distraction that wignats take seriously.The truth is da joos have nothing to gain by subverting the west, while the CCP has everything to gain.

>>257242763>It turns out that China is behind the entire LGBT/Leftist movement. Behind Roasties, race mixing, abortion, single motherhood, dogmoms, SJW etcSo it wasn't the US, after all?


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>>257244247They show wrong results. You have a feaver and it doesn't show it only if you dip it in boiling water will it show actually temps. There is a human temp rage that is absolutely fucked with. Use old quicksilver vetenary thermometers.Also I hate to say it but I also think they started fucking with our medicines.I think we are about to see WAR. Why else would they weaken us to that point?China doesn't want a recession, inflation, depression etc. They cant grow that way.I think the time of growth is over and its time to make war.Wave II will weaken us and kill shit tons of people and depopulate Africa.And then when we are down they will fund and help their proxies to attack us.Prepare to see Turkish soldiers side by side with Chinese entering europe.Chinese planes, weapons and personell being used in the name of shithole countries bordering our nations.

>>257242763Ah yes it was china, not the jews all along! Jews truly are our greatest ally!>>257244832Wrong. Hitler was right about kikes and you're a retard.

>>257244832Well said, user. AgreedIt's nice to see quality posters who actually think critically and objectively still lurking here, as opposed to the dumb newfags who just read a handful of outdated 2014 meme infographs and call themselves "red pilled".


>>257245429>Canadian flagFuck off, Chang.

>>257242763I sense a psyop to influence the public to be in more support towards the coming buttfucking we're about to give China. Got friends that are already shipping out. One of the few times the glowjoggers-blowjobbers agenda is fine by me

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>>257245484Shut the fuck up kike. Jew's have been pushing their agenda since way before China could do anything. Wiemar was kikes just like the west is kikes now. This reverse psychology isn't going to work you filthy fucking yid.

Don't forget Russia could be funding it, or George Soros or even US globalists

>>257245541Shut the fuck up kike.>>257245573You truly are the perfect golem.


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>>257242763>ChinaThat's a funny way of spelling "Jews".

>>257245628Its the jews.

The biggest conspiracy in europe that despite super strict agriculture laws etc that prohibit the import of most food items form china the entire European market is flooded with food products from china.Likely that your rice, beans, flour etc is form china and I don't put it behind them if they lace it with fucking fentanyl or some kind of shit.Also meds, medical devices like blood pressure diagnostics, blood sugar or temperature.WE ARE FUCKED. IM SERIOUS.DONT TRUST ANYTHING FROM CHINA.They probably have a timer and start fucking with you at a certain date to start overloading our medical system in the height of crisis.Europe prepare, the attack will come from Africa and the Middle East.Thats also their ticket in / they are allready in.They will arm and fight for the africans and we will see millions of africans and muslims trying to come to europe. While our politicians are paid BILLIONS to let them in and our SJW/LEFTIST MOVEMENTS that got started and built by china will scream humanitarian and "MUH RACISM" shit in order to delay a decision to shoot any migrant and to stop them...WAR IS COMING.

>>257245228Turkish media is tied to hip with CCP; even their companies that target children like taleworlds entertainment which will ban you from their products for talking bad about xi, or calling the virus 'Wuhan virus' or 'Chinese virus'

>>257245484Half the people who say "redpilled" lately are young enough that they haven't heard of the matrix

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>>257245746The protocols state that they instigate war whenever their subversive activities are becoming known to the goys. This is clearly what they're doing.

>>257243225There are levels tho.Power levels.The Chinese want to subvert the USA as well.But they're also manageable.

>>257245628I mean, they are old bolshevik kikes, so them being russian is not completely wrong. George Soros is just a fucking joke by this point. Criminals blaming criminals for being criminal

>>257245655>>257245597This is the Glownigger that ruined the GATE threads

>>257245228This.Niggers, immigrants and shithole countries in 2020 are a political tool and a weapon used to destroy nations from within. China's neo-colonization of Africa at a time when Europe has rampant open borders and refugees flooding in from the South of them is not a coincidence. I bet it was China the whole time shipping hoardes of niggers from their African colonies to the Mediterranean Sea border in preparation to be transported into Europe under the guise of a "refugee crisis". Not only does it weaken Europe, but it opens more Chinese Lebensraum land in Africa to help offset and ease China's massive overpopulation back in the Mainland.

>>257242763Nice try Mountain Jew. No more White Deaths for Jewish Wars.

>>257244832If you think US controls Israel and not the other way around, you are either some Q boomer or the biggest paid Schlomo.

>>257245655Golem? In sure as fuck not fighting for that shit, but anyone brainwashed enough to sign themselves up is more than free to free the gene pool of themselves and their equally brainwashed chinese counterparts. I bet by that leaf you only chimed in to defend your Motherland

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>>257246003>if you hate kikes you're a glowniggerhuh?

>>257246168A china-US war is going to do nothing but solidify ZOG. It isn't something to support.

>>257245597Get the fuck off my continent and go back to China, you fucking toxic chink insect.

>>257242763> China is behind the entire LGBT/Leftist movement

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>>257246009>>257245228Gee, I wonder who could be shifting the narrative from Israel to China. Hmmmmm...

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>>257246281You must be older than 18 to post here, underageb& faggot.

>>257246264I'm for war against anyone to increase the speed of entropy in the universe, jews, chinamen... all are as ants fighting over the mound. Blood for the blood god! Skulls for the skull throne!

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>>257242763Are you1. Boomer2. Paid shill3. Troll>They own our social networks, our movie studiosLol, research who owns it, then read about their early life. At this point it's obvious you're just troll.

>>257246386> and Jews are joined at the hip you fucking retard. Jews were the ones who funded, built and maintain the CCP and China, and have been since day

>>257246281I acknowlage jewish fuckery and by any means keep your feelings and intention towards then im not trying to convince you otherwise.Im just pointing out who is fucking with us.

>>257246280>doesn't have an argumentSo it was the chinese that are responsible for all the things the jews have been doing for centuries? The Chinese control the jew-owned movie studios and press? Get fuck yid.>>257246416He's right though.

>>257242763Weak pitpul moshie.

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>>257246512Hello retard>Since 2012, Chinese entities have made a significant push into the U.S. film production and distribution industry. Chinese involvement in this area creates two primary concerns. The first of these is that, by gaining control of distribution, China can effectively diminish the impact of films that it deems to be objectionable to Beijing’s interests. China may take offense at any number of themes – ranging from portrayals of the country as an aggressor to glorification of protest and civil disobedience – that have filled U.S. movie screens. A second, complementary, concern is that China will develop the resources to produce content with thematic elements supportive of a “China solution”. Sympathetic, non-Chinese-produced, portrayals have already entered American theaters (one need look no further than the recent Disney nature flick, “Born in China”) - it is entirely plausible that Chinese producers will be able to capitalize on these sentiments with their own content. >The Chinese company Dalian Wanda has been a significant actor in acquisition of U.S. movie-making and distribution assets by China. The company is an example of how a Chinese firm – or any other firm under a totalitarian government – can become a proxy for that government’s objectives. Its founder and chairman, Wang Jianlin, served in the PLA – an entity which understands the significance of information operations - for nearly two decades and has claimed to remain close with the Chinese government.[v]

>>257246563>Chinks and Jews are joined at the hip you fucking retard.Much less so than the US and the jews are joined at the hip.

>>257242763not doing a good job masking yourself rabbi

>>257246563True google that jewish billionaire CIA guy and tycoon maurice something.Most film studios were bought by china.

>>257246761>Since 2012Yes all of this subversion started in 2012 lmao the absolute state of nu/pol/ miga boomers.

>>257246761>Dalian Wanda first acquired infrastructure for film distribution. In 2012, it purchased the AMC theater chain. It followed this, in 2016, with the purchase, through AMC, of Carmike Cinemas.[vi] In combination these two chains represent the largest theater group in the United States. Dalian Wanda has indicated that it intends to use its theater ownership to China’s advantage, by edging out other content. Wang has stated that, “more Chinese films should be in [AMC’s] theaters where possible”.[vii] Furthermore, theater ownership may also result in censorship of material that runs counter to China’s preferred narrative. As Carolyn Bartholomew, a member of the U.S. China Economic and Security Review Commission noted, in 2013, “This investment in the entertainment industry, particularly if you look at movies and other sort of cultural production, it’s perhaps not quite as benign as we think that it might be. I’m waiting to see if there any forthcoming movies about Tibet and whether the AMC theatres will be allowed to show them.”[viii]>In an apparent effort to promote the production of the Chinese films that Wang desires, Dalian Wanda as well as other Chinese companies have started acquiring ownership stakes in U.S. movie studios. In 2016, Dalian Wanda purchased Legendary Entertainment – a major Hollywood studio responsible for multiple blockbusters prior to being acquired by the Chinese.[ix] (Dalian Wanda also made a failed bid to acquire Dick Clark Productions.[x]) However, Dalian Wanda is not the only Chinese firm accumulating influence in the film industry. Paramount Pictures – after a failed deal to sell a 49 percent share to Dalian Wanda – struck a deal with the Chinese film companies Shanghai Film Group and Huahua Media.[xi]

>>257245484you kikes are awful at hiding yourself.

>>257242763of course they would be funding it, along with Russia, israel and dual citizen billionaires

>>257246840We all know that the jews are just a distraction for who is really in charge: Atlantean Rafiki

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>>257242900I love my wife and daughter. They are innocent.


Oy, have they no shame?! Chutzpah is jewish!

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>>257242763Kill yourself CIA.>>257243263Dude, stretched out cratercunt is stretched out cratercunt. And yes some degenerate cunts were never properly fit to begin with who cares. Stop spamming this spergpost nigger faggot. Gosh. Fucking faggot seriously. Ceiling gang cringe.

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>>257246940>Ownership of distribution and production capabilities gives China increased control of what the American public sees. It has already used a heavy-handed approach to this effect in China. In early 2010, the Chinese state-owned China Film Group Corporation released Confucius, starring Chow Yun-Fat as you-know-who. Officials ordered that the competing U.S. film, Avatar, be pulled from various theaters, to free up screens for what turned out to be – based on audience reaction - a not-terribly-satisfying movie.[xii] While it cannot use government coercion to evict films in the United States, Chinese control over theaters effectively creates a fiefdom on American soil.>In addition to pro-China content, China has already demonstrated that it is willing to use its media resources to develop anti-American material. For instance, Chinese Communist Party-controlled companies made films glorifying the September 11 attacks.[xiii] More recently, China released a film titled “Dangerous Love” which was not about VD but, rather, was a warning to young Chinese women about the dangers of falling for foreign students and professors.[xiv] Interestingly, part of Wang’s motivation for purchasing Hollywood companies is to export the companies’ technology and capability to China.[xv] Acquisitions could, therefore, lead not simply to heightened Chinese influence but also to the degradation of U.S. interests through the production and dissemination of hostile propaganda.

>>257246563Wow you're so smart. When in reality Jews have a huge present in Russia, US, China, most of the bigger EU countries. They are multinational and fully rootless. However, if you really think China has been controlling the narrative any media, finance, government or anything in the last 20 years you have been living under a rock.The Israelis did it 100% but that doesn't change the fact that Israel are backstabbers and sell nuclear codes, tech and medicine stolen from the US to China. When you start to see Jews as rootless and countryless it makes more sense.

>>257247041The US people are fine but the government is judeo-masonic to its core.

>>257246009funny how you kikes love replying with each other as some bad bed room role play circle jerk


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>>257244832The video game ArmA 3 predicted the future>CSAT = Shanghai Cooperation Organization>

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>>257242763>It's China!it's embarrassing how China propaganda went into overdrive. If anything, we should just remove them from our countries and get jobs back, but I bet it's now what they want.

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>>257242763everyone knows it's the chicoms already, they are communist party USA backers which is a group of jews

>>257242840>he doesn't know about the mountainjewsNot gonna make it.

>>257246761I can just imagine you kikes wearing some comically obvious paper mask of a real human being while your noses stick out and going "hello fellow goyim"

>>257247100>Another nexus to entertainment that China may exploit in furtherance of activities, including information warfare, is the field of U.S. video game companies. Chinese companies acquired Riot Games, Epic Games, and Cryptic Studios. All three of these companies have U.S.-based R&D operations.[xvi] The underlying technologies associated with gaming have long been identified by the military as potential assets. This is illustrated by the 1999 formation, by the U.S. Army, in conjunction with the University of Southern California, the Institute for Creative Technologies to develop realistic training simulations that used new technologies such as virtual reality and artificial intelligence.[xvii] Even if China is not acquiring U.S. gaming companies for knowledge of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, graphics, etc. these entities could still prove to be of value from a soft-power perspective. Just as films can be used to propagate desired messages, the treatment of China in virtual combat settings (e.g. casting it as an enemy, an ally etc.) or incorporating Chinese mythology into a game’s narrative could make effective use of high-end technology for purposes of perception management.>China’s incursion into the U.S. entertainment industry highlights the reality that regulation of foreign investment requires reevaluation. The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) is supposed to function as a gatekeeper, preventing foreign acquisitions that could harm the United States’ elements of national power. However, CFIUS has historically focused on acquisitions with direct implications for “hard power”. This does little to account for information warfare - directed at changing public perceptions and resultant policy decisions - which circumvents military coercion entirely and yet degrades U.S. elements of national power.

>BUT BUT THEY CHANGE THE MOVIES FOR THE CHINESE MARKET.Yes, they are rootless, they will do anything and whatever that the prognosis tells them to make the most money. Money that they send to Israel.

>>257242763>China is behind it all.Stop deflecting Chaim. China is at fault for a lot of shit, but all the lefty fag kids feminazi shit is all jews and everyone knows it.Kikes and bugs both get the gas.

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>>257247147Rule 34 states that gay Orthodox Rabbi bukkake is a thing somewhere

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>>257243263Why are things like that? My brothers ass hole smells way better than mine.

>>257247321fuck off kike

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>>257243263Hot, I’m also from the south and into incest.

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>>257242763Big claims require big proof. Put up or shut up, Mr. MedKit.

>>257246512>>257246747>>257246885>>257247089>>257247090>>257247252Daily reminder, traitors always get the bullet first. Never forget that.

>>257243263> memeflag> "the nakedness of my mother and sister have been uncovered to me"Noah cursed Canaan either for seeing him naked or for talking about it

>>257247477The rabbi finally emerges, it didn't take long this time.

>>257242763>Everything I dislike, every political opinion that isn't mine, is actually a malevolent conspiracy

>>257247477traitor of what? For catching the obvious kike? You kikes are dumber than niggers when it comes to this. Maybe you should outsource your shilling tactics with some african country.

>>257247147Not a jew. For real.

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>>257247324Sounds like purim.

>>257247623>Maybe you should outsource your shilling tactics with some african countryThats rich coming from a wumao chink shill. Your whole country is bankrolled by (((Wall Street))), Chang.>>257247585So now that you got enough servings of African nigger dick, the tainted Swedish asshole is now spread wide open for chinks to fornicate. Like pottery.

>>257247477Traitor? You're not my people, shitskin. I'm white and can't stand any of you jews, eastern, middle, western, fuck you all.

>>257247690I believe you're not a shill rabbi, the other mutt flag is one however. It's easy to see why people believe it's China. Don't get me wrong, China is an enemy of the US, but the majority of the fuckery and ideologies in the US today is due to Jews. The Jews are working with China though, because they don't have any loyalty at all to the US and will happily steal US tech and intel and sell it to Russia and China. Israel is the king of spying, adaptation, backstabbing, and both sides.The fact that things get adapted to the Chinese market are because it sells. Simple. NBA, Blizzard, Hollywood etc knows there is a big fat market in China and talking shit about their government will get them banned from selling in China. Has China been spying and stealing tech for years in the US? Yes.Is China the main culprit in importing shitty fucking ideologies? No. Did China help Israel import this shit? Possible

>>257247477I think the CIA will first send in black niggers into China by the 100s of 1000s to demoralize and if that doesnt work MAYBR then they will consider war.. but nahh. It would have to be fully staged or nukes would start flying. A theater to cull excess male incel population on both sides, who are getting unruly. But small chance boomer.

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>>257242763I love this girl

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>>257247701Idk what that is and i refuse to google it. I've accidentally absorbed too much heeb speak from my t.v as it is

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>>257248028The fact that you talk like that just proves you are a religious Rabbi, relax goldstein

>>257248247So cute, its almost like its reading off of a pre-written teleprompter. Yeah man, way to totally fit in with chan culture, you totally wicked rude dude! Based!

>>257248353It's a magical day of degeneracy. Another one. No the other one that doesn't involve torturing animals.

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>>257248526I feel like 99% of jewish holidays are bullshit some banker made up to get out of going into work, and then had to pass around a memo at the synagogue so everyone would know to play along

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>>257248310Where the fuck do we differ on anything you fucking spaz? I never said the Jews werent at fault. I've been saying theyve banked rolled China this whole fucking time. Reread my post you illiterate idiot...>>257244053China has been funded by (((Wall Street))) this whole time. Chinks and Jews are literally interchangeable as far as Im concerned.

>>257244200You shut the fuck up shlomo

>>257248433>.t r*ddit spacing invader

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>>257248932>New ZealandGet the fuck out the West, you fucking chink.

>>257242763Then why is every article pushing this degeneracy written by jewess? Cool slide thread bergbaumsteinowitz

>>257248833You caught me

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>>257248982Yeah, you would know all about Reddit, wouldnt you,

>>257242763I wouldn't be surprised if China is behind Jews, Israel, and making up the Holocaust.

>>257248860Well that and an excuse to be dicks within the rules. At least their interpretation of them. They go out of their way to jew god.

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>>257244832Honestly, I'm starting to notice that as well. I started to notice how anti-Trump Reddit got, not like their usual self, but WAY more. Like botts getting involved more. I then started noticing all this race shit that kept getting pushed to the front. The Chinese are taking a play from others playbooks and using our race problems to their benefit and destroy us from the inside.

>>257248891This shit has been going on way before the Chink-Coms even had a seat at the international table. China is just a convenient huge market that (((Rootless Cosmopolitants))) are tapping into. They don't care about what China has to say. You're acting like China is on top and Israel is their proxy doing their bidding. While it's most likely the other way around.

>>257248435Any one but a CCP shill knows China is far from Communist.If you want to say something then say it about the glorious pooh.


>>257249090>new zealand>west

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>>257249283See here>>257249197

>>257242763they ARE communists. is anyone surprised? people are finally catching the fuck up on this one?

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>>257244053No ones buying it moshie.

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>>257243225The Chinese use the Jews. Is not that hard to figure out. Jews happily sell the chinks our secrets.

>>257249197Can you not read jigger? chinks blocked. So no, wouldn't know if I was in fact a chink. But Holla Forums is used to you invading cunts. Holla Forums is very much aware of your tells and how to spot you kike fucks.

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>>257246761>Since 2012, Chinese entities have made a significant push into the U.S. film production and distribution industryAnd since 1912 the jews have owned america, what's your point?

>>257248932As someone who has researched other places to live, the kiwis and the ozzies make it all but impossible to immigrate there unless you're a ccp agent, a muslim goat herder, or a somalian pirate. Who would want a hard working man used to the subtleties of a (semi)first world society? Yeah yeah i know, "fuck off we're full mutt" and all that

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>>257249293>You're acting like China is on top and Israel is their proxy doing their biddingNo, youre implying that, I never said that. This thread is about China, so I am discussing China. If you want to talk about Israel, make a thread about Israel and I'll contribute there as well. Of course theyre just as guilty as the chinks.

>>257245228Keep shilling.

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>>257249550The point is they work together to bring down the West. Not that hard to figure out, chink.

>>257249577>no you can't discuss casual connections goyim!Fuck off moshe.

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>>257244832You are dumb.

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>>257245484Ok GOYWe both know your the newfag.Shills are shit at this.

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>>257249283Not destroy (yet) they still want to leech all the money out they can while they build up as owners of the worlds resources, they do it to hold back the west thinking they can catch up if they do.Also think if America had great race relations the Africans would probably be better off and look to the USA for guidance and help rather than risking racist CCP entrapment.

>>257242763Weren't the soviets?

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>>257249531>a chink wumao shill pretends not to know what a wumao shill


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Fuck chinks fuck jews fuck muzzies fuck niggers fuck trannies fuck jannies.

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>>257249740>If I spam the word "JEW" enough, I win! Look at me Im so oldfag amirite guyz?!Ive been on Holla Forums since 2013, you election fag. Cry harder.

>>257246003He's the glow nigger.

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>>257249810Sperg for me kike. You will never be white.

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>>257246009LMAOThese pitpuls are pathetic.

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>>257248435>>257247367Muddying the waters won't save you. Like I said, distrust of jews has been on the rise for a long time and now there's open hate toward china for giving the planet chink flu. Both yellow niggers and kike rats are going to be thrown in ovens and used as fertilizer in the coming decades. Also>fuck off kike>posts chinkI hope you're not getting paid for this.


Oy someone sounded da shofar! What's the chink equiv? Falcon dong? It's going to look like a gang war here shortly.

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>>257247194Bait you stupid faggot.

>>257243008You’re a dumbass if you think China doesn’t have an influence culturally.

>>257250254Excuse me waiter, there's a bat in my soup!

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>>257242763It's entirely believable. Just look at their multikulti propaganda.

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>>257250363Pic related

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>>257244053>ISIS terrorist attacks multiplied worldwide (none in China though, hmmmm)they don't have "western" muslims they have their own muslims who committed terror attacks. you just never heard about them due to chink news policing. why do you think they are putting uyghurs in re-education camps?chink muslims committed knife attacks and gun attacks, killed >100 people in the ones i heard of. intr-chinese travel has high security due to the muslim menace, even metro travel in big cities has high security measures due to the threat.


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>>257249628>(((The New York Times)))Yep, and shilling for China. Like>American Consumers, Not China, Are Paying for Trump’s Tariffs>American businesses and consumers, not China, are bearing the financial brunt of President Trump’s trade war, new data shows, undermining the president’s assertion that the United States is “taxing the hell out of China.”>“U.S. tariffs continue to be almost entirely borne by U.S. firms and consumers,” Mary Amiti, an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, wrote in a National Bureau of Economic Research working paper. The other authors of the paper were David E. Weinstein of Columbia University and Stephen J. Redding of Princeton.>Examining the fallout of tariffs in data through October, the authors found that Americans had continued paying for the levies — which increased substantially over the course of the year. Their paper, which is an update on previous research, found that “approximately 100 percent” of import taxes fell on American buyers.>The findings are the latest evidence that voters and American businesses are paying the cost of Mr. Trump’s penchant for using tariffs to try to rewrite the terms of trade in favor of the United States.

>>257250108Kikes are at a really bad place. They allowed the chink shit to get out of hand and now people are openly hating them as a race and the kikes know there is nothing stopping them from getting their just rewards once the world goes apeshit on china. And they are also vengeful fuckers so they can't let this attack upon them go unchallenged.Fun times.

>>257246921Things that make you go HMMMMMMMMMMM

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>>257249421The CCP is far from communist the people of China are treated more like property than people by the CCP.You can call a pile of Pooh a pile of chocolate ice cream all you want but you know when you bite into it all your going to do is eat shit.

>>257250373>uma deliciaBueno.

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>>257248435Ok glow nigger kike

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>>257250088>if you hate chinks, you cant be whiteI'll redirect you to here, yellowfever faggot >>257247477

>>257247127Many Americas are degenerate actually, lets not mince our words.And yes, same goes for Canadians, in case any of our overly sensitive Americans who can't handle criticism are lurking.

>>257242763>>257244053>>257244832>>257245228It's both the chinks and the jews.Anyone trying to claim it isn't the jews is a jewish shill.

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>>257250589>I can't readHave your esl teach help you with it.

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>>257242763OPERATION COLONIZE THE ANT COLONYWE NEED AS MEAN WHITE CHADS TO VACATION INTO CHINA ALL AT ONCE AND FUCK AND IMPREGNATE AS MANY CHINESE GIRLS AS POSSIBLELeave their future generations with an identity crisis and enough single mothers to bring their crime through the roof within a generation. Then we'll bring them down to our level.

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>>257242763This is actually unironically true.Alot of Antifa funding comes through chinktelligence. That Felarca broad is a Chink Asset.Don't think for two seconds it's only chinks though. Chinks only are successful because of the support they get from Western kikes.>Never Wrong

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>>257249993Been here since Holla Forums and you're full of shit.

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>>257249683>they work together>togetherYes, you dense fucker, that's exactly what I've said; the JEWS have been fucking us for over a century, now recently the CHINKS have joined in too, they are BOTH fucking the western world, and why BOTH need to be exterminated.Only a halfjew chink could be so neurotic and have and ESL level of reading comprehension,you're not a halfjew chink are you?

>>257242826The Jews have no loyalty, so the Chinks realized that they can be easily bought for shekels.

>>257250734And I'll redirect you to the first response, you aren't my people, kike. I hate you fuckers and chinks just fine. I don't need to pick favorites.

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>>257250375Nothing compared to Hollywood.You're bad at this.

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>>257242763>the entire LGBT/Leftist movement.nah, anyone that wants division in America exploits that anglerussia does tooit's easy, and it costs almost nothing

>>257251057>Special forces

>>257250839Reread my post again, retard. I said China is entirely built and funded by the Jews on (((Wall Street))).

>>257250501Yep, im the shill here.I never took a pro china stance.Nice red herring tho moshie.These games don't work on me.I understand what you are.

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>>257244832>but the entire subversions of the educational institutions, media, activism, funding and propaganda are all from china

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>>257250878Nice try, is the quota for your re-education camps running low or something? I doubt americans can go anywhere in the country without being monitored/shadowed or worse. The c.i.a definitely tracks Chinese nationals, so y'all do it to us too

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>>257242763>China is behind it misspelled "jews"

>>257251175Yeah you should see Talpiot.

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>>257250843You're not white.Cry moar faggot

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>>257244832But Israel and China have been getting together and sharing secret US military weaponry and shitWhy is China moving from us to Israel if Israel is a US organ

>>257250985Thats cute, did your wumao handler tell you to say that?

>>257251371>can't make a nigger readWhatever nigger.Nigger.

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>>257242763Liberal Jews are pushing for this

>>257251422Hasn't adressed anything.Every post is a pathetic deflection of what jews have done worse.Keep on trying.

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>>257242826>>257242840>>257242995>>257243225It's the Jews. But without their golem of choice the Chinks, the Jews would be useless.Both want to see whites eliminated, both want to turn America into a vassal state. They have overlapping objectives and it's why they cooperated on the COVID-19 flimflam.

>>257244053Quality post.

>>257247532>newfagOld pasta will always be old pasta

CCP is just a chink rip off of kikes

>>257251613Just roll with it, there's enough obvious bots and plebbit vacationers on lately might as well shitpost

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>>257251340Thanks for clearing that up, Chang, but, as far as I'm concerned, you both get the bullet.

>>257251613Maybe they have. Right now we're dealing with your chink disease. Once we're done with that we'll have plenty of time to deal with the kikes. You won't be around for it but at least you can be content knowing you helped bring it about, Wong.

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>>257245573yep, they could carpet bomb Beijing and i'd be cool with it. For once, it would be a war that was actually just unlike all those retarded "hearts and minds" adventures in sandniggerland.>>257245628>China>Western Jews>the EU>SorosThese entities all work together. Russia is a shell of it's former self and is more or less irrelevant from a US centric geopolitical standpoint. It would be way down on my priority list.

>>257242763oh! maybe we should take care of them after we get rid of the jews then.

>>257251767Fuck off kike.

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>>257251344You should see their women. Makes you understand why jews have such a racemixing fetish.

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>>257246264Without China Zog loses it's grip on the US economy.

>>257242763Ok but kikes will be killed anyway, m'kay?

>>257242763Ah yes, of course the Chinese own Hollywood. Pornography too, is a purely Chinese endeavor. Chinese control our banks, and Chinese lobbyists have free reign over Washington DC. Wait a minute...

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>>257251613Whats there to address? Your constant spamming of the word "Jew"? Your knee jerk deflection of every and any proof ITT that directly links the Jews to being involved in China? Chinks and Jews are two sides of the same Globalist coin, and youre petrified people are finally starting to connect the dots Thats why youre constantly trying to run the thread post count limit down as fast as possible with your garbage, low effort spam. and Jewish communists have been working together for a long time. Why are retards imagining an alternate reality where Kikes never influenced China.>China has erected a statue in his honour, a hospital called Rosenfield Hospital in Junan County , Shandong was named after him. Shandong is the area he worked as a field doctor. In Junan County there is also an exhibition hall called the Deeds of International Fighter Rosenfeld.>In 2006 a large exhibit was mounted in Beijing's National Museum of China in tribute to him. The museum exhibit in his honor was inaugurated by Chinese President Hu Jintao.>He is buried in Kiryat Shaul Cemetery on the outskirts of Tel Aviv. Since the China–Israel relations were reestablished in 1992 a Chinese delegation has visited his grave yearly.

>>257251991Uf da.

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>>257251843You are the diesease moshie.You are the destoryers of humanity.In contrast to that bug men are nothing.You are a talking tumor.

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>>257246563This. One is useless without the other.We either need to remove the chink problem and make jews in the west powerless or remove the jews in the west and make china powerless. One way or another, we can't move forward as a country as we have in the past until one of those two things happens.>BUT ITS THE JEWS!!!No one is saying it isn't. We're just saying it's the chinks too.

>>257252038How on earth does that follow you retarded namefag?

>>257251422>if you hate jews you're a chink>if you hate chinks you're a jewI think you're both.

>>257251815Your flag, post history, and self deflection give you away silly goose

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>>257252088Jews are attempting to infiltrate China the same way they infiltrated the west. However, China is a functional society and has rather high barriers to entry. Can you show me any actual evidence of Chinese produced degeneracy? The only movie I’ve seen that had significant Chinese money behind it was Midway, and there was not a single nigger in that movie, it was all heroic white men behaving heroically. Okay, some people said there was a black driver in one scene, but I missed it.

>>257247105Israeli isn't really the problem. It's diaspora jews that are. It's not the ones in brooklyn with the big hats that are optometrists. It's the ones that claim to be atheists and shit up twitter with their blue checkmark bullshit and live in LA that are.If we're going to fix the jewish issue, we need to be specific about what the jewish problem is and where it originates.That's not to say Israel hasn't helped China from an espionage standpoint. It's just to say that kikes living here in the west are way more problematic that jews living in jewland.

>>257252069>Spam>Every post has refuted shit you're trying to sell to take heat of yourself moshie.You cant achomplish anything against 4chan veteran's or anyone that's studyied the JQYOU ARE THE MAIN PROBLEMYOU ARE THE FIRST PROBLEMYOU ARE THE LAST PROBLEMeverything after that is child's play

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>>257252186Still not a jew, chang.

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>>257247321>but all the lefty fag kids feminazi shit is all jewsYes. But it's the chinks that are funding and mobilizing them. They work hand in hand.

>>257252067>>257252219Read the thread you sub 80 IQ retard before flapping your fat, cheeto encrusted fingers across your shitty Dell laptop keyboard.>>257244053>>257246761>>257249197No one gives a shit about your uneducated opinion.

>>257251978Dis u nurd

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>>257251815i'm american, you fucking useless leaf shill.

>>257249429Every time we you guys say “moshie” That means nothing. You mean moishe which is a real name and basically means Moses. You sound like a dumb ignorant fuck when you say moshie.

>>257252496Chinks love the deceitful nature of jews and aspire to be jews. It must be something shared across neander/denisovan.

>>257252515>You cant achomplish anything against 4chan veteran's or anyone that's studyied the JQ>YOU ARE THE MAIN PROBLEM>YOU ARE THE FIRST PROBLEM>YOU ARE THE LAST PROBLEM>everything after that is child's playLmao, this read just like a script. Low effort wumao posting. Tell your handler to send you back to the reeducation camps. Thanks for keeping the thread bumped though, dumb wumao chink doesnt even know how to sage while he spams the thread post count into oblivion.

>>257242826China dwarfs whatever the fuck the jews are trying to do

>>257252699Kindly go back, your reddit is showing

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>>257249283You're correct if you're insinuating that the PRC bought off the moderation and admin of Reddit. There's a reason pro-China and anti-white narratives get bumped to the top and it's not only the fact that most redditors are literal retards.The same gooks that flood this board with black cock shilling have been running a bunch of anti-white boards on reddit. They use it to weaponize the niggers against various facets of traditional American society.

Why are the CIA Jews shilling anti-Russian and anti-China bullshit with Swiss/Swede/Cuck VPNs lately? Do they really see Russia and China as such a huge threat that they have to redirect natural reactions to Jewish bullshit against them?

>>257252677>i'm americanYoure as good as dead the chinks as far as Im concerned once World World 3 roles around, yellowfever faggot.

>>257252823It a good place to post about the JQ

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>>257252586I don’t see any evidence, just a bunch of rampant speculation that because 2 things happened at roughly the same time they have to be related. A classic example of low IQ thinking. >>257252733Okay, there’s Chinese self help books like “How To Be Rich Like A Jew” and the Chinese know that when they want the west to do something they go negotiate with Jews because Jews rule the west. That’s them being realistic about the situation.

It could be argued those who release plagues upon humanity are their destroyers.Turtle and egg.

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>>257251662This. The Jews are using the Mongols (Han died a long time ago) the same way the Jews turned the nigger into a golem.

>>257252823These slide threads don't get dealt with so might as well spam them with ACTUAL data.

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>>257252998Propagandizing against a foreign threat to distract from internal problems is as old as Athens.

>>257242763Got a source for that bullshit?

>>257253040Yes it's always pragmatism until white men do it.

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>>257252998>Yeah guys, like why does everybody hate China? It's not like they worked directly with Jews in the Wuhan Lab to create a virus that killed over a million people and wiped out people's economic livelihoods? Like whats the big deal, guys? Glowniggers, amirite, hahaha?

>>257252959Complaining about reddit with reddit spacing is like peeing on your shoe and complaining that its raining

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It all started during the Occupy Wall Street Protest which were slightly before 2012. Progressive stacking got ahold of the movement and here we are today, situation is actually much worse has radicals are supported by every of our institutions internationally in the West. I don't see think it started with China. I think it came from the US.

>>257252497Uh, I think the narrative changing leftist Jews are equally as dangerous as the Zionist crash America's economy every 10 years while being bailed out by companies hired by politicians already lobbied at AIPAC Jews. They are both ruining America, just in different ways.

>>257253118That’s dumb, Mongols ruled China for ~100 years. You’d be more accurate in saying that they’re Jurchens/Manchurians, they ruled China far longer and with much more of an eye to cultural conversion, but even then they never even came close to wiping out the Han. There’s too many chinamen for a foreign conqueror to ever really change their blood. Hell, the Triads were formed by ethnic Han, and had as a goal the reinstatement of the Ming dynasty.

>>257253367>reddit spacing No one worth reading their posts cares about muh reddit spacing

>>257244053Research the adverts you see it billboards and posters at bus stops, a user told me most of the advertising agencies are owned by chinese investors/people/ccp.

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>>257253257I don’t know what you want from me. I’m a white nationalist/Nazi/whatever term you want to use. I think one of our race’s problems is that we aren’t nearly pragmatic enough, at least in the modern day. I don’t hold it against the Chinese that they do what works.

>>257252219Because the Jews have only been able to push the WASP out of the leadership class in America because they've monopolized on the cheap labor and low regulatory environment China provides. The white middle class and ruling class got destroyed because the structures they built in the 20th century were decimated and outsourced to Chinkland via Jews.Without China's economic environment, the kikes never would have outsourced all those jobs... those middle class middle America jobs that built strong families and strong communities.Think about GM, Kodak, HP, Tyco, Phillips, etc... All those companies and all those jobs went to China because jews stood to profit from outsourcing and chinks provided them a vehicle to do it.

>>257253592Ok memeflaggot. Tell me more about it

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>>257253040Ok illiterate idiot, speculation my ass. Just completely ignore the documentary that talks about China's direct ties and history with Wall Street> completely ignore the posts about China's involvement with Hollywood, the video game industry, social media and Reddit too. How fucking dumb are you?

>>257253188Chinks hit kikes hard because they know it's a blatant wedge issue here. As evidenced in the thread the false dichotomy comes out and they keep hammering away.Holla Forums doesn't have to choose only one to hate. Holla Forums can still hate jews just fine while pointing out the truth the chinks are trying to destroy the planet and it is the immediate threat. Will jews attempt to game the happening? Of course. But they are being fucked by this chinese plague too and they can't afford to have their prized guard dog die from whatever ghonnaherpasyhpalaids the chinks decide to throw at everyone.jews are evil but also fairly pragmatic.

>>257247194It’s pasta

>>257253778>Holla Forums doesn't have to choose only one to hate. Holla Forums can still hate jews just fine while pointing out the truth the chinks are trying to destroy the planet and it is the immediate threat.Based. Same with Israel v. Palestine.Anytime someone is forcing you to choose between Muslim and Jew or Chink and Jew, the correct answer is neither. America First.

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>>257253704Oh no, I get it. White men have been brow beaten into accepting the restraints placed upon them and expected to fight while hobbled. The collar is fraying with this virus and the jews have a tenuous hold on it all.

>>257253891Don't tell em, they'll either learn soon enough or give up trying to understand and fuck off back to 9gag or ifunny or sone shit

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>>257253588Boy, you sure do know a lot of intricate information about random periods in Chinese history. Nothing strange or unique about that at all, huh?>>257253703Interesting, and not surprising at all unfortunately. Got a source by any chance? Or know the name of one of the advertising agencies?

>>257254244Just a rumor, there are alot of agencies to go through so would take too long

>>257246761all of the MIGA faggots>hurrrrn its not China it started in 1914 because shit that happened 100 years ago rules all decisions today hurrnnnnChina is basically using the same playbook that the British used against them in the 1700s and 1800s. They are flooding the US with drugs (heroin, meth, cocaine), pushing globohomo, pushing third wave feminism (which they have had in China since the 70s) and pushing for the liberals to incite a coup d'etat. Wall Street and the Deep State think they will get to cash out and live with Chinese princelings above the clouds while China and the US descend into technocratic slavery, but at some point the CCP will fuck over the gullible and greedy American plutocrats when their usefulness ends. Look up the opium wars, the boxer rebellion and most importantly the Taiping Rebellion to get an idea what the CCP is doing to the US. I will be shilled for this.

>>257244425Because SJW stuff destroys nations and they use it to destroy us while building themselves.

>>257253721Alright, I agree with that. Chinese labor has played a major, arguably decisive, role in hollowing out the American blue collar middle class. I agree that Jews were integral in outsourcing. I’m not sure I believe that WASPs are innocent in that situation, our business elite has fallen far from the days of Henry Ford. Mitt Romney may not be a Jew but he sure knows how to outsource like one. But I hold our business elite far more responsible for this than China. Should China not have offered cheap labor? What else did it have to offer at the time? It was behaving as a rational actor. Ideally our business class should have had some loyalty to our workers, but failing that, the government should have stepped in to prevent the outsourcing. Nowadays those outsourced jobs aren’t even going to China, if you want the cheapest labor you go to SEA, like Vietnam or Cambodia. Also remember that this thread isn’t about Chinese outsourcing. It’s about alleged Chinese involvement in the degeneracy and anti white bullshit that has overtaken society.

>>257242763Have you always been retarded?

>>257242763God I wish I lived in Switzerland but being white my family and I are not allowed. I'd ask what its like where you live but I'm not interested in views over the Gaza strip.

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>>257251991That’s what happens when you’re inbred

>>257254244Oh my you caught me. I have a passing knowledge of Chinese history, that must mean I’m a Chinese shill. I also know a decent amount about the Egyptian Mamlukes and the Ottoman Empire. Does that make me a shill for Islamic slave states? But more than anything, I know absurdly granular detail about the eastern front in WW2. Now the question is, am I bourgeois falsifier because I think the Soviets likely took more casualties than the modern Russians claim, or am I a communist shill because I think the Red Army was the most effective killing machine in the world in 1945?

>>257253025Oh shit. I think you might actually be Chinese

>>257254665Oy! So few to choose from.

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>>257254363>China is basically using the same playbook that the British used against them in the 1700s and 1800s. They are flooding the US with drugs (heroin, meth, cocaine), pushing globohomo, pushing third wave feminism (which they have had in China since the 70s) and pushing for the liberals to incite a coup d'etat. Wall Street and the Deep State think they will get to cash out and live with Chinese princelings above the clouds while China and the US descend into technocratic slavery, but at some point the CCP will fuck over the gullible and greedy American plutocrats when their usefulness ends. Look up the opium wars, the boxer rebellion and most importantly the Taiping Rebellion to get an idea what the CCP is doing to the US. I will be shilled for this.Yeah, and? And what, that makes it OK in your eyes? Just because of some hypothetical, unproven theory based on bulshit that they might backstab the Jews some day in the distant future long after were all dead? Get the fuck out of here with your "muh MIGA" shilling faggot. I had nothing to do with the Opium Wars or the Boxer Rebellion, not my fucking problem, you chinks fit right in the Holocaust kike crybabies >"muh Chaineeze Centawree ov Hyumeeleeashion." No one fucking cares. We made it up to you when the kikes gave you all our Intellectual Property and funded your entire chink country with American dollars, jobs and industry for absolutely nothing in return. Get the fuck over it, faggot.

>>257242763Alex Jones has been trying to tell you all this for year

>>257248326I do now too

>>257253020so, English isn't your first language, is it?

>>257242763China is certainly another puppet, but it's far from the main source of degeneracy, it's just another golem used to serve them.>>257247690That literally doesn't prove anything. Show nose and foreskin.

>>257254998If the chinks are funding the radical left, they’re doing is a favor. Natsocs won’t be able to rise without commies trying to ruin everything

>>257254703Youre probably not a shill, but definitely a yellowfever chink apologist faggot, which is even worse.>>257254436>Also remember that this thread isn’t about Chinese outsourcing.Ah yes, be careful not to get too close to the root cause of the problem. I wouldnt want to be BTFO on the Chiese/Jewish question or anything.

>>257242763Yeah okay, kike."China is the real hidden hand"No, kikes are the top of the food chain, but not high enough in number and your mother's are busy as girls fucking niggers.We're going to cull you cunts as a warning to the chinks.

>>257255217>Le typo maymay BTFO LOL

>>257252517>Posts degenerate effeminate gookshit>Claims to be "white"Okay, moshe.

>>257242763The chinks need to die off too, but the kikes come first.

>>2572544361) Outsourcing should have been illegal. Period.2) The anti-white and related social degeneracy only thrives in an environment where the nuclear family is weak or non-existent. Outsourcing of blue collar jobs in the 1990's was the #1 destroyer of strong families in America.

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>>257255459>Makes stupid bullshit claims>Runs away with the goalposts to something that everyone acknowledges China has been doing for decades. Sad!

Why does Chinese satellite state invite notorious French antisemite Alain Soral and declared him a friend of North Korea? North Korea is helping Palestinians build tunnels and stufd.

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>>257255277Fair enough, just remember who much of the true enemies are once all of this is over with, or else history is doomed to repeat itself again.

>>257255804>Provides sources and links>"stupid bullshit claims">No sources provided to counter-argueWeak and low effort. Kill yourself.

>>257255684Hey nigger, check your obamaphone.

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>>257245661It's true, jävla subba!Now, why don't you get back to listening to Abba and observing what your immigration policies have done to your once proud country?

>>257255786>1Agreed>2Agreed to an extent. The Jews were and are looking to attack the family from every possible angle. Outsourcing is definitely a major one, but they would have been pushing porn and faggotry and more either way. But I still put more blame for outsourcing on our domestic leaders than the Chinese. If I were a leader in China I’d do almost nothing differently. If I were a leader in America during the outsourcing period I likely would have acted the same way you would have.

>>257244053Literally your entire argument is that these two things happened at the same time, therefore there must be a causal relationship. This is pure fallacy.

>>257244053Hell, you aren’t even right about Islam in China. Remember those knife attacks that would happen every so often? Those were all crazed Islamists. Western media didn’t report that detail because they’re busily shilling about Muh poor Uyghers.

>>257244053Yeah, remember all those Chinese feminists. All those Chinese who killed Jesus. All those Chinese Bolshevisks that infiltrated Russia. All those Chinese bankers that funded Churchill against Hitler. No, China is a golem of Israel, and they are losing control over it, so they need to shut it down.

>>257254015This. >if you hate muslims you're a jew>if you hate jews you're a muslim>if you hate democrats you're a zionist>if you hate chinks you're (literally anything)>white people have to hate blacks>black people have to hate whitesAny false dichotomy shit is either a jew or a paid agitator reading out of the jew's playbook.

>>257254586Can someone please explain the Taipin Rebellion? It seems like a massive Waco on a Chinese scale with 30 million people.

>>257242763Yup everything is China's fault, even your virginity

>>257256767Wow you literally CANNOT read...>>257246761>>257246940>>257247100>>257247294>>257249197>>257249810>>257253765Like I said, read the thread before butting in with your low-informed, ignorant opinion, idiot.

>>257256917China can't even control china. Entertaining to think some desert rats would be able to control it.

>>257244832>Its rumoured to have vast oil resource under the Golan heights that exceed those of Venezuela or Saudi by far.Okay sure but those supposed reserves have done absolutely nothing to to stabilize the oil price throughout multiple regional conflicts, and now the decreasing need for oil in the future make it even more worthless. If this was any sort of pocket deuces for the USA they fucking sat it on it while the pot went elsewhere

>>257257032What do you want to know? Pretty much every time you look at the death toll of any Chinese rebellion it looks like someone committed an order of magnitude error. The Qing were foreign (Manchurian) conquerors, so they naturally faced more severe rebellions than most dynasties. In my opinion the Christian stuff was more window dressing than an actual root cause of the revolt, although I’m sure many were true believers. It was kind of a dry run for the Boxer Rebellion, Chinese protonationalists revolting against both the Qing and foreign influence.

>>257251049So you're saying chinks are making the same mistake Great Britain and later the United States made?

>>257242763Very true. Fuck the Chinese nigger cunts

>>257256917Stalin literally bankrolled the CCP during its Civil War days. Are you retarded? there absolutely were Jews in China during the rise of the>A new film documents the life of (((Sidney Rittenberg))), who joined, worked with the top leaders of, and was finally imprisoned by the Chinese Communist Party.>(((Sidney Rittenberg)))

>>257257253None of that proves or even claims what you think it does. Chinese influence is dedicated to suppressing narratives harmful to the Chinese government, it even says as much in your first post. They don’t care about pushing faggotry and breaking apart the family unit, they want you to get banned if you post about Tiannenman Square. Again, show me a movie produced with significant Chinese dollars behind it that is anywhere near as subversive as your average kike made film. I can point to Midway as a very recent example of my claim, can you find an equivalent?

>>257254888Checked. I choose this one, looks like it has good damage and decent hp. Not sure what it evolves into though.

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Nice pic, OP. Yeah, we gotta to war with China. The world needs more starving women.

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>>257244053Genxer here, i noticed this too but couldn’t put a finger on it, i always associated it to obama, but that maybe a part of the whole puzzle. If you put any attention to holliwood and the media it is blatant the careful tip toeing they do around china. Also the chinese intervention in mu country has ramped up so much they are an integral part of the cartel now as suppliers and contractors, they hire the cartel as security for their mining operations down here, ive been saying in this board that china is stealing mexicos lithium and nothing is being done about it. I wish we could make an alliance but we are way to hated by you burgers

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>>257242763China and Russia are behind the majority of accelerations of erosion of western civilization.They've had operatives in all 50 states of the U.S. and online. They're behind escalations of:Flat Earth vs. Round EarthNever Went to the MoonFake NewsMen vs. WomenWhites vs. BlacksLeft vs. RightStraight vs. GayConservative vs. LiberalExtremists vs. CentristsAlt-Right and Alt-LeftSexual Identity...and pretty much everything we can fight over.

>>257258073Are you serious?The Chinese owned Hollywood Production Company I mentioned above, Legendary Entertainment, literally funded the movie BlackKklansmen, dircted by fucking Spike Lee of all here for yourself.

>>257258020Do you not see how that story is unhelpful to your narrative?When is the last time a subversive Jew in a powerful position in the American government ended up in prison?

>>257246430Fuck off

>>257258968>the chinese intervention in mu country has ramped up so much they are an integral part of the cartel now as suppliers and contractors, they hire the cartel as security for their mining operations down hereWow, damn this is spicy. Got a source, friend? Even if its in Spanish?Youre not too far off on Obama though, Obama, and the rest of the Democrat traitors are all good buddies with the chinks. I hope your President is successful in making that nigger apologize for Fast and the Furious.

>>257246430Papa nurgle wins

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>>257259386When is the last time a subversive Jew in a powerful position in the American government ended up in prison?Youve never heard of Jeffrey Epstein before?

>>257259288Okay, I say Legendary was one of the companies involved in production. But my coincidence detector is going off the scale>Jason Blum>Jordan Peele>David Rabinowitz And according to the production section, it was QC, combined with Blumhouse and Jordan Peele’s production studio that actually produced it. Maybe Legendary was involved in international distribution? Either way they are at the very bottom of the list of producers and not mentioned once in the section on production, so I don’t think that meets my standard of significant monetary contribution. Again, compare this to Midway, which received over $20 million dollars from Chinese investors when no American company was willing to pay for a war epic.

>>257242763oh, you mean jews thenthe only non-chinese to ever be part of the ccp are jewsif china is behind it then jews are behind china and jews are still responsible, just we get to hate china too nowthanks chinks!

>>257259880What position did Epstein have in the government, can you remind me?

>>257244832>Israel is an US organ>the goyim control us goy, believe thathahhahah

>Beijing festival pulls Oscar-winning gay film>Mar 27, 2018>The Beijing International Film Festival's move reflects China's checkered relationship with LGBTQ themes in the creative truth is China loves sexual degenerates about as much as muslims, christians and other religious nuts.

>>257260214I see*, not say.

>>257259386>>257259880Also, I suggest you educate yourself on the (((Sassoon))) family. They are the Rothschilds of China and all of Asia. been in China for hundreds of years and are still there to this day. Before, during and after the CCP took charge. The Chinese and the Jewish bankers have a very deep history.

>>257255680>smug reaction image.jpg

>>257260282cianigger seconded to mossad

>>257260375Wouldn’t it be the other way around?>>257260352I’m aware of the Sassoons. Didn’t I say somewhere that Jews have been trying to subvert China? They have their tentacles in every country in the world. I’m not claiming China is some unique bastion free of Jewish influence, but I think Jewish influence has far more control over our government than theirs.

>>257260634>Wouldn’t it be the other way around?no dumbass why would you want to be known as mossad when you're out there blackmailing everyone like robert maxwell when you can actually be a cia agent too and use that as a shield

>>257260282You said "subversive" and he was closely tied with the Clintons, Prince Andrew and Alan Dershowtiz, among many others, as well as major powerful and corporate figures who run this country behind the scenes.Anyways, it doesnt even matter, I've already shown you China has a long deep histroy with Jewish bankers, and its not going anywhere any time soon...>>257260352

>>257260634>trying to subvertThe Sassoon family has been in China since 1844. Thats nearly 200 years. Theyre not trying anymore, theyre already deeply entrenched.

>>257260953The difference in my mind is that Jewish influence in China is relegated to the economic sphere, while in the west they have their claws in every social issue imaginable. It’s not a significant exaggeration to say that the average westerner has their opinions shaped exclusively by various different Jewish ideologies. My exact words with regard to Epstein were> When is the last time a subversive Jew in a powerful position in the American government ended up in prison?Also on Epstein, do you actually believe he is dead? I’m certain I don’t know.

>>257242763>They own our social networksWow is that why Facebook is owned by a Jew? And Google owned by a Jew? And YouTube owned by a Jew? And so forth?

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>>257261721Those are publicly traded companies beholden to the shareholders. Who owns the shares?

>>257243225>The only thing that pisses me off more than this false claim of the Chinese is the "satanists" or "freemasons"Ironically, Satanism is staunchly AGAINST human sacrifice. But Judaism is not.