Black metal band leader comes out as transgender

>Last year, Liturgy broke their four-year silence with the very good new album H.A.Q.Q., and today, band leader Hunter Hunt-Hendrix has come out as transgender. >She wrote in part, “I am a woman. I’ve always been one. The love I have to give is a woman’s love, if only because it is mine. To varying degrees many already understand this, but I’d like to make a clear statement about my actual gender. I could have done this before Liturgy started, but I didn’t, out of fear. I knew I was female and not male, emotionally and in my experience of my body. But I was afraid – of social rejection, romantic rejection, career rejection, rejection by my family, failure.” Read Hunter’s statement in full below.

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Other urls found in this thread:,>>257250453>Absuwhat's>>257258149Wenn

looks like a man with long hair!

>>257239093They are just lost.

>>257239093The face of defeat

>>257239093Lmao, as if people couldn't tell. Delusional narcissist.

Niggerican "black metal" lol :DShotgun to the face for you yankie animals

Liturgy isn't black metal. Post black hipster trash is for liberal trannies anyways

The reality is he just coomed too much

>>257239093Depression with lots of drugs. Is this the reason Americans do such things? Because what I know from experience in here nobody thinks like this. It is absolutely absurd.


>>257239093I’d fuck him...I mean her...I mean...Oh you know


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>>257239335this. Trannies are either guys that got molested as kids or degenerate coomers who got AGP and now get off on being the female.

>>257239093Metal has always been very accepting of the gay and trans community. Look to Judas Priest, Marilyn Manson, etc for the answers you seek. For the most part, we don't give a single fuck who you are fucking, as long as you make good music.

>>257239093Lmao NSBM the only true black metal left everything else is just dildos

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>>257239093they are satanist masons

>>257239592who cares? metal is already a shit genre, and black metal is the worst form of metal

>>257239093Disgusting abomination slob. Look at him, taking a selfie like being a FREAK and a failure to your family is something to be proud of.I cant wait until it’s legal to shoot these people in the street again.

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>>257239093>switch to being a woman>dress like an uggo plain jane

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>>257239215Because it is lol

>>257239215just like every other guy in a metal band

>>257239712Definitely a literally who cares statement from a literal who band but metal is based. You can just fuck right off with your shit opinions.


>>257239093Fucking speed runners

>>257239962>BEING A WOMAN IS MORE THAN DRESSING UPFew sheems know this

>>257239093Black metal has always been for faggots, now it's for trannies too

>>257239542Yet you guys have more trannies than anyone

>>257239215K V L T as fuck

>>257239319>country with no history and is much gayer than anything currently in America

>>257239093Well not all black metal frontmen can live up to Nathan Explosion. Seriously imagine Varg to be a bulky figure with a strong face and black hair, he would simply be a political force just for existing. That’s basically every metal musician’s dream, well depicted by the show Metalocalypse, so I can imagine why someone would be like meh, I already invested all my life into making metal, why the fuck wouldn’t I be a woman now.

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>>257239093I knew he was a faggot since day one. Black Metal is full of homosexuals, self-hating delusional edgy faggots, even their own scene knows it.

>>257239093Typical all white musicians are gay druggy or pussy. Mom can’t fight Name me 5 musicians that can fight Roy Jones 50 cent project pat dmx or the gameRappers n black musicians are all about being alphaEven nice guy will smith would slap your mick jaggerYour metal musicians may seem hardcore burning churchs down but will be a niggas punk bitch in prison Fun fact punk originally meant prison bitchThat’s they say momma raised no punk But white kids want to be punks Says a lot right there

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>>257239340Guy here tried to commit suicide 6 months ago

>>257240274Lol it’s all white trannys u see protesting and dancing at pride u cherry picker


What is the deal with metal and subgenrefaggotry? Metal is never just metal it's always some kind of symphonicblacksludgebrutalgrindcore meme genre.

>>257239215Hey, that's what I shout at black metal concerts

>>257239093>becomes Alanis Morissette

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>>257239093>hyphenated last namehmmm....

>>257239093Liturgy was never a black metal band kek.

>>257240480Niggers are no better than these edgy faggots wearing leather and their mom's make up. Both are degenerate trash, stop larping as tyrone and go back to your trannycord you retarded niggerloving abomination.

>>257240718That's because niggers are usually "downlow brothas", read an entire article awhile back about how many nogs are closeted faggots.

>>257240274Let me guess... per capita... wow such statisticsTheres like x5 the number of white trannies than black. Btw you only use per capita when you lose in magnitude lmao

>>257240134I dont think any of them actually conceptualize the concept of a woman biologically They are so caught up in themselves they lack the empathy to understand.

Who in the name of fuck is liturgy?

>>257239093Liturgy is metal for Pitchfork basedbois.

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>>257241057You stupid jogger, you must not understand "per capita". Cope harder nigger

>>257240020Become a woman speedrun (any%) PB attempts !wr

>>257240933I’ve never even heard of them

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Well he does have a pretty feminine face.

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Called it years ago. This is why I think transgenderism can be truly genetic for some people. You look at them and you just know.

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>>257241234No I clearly understand. In raw numbers there are significantly more white trannies but that number doesnt look good so you guys move the goalposts to make it look like whites dont have a lot of trannies. Psst, you still do

>Liturgy>black metalUm try again sweaty

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>>257241776Low tier bait

>>257241054And they're also the primary spreaders of HIV. Fucking faggot niggers

>>257241184I love Brandon Stosuy, what a great addition to p4k, he really know his metal

>>257240480>Name me 5 musicians that can fight Roy Jones 50 cent project pat dmx or the gameIn no order:GG AllinSeth PunthamVarg VikernesLemmy KillmsterFaminePlus most rap musicians are poser pussies, who only rap about being gangsta while living in gated neighborhoods, seldomly going to jail for such "gangsta" shit as tax evasion or molesting an underage girl.

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>>257239093Looks like Mister Metokur.

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There are very few good American black metal

>>257241346>any%Not 41%

>>257242046Let's not forget

>>257242002Is that actually Jim? He looks like my old high school band instructor.

there's some tranny frontman for a punk band, i forgot if it was like nofx or lagwagon or something. dude was too chicken to go to a doc though, so he's not doing any surgery or pills or anything, just dresses in drag.

>>257242339send him a superchat and he may tell you.

>>257241986> GGsucked as a fighter but funny to watch while he was fighting> SethDuring that whole hatebreed fight debacle thing at metalfest 2001, while it was going on, he either saw the cops enter the room or someone nearby whispered to him, "Seth, the cops are coming!" because - and I will never forget this because I saw it with my own eyes 3 feet away - in the midst of what was a really soft, bitch fight at best (honestly; it was just the kinda grab/push part of the beginning of a fight) - Seth drops to the ground with nobody else even laying a finger on him. Like, at that particular moment, it was just a shouting argument in between some physicality. Was hilarious. Just dropped to the ground to make it look like he was the victim. He still ended up getting arrested for whatever reason haha.

>>257239093oh she cute

no trans

>>257242394found it, the lead guy from against me. apparently is now "laura". dude is crashing hard

>>257239093>trans You mean fucked in the head.

>>257239215because it is????

>>257239093>black metal>the love I have to give???

>>257239093One way to sell more records these days...

>>257239093Remember when Gaahl came out as gay? The only person in black metal that I respect is Fenriz. He became a councilor in his town. Varg is a criminal hillbilly.


>>257241388Do guys with feminine faces make cute girls(if they reproduce)? Asking for a friend haha.

>>257242618life of agony. same thing. Keith Caputo is now "Mina Caputo."

>>257239093leftist have been trying to take over the metal scene for years, theyre fucking atrocious

>>257239093>Black Metal>thinking for one minute that this individual is not going to be a degenerate

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>>257243702>citation neededUnless you mean some gay emo shit.

>>257241709what about Africa where every man is gay?

>>257243702fucking NY and PNW scene have a lot to answer for.

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>>257242490>sucked as a fighter but funny to watch while he was fightingHe could probably still beat the shit (and then probably molest) most of gangster rap scene lol.> Just dropped to the ground to make it look like he was the victim.Chris, we get it, you are still mad, but let it go.


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>>257243815Always loved everything about this. The basedpunch, the reaction time, the face, the shirt. 10/10

>>257243851Ignorant leaf. Look into what's been happening to Taake for a good primer.

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>>257243815That twink euphoriac on videorelated is probably into hardcore punk.Plus most of antifa considers black metal "racist". They did try to create some "antifascist" bm bands, but result was incredibly cringe and was mocked by pretty much everyone.

>>257239093Hahaha good, I've always hated that pretentious faggot

>>257239093>LiturgyHAHAHAHHAHAHHA"transcendental black metal indeed" faggots

>>257242618>>257242394My friend had an album of his and I actually liked it. Too bad when constantly rebelling you eventually rebel against your genatalia

>>257244324I mean them "taking over" was just making some shitty leftist bands like Gaylord or Neckbeard with electronic drums and cringe lyrics. Its basically same shit as Christian "unblack"metal from 2000s.


Women don't have penises.Time to officiate the transition and cut it off.

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>>257241986didn't seth have a fucking stroke but continued performing live in a wheelchair?

>>257239093Wow she is heckin cute (* —u—- *)

>>257244686Fair enough. I meant it in the sense that they're trying to take control over who is allowed to play shows and sign onto records.

>>257240400>with no historyyou literally made a movie about an "american sniper" while the deadliest sniper in history is finnish and got 500+ kills IN 3 MONTHS

>>257244680i like a couple of against me's discs too. we just collectively forget anything recent about them, kinda like green day

>>257240400Dude you're embarrassing us.

>>257244817Prefurrable live on stage. That would be pretty "metal"

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>>257243702fuck, I'm trying to think of some shit black metal band from canada that has lyrics about gender roles in the country....found itgayest fucking shit

>>257239093Hunter is the grandson of the late billionaire Texas oil tycoon H.L. Hunt.

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>>257244686>Horde>Crimson Moonlight>Lo-Ruhamah>Slechtvalk>Vials of Wrath>Aletheian>Mortification>Holy Bloodmost of them aren't black, but there's okay christian metal

>>257239093>Liturgy>black metallmao yeah right

Why can't fags just be normal. Suck a cock or seven and then just chill. Why the social deception. Why beg others to play along. It's insulting to my intelligence.

>>257245426Yep, and now he'll use all that money to further the tranny agenda, and, or buy more estrogen for confused kids on many discord servers.

>>257245426>Haroldson Lafayette Hunt Jr. (February 17, 1889 – November 29, 1974), known throughout his life as H. L. Hunt, was a Texas oil tycoon and Republican political activist. By trading poker winnings for oil rights, he ultimately secured title to much of the East Texas Oil Field, one of the world's largest oil deposits. From it and his other acquisitions, he accrued a fortune that was among the world's largest; at the time of his death, he was reputed to have the highest net worth of any individual in the world. It's interesting to see how little control we have of our descendents.

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Anudda one took the kike pill. Suicide when?>>257241057>Btw you only use per capita when you lose in magnitude lmaothis is the most dumb shit I have read in 2020

>>257243815Lol. You should read commentary section on rate your music under BM albums. 90% of time some faggots there discussing is the members of group are nazi and if they are allowed to listen to them. And liturgy is pretentious shit.

>>257245031Yeah but he went around killing niggers illegally like a madlad, you can't top that.

>>257239093I have never heard of them, judging from the sound they make they sound like shit. Hopefully he cuts his benis off soon and an heroes.

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>>257244177> ChrisNo no haha, not Chris Barnes. The "fight" I'm talking about was with Jamey Jasta from Hatebreed.

>>257239093This music is trash, glad this guy signed up to kill himself early

>>257245745Haroldson HuntHunter Huntsurname surnameAre Americans retarded?

>>257239577Hey. You're a faggot.

>>257239093Trans people: gender shouldn’t define who you are. This bloke: I only have woman’s love to give?

>>257245858Some time ago I found a amazing band by chance on JewTube, name is Silence Thereafter, and went to the comments to see if people recommended similar shit. Found out about Mgla, my current favorite.Go on Twitter, search Mgla, or Reddit, and read the amount of whining about them.

>>257243851do you live under a rock?

Transgender is fourth degree faggotry.


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Wait, wasn't liturgy that hilariously hipster 'black metal' band that's just hipster faggots playing Wolves in the Throne Room ripoff material?

>>257246461Hey my name is Hunter :(

>>257239093another piece of proof that black metal is for faggots

>>257239573You're a big guy.

>>, I knew I recognized this faggot from somewhere.>"Transcendental Black Metal" Haha this dude's been a laughing stock in the metal scene for ages. Listen to him talk about his gay music. I've played metal for years, and as much as I love black metal, it's the easiest subgenre to play aside from sludge.

>>257246461>Are Americans retarded?it's a metal thing.

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>>257239093>Liturgy>Black Metal

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>>257239093wow a literal satanist is also a tranny...just like every depiction of satan. moral degenerates also turn out to be faggots. who would have ever guessed this?

>>257239093a satan loving faggot turns out to be an even more mentally ill faggot. well by golly gee.

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>>257247891>>257247816These guys aren't black metal. They're just an extension of that coastal US wannabe black metal shit that arose in the late 2000s.I realize now that power metal is the only good genre of metal left, and I feel bad for ever supporting PNW black metal

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>>257239093Gaahl already came out as a faggot years ago. So this queer isn't the first.

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>>257248140>I realize now that power metal is the only good genre of metal leftI cant stand more than 1 power metal song. Problem is death metal gets pozzed more and more every day

>>257248140>coastal US wannabe black metal shit that arose in the late 2000swhat the fuck is that?it may be a bitter pill, but nothing - i repeat: nothing - from the US has ever been considered "Black Metal", everit's a purely european/slavic thing, always has beenplease stay with making Thrash & shitty Death Metal, if that's the result

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>>257247400>>257247816>caring about the metal scenelol

>>257245519You left out Extol and Alcest.:'-(

>>257239093Of course. Black metal artists are those who are the most deprived from God's light. Satan has been using them for decades to promote his imagery. Now, they are becoming what they projected most: man beasts.

>>257248595found the nigger

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>>257239093This guy was already a turbo faggot

Do you guys think PMO has its place in the tranny phenomenon?

has anybody else taken the glam metal pill yet?

>>257239093this little shithead never disappoints


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>>257248553Wolves in the Throne Room. Like it or not, is Black Metal.

Death metal 4 life. Black metal is for Pagan LARPers & Europeans.

>>257248922shitty post-blackcmon now

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>>257248730Go back to /r/christianity you boomer faggot. Liturgy does not represent the black metal scene, no one takes their pretentious shit seriously.

>>257239093I hate trannies

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>>257249039Sorry, it's been a while since I've paid attention, but at their peak I don't recall ever hearing the term 'post' black.Although I honestly think that label suits them better. Diadem of 12 Stars is still pretty decent though.And Misato is best girl but don't avatarfag.

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>>257248553Slavs do NOT make black metal. It is purely northern European. Fuck off back to your cuckshed Hans

>>257241986Lenny n famine look like drug addicts n dyelVarg looks tough that’s about itGot any examples aside from ezy e turning fagI’m saying as a whole for genres rap has the toughest guys before they got richRockers seem to have high levels of depression


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>>257240480Like a typical nigger you don’t even know who your best fighters are.Ghostface had Mase’s jaw broken to gift him with his lazy-mouth flow, Chadarius.

>>257249490>Misato is best girli see, you're a man of culture as wellthat's why this is a misato /thread now>'post' blackthat's what we call basically every hipster-cringe-wannabe group from overseas for at least 10 some unrelated 'still'-black metal>>257245357>shit black metal band from canada that has lyrics about gender roles in the countrywho else but canadaI'd very much appreciate if the american continent would stop appropriating our musical subcultures, thanks>>257249527>Slavs do NOT make black metalthat's a lie right therethey actually make pretty decent black

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Black metal was always gay as fuck, bunch of edgy faggots prancing about in leather and make up and squealing like a woman, at least death metal's gutterals are masculine.

>>257239093Absu already had a transgender. Not even breaking the glass ceiling.

Liturgy and WITTR-style BM has always been beyond horrible.Why listen to that garbage when stuff like Taake, Drudkh, Grand Belial's Key exists?

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>>257249879>Xasthurweren't they italian, tho>>>257250453>Absuwhat's next, dimmu burger & cradle of fries?haven't they been burgermutts too btw?

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>>257247403Not your fault lad, nice name but it's a last name.

>>257250951I'm pretty sure Absu is from Texas.They allegedly kicked her out of the band when she came out.Pic for reference.

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>>257239093>black metalMusic for faggots anyway

>>257239712Yeah, I love Holla Forums but it generally has shit taste in music

>>257251216>sheFuck USBM

>>257248140I'm from the PNW and some of those bands are good people. Uada/ceremonial castings did a huge amount for the local scene here. Agalloch are a respectable bunch. WitTR sucks ass though.

>>257251386Respect her choice of pronouns or get off this board.

>>257241656>You look at them and you just know.i look at >>257241388 that pic and you can see in his eyes he has some mental illness.

>>257239093next thing you know, we're gonna find out that the Judas Priest guy is a raging homo!~...what?

>>257251529I'm sorry, I see now that my behaviour was mean and hurtful. I will try to be better in future.

>>257251216>I'm pretty sure Absu is from Texasthat tranny-problematic seems to be entirely related to the american scene KEK

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>>257239335this. dopamine addiction turns you into a mindbroken sissy slut.

>>257239215because it is

>>257239093Everyone who plays or listens to metal is gay. Who cares?

>>257251779pray 3 "Ave Greta", bigot

>>257239712 haha yeah bro mumble rap is where its at bro have you heard the new kendrick album bro oh man so many good lines in it haha down with white spupremacy bro fuck teh system bro !!! hiphop4eva


>>257240480GG allin would come to your house and stab you just for talking shit no lie you fucking pussy shut your cunt already

>>257252467i just waited for someone to post that bandyes, i'd consider that "black metal"also he doesn't want to be associated with the US, and rather wants to be seen as a german, since he moved here

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>>257250951xasthur is one guy from los angeles named scott conner

>>257239093Was it really necessary to announce that?

>>257240480lee vingphil anselmomike vallely seriously you can't be this retarded

>>257239093This is the pornographic jews fault.

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>>257251804I only know of 2 transgenders in major American metal bands. It is much more widespread in the eggpunk/hardcore scene here. G.L.O.S.S. and all the other Olympia hardcore stuff has caused big divides for punks.

>>257252818>eggpunk/hardcorei don't even know what this is

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>>257249671Famine is hanging out with paramilitaries in Eastern Europe. Lemmy did beat the shit out of punks and commies in 70s. I mean your average black metal musician from Eastern Europe could probably kill any American rap musician with his bare hands. At the same time most rappers are just pussies who relate to their "gangster" image as much as Madonna did to being a virgin LMAO.

>>257239093This is what paganism leads to lmfao pagans btfo

>>257248553Do you not consider bands like Profanatica, Wind of the Black Mountains and Thy Feeble Savior as black metal? What about NME? Those bands were making music at the same time the European black metal was first created.

>>257239573What is AGP?

>>257239093Tbqh chopping your dick off is metal as fuck

>>257241132Now this is a smart post. Very unlikely for this board.

>>257239093Well five-head there is off to a good start with the hyphenated name.

>>257239093black metal makes you gay. just like anime.

>>257253256Autogynaphilia, dressing up/thinking of yourself as a woman turns you on.

>>257241132Lacking empathy is feminine so

>>257241054even niggas can't resist the bbc

>>257241365Based.>>257241388Literally fucking FAS rapebaby.>>257240480Add also Luttinen, he beat up a lot of Muzzies in the 90' before being a nationalistic LARP.

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>>257239093black metal has always been gay, edgy, and terrible. it's whole purpose is ti "piss off Christians" like some Reddit fag. That's coming from a non-Christian too. Melodic death metal is way better.

>>257253010It's a shitty subculture.

>>257241057stfu joggerthe faggot population is 5 times as big among niggers look it up niggers are the definition of boring faggots

>>257253120>Profanaticaokay, that one too maybebut just in general, no one thinks american bm comes even close to euro-slavic

>"Hunt-Hendrix has also started a new band, a "trap djent" project called Ideal, which released the single “Seraphim” in 2019."What did she mean by this?

>>257239093>Black metalTry black shoegaze. This is the bar, and they don't fucking come close:

Liturgy the death metal band from the 'black metal' band from new is not black metal, at all

>>257240480>t. actual retardVarg literally murdered someone in cold blood.

>>257251216Lol. And anericsns say that Europe is gay. Meanwhile soon everyone in you country will be tranny.

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Reminder FDR was a closet trans woman.

>>257241986>SethI wish Seth was still around, but his bloated, stroke and heroin ridden-body couldn't fight anyone. Hell, in his last days, he had a hard time keeping himself upright:

>>257253499please seethe

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>>257253963Hip Hop and Rap are objectively way more dangerous than Metal or Punk. Those musicians kill each other all the time. You should look into Peter Beste's rap photo book. Tons of those people died before he could even publish the thing. I don't think any of the artists in his True Norwegian Black Metal book died.

>>257240819Too be fair, black metal (specifically Scandinavian 2nd Wave black metal) was explicitly anti-death metal and formed basically as a reaction to commercialization of metal in the late 80's and 90's. It's not just a subgenre but a very specific point in the history of metal with lots of baggage that comes with it. So it makes sense when Euros get mad at American "black metal" bands like Liturgy.

>>257254189as long as Nattefrost is still alive, the others in the book will probably fine as well

>>257254180>seethe moreI'm seething?

>>257240480Most rappers are 5'5'' twinks. I mean they could probably the the asses of the 5'5'' twinks who comprise most bands, but most artists in any genre tend to be manlets.

>>257254279look what we got here, someone was paying attention

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>>257243702I used to browse Metalsucks, run a bunch of kikes. Stopped reading the site once they started aggressively pushing left-wing views.

>>257240480back to Africa monkey

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>>257245745Considering the Lafayette becomes part of the families working as part of the deep state, this shit doesn't surprise me. They spread into everything and then attempt to destroy from within. Fortunately its only their own progeny they're destroying

trans comes out as man

>>257245357Not everything gay in Canada

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>>257245357Iskra is good tho. Also, they are not black metal. They more Anarcho punk than anything else.

>>257254827that cover looks familiarlink pls?

>>257248922WitTR get credit if nothing else for actually practicing what they preach, like living out in a cabin in PNW and returning to nature. The issue with blackgaze is most of them are LARPers, they just like the music but still want to live the American West Coast lifestyle.

>>257254827Glenn Fricker is Canadian!

>>257245745It reminds me of that Rothschild girl who divorced her husband to hook up with a nigger. The children of Jews and globalist whites are falling for their own propaganda.

>>257254353eh, no, oc you're not was mistaking you for a christcuck, my

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>>257253749you picked one of the shittiest songs. fucking retard

>>257255489that was on purposecheck the last track i posted

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More faggoty.

>>257239577>Judas Priest, Marilyn MansonShut up poser. Those bands are barely metal, suck and are gay

Attached: slam world.jpg (448x373, 25.59K) now?

>>257255678stop shitposting,

>>257255713Judas Priest is one of the greatest metal bands to ever exist. I hope you are just LARPing as a slam wigger.

>>257239093he's always been a fucking retard though, so this isn't really surprising

>>257255470I hate

>>257240423Corpsegrinder for office 2024

>>257256078>Wundwasser>not: Vom Muttermordwho's the jogger here, eh?

Attached: misato_handtuch.jpg (704x480, 38.98K)

>But I was afraid – of social rejection, romantic rejection, career rejection, rejection by my family, failureits never to late for that

>>257239573Based ID

>>257256433real non-joggers listen to the older shit are way more dark even tho the sound quality is very meh. Fucking hell... its from 1998, I'm fucking old :/

>>257256777Bernd prüft & bestätigt>real non-joggers listen to the older shittrue, Krebs macht frei!>sound quality is very mehexactly like it has to

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>>257239577>when every band you named sucks

>>257256317they're a pretty dysgenic bunch of race-mixing faggotsbut kikes and mudslimes are much worse tbqh

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>>257239093all those faggy nord metal bands are masonic fag shitssee: ghost lead singer

>>257256386Corpsegrinder's Neck for office 2024

>>257257249Hoerst du nur deutscher Black metal? am meistens ist das wirklich scheiss.

Why is this happening?

>>257258149eisregen is death metal

>>257239093>he fell for the metal is the white mans music memeSad, many such cases. Come home white man, folk is waiting on

>>257258041i love these schizo posters>>257258149Wenn ich wollte, könnte ich

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>>257239093>fag metalblack metal died in the 80s or something

>>257258301>eisregen is death metalhmmmore like "dark metal shitposting"definitely some strong bm influencei always say it's "black metal party music"

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>>257245357Haha knew it would be Iskra.

"Hunter Hunt-Hendrix"

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>>257243815this is one of the best gifs of all time. everything is perfect

>>257259733do we know each other, catposter?

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>>257239093No you aren't, no you haven't, no it's not etc etc etcFucking crazy people

>>257259363they usually release some shitpost songs as bonus but their more serious songs are death metal, maybe a variation of death metal. Its really hard to define. (Not so sure about the modern albums they made, stopped following their new releases a while ago.)Still impressive that they had the balls to make a song about the Leipzig holocaust.

>>257239712I rather listen to metallica or some shit rather than a chimp yelling into the mic about how he fucks bitches and kills other chimps.

>>257258638But metal is for whites. Do you ever see coons listening to metal?

>>257253769Hyphenated names yield faggot boys and masculine girls

if you listen to metal after high school you're still a

>>257239093>The love I have to give is a woman’s loveThat means anal sex, a lot of



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>>257260342>Its really hard to define.i'm fairly certain they get categorized as "Dark Metal" actually>Still impressive that they had the balls to make a song about the Leipzig holocaust"Tod senkt sich herab", yesalso they spent their whole debut on the index without ever giving a fuck

Attached: the_weak_should_fear_the_stronk.jpg (588x576, 105.04K)

Black metal has always been full of faggots and posers, nothing new really. Thrash metal is what real men listen to.

>>257256120>>257255713Judas Priest isn't shitty, but metalfags loving leather, spikes, etc is ironically only because Rob Halford is a huge faggot who was into kinky shit, and popularized the look before it became public knowledge.



>>257239093What the fuck does woman's love mean. I was beat up by my grandma as a child, stop confusing personality with gender and sex they have nothing to do with each other.

>>257260923>Dark Metal" actuallyoh... now my memories are coming back, yes they actually do call their music genre that. stopped listening their music back in ~2014, not sure why. Was a big fan back in 2008-2013 and still have all the merch

>>257248553this is pretty good

>>257261474my grandma beat the teacher of my uncle with a broomstick in front of the entire class. Women back then were better

>>257239093>The love I have to give is a woman’s loveConstant nagging and mood swings?

>>257243265are you asking about if you knock a woman up or if you get knocked up?

>>257261650Your country doesn't exist. I never heard of it before. Its fake

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