7 injured on the Chinese side vs. 4 on the Indian side.Virgin Chink vs. Chad Pajeet.Which side are you on, Holla Forums?

Attached: ChadPajeetVirginChink.png (669x885, 495.25K)

Other urls found in this thread:>Sikkim

>>257229341I'm gonna go with jews on this one and take both sides

>>257229341From uniforms alone I'm going with the pajeets

This is ofn

>>257229341how many poos vs changs was it?



>>257229774I'm with you, bro. The Virgin Chink vs. The Chad Poo.

>>257229341shit on those insects, Pajeet!

>>257230065It's scary bro, I feel like loaning money out to people and chraging insane ursury

>>257229341Wasn't aware Pajeets were capable of bantz. This is great.

Hindus don't actually hate the west so I support India since I have a brain.

>>257229341china has met it's bio-warfare superior

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>>257229341India of course. If Chinese food supply is hit they'll buy more of our salmon.Also, how can I invest in the arms manufacturers in China?

>>257229341I support the Poopjeets. At least they keep their infections local.

My support goes to the cricket playing nations.


>>257231020Exactly.Poos will never be as belligerent towards us as China because we have that bond.

Aren't they going to make iphones in India now?

Chinks are all about thought policing. Indians take a designated shit all over it. Plus statistically it looks like every Indian soldier could take two Chinese soldiers.

Attached: Chineseinfograph.png (800x5132, 754.04K)

>>257229341That could just as easily be propaganda to demoralize the Chinese. It's sad that there are literally no news agencies I trust anymore, whereas 10, maybe 12 years ago I considered them authoritative.

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>>257229341Ahhh shit do it Navdeep! Kill Chinks and you will be rewarded with Western manufacturing. Apple and Tesla will build a street of gold for you to shit in.

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>>257229559fpbp. Both China and India have governments embedded in global free trade, migration, homo tranny degeneracy and allowing synagogues on their soil.

>>2572293417 Changs and 43 poos!

>>257230616I'd wager that those are all 100% state owned

>>257229341That photo looks like an N64 game

Based pajeets.

poos will fuck you up chang, they are pretty much immune to everything, even their own stupidity.

Attached: poojeet is serious.jpg (500x351, 53.77K)

>>257231236God damn the arrogance of those Chinese monkies is enough for anyone to ask for their genocide.

Pateejism will rule the world

>>257229559You might actually be on to something here, maple nigger.

>>257231236That second video had me dead hahahahahahha fucking hell all pajeets are literally the same and they talk the same way and even when he says I don’t appreciate the way he is talking to me about the Chinese colonel fuckin hell im dying Watch the second video on that link lads

>>257229341How good are Indian soldiers? I feel with their ties to British history they must have a decent military.

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>>257229341They should have just pooped on the chinks.

>>257234203You're the original kalergi mutts.

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>>257229341I'm on death's side

>>257234450They should weaponize their shit, they would be undefeated then just because of the smell alone.

>>257229341>incredible Pajeet victory>muh outnumbered poos>no videoevery time you curryniggers claim that beause your state TV says you beat up over 6 gorillion Chinese the videos show the exact opposite happens, Pajeets getting their asses kicked or at average two or three Pajeets mobbing on a single Chinese soldier

Attached: shit eating party.jpg (810x971, 459.31K)

>>257229341Poos are an ancient civilisation with the most elaborate religious culture in the world. The soil of India had created do many saints.China is a 70 years old dictatorship that killed it's own culture

>>257234980>not scrolling down and seeing the video >memeflagFuck off you scum rat

>>257234424That chinese colonel was about to SHA them all indian tresspassing joggers, extremely based

>>257234424That Indian officer was completely trolling the Chinese. It looked like all the Indian guys were at least six inches taller than the chinks.> Good times.


>>257235169That liveleak video is years old, dummy, from doklam, we talking about recent event near sikkim

>>257234944Actually they don’t bath either. Try a three month stinky Pajeet.

>>257235183ThisHe was the dominant one in this encounter, the chinks are a worthy adversary but the pajeets arent >>257235239He seemed pretty serious to me and it’s the army compare his guys they look like they’re getting ready to fight and the pajeets look undisciplined in comparison

>>257229341ZOG would take the side of India over China so I guess China. But desu I'd rather both of those insectoid nations kill eachother off

>>257235340It seems I can’t read too then

>>257235239The Indian guy has 3 stars on his shoulders, which means captain. So, a captain was talking to a bunch of chinkbots and their chinkbot colonel. Pretty boss how calm he is, actually.>>257234424In every confrontation, the man that does the yelling and the freaking out is the one that doesn't have his calm. That's not a good sign.

>>257235425The pajeets acted like joggas. The pajeet doing the talking nom-de-Guerre should be Huggy Bear.

>>257234980Relax Chang, If your chinky eyes could see and read better, you'd see the video.

>>257231236Nice American gear the chinese are wearing kek.


>>257235681They’re representing their countries and I know which one id prefer, it’s war at the end of the day and there’s no reason for diplomacy but it’s probably to do with how aggressive their policy is too, probably China’s trying to expand to being more dominant >>257235843Pajeets arent built for it

>>257232045>allowing synagogues on their soil.Disgusting. I’ll take street shitting any day of the week to keep the Hebrews out.

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Poojeets are natural comedians, everything about them is hilarious. No one takes them seriously. Which ironically enough, the Indian comedians we have are shit, except for one.

>>257235929LMFAO. I want an Indian-Chinese War so bad, it would be fucking hilarious. Shame it'll never happen.

>>257235681>In every confrontation, the man that does the yelling and the freaking out is the one that doesn't have his calm. That's not a good sign.Bingo, zoomers fall for the flashy show of bravado, but losing your cool is like giving the opposition a leash tied to your neck.

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>>257230462next, have twelve sons and chop twelve tips

>>257234424The Indian was pretty cool

>> is the only thing that comes to mind , everything else seems like shit after the British raj. India could’ve been a super power under Anglo rule but they didn’t listen

>>257236304You must be indian

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>>257229341Meanwhile, at the border of China and Pakistan...

Attached: china-pakistan-border.jpg (696x464, 48.32K)

>>257236062I love Indians they are cute and sweet ..most of the time

Chink has no phone line control or curryPajeet has control of all phone lines free to scan anybody who dares pick up on the other end and has a lot of curry

Attached: Guppy-GTASA-HD.jpg (360x450, 16.06K)

>>257229341india FTW. fuck chinks.Indians although street shitters are far superior to chungwa bastards. and their women are sweet.

>>257229341Sikkim belongs to the birds!Oh, wait...

We must side with our fellow caucasoids against the mongoloid hordes.

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>>257236514HAHAHAHAH! That is some gay shit. Is that real?

>>257236514Brings a tear to my jap's eye

>>257236514Both masculine looking gentlemen, they seem sure enough of themselves that this picture doesn’t give off any homosexual vibes to me


>>257236759That image can only bring out latent homosexuality that you are suppressing within you, us straight men feel nothing but hope for the future when looking at it

>>257229341Streets vs Sidewalks. The great Poo war of 2020 has begun. Where will the poo be when the dust settles?

>>257234450[angry turkling intensifies]

>>257236830As far as I know, it's a perfectly acceptable sign of friendship over there. But it's still pretty damn funny compared to the China-India scuffle.

>>257236851well done! you can take your helmet off during recess, billy

>>257231908>It's sad that there are literally no news agencies I trust anymore, whereas 10, maybe 12 years ago I considered them authoritative.Ten years ago you were an idiot. Media bias should’ve been your first red pill.

>>257237114It’s a case of keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer Time will prove that right

>>257236759Men holding hands is normal in ME culture and not considered a gay thing.

>>257237361Did I say it wasn't, faggot?

>>257231236> video from 2 or 3 years backSecond video I don't know when that happened but this is not the confrontation in OP's linkAs for what happened a few days agoread>Sikkim Clash: ‘Small’ Indian Lt Who Punched a ‘Big’ Chinese MajorWhen a young Indian Army lieutenant punched a Chinese PLA major on his nose, at Muguthang, and sent blood oozing from his nose, he nearly provoked an escalation that his officers had not bargained for.The officer's infantry unit had stopped the intruding Chinese PLA at Muguthang last week, and were furious at the Chinese commissar for shouting, "This (Sikkim) is not your land, this is not Indian territory... so just go back."Brought up in a military family – his grandfather a veteran of the Royal and then Indian Air Force and his father a colonel in the Indian Army – the officer could not stomach it anymore. “What Sikkim not our territory? What the hell!” he shouted back. Then, as one PLA major moved menacingly towards his senior officer, a captain, the lieutenant flew into him and punched him in the face. The Lieutenant Was Patted For Bravery, Yet Admonished For ‘Provoking a Bigger Spat’

>>257237361It depends on how old you are. Pre-internet you'd have to be an inspector gadget tier sleuth to get anything beyond the major news channels. My suspicions about the crap the news was feeding us only started after 9/11 but it took me another 14 years to realize how totally messed up it was (the 2016 elections). It's not an easy thing to ween off of...especially for older farts.

>>257237889The Chinese major collapsed with a thud and his name tag came loose – a good souvenir to carry back – but the lieutenant left it alone, as his colleagues pulled him back.After being admonished for a while by senior officers, for provoking a bigger spat, and being congratulated by officers from command and divisional headquarters at Kolkata and Sukna, the lieutenant was preparing for a commendation. But, the senior commanders could not land at Muguthang because of bad weather. Even Army Chief Gen MM Naravane is said to have expressed his desire to ‘have a look at the boy.’ Meanwhile, the lieutenant is unrepentant, but somewhat crestfallen because he has been pulled back to a location away from the front. His only comfort that his troops are loving his act of 'teaching the Chinese the right lesson.' A senior officer said, “he (the lieutenant) is a hero for his troops – slight build but extremely pugnacious.” This author was unable to retrieve the lieutenant's contact numbers, as he is posted at a forward location, and his officers and his retired colonel father are not willing to share it with the media.One colonel in Sikkim advised this author to "not blow things up too much because if the Chinese feel humiliated, they will create more trouble."


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>>257231908>it’s sad that I am smarter than I used to bewhat

>>257237943>>257237889This read like straight up propaganda fucking hell panjeet do you actually believe this stuff yourself Cmon m8 you’re just as bad as the North Korean civilians

>bluepill regret

>>257236514Cute. Asian men are so fucking cute. Both of them are Asian

>>257238311admit it, you are a pakiHow many times did we defeat you paki gaylords? Do you think your country's defeat around 4 times at our hands was also propaganda?

Attached: WhyPakisLikeThis.webm (568x320, 2.99M)

>>257238855KEK I thought you were better than accusing me of being a paki, I figured it would be a jew shill that’s what your countrymen prefer How many pajeeta women have I seen get BLACKED? Countless mateYour little whore women come here for university and get piped out by BBC It’s pretty sad in literally every case an Indian woman would prefer an African man, a paki, a white literally anything but a 4inch poo

>>257236375He talked to those raving idiot's like a guy who was confident he could smash both their faces in.

>>257239343>raving idiots LMAO Ask me how I know you’re a dirty poo in loo?You guys speak a certain way that’s easy to identify if you know what to look for

>>257239181>BBC in university DOUBT

>>257231020It's why I side with the Afghans rather than the mutts.

>>257239511Watch the video Muhammed. I'm not a pajeet

>>257239792At my uni last year there was a BIG black texan guy that came there for American football fully paid too He was smashing loads of white bitches and pajeets literally the whole cheer team which were 9/10s+ and I’m talking multiple girls a dayI wasn’t SEETHING or COPING because I’m not an incel virgin Stop being in denial >>257239953Kek Nobody who isn’t a pajeet uses the word raving like that Go look in the mirror and stop lying to yourself Suraj

>>257229559kek, holy shit I want to fucking kill you the most for making me feel so dirty for agreeing with you.FPBP.

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>>257229341Poo's! take some chinkies out for me!

>>257238855Have you killed yourself Suckdeep

>>257229341Look at that skeletal chink

>>257229341India might not quite make superpower by 2020 but they are being super bros lately.

>Kæn/t Tʌčh ÐhysŠyp dgяavidian Mr∴ Šhîtposteя bæk tu Sra Lãŋka, whεя hi mej dêfekejte fяēēli yn ðø stяēēts wyð ðø яεst ʌv hyz kæst ænd kяēw.>Untôûčhablez

Attached: CantTouchDhis.jpg (1152x542, 76.67K)

Obviously I support the Indians. Those poo loving fucks are hysterical and provide countless hours of entertainment as they collectively undergo American on the internet. My favorite is when they scam der boomer. May India never change.

>>257229341>Which side are you on, Holla Forums?Everyone but Leafs are with the pajeets. Not even a question.

>>257242387>Everyone but Leafs are with the pajeetsTrust me, the average leaf is with the streetshitters too. Can't say the same about the government.


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>>257242624I know. Canadian chinks are real active on 4chan and have ruined your flag's reputation on the board. It's not even the shilling for China and BBC spamming. It's the constant cringe nonsense.


>>257229341Sikkim kaşındı

>>257240283> BIG black texan guywhat kind of weird cuck fantasy do you have? Did you sit in the corner while he fucked them or what?

>>257244375KEK funny thing is it’s true and you’re the delusional faggot here American football is big here now, clearly you’re a chav and didn’t get into uni so haven’t came across any muricans

>>257244562i went to a uni that has american football. Just curious what uni are you claiming you saw this at because we might have been to the same one

>>257244662Kek stop talking shit that’s not what you said at allYou’re probably trying to dox me now so you go first and if it’s the same one we’ll both know cause it’s a pretty unique uni

>>257229341I hope they annihilate each other.Poos are fucking worthless people. Chinks are complete fucking robots.Neither deserves to be on this heavenly planet.

>>257244924AHAHAHA i fucking knew it Do you recognise this guy?

Attached: isambard-kingdom-brunel-at-millwall-featured1.jpg (800x429, 114.53K)

>>257245128Nah I don’t know him and I don’t think my uni had a history like that or I never learned about it anyways Mine was full of ket heads I doubt it was the same one as yours It wasn’t Russell group lol

>>257245302American style campus university, the name is kinda easy to decipher.Also did you get burnt by a pajeeta in uni too, because you remind me of myself. I still cant figure out if she was a complete whore and just lied to me or if the shit she said about wanting to get married but her parents never allowing it was legit.

>>257239511youre so mad lel. What did you do valentines day buddy. Calm yourself beta simian.

>>257240283lmao wheres your mate beta.

European nations will obviously support India.Its a NO CONTEST.

Attached: indian albino man 2.jpg (1300x1065, 137.66K)

>>257246381Of course russians and finns might support their mongol brothers.

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>>257237510>Men holding hands is normal in MENeither China nor Pakistan is considered Middle-East, which is what I assume you meant by "ME".

>>257229559>when you're every side's best ally

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>>257235262Fuck off newfag.

>>257229559he who defends nothing defends everything....including degeneracy


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>>257238311>yahoo news>indian propagandaOkay, Paki.


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>>257245899Kek fucking hell did you do psychology or something Yes I did get burned by a virgin catholic pajeeta, I got my fucks but still. That’s not why I say what I say, regardless I’m speaking facts

>>257246057>>257246155T. SEETHING Indian who can’t cope with his women being slags Sorry m8 it just is what it is

>>257247063>Fuck off newfag.

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>>257247558kek I have a sexy nordic gf friendo. Nobody loves you sad boy. Also Im Bangladeshi

fuck the slopheaded buck toothed Chinese insects, theyre subhuman

>>257247745I’ve had a few Bengalis myself 2 to be exact, I’m actually pretty sure bengali women are worse than pajeetas so it’s a good job you haven’t gone for one of your own women I’m happy for you Bengali women are just horny bitches kek

>>257247488how was she virgin and a whore at the same time lel. Also no doubt the niggers are fucking a lot fo roasties I just dont think they got all of the good ones because the really good ones know how stupid it would be to fuck one

>>257247745This is totally believable.

>>257248129And where are you from buddy? Seem awfully shy.

>>257247745I will say they’re rich though, probably more than indians

I'm with the poos on this one. Chanks are Commie fuckfaces, while poos are actually nice ppl.

Fuck indians.

>>257248162She became one like a year later. People change >>257248253Why do you care buddy?Seem awfully curious If you really don’t believe me one of the slags was called Fozia

>>257248339fuck em both

>>257229341The two worst races in the world? Fuck yeah let's get it in!

>>257248216You have no rhythm likely.

Attached: wow indian.jpg (803x1200, 127.61K)

Fuck indians.

>>257248162And i know of at least 3 10/10 that have from each school I went to and I went to a few cause I got excluded a lot so I know what I’m on about and I went to parties too I’m not an incel

>>257248358lel I dont care about that, whats your nationality? Chang, paki or brit? Dont let your shame hold your tongue.

>>257248428I'm just saying that whenever people think of who gets the sexy nordic girls it's always the vaguely human-shaped excrement from south Asia :^)

>>257248523Kek you tell me buddy, which nationality cock do Bengalis love? You know the answer

>>257248646tight like a tiger?

>>257229341Obviously I'm with the Indians. Based religion, based caste system, based leader.

>>257248597Well now Im just saying the only reason you spent valentines day alone jerking off in your moms house again is because youre a beta coward with no game.

>>257248523>don’t let your shame hold your tongue.

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>>257248646Coward mate. Youre clearly paki or chang. Fking sad, ashamed of your own nationality.

>>257248759Loose like a lion.

>>257248776Don't be down just because you're brown. I'd appreciate it if you spared us the larp. It's cringe enough to see you posers outside of the internet. Thanks champ.

As much as we all hate to admit it. Pajeets are fucking based and apart from the fact they are slightly rapey, Theyve got a lot in common with the European races.

i suck black dicks

>>257248909stay lonely and poor buddy.

>>257229341Kek look at that manlet chinaman. I hope that poo carves out his little still beating chink Hart with his chad ceremonial dagger.

>>257248866You’re quite curious aren’t you mate I’m not stupid enough to give details out like that on here you dirty fish

>>257249009Keep on larpin pooboy

>>257248916T. Arjun

>>257249038youre clearly fucking chang, neurosis is unreal. come into the thread butthurt..

>>257229774Same. Dog eating chinks will bow to their Loo-Pooing master

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>>257249063wheres your mate buddy? What did you do valentines day sad boy? you can tell me.

>>257249009Cringe Compensating for tiny bengali dick LMAO I bet you drive an Audi too

>>257236219>the man that does the yelling and the freaking out is the one that doesn't have his calm.fucking idiotic statement. it's like saying the guy who pissed his pants is wet now. has his calm --- his calm.... yelling....

>>257249209kek chang projection

>>257249133Hahahah the delusional is real I’m not a Chang but keep guessing buddy Shrimp dick

>>257249198Are you going to ask me to post vagene next? I can smell your fecal/saffron milieu across TCP/IP.

>>257249324I dont have to lol, youre fucking worse than chang. Youre a coward. Ashamed of your own people. Pussy beta thats why you couldnt even keep a westernized pajeeta.

>>257249373bitch you came to me and I kicked your shit in, know your place pussy beta coward. Nobody loves you, kys. You live in your moms shitty apartment. It will be your tomb.

>>257249299You can say kek but you look down your pants and you’ve got a 3 incher max bro I’ve slammed a lot of Bengalis and I know about them I’ve got a bengali mate, so i know what I’m talking about when I say you have small man and small cock syndrome and I’m sorry for you mate I hope you can fill the gap with some gambling or something you guys like that

i harbor goodwill towards indiansas far as non-whites go, their faults are tolerable and they have some nice qualitieschinks are 100000x worse

>>257229341I shall shit in my street to show solidarity with the poos in their struggle against chinkdom.

>>257249504kek whatever you need to tell yourself, im proud of me and mines. I-I not gonna tell you! youre gonna dox me! little pussy man lel. Nobody gives a fuck about you faggot.

>>257249503SEETHING Why are you so mad kek calm down and go take a swim fishy boy

>>257236219Correct. Zoomers yet to be humbled

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>>257249503See, this is what I'm talking about. Only subhuman excrement could describe an exchange such as this on 4chan as>bitch you came to me and I kicked your shit inAnd of course it's a member of one of the most feeble and mealy-mouthed races who immediately goes into shitfit mode when his larp isn't bought.>Nobody loves you, kys. You live in your moms shitty apartment. It will be your tombYou're so mad and I love it.

Bofors gun will

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>>257249651damn you getting butthurt on his behalf. Thats how you know the bantz are good. >>257249698kek youre lonely kid and you got triggered like elliot because someone else was getting pussy you wanted.

>>257249614Bro we both know the sketch but maybe you’re a delusional bengali who isn’t self aware Just cause your girl assumes you’re something special it doesn’t mean you are, she doesn’t know Bangladesh is a prostitute infested shit hole and idk how she puts up with the small dick part but I guess some women are ok with it if you have money LOL

>>257229341I hate both equally, but I hope China nuke India and kill all poos.

>>257229341>Which side are you on, Holla Forums?I unironically hope they nuke each other into oblivion.

>>257249813FYI your gf bangs her 7 inch dick danish ex every chance she gets when she goes home

>>257249813Yesss seethe for me you steaming turd.

>>257249868who cares bro, I came here when I was 2 lol. Youre fucking ashamed of your homeland lel. I-I not telling you! fucking coward lol. Thats why I get the pussy you want buddy. Courage. Wit.

>>257250083Whereas you really should have kept your homeland to yourself as now everyone is aware that you're a larping pootant.

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>>257249538>I shall shit in my street to show solidarity with the poos

Attached: DozyRudloo.jpg (1044x812, 93.92K)

>>257238855>>257239181 the battle between the nationalist poo, and the traitor poo in england. What a great place is 4chinz.

>>257250061cope sad boy>>257249985kek if she cheated on my id just get a better even hotter one. I have game and confidence unlike you sad faggots. About to play to play dota with my chang friend seeya around sad boys.

>>257250083Lol I get as much pussy as I want I’m not motivated by that I moved past it I’m in a different phase to you. I could get a lot more girls than I do but I’m selective but you Bengalis will fuck anything kek >courage >witWhat book have you been reading mate that’s cringe as fuck


>>257250335>I have game and confidence unlike you sad faggots.You just tell her to open bob and out they come am I right pudu?

Attached: ed up.png (532x582, 514.29K)

>>257250335The fact you play dota you’re not even nowhere near me you weak faggot. Fuck off from here small boy

>>257250223nah i have a hotty gf and can just go fuck her throat later where as you faggot losers will go to pornhub and masturbate by youre lonesome, pce betas.

>>257239792Kek this cope poo girls like the BWC


>>257250495what you play buddy? dota is the only game worth playing

>>257250563You're larping in circles now lmao

>>257250634bascially 2v1 youd faggots lel feelsgoodman

>>257250638Not dota kek that’s a loser nerd game >>257250724Weakness

>>257250724I do hope you can get past being controlled by pussy that’s probably why you’re such a bitch Take some cold showers and try become a man I bet you can even take a cold shower for 5 minutes cause you’re so weak KEK if not prove it

>>257229341based india

How would India do in a war with China?

>>257229341China invaded and stole Indian land in 1948 I believe. India is still pretty pissed about that.

>>257236514Only the mountains know, and they're not talking...

>>257231885Nice redpill. Good read.

>>257233837Damn. That’s a lot of mustache power.

>>257251125cope beta bitch might as well put on your memeflag to symbol your shame

>>257250882you probably play cod zoomer

>>257229774soul vs soulless unironically

>>257234450The Indians have had a near constant low intensity war in the Kashmir.The Chang’s haven’t done shit since they got their shit pushed in by Vietnam in the early 80s.

>>257229341wtf, I love poos now!

>>257229559Based leaf. fpbp

>>257234450Don't know but there's a lot of the fuckers. They are the only nation that can go toe to toe with China for canon fodder.

>>257255365true, and pakis are actually escalating tensions during the pandemic because we aren't giving them aid from kashmir.they're so annoying that wiping them off the planet would make me feel giddy

I fucking hate Indians. They're like cockroaches.

>>257229341wtf skyrim is a real place?

>>257241900It's rare that anyone shits on the streets. Go to Google street view and I bet you can't find one image anything close to that.

Poo all over those insects. Smother them in feces.

>>257231236Had no idea they just literally brawled and did school yard shouting like this. They really should train in MMA/Muay Thai or some shit if they want to humiliate the losing side hard

>>257239343>he could smash their faces inI wouldn't go that farHe was definitely more in control of himself than the Chinese colonel tho

>>257247745No shit? Same here!

>>257229341Shame you hadn't die from corona, dickhead.

based & feces-pilled

Attached: 1584818346612.jpg (614x586, 54.67K)

>>257229341I hope both get nuked by the other. Two disgusting nation.