Political compass thread. Post your best

Political compass thread. Post your best

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>>257227108>>257227216>>257227309Yeah no one cares faggot. Not only is it intended to be a meme compass thread, why would you post 3 (THREE) charts

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>>257227309Wait, so are Neocohens Leninists or Trotskyists?

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Whichever side supports neets the most.


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>>257233875This is why immanent domain exists

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>>257226903>memeflagger goes outside


>>257226558whichever one can insert my mind into the 2D world.

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>>257228906Only closet fags have anime pfp.>Inb4 anime siteKys

A personal fave that I made myself.

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>>257226558Right Wing Death Squad

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>>257234389people will desire for a "government", there are a lot of things in life that people don't even want to think aboutprivate cities can be a thing and would be a thing in some hypothetical ancapistanthe thing is that living there would be voluntary and bind to a contract, which could resolve a lot of problems

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>>257226558Anarchocommunists aren't real


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>>257228906That’s a handy guide to twitter. You can almost instantly ascertain where somebody is coming from by their avi alone.

>>257226903>Phone number on truck>Oklahoma area codeWhat I once thought was a panhandle has turned into a nose.

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>>257236234Damn, beat me by 8 seconds

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>>257236234>>257236250>less than 10 seconds apartlmao

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>>257235835>Nightmare dystopia compass>Liberal utopia of ascended spirits that can and will manifest as a 12 dicked sonic the hedgehog

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>>257235270this ones good user

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>>257235062Lurk more

>>257236862Hey there I didn't come here for feels

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>>257236999check'dworth the fucking captcha

>>257235062>inb4 anime siteSo you know why your opinion is wrong, but you’re still telling us anyways?Maybe if you didn’t want to talk about politics on an anime board, you could go to literally any other website

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Comrade Stalin announced he is going to choose a project of monument dedicated to Vladimir Lenin.After he gathered all projects he put them in the next position:4. Lenin reads a book by Lenin;3. Lenin reads a book by Stalin;2. Stalin reads a book by Lenin;1. Stalin reads a book by Stalin.

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>>257236596send the kikes to freedom


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>>257237536There were still taxes, dumbass, just no income tax.

>>257235835I would be great with either of the right utopias

>>257237536triggered lolbert posts pragerucolour me surprised

>>257236486Favorite of mine


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>>257235515Clever. I had a hearty chuckle

>>257235567what's a flip-flopper?

>>257237683Tariffs you retard.

>>257236684I made mine better now, to make libleft seem more nightmarish

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>>257238245Much better. Seems about right.

>>257234851Based political qt's

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>>257237186Fuck, I need to flip Oolong around.

>>257237876appeal to authority die weaboo fag

dont have the original

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>>257237230I forgot about this site, and my last quiz was like 4 years ago. I'm pleased with the results.

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>>257227108 weak to low down

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>>257234389Yeah some people will think that because their survival is dependent on the government stealing money from productive people and giving it to them. anybody who is self sufficient doesn't want government and society would be better off if stealers all fucked off.

>>257239196>appeal to authorityTelling the truth is an appeal to authority?retard>dielol no>weaboo fagI don't even watch anime

>>257226558that isn't libertarian right. Left means you still have to force people to share their shit. That isn't libertarian at all.

>>257228906>touhouposting is now right wingethnostate pocket dimension when?


>>257226558Libertarian right doen't even have much money. They're full of beggars like Stefan Molyneux.

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>>257240121Cirno is our fĂ¼hrer when

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>>257235567send help!

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>>257240688when the Strongest Party takes majority of seats

>>257228906This is good


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>>257228906I still do not entirely understand what Tohou is aside from a space-shooter-type thing, And at this point I am too afraid to ask

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>>257241515>a space-shooter-type thingThats basically it.The fluff is pretty much a mix of Warhammer 40k grimdark and anime magical school girls

>>257241689Cirno is the head of the Adeptus mechanicus

>>257241689Then why is it so fucking big? That is the biggest mysteryI know nothing about it, yet I even know some characters

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>>257228906Oh Jesus.

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>>257241903>Then why is it so fucking big?NEETs and weebs.

>>257241989Of course

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>>257237186Thanks doc

>>257241903The creator of it is very lassie-faire about what fans can do with it's setting and characters. Also fucking awesome music tracks.

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>>257242301Lol. Ironic

>>257228906top-right is your typical cs student.


>>257242301Weird how true that is.


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Pretty accurate ngl

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>>257236031is oklahoma the most discussed state on Holla Forums?

>>257228906Wtf, I like Marissa and the red point is very close to her pic in the compass.

>>257245934fuck you centrist

>>257246107>is oklahoma the most discussed state on Holla Forums?No, it's fucking Ohio, and don't say it too loud because the Ohio fags will start dumping their folders.

>>257246107California, Texas, New York, Ohio, Florida are the most discussed states.

>>257235270>mfw sociopathic gym broWhy wouldn't you want a sociopath to love you?

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>>257226903The rainbow flag's the only one I disagree with.


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>>257234851AOC is not libertarian left... she wants to ban cows, airplanes and anything offensive. That makes he authoritarian left.


>>257249097there is literally zero difference between the two

>>257250136libertarian left doesn't exist. they are all authoritative



>>257240841...or you me?

>>257236862authoritative right and libertarian left should be switched

>>257237308Subtle and based

>>257235835lib left is just current day world thoughand all of the other ones sound pretty good too

>>257226558Just made this OC, rate

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>>257234352ive jerked off to this image more than once

>>257237308Dont get it>>257254923based

>>257254923high quality desu.

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>>257237536>had a militarynot on the same scale as today dipshit,

>>257234153eminent domain you stupid fuck

>>257255072>>257255488>>257256892Thanks, Frens

>>257228906OH FUCK. I listen to Touhou eurobeat arranges while playing zombie shooters on a weekly basic for fun. Was Alex Jones right? Is the Guberment subconsciously training me through violent videogames and cute anime grills?

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>>257258267What's the Touhou equivalent of Gas Gas Gas?

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>>257227216>>257226558>>257227108>>257233875>>257234139whats the best test online for these ?

>>257260857if you need a test for this, then you do not have a formed political opinion

>>257260715>cumso whores are awakened?

>>257226558libertarian right a cute