>Zionist Occupation Government conspiracy theory>Zionist occupation government, Zionist occupational government...

>Zionist Occupation Government conspiracy theory>Zionist occupation government, Zionist occupational government, or Zionist-occupied government (abbreviated as ZOG) is the subject of an antisemitic conspiracy theory that claims Jews secretly control the governments of Western states.[1][2] Other variants such as "Jewish occupational government" (abbreviated as JOG) are sometimes used.[3] According to believers, a secret Zionist organization controls international banks, and through them the governments, in order to collude against white, Christian, or Islamic interests.[4]

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Other urls found in this thread:


>The Israel Lobby - (vpro backlight documentary - 2007)youtube.com/watch?v=N294FMDok98>The War Party-Panorama-BBCyoutube.com/watch?v=BB6PDZNdg7g>The Lobby - USA, episode 1youtube.com/watch?v=3lSjXhMUVKE>The Lobby - USA, episode 2youtube.com/watch?v=XytkI7afHcQ>The Lobby - USA, episode 3youtube.com/watch?v=Mm-Dm4pO0xY>The Lobby - USA, episode 4youtube.com/watch?v=_1OgxfCT044>Who Really Controls The U.S. Government (Remastered)bitchute.com/video/mWIkLhcH2aB4/>The Occupation of the American Mindyoutube.com/watch?v=dP0-YohJR-g>Defamation youtu.be/XNWF9CeoZdE

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It's just a conspiracy theory ya dumb goy.

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Attached: Top US General Says American Troops Should Be Ready To Die For Israel.png (1016x1607, 472.25K)

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coolanother schizo thread

>>257226836What's "schizo" about highlighting Jewish control of the USA?

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So it’s either join the democrats and turn the children gay or neocon repubs who love jew cock? Nah, I’ll stick with the alt-right/libertarian insurgency thanks

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>>257226836The pure distilled irony of a man with delusions calling another a schizo

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>>257227939Pelosi and Schumer aren't Republicans. Unquestioning support for Israel isn't a partisan issue.

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>>257228118I dont understand how people dont understand this. AIPAC and its network vet politicians at every level of government. Dont support israel? There goes several hundred thousand to millions of dollars in campaign funding. Its disgusting


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>>257228015what am i delusioned aboutnot believing in tinfoil tier conspiracy tiers "proved" by smoloko.com-tier infographs?please, the world considers you a joke

>>257221187Bump As an American this is what enrages me the most, we do not live in a Sovereign country. We truly don't, service to it is betrayal.

>>257228512>not believing in tinfoil tier conspiracy tiers "proved" by smoloko.com-tier infographs?What ITT is "smoloko.com-tier"?

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>>257228731the OP image, for example

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>You're face when Israel is the first country to use nuclear weapons and start the apocalypse in the Fallout world.Based and redpilled.

>>257228898Why? Pelosi did say that. I just provided you proof.>>257228731twitter.com/HarmlessYardDog/status/1102962774576123905

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>>257228077Based and redpilled book choice.

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Attached: Cantor, Hoyer Forget to Take “AIPAC” Off Their Letter’s File Name.png (1014x1573, 251.55K)

Attached: The Iraq war coverup What did AIPAC do and when did it do it.png (736x3967, 687.3K)

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Attached: Tucker Carlson What is the American national interest that would be served by regime change in Syria.png (595x738, 346.78K)

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>>257228118But generally all the overwhelming rhetoric about muh greatest ally lands on the republican side

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What can we do to get normies to think about these images? Hell, how can we get them to see these images? You’ll get banned on FB or Twitter for sending people many of these, right?

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>>257230297I can't see how any social media website would consider these images to be "hate speech", considering they're either quotes from politicians or screenshots from mainstream media.

Attached: 45 senators support bill that makes boycotting Israel a crime.png (958x3506, 1.08M)

Attached: A Texas Elementary School Speech Pathologist Refused to Sign a Pro-Israel Oath, Now Mandatory in Many States — so She Lost Her Job.png (993x636, 61.59K)

Attached: South Dakota Governor Signs Executive Order Prohibiting Israel Boycotts.png (636x835, 473.27K)

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Attached: Graham suggests US-Israel defense pact.png (1018x1321, 629.81K)

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>>257230332It is really insane how arrogant some of them are. Crenshaw immediately accused the questioner of "cloaking yourself in the First Amendment" as an excuse to engage in "vehement anti-Semitism."

>>257228077pic is from this book.

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OP is a wealth of info, keep it up. Save these images anons, I have yet to see any quotes or images that are not authentic

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>>257221187All I can say is if you look into The Protocols of the Elders of Zion it's some pretty crazy shit

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>>257231143Thanks. Bump the thread a few times if it gets close to page 10.

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>>257230488You’re correct, but be realistic, they’d at minimum give you a temporary ban for sharing many of these

>The Lobby - USA, episode 1youtube.com/watch?v=3lSjXhMUVKE >The Lobby - USA, episode 2youtube.com/watch?v=XytkI7afHcQ>The Lobby - USA, episode 3youtube.com/watch?v=Mm-Dm4pO0xY >The Lobby - USA, episode 4youtube.com/watch?v=_1OgxfCT044>On April 10, 2018, the Zionist Organization of America's president Morton Klein claimed credit for lobbying the Qatari government not to screen Al Jazeera's companion documentary series focusing on American pro-Israel lobby. In late August and early September 2018, leaked portions of the documentary series were aired by several outlets including The Electronic Intifada.[28][29] In early November, The Electronic Intifada released the four episodes of The Lobby—USA simultaneously with the French media outlet Orient XXI and the Lebanese newspaper Al Akhbar.[30][31][32]en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lobby_(TV_series)#Second_series_(The_Lobby_–_USA)

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Attached: Trump Clearly Wants Rapprochement With Iran. Israel Can’t Let That Happen.png (886x886, 873.04K)


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Attached: Israel wants the US to attack Iran for them.png (619x659, 319.73K)

>The Two Leading Jewish Families Of Chicago Got Barack Obama Started In Politics.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4T_cShCoHU




Are you American OP, just curious

gutenberg.org/ebooks/37539Henry's Ford's "The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem" written 100 years ago, rings just as true (if not more) today

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>Michael Scheuer: Israel Is A Cancer On U.S. Foreign Policyyoutube.com/watch?v=OHwp7uwK6bE>I'd Dump the Israelis Tomorrow --Ex-CIA Michael Scheuer Tells Congress youtube.com/watch?v=XHl1JnQoIWQ>Michael Scheuer: Israel owns the Congress youtube.com/watch?v=l4p6wAbO_OU>CIA Dr Michael Scheuer: Israel is pushing America to go to War with Iranyoutube.com/watch?v=vXVESLmM9ac>Bill Maher interviews Michael Scheueryoutube.com/watch?v=EH_H-tUR5Vs

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At least post the video of Pelosi saying the wordsyoutube.com/watch?v=53x_zrkJwDs

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>>257240826>Nancy Pelosi: My father was a Shabbos Goyyoutube.com/watch?v=FJofc7xR00g



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>>257221772I hate that dude, but I will always love power rangers

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>>257221658>>Defamation>youtu.be/XNWF9CeoZdEdead link


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>>257221187There's nothing secret about it, they just destroy any public figure who says it.


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>>257221187It’s not a secret. It’s not a theory. It’s right there in plain sight if you just look.





>>257226836>call them schizos, then u win


Extremely based thread
