Please explain "obamagate" to me in a few sentences.thank you
Obongo and his DOJ commited treason. Fin.
>>257131097jogger president innocently jogged over to the FBI and told them to spy on the new presidentjogger president got caught
>>257131097> Barry used allies in the federal government to attempt to subvert his successor.That's it.
>>257131166What kind of treason? How? When? With whom?
>>257131097This time the gloves fit
>>257131254Illegally wire tapped trump and his affiliates while he was still in the white house. A clear crime.
The Obama administration and US "Intelligence" community targeted domestic political opponents
>>257131097Honest question, if clinton wasn't running for president would he have done all of this or do you think they had dirt on him to pressure him into this.
>>257131254Sedition not treason, people just like saying treason a lot its more fun. Thought its possible it could still be treason if they could prove a foreign power like china was involved somehow.
The Obama administration and US IC loved to spy on everyone and then use the information they gathered as a political weapon. Most of the information is backed by lies but that never stopped the US IC
>>257131734Maybe, it's a fine line and I'm no lawyer.What about Killary selling the SAPs to undisclosed foreign powers? His regime have a lot to answer for.
>>257131734Trying to over throw the election process is treason you dog fucking faggot.
Uhm... where are the proof(s)?
>>257132125some articles cam out recently admitting that obama now is likely to be named a for him doing it?old news already mentioned in those screencaps a dozen times over.the source GETTING obama in trouble right now seems to be general flyn
>>257132496>those screencapshad info on Obama spying on other countries (all countries do this, so big whoop) and the CIA spying on the senate.How is this "Obama" "Gate"?I'm sorry, I'm not buying this. I didn't buy Russiagate, and I'm not gonna buy this either.
>>257132125Damn, you sure care a lot more about that now that the ball's in your court! Unfortunately, we are beginning to play on the level of conscience that you and your ilk find so enjoyableGg no re
>>257132772>the ball's in your court!nigger, I'm not a liberal>>257132757>I didn't buy Russiagate, and I'm not gonna buy this either.
>>257132877I know that silly, wings are for goyim.
Why do autistic add a "Gate" at the end of conspiracy theories? pizzagate, stargate, now obama gate? Take your meds man, schizophrenia is real
>>257132757> I didn't buy RussiagateIf that's so where do you think the whole investigation originated? Who came up with the idea that Trump worked with Russia to "hack" the election?
>>257131097he's guilty of being a nigger in a white country.the punishment is death.
>>257132989Categorization kills the right brain.Learn to think a little more fluidly if you wish to erode these golems.
>>257133002Blackpill but it's true.We sat here through all of these and the circumstanial evidence was undeniable.I have no faith it will happen, I just hope it does. Probably pre-election hot air.
>>257133127The former administration playing revenge on Trump because his victory, basically a cover up for their historic defeat. Everyone knew it won't amount to anything but it gave the libs a cope mechanism instead of looking at the real reasons for their loss.Now it's Trump doing it to them, before the elections, and covering his ass for his historic COVID-19 failure. The name "Obamagate" is such because Biden branded himself as "that democrat who is friends with Bongo."So... back to my point. Why would you believe either? It's obvious political bickering. A charade for the voters.
>>257133002You're wrong though. The people are beginning to wake up. I was talking with my girlfriend's friend the other day, and she knew about fucking Weimar and the degeneracy of it all. Was hoping things would finally hurry up and snap back so we could avoid going "a little too far". We've forced them to lay it on too hard, too soon. They are becoming desperate, and the people are noticing their desperation. The conditioning slides off like caked-on layers of fat collapsing under its own weight. We are winning.
>>257131097Nothing burger...Nobody cares, because orange man bad, and caused Coronagate, and reasons.
>>257133541>historic COVID-19 failureCare to elaborate?Judge him by his words not actions. At least he had the balls to stop flights unlike my goverment.
>>257131097ok Chinksect let me spell it out for you, your king is fucked, up yours Chang go drink some s.oy milk you s.oyboy
>>257133573>The people are beginning to wake upDoesn't mean shit.Remember the Virginia protests back in January?Government still passed those bullshit laws.And nothing fucking happened.That's why all this shit is coming out now.They are confident that they will suffer zero consequences, and they just want to flex on us lowly peons.
>>257133714Sure. The US had the most time to prepare for the virus and did, basically, nothing and Trump was sitting on his ass tweeting about how the virus is just a flu, and the results are fucking obvious: the US is the record holder in total infections and deaths. If you look at the reporting it is proven that the most widely contracted strain in the US is from the EU.So.First, China had it, it warned the WHO, the WHO warned the world, and the West (US, EU) did nothing. It arrived at the EU. We saw the daily deaths in Italy rise. The US did nothing. Finally it arrives to the US from the EU, and now it's suddenly China's fault. TOP KEK, m8. EU had 2 months and the US had 3 months to prepare. Three fucking months.Everything that follows (m'china, bummergate) is just BIG ASS COPE
>>257134245Remember Aussiefren, the Redcoats had the exact same attitude about the Stamp Act and such. When you actually look at how many years were between the Stamp Act and the American Revolution, you will be stunned.These things take time.
>>257133002You're not wrong, but neither was he
FBI files destroyed, agents admit to coercion, Obama provably tied up in it. Deep State about to get ejected into the sun
>>257134440you are no different from a lib tweeting "RUSSIA"
>>257134551>Deep State about to get ejected into the sunSure, honey. Like he persecuted Hillary (as he promised) or Biden's son.
>>257134357oof, that's a hot take, Mr Acosta
Hasn't this shit been known about since 2017 at least?
>>257134570Fine, treason by selling US secrets to the Chinese and part of a money laundering scheme that involves the Clinton Foundation and human trafficking. Better?
>>257134645Thats why its so shocking, they are actually doing something for once. Seems like the left is happy to blow every chance it gets by throwing our charges that cant stick. This one? This one's gonna stick.
>>257131097>No evidence of collusion>pleaded guilty in December 2017 to lying to F.B.I. investigators about his communications with the Russian ambassador.When asked about the plea at the time, Mr. Trump said, “I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the vice president and the F.B.I.”>Judge basically said your fucking guilty,but due to covid and postponing the case, DOJ was elected, never released full transcripts of their conversations and DOJ let him off the hook, not the judgeThis isn't justice pol. This is jewish weasling? Why are we pro miga again? Cause the dems? Really?
>>257134734lol, you added shit out if thin airmight as well include pizzagate, epstein, and qanon
>>257134357>world record holderMake that case using per capita numbers you disingenuous faggot
>>257134357What about the intelligence reports stating that China got the WHO to cover for them? It adds up given the amount of obvious BS the WHO peddled. When they finally admitted it was a pandemic (previously they had been arguing over semantics) "we have been sounding the bell for a long time now, it is time for you to take action" it was far too late.I accept that 'we' dropped the ball too though. I'm just some random retard and if I knew it was happening, the govt surely must've done too. But it was China's fault. Fuck China.
>>257134800This will be exactly like Russiagete: it has to go on until the elections. After that? Zero consequences.
>>257131097King Nigger is going to the nigger house with all the other niggers.>proof?The fact that youre a nigger
>>257134413>these things take timeTime you don't have.Trump has done basically nothing to stop the demographic decline of whites.At the current pace, when whites "wake up" it'll be too late.
>>257131097traitor shitskin commie gets the rope
RussiaGate and all its subsidiary mischief amounted to a seditious conspiracy by several agencies of government against the chief executive. It was explicitly an effort to overthrow a president by illegitimate means. The conspiracy extended to members of congress, who are not privileged with immunity against felony crimes, by the way. The partial list of government officials, current or former, who may be subject to prosecution in these matters should include Barack Obama, Susan Rice, John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Rod Rosenstein, John Carlin, Mary McCord, Michael Atkinson, James Baker (DOJ), James Baker (DOD), Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates, Dana Boente, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Joseph Pientka, William Priestap, Bruce Ohr, Kevin Clinesmith, Robert Mueller, Andrew Weissmann, Aaron Zebley, Jeannie Rhee, David Laufman, Senator Mark Warner, Senator Richard Burr, James Wolfe, Rep. Adam Schiff, Eric Ciaramella, Col. Alexander Vindman. Players outside government include Glenn Simpson, Nellie Ohr, Christopher Steele, Stefan Halper, Sidney Blumenthal, Cody Shearer, David Kramer. The following media figures might be named as unindicted co-conspirators: Dean Baquet, Martin Baron, Jeff Zucker, Andrew Lack, Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O’Donnell, Chris Cuomo, Joe Scarborough, David Corn, David Ignatius, and Ari Melber.
>>257131097>memeflag>reddit spacing>stupid questionNice try nigger.
>>257134846LoL, you shills like to pretend none of this is related. Why the fuck else would they need to cover their asses? Obama needed to stop Trump at all costs, even meaning to wire tap. Flynn has knowledge of all this and why they needed to take him down. Trump is using the legal system rather than the illegal backhanded Deep State that did whatever the duck they wanted for decades. It’s all coming to head now.
>>257131254this kind>>257134101
>>257134881>What about the intelligence reports stating that China got the WHO to cover for them?It's baseless horseshit. If anything Russiagate proved is that with political power in the US you can just buy intelligence reports."One collusion report coming up, Sir/Madam!"All you fags are so stuck in this republican vs. democrat mindset, while it is obvious it's a fake.
>>257134813>blaming something that happened at the very start of Trump's transition into his 1st term on Covidnow THAT is a hot take
>>257134813That is not what happened.Flynn had retarded attorneys that told him if he pleaded guilty he’d get probation. He did... he was going to get more.Fired shitty attorney... hired good attorney. Good attorney uncovered McCabe and comey and teams plan to get Flynn to lie. Lead people on indictment were both fired and proved the be liars.DOJ has no fucking case (on these charges)Why he didn’t get indicted for working with turkroaches I’ll never know
>>257134942Because russia gate had no real evidence; it was a fabricated scheme and one that people werent on board with until king nigger started pushing it. 2020 is going to be wild
>>257135313youre too far gonejidf trolled the fuck out of pol with this, its so sad how they could wave their flag in your face but because its donny youll defend him like some god
>>257135560>Because russia gate had no real evidenceAnd "obongogate" has so much evidence that Trump can't even fucking explain it when asked what the fuck it is even supposed to be.
>>257131097Democrats bad, Republicans good.
>>257135407So now its Flynn vs Trump? Trump said he lied to FBI and thats why he was fired.
>>257135749Russiagate was planted evidence. Trump has the evidence that they planted evidence. You kikes aren’t fooling anyone here.
>>257131097they now have some more circumstantial proof of the fact barry soetoro knew about the FBI probe into trump. but it's about as much proof as the last proof they had so nothing will happen.
>>257136133Some lower level twit will be fired, that's all.
>>257136189lad, you started this thread to concern troll and act like a jogger but it wont work.your whole world regarding king jogger and the DNC is about to crumble. good think you and I will have first row seats to it though. cheers
>>257131097Go watch Tim Holla Forums's video on it
>>257131254If you wanted to be taken serious and not be spotted as an obvious shill, don't use a memeflag. How retarded are you?King Nigger is going down for his conspiracy theories that Muh Russia hacked the emails. It was all a lie you swallowed along with the cum of your tranny boyfriend. How does it feel to be a pawn and a useful idiot to traitors?
>>257134357Pretty much sums it up..doesn't explain all the foolish superstitious, pseudo mystic paranoid conspiracy ying yang mindset tho. Other than gullable tards convincing themselves to believe in things that aren't true in order to feel profound
>>257131097>Please explain "obamagate" to me in a few sentences.Qanons (thousands boomers on twitter) are happy their cult leader (Trump) is spying on Americans (on behalf of israel) but are mad Ojogger (your last president) spied on Trump.Millions of retweets (mostly gibberish) is a huge victory for them.Remember to trust the plan (the establishment/the swamp is /theirguy/)
No former president will ever see the inside of cell. Ditto for the wives and children of a former president.
>>257136973You guys sure are scared of a larp.Where did Q touch you?
>>257136844The fact this thread has so many replies shows he has already won. I mean, the meme flag and reddit spacing were enough for me to figure it out, the stupid question and poor image just sealed the deal. People need to just let these side threads made by the reddit tranny brigade to die and fade into nothing.
>>257131166What country that we are at war with did Obama aid, or do you not know what treason means
>>257137120Sage the memeflag threads. It's easy, or post the cat dancing gif. Shills are trying to stop the King Nigger treason threads, so post house docs proving King Niggers treason. Show what they don't want people to see.
>>257137116>You guys sure are scared of a larp.Q is Jim Watkins, a freemason living in Philippines.Scared of what exactly ? his pig farm ?
>>257134671Yes, and it was a nothing-burger conspiracy theory then, too.
>>257137465Got any proof?
>>257137169>being in a war by declaration is the only way to be an “enemy”Supreme Court decided this over 200 years ago, pseud, and you are wrong.
>>257137573Got any arrests ?
>>257136973I like how the script switched from people hating Qtards for being "schizos" to (now that the evidence has dropped) people hate Qtards because of "Isreal is worse than obama's crimes". the Israeli x Trump bullshit gets pushed hard every week after more of the layers are ripped off. It's so obvious it's pathetic.
>>257138374Theres Q, dragging its base for three years w/o any arrestsTheres this thing called real life, where every right wing politician since 2016 (Trump, Bolsonaro, Orban, Salvini...) is affiliated with israel.And there's you, lagging behind/following their script
>>257137778So you don't have any proof. Just spouting baseless conspiracy theories. Next your going to say that Russia hacked the election and there are two more than 2 genders(there isn't).Also, Hillary was arrested in 2016.
>>257139676>Hillary was arrested in 2016You ruined your credibilityDon't (You) at me
>>257138374This. I'm curious what crazy shit they will come up next. These shills have to be trannys, the mental illness they have to be able to even up with this shit is insane. And with the whole lockdown, trannys are going crazy because they can't rape any kids.