Like using refugees as a weapon, or dividing and conquering a nation. Any books you recommend for an ambitious war strategist?
Best books on war strategies?
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man FUCK you op i thought this was a chess threaduh read art of war you retard the way to war is to not really even fight at all
>>257130713The Talmud
>>257130895I need specific strategies. I’m a noob on war
>>257130713Read the big ones. Sun Tzu, Machiavelli, Roman authors, etc. Pretty much look up "famous war strategists" and find their works and study their plans.
Google Saul Alinsky.
>>257131037The only way to success in any venture is to figure it out for yourself. It just depends on how motivated you actually are to do those things.
>>257130895I agree, op is a massive faggot
>>257131082This too is especially relevant for the modern day, although an alternative take on what we usually think of as war, although nonetheless true.
>>257130713There isn't much to iIs just siegesDestroying farms so that the enemy can't use itAnd trenches
>>257131244Oh yeah and scouts you gonna need that
>>257130895>implying Chinks know anything about waging warAll that matters in war is economics. The superior economy will win every time.
>>257131244Nigger this isn't world war 1. And in modern day its all very much unconventional and alternative war. Economic war, information war, social war, etc. Rarely do we resort to actually using real war and when we do its always asymmetrical.
Sun tzu art of warMiyamoto musashi book of 5 ringsVon Clausewitz On WarMachiavelli The PrinceUS military Counter Insurgency ManualMilitia infantry standardsJocko willink Extreme OwnershipRead these and also read about battles and history of war. Consider things like>Logistics>Morale>Organisation>Weapons>Training>Manpower>Tactics>Strategy>Objective
>>257131406Vietnam nigger
>>257130713Clausewitz is a classic. I read about half of his book on war once. He has a systematical almost philosophical approach.
>>257130713You're going to want to investigate social engineering and propaganda, OP. Read the following:The Protocols of the Learned Elders of ZionRules for RadicalsMein Kampf, specifically the first half of it.You Gentiles
>>257131481War was always about those 4 things that i mentionedThe one you're talking about is not war is subverting the enemy
War is politics by other means. Its the use of violence to put the opposition into a state of being disarmed and forced to comply or destroyed. It should be overwhelming and brutal. It should put the enemy in such a condition they can never reverse it.
>>257130713World of Warcraft User Manual
>>257131567I think you mean autistic
>>257131336I'mma meet a Rabbi tomorrow to write a new contract to allow gentiles power to retaliate against secular Leftists and shittt.
Unrestricted warfare
>>257130713The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
>>257131519America wasn't defeated by Vietnam. It was defeated by subversives at home who demoralised the American public and undermined the war effort. Had America waged total war on Vietnam with full public support the North would have been flattened.
Look into books by Colonel Dupuy as well
The Gallic Wars by Julius Caesar. He invented the divide and conquer strategy. Martin van Creveld is good, too. For CIA, KGB, and Mossad dirty tricks Miles Copeland, Servando Gonzales, Anatoly Golitsyn, David H. Price, Gordon Thomas.
>>257132028Yes but thats sorta war these days isnt it? Spooks and kikery?
>>257131406>For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. >To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill. Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence;>supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fightingLiterally a Sun Tzu quote you psuedo-intellectual.
>>257130713The Complete War Memoirs of Charles de Gaulle
>>257132028Americans was dying left and right in NamThe soldiers didn't have the morale to fight after seeing that their whole vision of the world was fake,it was a lost battle the moment they landed on it.
>>257131676Subversion is a very powerful tool these days and you should do it more, Niggers love me, but I love them too.... doesn't mean you have to too but that's how the game works.
The books by rommel, clausewitz and guderian
>>257131406> The North Vietnamese economy was superior to the U.S. economy
>>257131037Read the 36 strategems. It's quick and to the point.
>>257132457Yes your government organizations if full of it,that's why you control the market
>>257132556Good counterpoint. General Giap was a military genius. He's the one who defeated the French and the Americans. He wrote a book called How We Won The War. Haven't read it yet.
>>257131406if you have a plan to enrich others then you get public support. Hitler gave gibs but he didn't do it through taxes, he lowered or stopped inflation thereby giving more buying power to the middle still pissed someone else off though.
>>257130713Old Testament
>>257132368Check the kill/death count between US and Viets. Not even comparable. You proved my point tho. Those soldiers were dying because the US wasn't waging total war. Rather, it was waging the shit we all know and love that happened in Afghanistan and Gulf War 2 whereby the West tries to impose civilisation on savages at great cost when they could easily eradicate everybody and solve the problem cheaply and quickly due to overwhelming economic supremacy.>>257132556>North Vietnam defeated the US and the US didn't just leave because the public was bored of fightingOof, imagine having a brain this smooth.
>>257130713My best advice for you is to go watch videos of age of empires definitive edition, but if you don't have time for that all you need to know is that if you have trebuchets you have already won, but unfortunately you can't buy trebuchets until the imperial age.And also, remember that trebuchets cost 200 wood and 200 gold, but you can pack them and unpack them relatively fast and take them wherever you want.
>>257132991That sounds like a waste of 8 hours if he wants to know strategy.This is more
Mao Zedong was an economic moron but a military genius. He knew a thing or two about winning wars and hanging on to power. Study his methods. He won against tremendous odds.
>>257132991Lots of devious Jewish tricks in that one. They still use them to this day.
>>257133128>8 hoursIts 75 hours
>Strict rules>Taking turns>Winning is 98% memoryChess is terrible for teaching warfare.
>>257133163It helped that he had literal hordes of chinks to send out to die.
>>257133067Who won in the end, South Vietnam or North Vietnam? Which was our side? It must have been amazing for Vietnamese morale to kick out all foreigners, while it tore out nation apart back home and helped further lefty zog shit. On the political front we lost and on the social/cultural front we lost. We did win tactically and strategically and we could have killed them all if we wanted, but thats not how the world operates 99% of the time.
>>257133067If the americans did go around eradicating everybody o vietnam this would cause a third world war,that why america never fight a "total war",vietnam war was just a attempt of the US to gain control over the country instead of china,they weren't they couldn't care less for the people living in it
>>257131629Mein Kamp broken down by a well known historian and Rabbi, every Jew and Gentile should see this.
>>257132028>>257133067Holy shit a foreigner with a realistic perspective on global geo-political power structures
Last and certainly not least is Israel's destruction of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Mossad and CIA tricked the most powerful nation in the history of the world into fighting wars on behalf of the very people who attacked it. Ehud Barak is an evil genius. The best accounts of this remarkable psyop and false flag are by Christopher Bollyn, Victor Thorn, and David Icke (yes, THAT David Icke).
>>257133615>they weren'tForgot to delete that partBtw every war the amercian did after ww2 was a movement to gain power on a shithole that is in the other side of the earth.
>>257132898NVA/VC: Sun Tzu strategyUS/ARVN: von Clauswitz (crippled version) strategy"Street Without Joy" (1961) is a good book about the French fighting in Vietnam. Short version: the U.S. military should have read it.
>>257133430Combine go, chess, and poker.
>>257133519We didn't really lose we just decided to move our foothold in that sphere of the world to the middle east because its far cheaper in terms of manpower and influence over oil reserves.
>>257130713All books listed are good starts, but if you want to 'tism, get WWII books that heavily outline logisitics and cross-reference each country's means to gaining an economical advantage, like US + Ford assembly line. Appreciate the small things. "War isn't just solely numbers, but its budget sure as hell is."
>>257133979We did a lot better than the french in vietnam, but the south couldn't stand on its own like in korea. We wanted another forward operating base in asia but we settled for Japan/Korea and the middle east
>>257130895Isn't Go a more complex game?Let's make Go the official game of Holla Forums and have the owners of 4chan provide a widget so that we can play games while we post.
>>257133510Yes, but so did the guomindang. The Long March is worth learning about. How did Mao get all those hordes to follow him through all that hardship?
>>257130713Also Attila the Hun's rules of leadership.
>>2571307134th Generation Warfare Handbook by William S Lind. /endthread
>King James Bible>sut1>sut2>ranger handbook >total resistance by major von dach >infantry attacks by Rommel>the war of the flea by Taber>the other side of the mountain by Grau >modern strategy by Colin Grey>von kriege by Clausewitz >rules for radicals by some faggot>the book of five rings by musashi>dead on by warren gabrilska that’s what I have on my shelf currently
>>257133979Honestly we should have teamed up with Ho Chi Minh right after WW2 when he offered to be our ally. But we needed the French on our side to establish NATO so we sided with the French and spurned HCM's offer. The rest is history.
>>257134278The rules of Go are much simpler, but the strategies are at least as complex.
>>257134310>Lind has advocated for police to have rocket-propelled grenades as standard issue and for a return to death by hanging as a common sentence for crime in "urban areas.">Lind is a key proponent of the cultural Marxism conspiracy theory and asserts that Marxists control much of modern popular media and that political correctness can be directly attributed to Karl Marx.holy based batman.
>>257135024He'd probably execute everyone on the dissident right, too, for being anti-ZOG.
>>257134822That's because Russia was and arguably still is a much larger threat to the US/Europe.
>>257132028Ok fag. So I guess it's NOT all about the economy? So you were wrong then. Just say that next time instead of backpedaling.
>>257131406>flag>literally colonized by said chinksYou are only playing yourself
>>257135477*than China
>>257130713As other posters in this thread have already made clear, you have to read about both the overt and covert sides of warfare to be of any use in the modern day. Fridman's "Russian Hybrid Warfare" is a good introduction to the concept in general. However, the chances are that you will never be important enough to hold any position or rank with the power to be dictating tactics on the macro level. Learn how to lead a small squad effectively on the battlefield by reading old army combat and leadership manuals, you can find them all over the place.
>>257133067>Check the kill/death count between US and Viets. Not even comparableOk, I guess Germany won WW2 then. You heard it here first guys, war is won by kill/death counts like it's counter strike. Top IQ take
>>2571307131 post by this id
>>257135477At the time, yes, and to Europe still to this day, although I'd argue that China, while not a direct military threat to us, is certainly very destructive to our economic well being.
>>257130960Came to post this. Physical war as a means of gaining power are obsolete. Cultural subversion, unfortunately, is a huge evolutionary improvement as it disallows the opportunity for the oppressed to justify an uprising.
>>257130960This is the only correct response. Oh wow, only 40 captchas this time?
>>257130713>Like using refugees as a weapon, or dividing and conquering a nationStart with the Talmud.
>>257130895>i thought this was a chess threadWell at least the board is set up correctly, so he's got that going for him, which is nice.
>>257130713Sorry bro. You have to be 18 to post here. Holla Forums will still be here in a few years. Probably.
>>257130713there you go