The Normies at Reddit know about it. Call it
Bloody Normies
>>257125103oh fuck guys, how the hell did they find out about this?!?!?
>>257125209Someone ratted.
We might need a new plan. I propose instead we target Reddit. Using the OG post as a template, we can get fake emails, and proceed to spam all kinds of boards that are LGBTQ friendly or even these maggots from "IronfrontUSA".
>>257125103I need a meme to describe the stupid group think redditor fagget wondering around Holla Forums like its everything that terrifies the onions out of them.
>>257125103Do you agree? Are you racist and transphobic because you are sexually frustrated anons?
>>257125103>implying shittit doesnt have hoardes of discord trannies lurking this board 24/7 after 2016Anon, I...
>>257125782I remember when the NPC meme was a thing. Got a lot of the lefties and media all hot and bothered. Maybe we could use Courage the Cowardly dog?
>>257125885Why does the post specifically speak about white woman?Because it was written by someone who is nothing more than anti-european / anti-white. That is all.
>>257126129Fucking jesus that takes me back, I can't even remember the name of that game right now.
>>257126262Habbo hotel Old Fren. Habbo Hotel.
>>257125885Based, but only partially.
>>257125103>>257125209>>257125373>>257125483>>257125885>>257125964>>257126262No one fucking cares you Reddit fucks. Get the fuck out of here you DUMB FUCK FACES
>>257126262what a habbo.only an aus habbo wouldnt know the name of that hotel know habbo?half abbo?
>>257126449pools closed
>>257126641Based Malaysian.
>>257125103Don't confuse normies with ledditor subhumans
>>257126146Checked the profile, it's a tranny, surprise surprise
Anons, I propose a counter op of our own. So the Reddit Normies have found out our Plan for Operation Pridefall. We will not abndon it to those maggots.We need to deploy as many threads about Reddit raids as possible. Keep them on the defensive. Get coordinated.Several teams will raid the Reddit sites during June to make them think our efforts our focused on Revenge on Reddit. In the meantime, our main teams will strike at twitter, the home of internet degeneracy and social activism. We can kill two birds with one stone.While our enemies at Reddit are overwhelmed, they will be powerless to stop our efforts on twitter. Both platforms shall be under our control, and many keks will be had.
>>257125885Let us take his side for the sake of argument. Why do racist incels hate Blacks, but either feel neutral or even in a certain sense benevolent towards East Asians; because they are sexually threatened by one and not the other. Then let us all remember the iconic passage in Mein Kampf where the famous incel Hitler rages against the 'kike' with 'satanic glee' who ravages in wait the innocent young German girl. Women evidently find darker features more attractive and masculine and the Jew has been an endless source of insecurity for femoid blond Germans. It actually makes a lot of sense now that I think about it.
>>257126427What cunt?
>>257127514Are you trying to say that jewish women are more attractive than german women? I really wish I didn't have to see your schizophrenic ramblings.
>>257126449Only know about the memes on that game, I was likely playing runescape when that thing was a thing.
>>257126449I'm not even Australian
>>257125103Quick guys, go to the darkwebWe need to reorganize our top secret operationsI blame the swedecucks for this
>>257127799I don't see how you could possibly interpret it that way.
Your fortune: Bad Luckheh, told you fash fucks it was already over. I reported you to Twitter, too.
>>257128003lmao as if this is a onion site.
>>257127672Hmm. We might need a new one, this doesn't quite ring true enough. Also, ignore the Glower, he is here to distract you.
>>257127799Blond is for men and blonde is for women retard. Is English your second language or something?
>>257127514>Women evidently find darker features more attractive and masculine and the Jew has been an endless source of insecurity for femoid blond Germanslmao
>>257125103you racist fucks did not think we were watching ?kek
>>257128210not my hecking twitterino
>>257128858Showing some promise, but maybe we're looking at this wrong. Maybe we need to take an entirely unracist or unmemed symbol, like we did with Pepe, and make the Normies seethe over it.
>>257129098>>257127455>>257126047>>257125705>that sentence structure and wordingYou have to be over 18 to post here.
understood, message received
>>257129683You have to not retreat when under attack in order to post here frog.
>>257125103>linking redditHow far this place has fallen
>>257129683He knows of courage the cowardly dog, It finished running on TV 18 years ago. You fucking stupid cunt.
>>257127514>Why do racist incels hate Blacks, but either feel neutral or even in a certain sense benevolent towards East AsiansMaybe because it isn't chinks who commit enormous amounts of crime in the US, use up all the public money, constantly demand changes to society to fit their whims, or riot when one of their criminals gets what they deserve.
>>257129902I like it. As a single meme it should be easy to spam across boards. Imma yoink it.
>>257125885>the left cannot stop thinking about dicks
>>257125885>there are actually people who think thisWe just need to use sock puppet accounts to make posts encouraging lefties to “infiltrate” Holla Forums. For every ten of them I’m sure one or two will stick around and eventually become redpilled.
>>257130085>I know Star Wars, which was first released 43 years ago>that totally doesn't make me underage
>>257130374Good for the Reddit operations, but we need memes to use on twitter to redpill their users about the homogay.
>>257130095Or maybe it's because of penis sizes.
>>257130600Massove difference in a viewers between courage the cowardly dog and star wars. Fucking brainlet sack of shit.
>>257131352>Massove difference in a viewers
>>257131290>muh dicklmaoJogger tier level logic.
>>257131478>I saw a typo>I'm so clever
>>257131427Stolen. Based and Redpilled.
>>257127455Checked, good plan. I’ll organize the meme fronts to go full bore “they’re coming for us”.
>>257130550Are you capable of thinking for yourself? All I see is other people's thoughts coming out of your head.
>a propaganda effort to spread hateful content against the LGBTQ+ community starting June 1stlmfao, June 1st? of what year, 2004?
>>257131290>muh dicknigger, kike, or chink confirmed
>>257125103So what is this operation again? Does anyone give a fuck besides 3 Anons and the transexual population of Reddit.It's just funny that they care so much.
>>257132096>Are you capable of thinking for yourself? All I see is other people's thoughts coming out of your head.What else do you see shitskin?
>>257131941Big brain time, I commend your strategy skills.
>>257132263My skin being white, for instance
>>257125103lol, come one, you guys seriously care about a literally-who sub with "antifa" larpers?>I know! I used to use the site then. It used to be a left wing place. Now its changed big time. I blame stormfront and other fascist websites that infiltrated a few years back. Hasn't been the same since.kek
>>257131834can point out when they use incel as a slur, that the pakistanis being convicted of child sexual exploitation in the UK weren't ncels, nor were any of their pakistani customers.
>>257125885imagine actually typing this whole thing and believing it.
>>257131941If we can get anons to infiltrate plebbit and twitter and mention "the coming 4chan hate wave", we might be able to divert them to Holla Forums and get them to rile those guys up. With any luck Holla Forums will push back, and in the chaos we can get to work.
>>257131813> was just a typoCope
>>257132666I'm getting some serious Tumblr flashbacks
>>257125885This redditor is kind of right but he is missing the major point: there is something wrong with the people that these incels hate if incels exist at the current rate they do. These people did not come from out of nowhere; our current culture has promoted promiscuity and destroyed sexual conservatism to such an extreme degree that nearly 1/3 of men between 18-30 are virgins. That's fucking insane. These men are right to feel the anger and hatred they do.
>>257125103They seem genuinely convinced we're about to do harm to them.
>>257132805Ahh, the Independence day wars. Those were the days. Before this board became infested with Glowers and White Knights.
>>257132648imagine being so stuck in your echo chamber to not realize it's half correct.
>>257133030>imagine being so stuck in your echo chamber to not realize it's half correct.The irony of you talking about being stuck in an echo chamber. What part is correct?
>>257132899If our counter op works, it just might. We could be at the crossroads of another full scale internet war. Dang have I missed those. I remember frontlining with plebbit in the CNN meme war, and that was a good time.
>>257125885Why do they always complain about ugly subhuman incels when they're the ones who fanatically support the dysgenic policies that bring them into existance in the first place? Also, non-whites are objectively disgusting and repulsive and women are souless fuckholes so they're opinions don't matter due to their feeble mindedness.
>>257126129Ahh, the good ol days
>>257132381>My skin being white, for instancenice larp subhuman
>>257132802Because of all the things i spell correctly I don't know how to spell massive. That is what you're implying which is pretty fucking weak. I mean shit you essentially attacked a typo twice in a row with your responses instead of the actual argument which is that clearly you are fucking retarded for accusing user of being under 18 or that, that should even fucking matter.Go back to reddick you are obvious retard.intellectually you're a light weight and physically im assuming a 500 lbs sack of shit.
>>257127170Does it have any pics of itself posted?
>>257133164The part where the real reason of most of this lot's hatred is, at heart, competition, and a coping mechanism to not accept that they lack improvement, externalizing the blame of not getting laid or being successful, rest of the stuff fellow said I don't care much about, I'm on nobody's side when it comes to this, which is why I know for sure that I am not the one who's stuck in an echo chamber, I'm just a humble observer.
>>257133284"american confused about white people existing in shithole countries"
I believe the plan has been made anons; We need to create dummy accounts and promote a counter-4chan raid against Holla Forums for pride month. While the twitter Keyboard warriors attack Holla Forums, we can lure the plebbitors in as well.In the chaos Holla Forums will strike back, and we can commence Operation:Pridefall, attacking our critical targets while Holla Forums distracts the admins and other accounts. Same idea with Reddit: go after the degeneracy.With any luck this op will make it on the news and we can kek as the libtard media seethes.
>>257133473Seemed like harmless retard banter to me.
>>257133473Anon, ignore the glower. Retards are temporary, glory to Kek is forever.
>>257133492>externalising the blameDo you think you're convincing anyone?
>>257133492>The part where the real reason of most of this lot's hatred is, at heart, competition, and a coping mechanism to not accept that they lack improvement, externalizing the blame of not getting laid or being successful,Self-improvement is a good thing, but the rest is just nonsense and garbage. Ofc a gross spic would think that this trannys diatribe has any merit to it. The feel hatred because it''s socially acceptable to hate them and hatred towards them is encouraged and incentivized by media and academia.
>>257133643>"american confused about white people existing in shithole countries"ok shitkskin spic
>>257133473>heh, this essay full of projections will show him
>>257130550>encouraging mass-immigration to better landsgtfo kike
>>257127514> Women evidently find darker features more attractive and masculine and the Jew >attractive and masculine jew>jew>attractive>masculineThe levels of kike cope are off the charts. Only way kikes could be construed sexually threatening, if it is some kind of Weinstein tier archetypical rich pervert that has to basically pay his way into sex.And you obsession with "incelism" is pretty much kike projection on their opponents (just look at the average jewish so called man lmao) , kind of like the obsession with "white supremacy" is really kikes projecting their own need to dominate, control and take over everything and to construe everything as a sort of a power play.
>>257125103D/C shills I think
>>257125373It was me!
>>257133825Do you?
>>257133879I did not give credit to the tranny part, apparently you can't separate things.
>>257134789Do you?
>>257133941"American thinks race is GPS sensitive"
>>257134896I don't know, depends on what you think I'm trying to convince people about.
>>257133284To be fair there were whites there when the spaniards invaded, they said that they were pretty much exclusively the upper class of their society because their gods were also all white people.
>>257125209>How did they find out about plans made on a public platformYou cant be this Retarded user can you?
>>257132666Trips spits nothing but facts
>>257133171You fought in the meme wars?
>>257125103The LGBTP does more negative propaganda on their own than we could ever do. Not one person I know personally is okay with faggots.
This complete lack of OPSEC tells me most of you are children and even worse some of you fucking glow harder than the bulb in my gunmetal gray SUV.
>>257135359It looks like you're the retarded one. How can you not spot the sarcasm?
>>257135762someone didn't attend the logical fallacies class
>>257135359>>257135893Retarded user indeed.
>>257135950I live in a major city and am friends with liberals.
>>257125103>a propaganda effort to spread hateful content against the LGBTQ+ communityForgive me if I'm wrong but wasn't the point to spread scientifically back sources and statistics? What's hateful about that? That they're not GOOD numbers? Sounds like a problem that needs to be addressed with the LGBTQLMNOPBBQ community if they don't like the numbers they see.
>>257125103Lmfao first comment...>thank you for diving into that shithole so we don't have toSomething tells me they dive into a lot of shitholes.
>>257136059Somehow I doubt that, but even if it's true, all personal account arguments are fallacies unless you're some kind of certified expert.
>>257125103Not like it matters, they consider Holla Forums users racist by default so just using joggers as a racial pejorative is enough to get it to catch on as a no no like :ok_hand: and :glass_of_milk: by the media who are just trying to get hate clicks.
FOCUS ANONS!The glowers and SJW's are trying to disrupt us already. We need to get working on this! Start organizing alt accounts, spread the word to the normies.Operation Pridefall 2.0 is a go, and we won't let these maggots disrupt it!
>>257125103>/r/IronFrontUSAwhat the fuck even is this shithole
>>257136119It's like all the plebbitor shills when challenged on their views on other boards. They automatically ascribe severe emotional investment in any form of disagreement. If you post a statistic about overprevalence of fags in overall child abuse, and nothing else, they will go off about what 'hateful vitriol' and 'anger' you posted towards them. When people say these fags can only think in feels, that's not a meme. Cold rational facts with zero emotions attached to them are a concept that is forever alien to them.
>>257125209Which one of you fucking glowies sounded the whistle??
>>257136767>Cold rational facts with zero emotions attached to themBoy, I wish I could see the day you saw the light, I can feel your contempt when typing that, I've felt it, too.
>>257136660>The American Iron Front is a decentralized pro-democracy + anti-fascist organization operating in the United States.>We hope to reclaim 'patriotism' from hateful far-right nationalists, and work towards a country where all people are free
>>257136516Just made 10 alternative 4Chan accounts. Will start spreading rhetoric on Holla Forums and Holla Forums right now.
>>257125103So? Do it anyway.
>>257137192BASED user.Come on boys, it's time for the next meme war! Rally the troops, prepare the memes and redpills! I haven't been this excited since the 2016 meme war!
>>257125103HECKIN Nazi frog lovers.
>>257132096To make rape cool again we should rape dudes for lulz or cut our dicks off. Lol
>>257127514pic related>>257131427>>257131834Has enough words the redditfags will actually consume it
>>257132173Until now they had no idea about the time machine. Nice job fag.
>>257138817A spade is a tool primarily for digging, comprising a blade – typically stunted and less curved than that of a shovel – and a long handle. Early spades were made of riven wood or of animal bones (often shoulder blades). After the art of metalworking was developed, spades were made with sharper tips of metal.
>>257137513Wrote this a bit ago. Changed a few things. Would love feedback on it.>inb4 called faggot and sjw shill>Operation: Adlerschlag 2020Okay Holla Forums listen up. Its been years since this site actually did something other than sit around on their asses and shit n' cum in their pants. On May 15th, 2020 this will all change. As you are all very aware, 2020 is an American election year and the snowflakes are starting to feel the heat, as their only choice is a forgetful pedo. Trump will be the Republican nominee, and its time for meme war v.2.Operation: Adlerschlag 2020 will be a war fought on two fronts. Reddit and Twitter. This needs to be an effort unseen since Shia to ensure we both get lols in this time of the coronavirus and watch the libtards get their panties in a bunch. FRONT ONE: REDDIT (Priority High)OPLAN: Infiltrate left leaning subreddits (and hell, even ones completely devoid of politics) and post pro-Trump memes, videos and text posts. Our job here is to redpill them on everything. Biden, coronavirus, the DNC, joggers. Redpill them. We need a majority of anons in on this one, as plebbit is a hotbed foe liberals.FRONT TWO: TWITTER (Priority Medium)OPLAN: Reddit, but on a larger scale. On the night of the operation we'll pick out a hashtag being used by the SJWs and flood of with shitposts. Anything you want, this needs to be a 4chan-tumblr wars style hit. Piss off the liberals in anyway you can, but really drive home the homophobia and anti-jogger shit. After the SJWs have jumped ship on that tag, move on to the next tag. Rinse and repeat until we don't care or banned.
>>257134789At some point, reality will win out on the NPC programming for most if they are allowed to see>Our current policies encourage the balkanization that results from identity politics and the politics of grievance. The high percentage of new immigrants who are poor and uneducated, suffer linguistic handicaps, dizzying cultural disorientation, and possess no competitive skills for a postindustrial labor market remain effectively trapped within the underclass and/or the suffocating and meager support systems offered by their tight tribal enclaves. The numbers simply overwhelm available resources at the state and federal level. The new faith-based initiatives, so questionable from a First Amendment standpoint, potentially troubling in terms of generating sectarian strife over the pursuit of federal dollars, and capable of providing federal government sanction to discrimination, would also be utterly incapable of laying a glove on the problem. That is if — and it is a big if — the program survives the Senate and is found to be
>>257125103Read the first couple of comments in that thread if you wanna get your jimmies rustled. They sure love to talk shit. Those fucking faggots.
>>257125209>As if those morons could keep it secret anywayare these losers serious? This is a public forum.
>>257137513Faggots and kikes fear Holla Forums, they won't stop us
>>257135180maybe. every south american loves to larp as white online so idk.
>>257139085Riven wood is
>>257139591You in?
Why do these redditors have such high opinion of themselves? Seriously. This faggot write a goddamn novella.Sexual insecurity. It all comes down to sexual insecurity.Racism is based in the fear that other groups are seen as more sexually attractive and successful by white women, whom they associate with purity and desirability. They see racial minorities as competitors, who are better than them. Thus their need to reassert that they are in fact the best, but the minorities are just cheating aided by media conspiracies, and are actually savage.Antisemitism made a comeback by neo-nazis tying it to sexual insecurity. To these people, they're stuck on the harmful expectations of men to hide all emotion, be financially successful, and use that to prove your worth and obtain a wife as a submissive sex object. So antisemitism poses a boogeyman: there's a reason why you're struggling to be financially successful in a world stacked against you, keeping you from being rich and powerful like you so badly want to be. And they're the same group orchestrating women to find not-you sexually attractive as well. Why? Idk, revenge for WWII or some shit.Queerphobia is much the same. The nazi ideas spoonfed to them lead them to believe in "degeneracy" as an invasive species of sorts to white people. But more relevant, there's a cringe in looking at a group they've been told is disgusting and wrong, but projected from their own self-disgust and self-hatred. Sexual minorities are having sex, while the neo-nazis aren't. Gender minorities are happy with themselves and can see themselves as attractive, while the neo-nazis aren't. They're happy. The game is about trying to get a woman to have sex with you. If men can just do that with other men, that's cheating. If women can do that with other women, they feel further obsolete.
>>257139761 If they could become women, well, they disrespect women, but envy their desirability. They see women as lesser, but cheaters, able to do whatever they want. And that's not fair.Meanwhile all the 4chan neo-nazis are similar-looking boys and young men with hierarchical expectations pressed upon them to, above all else, get laid. They literally rank beauty on a linear 1-10 scale without nuance. They see being the breadwinner as an expectation and a strong pillar to achieving their goal, in a world which financially makes that success a fantasy. They take little to no care in their own appearance, reducing themselves to an innate genetic absolutism of self-worth, with an obsessive contempt and jealousy of women with freer expression in fashion and makeup with the societal support, resources, and encouragement to do so. They're greasy, bad skin, wear neutral shorts and ill-fitting t-shirts their moms may have bought for them, and videogames are their only escape. That's how it is to these people. They have assigned themselves to a game they cannot win and make no effort to improve their odds.Self-reflection only brings pain, so they avoid it. It's easier to blame others. They're too depressed and self-hating to try. So what if there was a world where they didn't have to? What if all the Jews and Mexicans and blacks and queers were gone? Without competition, without these groups they've been taught are sabotaging them, they would be desirable to women who would have no other choice. They wouldn't be lonely, then. And, they imagine, if they had that external validation, maybe they could even learn to love themselves. But they don't - and it's everyone else's fault.That is why they hate us.
>>257139693why do these people blame stormfront? Do they not realize that things are very different now than they were back then.
>>257139459the fuck are you talking about lad?>>257135056