Post Heroes ITT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hero thread
Unhappy the land that is in need of heroes.
You don't know how materialism works do you?
Naxalbari zindabad!
Oh god those poor Lee Enfields… Somebody put them out of their misery.
OC unfinished painting
Nice try FBI.
Are you the guy from the OC thread?
Hitler was kind of a hero, his incompetence destroyed the fascist movement and turned half of Europe red. Also he killed Hitler.
Just lol on the alex jones
Ultimate redpill is when you realize Bill Hicks faked his own death and re-emerged as "Alex Jones", peddling the same anti-establishment narrative as before, except with a right-wing libertarian aesthetic, more appealing to the Average Joe than the hippie leftism of Bill Hicks' early days
There's also this:
Underrated post.
A faked death bought and paid for by the zionist cultural marxist overlords right?
I unironically admire MSG Benavidez and aspire to be as tough as him. I don't agree with the purpose of the war, but MSG Benavidez is just that impressive.
I think you should learn from any and all warriors, and MSG Benavidez is definitely one of them.
Indeed. Devotion and valor don't care about ideology. Even if a fascist is characterized by this, I'd still find him respectable
It reminds me of Letters From Iwo Jima, where despite the Japanese being obvious bad guys, you can still see that from their perspective they are fighting for their homes. For them the ideology or the geopolitics don’t really matter, all they knew was that American bombs were burning their homes to a crisp.
The part I left out is that they had him in a body bag. The only way he could communicate that he was alive was by spitting in doc's face, lol.
For me, there are no "good" or "bad" guys in war. Obviously, me being leftist, I fully support and think it was the right fight for the soviets to repel the german invaders, however, there's good and bad in all armies. It's not like every single soviet soldier was socialist, or every german soldier a fascist. Of course many germans commited war crimes against innocents, but so did the soviets, americans, british, etc. They weren't all bad, and many of them (germans) didn't even fight to spread nazism, imagine how many were conscripted and had no choice. I respect soldiers from all sides, despite the ideological motives of their leaders
Just waiting for someone to post Stalin so the cunt off can begin
I didn't even bother mentioning Stalin, because his hero status is self-evident.
Nope, fuck that dude. Nothing "impressive" or "heroic" about murdering peasants for Big Business. A truly impressive human being would realize the war was based on lies and refuse to participate in the slaughter.
Sankara was a true comrade.
I weep his death. May he rest in peace.
wtf i love vietnamese imperialism now
Forward ever, backward never!
NVA weren't peasants, and I didn't say he was a hero. I said I admired him.
MSG Benavidez signed up because he needed a job and volunteered for SF because it paid more. I'm not going to pretend he wasn't spooked as fuck, but please stop moralizing.
I don't shed a tear for the revenge against Germany after WW2 but I'm not gonna pretend it was a good thing if I could get a Soviet victory with no war crimes I'd take it.
There should be more individual videos for Grenadian communist songs.
wasnt peron full reactionary in the 70s?
I wonder how many axis boys turned woke in vietnam and became comrades
Tom Hardy Max is anfem gang
oh wow
I remember way over a decade ago, maybe before the Iraq War even, some guy living in the boonies here in Brazil named his son Saddam because he liked the sound of it, after hearing it way back during the Gulf War. At some point he wrote Saddam Hussein a letter to say this, and much to his surprise, in return he received a fucking gold watch with Hussein's stately figure on the face, along with a letter of gratitude.
Why does he wear the mask?
Nah the guy was actual mates with Allandre and apparently during the one meeting h had with Pinochet he thought he was a cunt.
Also the US overthrew him because he was too "lefty". I mean he was a third way socdem (not the blairite kind, the Huey Long king) but I guess he was alright.
come on, dude it's not any japanese it's fucking Mishima