He's shit tier sorry.
If you want to know something about geopolitics read Mearsheimer and Kolko.
I'll give you the quick run down on global politics. More or less nothing that happened before Britain became the world hegemon helps to explain the current day.
Brits control the world for a while spreading colonialism to fuel nascent capitalism. The Americans revolt and are split between industrialists trying to usurp Britains place and good boy plantation owners who just want to live a patriarchal lifestyle. Northerners massacre the south to protect US industry, conquer all of America over time. Germans try to be like the Brits as well and industrialize so Britain puts in a plan and alliance to keep the continental powers contained. WWI breaks out because golden standard is fucking up, everyone ruined with twin deficits and low profitability, Everyone btfo but Germany especially. Next phase of war Britain sweating it because Russia is getting a bit dangerous. US and Brits rebeef Germans to btfo Russians. Anglo alliance moves in to take over Middle East after Ottomans fall. WWII breaks out and both Germans and Russians btfo each other but somehow Russia survives and gets stronger than ever. US usurps Britains role as ruler of the world and immediately sends troops everywhere it can controlling the past fascist states through the Pentagon and CIA, basically hundreds of thousands of troops sitting on Europe as well. Soviet Union vs USA and their pals for like next 45 years. Capitalism and its treachery finally wins out, Russian chauvinism stronk disbands USSR.
Now resurgent Russia trying to strengthen border integrity, NATO moving ever closer and US doing their usual to Eastern Europe. Immediately btfos Yugoslavia since they looked too good, continues trying to make these countries """Free""". Putin plays 4D chess for years and slowly begins to start being openly anti-western. China kicked out imperialists previous century, makes deal with Americans to allow manufacturing to be imported for cheap labour since OPEC caused price shocks and Vietnam war are screwing over dollar hegemony. Volcker restablizes US currency by raising interest rates to double digits and btfoing US gini coefficient forever. China now becomes mercantilist like every rising power before it but takes extra precautions to ensure its sovereignty. Americucks not really sure what to do about this in the long run, friends on the surface but the great game still being played underneath it all. Japan realized it could say no! but didn't realize the Pentagon got a whiff of their plans to use technological dominance in high tech to blackmail US security w.r.t missiles and the like. Pentagon sabotages their economy and Japan goes into the slow burn, future uncertain but they push through.
Eurozone controlled by Germany, Germany controlled by CIA. Small mercantile empire, mini-gold standard where poorer countries basically labouring to feed German coffers. System naturally breaks down due to falling rate of profit and reverberating effects of US financial retardation. To save EU Americans try to push in cheaper natural gas to them, cue Arab spring and Syria war. Muh terrorism and false flag attacks for next 10 years.
New coldwar simmers in Africa. China knows it has to secure tis energy future and access to resources so begins reaching out to other developing countries. Can no longer rely on exporting to west for growth, looks to their other west and applies extra production capacity to build infrastructure. Develops long term links with every nation between Burma and Ghana but CNN/BBC start crying muh Chinese colonies in Africa since they're getting edged out by better Chinese deals. China literally canceling debts over $50 Billion and people pretend China is trying to indebt everyone. Marshal plan for the global south a go.
Same old shit continues in Latin America, coups vs socdem nationlists. Brazil gets cucked, strong hit to BRICS, Venezuela about to get cucked, strong hit to Latin American left. India continues its life long REEEEE about Pakistan. Australians put a shrimp on the barbie and call it a day. Global south still slaving for the north, everything as usual except now Big Daddy Kim is doing Big Things with Big Toys. Entire world cucked about it. Turkey reemerges as middle power, starts its regional hegemon shit to take back middle east. Erdogan doing his best to implement 1D chess. Nigeria slowly becoming threat to US as nascent middle power, future uncertain. Frenchies still being human cockroaches living off North and West Africa.
Great disorder under heaven, situation tentative but good guys getting relatively stronger and the Law of Value remains supreme above all else.