How can people read shit like this and still claim that racism is not a real problem in the USA?
How can people read shit like this and still claim that racism is not a real problem in the USA?

Because it's now politically correct to not be mean to racist people or give them actual community consequences for their beliefs, which have actual community consequences.

Please do not be mean to them, they are just smol and do not like immigration uwu

No one argues that racism doesn't exist in the US.
We argue that no one outside of the US should care about people in the US and that we shouldn't apply US political strategies outside of the us.
Also this proves that melting pots don't work.

You're willing to make the internet a hellscape of Holla Forumsyp redditors who have political power by being active voters who will obviously make the world just shittier is fine, just because you don't care. Ok. That seems pretty selfish and self centered of you.


Because people choosing to go to specific schools doesn't require government intervention? Or are people now so racist they have to be regulated by an egalitarian body?

Redefining school districts to purposefully exclude black communities is not just "people choosing to go to specific schools." But I guess this answers the question: you imbeciles simply don't read.

Schools in America are already funded by property value and this just makes the problem worse, and our education system really does not need to be worse than it already so no

I really don't think you should be heralding anything Betsy DeVos does as a victory for common sense, whatever legislation she makes is not done for improving our schools, it's for improving private schools.


You definitely have a "choice" in American education

I forgot you all deny biology and its social economic consequences.(I forgot you were educated in America)

That's a nice non sequitur.

Wahhh if I say it isn't real and ban any dissenting voices it won't be. Modding has never been so pathetic.

Hardly blacks are poor due to biology and gravitate to other blacks due to biology. Not our fault they drive down property prices with crime.(Ban evasion due to biology)

Be fair here, you definitely did not come here in good faith to discuss, and be intellectually honest. We've talked to a million and one like you, and once you've gone - another will come and that'll make a million and two

If you want to promote Betsy DeVos' bullshit legislation towards children, you deserve more than a ban. You should get like, hit by a car.

Does this mean my local schools will finally stop being babooneries?(Did you just admit you check on the children of your local schools?)

If I wanted to argue with someone who defended the American education system's continuing collapse by financial forces that do not want our children educated, I might as well be talking to a brick wall, and you might as well be banned.

Because simply, nobody as stupid as you could possibly have an informed opinion worth arguing about.

Good. Internet shouldn't exist. At least there is an excuse to took it down


Also, is this an America thread?
I hate America!

That won't destroy the internet and your culture is still going to be comodofied so you might as well care about the interests of the voting of America, it will have a negative effect on you, and you should care what happens within it, to the last detail. Because just like it always has, it's coming to you. All the austerity is coming to you.


Nobody claims it's not a real problem. But it is a problem to be solved through economics not whatever retarded idpol liberal policies people do.

This is by Betsy DeVos, plus I don't think you understand how American education works. It's already based on faulty economics, how much more could you possibly want?

Please stop turning our children into goblins

Read a book, nigger.(Another classic case of three posts saying "I hate idpol" that go onto give context to identity politics. Nothing screams "Hello /leftypol, how do you do today" with three posts saying the same thing.)

So black people should just endure the shit given to them because you promise them that they will be finally treated as equals in the indefinite future once capitalism finally collapses? Are you sure you are a socialist and not a Christian? What the fuck happened to solidarity?

Didn't see you in a long time

Notice how both white cucks and blacks are americans.

I've been stuffing my fat face with pasta and occasionally dicks. Unlike American scum!

Next time try stuffing it with a rifle.

Oh my god can you imagine the horror of white kids not having blacks to add their productive insight in the classroom and enrich their education? Race is a spook and doesn't mean anything but its really important we put more blacks into whi-erm GOOD schools because otherwise the white kids will miss out on their enriching intellectual contributions to our society.

Isn't it interesting how (white) PTA's, a female dominated grassroots democratic mass movement present in almost every American school district, tend to be in favor of conservative values and keeping blacks out of their schools?

The white working class does not want blacks and other minorities in school with their children. When left to their own devices whites will naturally segregate themselves. Integration had to be forced at gunpoint to be legalized, and when whites and blacks would not move into the same neighborhoods willingly, blockbusting and bussing programs happened. If you faggots really think race is just a "spook" why do you insist on forcing blacks into everyone's lives?

Sorry I'm drunk and shitposting but I'll present Holla Forums with a legitimate question:

Is the actual argument here that exposure to white people makes blacks smarter? Why do you people think this is?

Sage for triple posting.

The feds were pissed because local governments and businesses kept breaking national law.

lel. Really though, the school districts are gerrymandered to funnel tax money to the de facto white schools. It exploits spooklords that want to return to the sundown years.
Integrated schools do well simply because they get a fair cut instead of almost nothing.


It is a problem. It's worrisome that racial segregation makes a comeback.
Keep in mind though that class segregation already exists, and is as pernicious. Children from wealthy parents go to top tier private schools and proceed to buy prestigious diploma's at fancy colleges, landing top paying jobs thanks to connections they forged with other upper class twits. You now need a college degree for even menial labour, and are forced into debt to get it, condemning you to debt slavery no matter your colour. Racial segregation is detestable primarily because it undercuts black children's chance at a better future. Yet absent a victory for socialism, they will be fucked regardless, because meritocracy is in very large part a lie. There are few chances for advancement to be had even with integrated education as long as the educational industrial complex is not destroyed first.
Antiracism without socialism is stillborn.


I wouldn't have it any other way.

American schools are largely funded by property taxes. Blacks and Latinos tend to be poorer and own less property, so they pay proportionally less. Re-segregation gives the better-off white families a larger amount of resources per child, since they aren't subsidizing blacks and Latinos through integrated schools, to say nothing of racial issues. Nothing really surprising here. If the end goal is expropriating white people to pay for school for PoC, it would be simpler to just stop using the property tax system which exacerbates the race problem and incentivizes segregation.

Or, y'know, give more funding to schools in need.


Is solidarity an unknown concept for Americans?

In american ideology selfishness=freedom and caring about others is oppressing their right to starve and dying to easily curable diseases.

Is the USA a nation of sociopaths?

In some areas, not so much in others. However, I find I a high number of sociopathic Americans who browse this board, they usually talk about Americans.


Have you considered that this happens because white people are much larger tax contributors than blacks and hispanics? So blacks don't need white people in the class with them to succeed, they just need more of white people's money diverted to them?

It's almost as if blacks and Mexicans fail in school because of class struggle and not because of biological inferiority.