I just "don't get it", what the fuck he's trying to say?
I thought I was a brainlet than I understood that there is nothing to understand.
Why is he taken serious?
What the fuck is the point of talking about "sorting yourself out"?
He sounds more like a 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧motivational guru🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 than anything else. There is little difference between listening him and listening roosh v talking.
Is he a thing in europe?
What's his point?
It's self- help for brainlets that want to feel like they're intellectual an responsible. Which is, ofcourse, a great platform for reactionary ideas.
You need to learn philosophy in order to debate regarding real life issues.
why does this leaf get so much attention here?
Why does he get attention in general?
He's not saying anything that I couldn't say.
Isn't it obvious? He wants to milk the alt-right cow. It's too profitable and the tenure pays like shit. So he panders to misguided kids and says what they want to hear, whilst cleverly applying father fixation.
I am yet to read Maps of Meaning (his only serious work) to judge him properly as a psychologist. What he's doing now isn't even remotely related to his area of study. From what i see he's currently writing literal self-help books, and that's just sad.
This guy gets funding from more than 6,000 patrons, with the lowest reward tier being set at $5. It's likely this guy makes $30,000 a month for spewing a mix of inarticulate whining about cultural Marxism and incredibly shallow self-help platitudes at alt-right kids who think same-sex bathrooms are the chief issue of our age. Just let that sink in…
Damn. Plus what he makes teaching in college.
Holy shit, why people waste money on patrons?
In fact, this was a typo, I meant to write $30,000+ — since it's likely many patrons contributed more than the rewarded minimum of $5. It's likely he actually makes much more from his Patreon account alone.
Advanced command of science, philosophy and the humanities, duh. That's right there on his Patreon page: He seeks to "take the humanities back from the corrupt postmodernists" by offering "lectures about profound psychological ideas".
But isn't his feels>reals approach PoMo itself?
I don't think it has enough meat to be called anything. It's a typical case of an academic believing everything he says is authoritative even when it has nothing to do with his accredited field of study.
Makes sense.
How is this a negative accusation against him?
Both Holla Forums and Holla Forums hate "moderates", and "centrists". Also funny considering Holla Forums thinks he's a leftist Jew, and Holla Forums thinks hes a right wing reactionary.
But pol also thinks Obama is a islamig-gommunist, so their judgement doesn't really count for shit.
I don't think that.
I think he's a rad centrist and the biggest pseud around
peepeeson is a run of the mill neoliberal, which to Holla Forums means he's a leftist
His point is basically all of your problems are your own fault and you should only change yourself to fix them. It's the standard pull yourself up by your bootstraps rhetoric that conservatives push to avoid any structural critique of capitalism.
but patreon is unreliable in this regard. You can "donate" 5 dollars with a fake credit card number, and the site won't check it. Of course the guy you donate to doesn't get any money, but on his patreon page it shows he does. So anybody who donates him 5$ can pretty much be ignored if you wanna calculate how much he makes
Average pledge is $6.70 (blog.patreon.com
Amount of patrons is 6 403 (patreon.com
So assuming his users have the same amount of love for him as the average pledger for the average creator, he makes about $42 900 per month.
Because "centrism" is just a cop out for people unwilling to open themselves to criticism.
Because Holla Forums is filled with depressed losers who are angry about not even being able to follow the advice of a modern self help guru.
Source: I am one of them
I hit the gym, read at least 15 pages of theory a day, eat healthy, try to socialise as much as I can and fullfil my duties and I clean my room too, of course. What more do you need from me comrade?
No. I'd rather stay true.
no you fucking idiot, gödel proved that in any axiomatic system there are unreachable truths, no matter how many axioms you add. your axiomatic system is either incomplete in this way, or inconsistent. to say that proof is impossible without an axiom is such a basic truism that it means fucking nothing, and has nothing to do with a belief in god.
gee thanks
How are the lifestyle and tips Peterson advocates a "consumerist, bland, corporate created trend"? It's really just basic life advice, at least his most successful stuff. Things that many people do anyway in order to have a structurred life.
That's why we hate him, you mong. He wants to imply that anyone who disagrees with him is just immature. He's a classic example of a pompous self-righteous "rationalist".
If you actually think there aren't some fundamentally good/useful things all people could do to improve their life and the world I can't help you.
And why the fuck do people need to be told these things? They are intrinsic to the contemporary human experience. Only people with mental conditions haven't picked up on them, and it's not exactly fair to hold them to the same standard; even NEET manchildren are aware, they just don't give a shit.
Peterson isn't telling people these things for their own benefit. He is speaking for the sake of his audience, whom want to be able to dismiss anyone out of hand if they have the audacity to share a meaningful opinion on anything.
>Gödel proved (without references to god) that one needs assume god to prove anything.
Holy doublethink, batman!
Despite being Canadian, I'm pretty sure the majority of his audience are Americans, and he fits right into America's weird little 'self-help' culture of charlatan's peddling bogus advice for massive profit. Mix this with healthy doss right-wing reactionary low-hanging fruit and you've got a good way of taking advantage of a lot of very insecure dumb people.
Haven't you got a room to clean?
Read about Zizek’s concept of ideology. Pure ideology isn’t just a meme we throw at reactionaries, it refers to the tactic of depoliticizing the political. Framing radical right wing nonsense as “common sense” and the rational position whose superiority is so self evident that it is beyond debate. In reality of course it’s entirely political, but the goal is to obscure the actual political interests and motivations behind it. A good example is the neoliberal wave in the 90s, where centre left parties abandoned social democracy and socialism in droves because neoliberal economics was “common sense”. Peak centrism is also peak ideology.
The phrase "postmodern neomarxist" has no discernible meaning.
Also much of his work, thought, etc. can quite easily be classified as postmodern.
removing the focus from the system onto the individual
that's all there is to it, it's a vehicle for him to draw people into conservatism, because if they solidify the idea of "I and only I am always to blame for shit that happens to me" then they will resist any kind of explanation that accuses the system we live in and especially those that try to talk to people about themselves as a part of a society and not merely individuals
of course, all this goes out the window when it comes to stuff him and pepes are personally offended by and against, but hypocrisy is standard fare in right-wing thought
I don't know but all i do know is i hate him.
One of my friends who i used to feel comfortable talking leftism with started listening to him and buys into all the anticom propaganda he puts out. I can't talk to the guy about politics anymore because of JP now. He pays for his online self help courses and talks about how they actually help him deal with his problems.
It really, really bothers me that this guy knows i'm a commie at heart
See, this is the problem i have with this guy and his fans, though. They don't honestly believe liberalism or JP's politics are right wing. But he is. Anyone who has read a fucking book sees how anti-left this guy is with his sympathy for the right.
Even a lot of liberals I know IRL wouldn't agree with half the shit this guy says and probably lean more toward bernie than JP. JP, unfortunately, likely believes Bernie to be some kind of communist as well. So ridiculous.
I also have a friend who is into this guy and buys all the self-help stuff. And it's weird trying to convince him that Jordan Peterson is to the right. He doesn't seem to agree that complaining about "cultural Marxists" in academia and wanting to get rid of entire fields of study (women's studies, sociology, gender studies, etc) is actually a pretty reactionary stance.
Clean your room.
Rather than look at the reasons people might be drawn toward communism, he actively blames people for adopting those views on some fake narrative that he constructs for himself, one that is completely detached from real struggles in the third world.
He gets a lot of history completely wrong and sometimes its hard to tell if he's aware of his own hypocrisy. He spends all his time whining about stuff but also avoiding the critical issues communists care most about.
For someone like JP, if he's so concerned about the spread of communism, as he claims, shouldn't it be in his best interested to "level" with them and tone down the meritocratic free market shit? But, notice how he never does that? He preaches moderation while never wanting to compromise with anyone that is farther right OR left than him.
So, I guess in the end he is a rad centrist, but damn if I don't absolutely hate him. He thinks his "moderation" solves things but all it does is assuage his own emotional reactions to real things going on in the world.
He cries about "free speech" and "human rights" at the most predictable times, and I think it is no coincidence that his fan base is largely composed of Holla Forums.
Speaking of Zizek, I think it's kind of funny how he dismisses Jung (the few times I've read him discuss Jung in print). I think in one book, he classifies Jung as a father of "new age obscurantism" which I find hilarious.
Yes, it is inherently reactionary. Bernie is probably a good litmus test for someone like JP to expose how much of a pseud he is. I wonder if he's ever mentioned Bernie or stated his opinion of that.
And, yeah, I dunno how you "convince" anyone in the realm of politics. The older I get, I'm more likely to let bygones be bygones. I feel like so much time is wasted "convincing" the wrong people when there's plenty of others out there organizing and conscious of what is going on. Finding those people seems to be a far more critical task than convincing some fascist sympathizer how communism plays into his self interest and how race is a spook.
I call him more right than left, only because of his fan base. I think its no coincidence he courts the attention of Holla Forums.
I mean, the whole adoption of 4chan insignia is a huge indicator that he might be a crypto fascist, or just will come out as one when the time is right.
To me, he's a lot like Molymeme. He toes the line very well, so there's always this "sliver of doubt", but if there was any kind of real class based movement you can easily predict they would ally with the right wing opposition than the left wing.
I often consider anti-communist reactionaries like this a lost cause. There is no changing them, they are aware of their influence and stances and are actively trying to suppress people vaguely left of their own stances. They can go to hell.
JP's philosophy is pure BS. I never clean my room and I make 70k and have a pretty comfortable life. This whole "clean your room" thing is just some stupid shit to avoid focusing on what you REALLY need to focus on in your life.
If you want to stop being a loser, try talking to women, meeting people, get a job, ettc.,.. focus on the actual issues bothering you.
"Clean your room" is literally "avoid the problems plaguing your life!!" … weak as fuck, and it bothers me so many people are conned into this guys BS and don't make their own philosophy for themselves and follow that
He is selling slave morality IMHO
good post user
All of his "philosophy" just sounds like a bad interpretation of Nietzsche. The fact that he thinks post-modernism and Marxism go hand in hand is laughable and amazingly ignorant.
He even managed to make Joe Rogan a screeching reactionary talking about "Cultural Marxists" on his podcast. Just tired of these so called "centrists" who push white nationalist propaganda with nice rhetoric.
Their "bite sized philosophy" is so insulting to anyone who has read into what Peterson is saying but most people don't read books so they buy the bullshit he is selling because it puts the "self-help" image around his "advice."
because it is, he accuses marx of his awful interpretation of nietzsche
Tbh I haven't run into any jordanites even on Holla Forums or r9k, is he just a redditlord?
When is Jordon going to kill himself, place ya bets, mput in ya coin
Place ya bets before he croaks
This clip of Rick Roderick from 4:27 onward really explains everything wrong with Peterson.
Some cunt who got sick of being just another academic so he launched some weird crusade based off some bullshit hypothetical against an imaginary villain…and still has yet to lose his job.
I sorta wish he was right though, that Marxists had anywhere near the power he thinks we do.
Das it mane.
You realize Zizek's completely full of shit when it comes to his definition of "ideology", right?
His point is that he's another milquetoast moderate-right speaker who the left drastically overreacted to, the antifags and campus commies who we for some reason still put up with started to suppress him, the people who are tired of that bullshit flocked to him to hear all his incredibly uninteresting philosophy stuff. Another example of fragile college kiddies making a non-problem into a big shiny pile of ammunition for the alt-right because they can't tolerate someone saying things they don't like.
Well, guess we can just throw away the whole of Marxian philosophy, huh? Pack it up, essentialism and teleology were right all along!
But it's obviously true. While Freud was a materialist, Jung is the first digression, borrowing from other fields and developing his own esoteric categories – not that any of this bothers a Christian.
I disagree. What state is your room in? Is it just a bit untidy or is it a real fucking mess? Like stuff laying there since years, furniture you neither like nor need and things unarranged so you have to search for hours if you need something? This was my room and it is a good start if you want to advance in life. I mean how am I supposed to work, study and concentrate in a room that's a fucking mess?
Also saying Peterson is advocating to "avoid the problems plaguing your life" is stupid and simply wrong. It's probably THE ONE point he is trying to sell. Confront your problems and you'll grow and reach for the unknown.
Hi tumblr
Literally what?
you are a table
What the fuck do you mean?
In which Jordan Peterson wears a fedora and complains that women only date assholes:
He's not even Alt-Right since he doesn't believe in ethnonationalism which is the key thing of Alt-Right.
Just because someone doesn't like Cultural Marxism it doesn't mean they're Alt-Right. Lots of political factions agree on some things, disagree on others. It's always been this way. He's just a boomer and isn't controversial at all.
You mean cultural capitalism.
what the fuck is wrong with these people
I still don't understand.
I wouldn't define the Alt-Right as anything other than an informal knee-jerk rejection of what they identity as a "leftist" cultural hegemony. That their ideological composition runs the gamut from garden-variety neocon to unironic neo-nazi — which does appear contradictory — isn't a bug, it's a feature.
Cultural marxism was LITERALLY a conspiracy theory propagated by the nazi against communists. Sorry if I have some doubts about the guy's feelings for fascism… or his willful ignorance in case he is indeed not an aut-rightist.
Alt-Right aren't the only ones reacting to it either. Most other right-wingers are too like libertarians and traditional conservatives. Even centrists like Sargon of Akkad and other "skeptics".
Peterson clearly dislikes fascism, he clearly dislikes communism too. I've seen his videos, he despises any totalitarian government, his whole stick is "muh individualism, freedom and liberty."
"Cultural Marxism" is a right-wing buzzword. If you want to discuss the Frankfurt School or Gramsci or whatever, there are plenty of ways you can refer to those things without using retarded dog-whistles. When people use that word deliberately, it's usually to appeal to a certain crowd.
To be fair for what I've seen of him he does dislike fascism, but that's baseline human decency, not a point in his favor.
It's also quite evident that he is fairly ignorant as far as history and philosophy (and economics more often than not) go. He is not the worst right wing e-celeb, but still not someone whose opinion I would give value to.
I tend to see people like Sargon of Akkad as part of or at least peripheral to the Alt-Right.
He's basically a right liberal, people forget those exist even though there is still so many of them, and they still run the Republican party. He's a millstone around our collective necks just as much as any other liberal.
Oh I am sure he's mentioned the Frankfurt school before.
Anyway, I follow these things closely. The Alt-Right allied with Peterson over the sjw stuff and his fatherly words of wisdom about but that is because he talks of how the left-wing dominates Academia, which he isn't wrong about, it's one of our strengths. However, Peterson has consistently spoke out about fascism and Nazism. He often looks like he's about to cry when he talks about them. He is obsessed with individualism and against ideologies and collectivism. He's never been one of them. Just because he isn't one of us either, it doesn't mean he's one of them.
If you pay attention you will see that the Alt-Right is trying to get him to debate ethnonationalism, but he keeps ignoring them and won't debate them. Probably because he wants to distance himself from them.
It's self-help con-artistry. You don't need some stupid ritual to address the important things in your life.
umm yeah, self help is for people who aren't mentally okay.
If you ever actually watched anything he puts out he never says that his way is the end all be all. Its just that some people lack a purpose in our society and he is just helping them find their way. If you are too immature to allow another human find a more positive outlook on life then you should just hang yourself already.
There are several instances of Peterson using the preferred pronouns of people. He uses them for many students in his classes as well. He objects to the politicization of pronouns and the requirement of usage.
I prefer people use the correct royal "Your Majesty" when I get referred to, but I'm not an ass and I won't force that, and to some people requiring you to say zee is very similar in mindset.
Kys you fucking borguoise scum
The issue is that when you only talk to people who are on the extreme ends of issues they believe there is a true right left dynamic.
Many ideals that are pushed by Women's studies, gender studies, and other soft sciences can lean towards more humanitarian ideas which are seen as left. Peterson is middle right, but he has some old liberal viewpoints when it comes to race and gender, such as how race and gender are important, and allow for uniquenesses that make the individual worth more. Not this new feminism/racism where all the genders are the same, with no differences, yet if someone identifies as a woman(which is no different than a man???) then they're a woman. How can they know what they are if the genders are the same?
Again you have probably never been in a true low like the people Peterson is addressing. Clean your room doesn't have to literally mean clean your room. It means you know exactly what you have been avoiding and you are spending all of this extra energy to avoid it, while you could just simply, clean your room.
If you can't use my pronouns then don't respond to me at all.
Dude I don't give a fuck about gender and racism bullshit, why he spouts anti communist propaganda tho?
That's my problem. Plus he doesn't understand post modernist.
Also why the fuck would I need a guru to tell to do stuff ?
Same reason its allowed for you to spout anti Not Socialist propaganda. Because no ideology is infallible and everyone is open for criticism in a free society.
Like what? It's allowed to shout propaganda ok. this doesn't make it less retarded and dangerous
Is this the power of centrism?
Yes, I know it may be amazing, but I question what I am told, and instead of assuming that anyone with authority is always correct, I think for myself. Its actually extremely powerful since I can be a super smart brainlet
Then why the cult following around JP, falling for the anticom propaganda and falling for the american concept of freedom?
Sounds like your free thinking is something out of liberalism 101 tbh
I live in a real world. The american concept of freedom is infinitely better than being sent to farm rice for the motherland, even if I have to work a job I choose to support my family. If I don't like American freedom I can move to Africa(But its gunna be hard to leave on my own since I can't sail or fly on my own. Its almost like money is used to pay other for their service, and slavery with choice isn't slavery)
I have friends who's family had to flee from soviet Russia because his uncle's kid wrote a paper that talked shit about Communism and his whole family was slated for death so they fled. Definitely sounds like true freedom to me
lol. What a stupid fuck
Sounds like he should've read some theory
My only hope is to some day see all American pigs burn.
top kek
I mean, oh persons of limited intelligence, that dictating which terms others may use to address you and using the force of law to compel others to address you as whatever (likely delusional) term you have decided is fashionable is not """demanding respect""" as the comic in OPs post tries to claim, subjugating others to comply with whatever whim occurs to this self-appointed ruling group.
First stop talking like a pseud. You are stupid as fuck.
What in the OP makes you think that I want to force gender prouns on you? People in this thread don't care about that shit. The problem I have with this guy is that he spouts goebbels tier anticom propaganda
Cell three of the comic, which is the third image in OP's post. Given what Peterson initially attracted attention for, a stupid fuck is you.
The comic and this board makes fun of him because he thinks intersectionality=communism.
I don't see how gender prouns (which btw I think are stupid) will lead us to communism
blow your fucking brains out
One obsessive poster (yourself presumably) does not constitute this board. Furthermore, the comic is a defence not of communism but liberal """intersectionality""".
Read the faq. We are anti idpol by rule
Probably it was made with that intention but there is nothing on it that makes me think about liberals.
It's the same thing. Fully realized Marxism and fully realized capitalism have identical results.
Interesting, the lack of denial that all the Peterson threads are coming from one triggered autists.
Which has done nothing to dissuade idpol posters from persistently attempting to spread their cancer here. Such as yourself, presumably.
I hope you recover from your brain injury soon. I'm sure your healing will greatly aid the quality of discourse on reddit.
That happens. Didn't happen on this thread tho
What I did to make you think this?
You are the bitch complaining about a pic in the op I posted randomly.
I don't really get what are you complaining about here, I really don't get what the fuck is your problem. You are just butthurted because we don't like a fucking lifestyle guru that says nothing original or smart.
the dogfucking nonce
just so you know this guy's preferred type of reference is "the dogfucking nonce" to be appended after all replies to him.
if he objects to this reference tell him to go fuck more dogs because he's trying to coerce you into referring to him in a way incongruous with your understanding of reality (which really, genuinely is that he's a dog bothering paedophile.) he doesn't really mean it, he's just deluded and forgotten about all the bad things he did.
I used to know someone who worked at the university of Toronto where Peterson works. Apparently he's shit at his job, but the university can't fire him because if they do they'll get accused of muh censorship by his 12 year old fans
Except that you attempted to deny this was happening in by pointing at the FAQ…
That's your problem.
Actually, I just object to the fact you're very obviously an idpolyp here to inject your cancer.
Oh look, someone is calling me bad names in a thai shrimp farming periodical. You realize intentional defamation is different to humouring Napoleon impersonators, no?
Didn't answer me by saying what the fuck I did to make you think this
the dogfucking nonce
It's not defamation if it's true. We all know about your behaviour.
Why would we humour the idea that you're an upstanding member of society when it's not true?
No, you're right, I didn't. I'm not going to, either. I have no interest in helping you improve your dissembling.
Quite. You'll post some proof then, won't you?
Who am I, exactly?
If I'm not an upstanding member of the community, you shouldn't. Which is why it's not defamation if it's true, as you correctly observed. Showing something is true does require the presentation of proofs, so pony up that evidence! :)
the dogfucking nonce
Ah, the Wikipedo defence. An apt ploy.
Around these parts, my unpleasant interlocutor, you have been known to go by "the dogfucking nonce"
the dogfucking nonce
So you've no proof and, unsurprisingly, have no idea who I am. Well, I'm off to rape some kittens.