Blackwater founder pitches plan to quell Libya migrant crisis with private police
ancapistan is real and its coming to Libya
Blackwater founder pitches plan to quell Libya migrant crisis with private police
ancapistan is real and its coming to Libya
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It's either than or deploy some other nations army.
Every day gets worse than the last. Fucking hell.
Wyomingite here, we'll fucking see about that.
Every day we fall farther from God's grace
War has changed…
KFC tho
Or just UN peace keepers.
This is infuriating, what The FUCK is this shit? Are they actually presenting this as some sensible solution in the article? I swear it's almost "as if" porky was planning to cash on it from the very start. Apparently it's the burgers' job to liberate countries from oppressive regimes, but rebuilding from the rubble is for the people and whoever calls dibs gets to be the new liberator.
As much as I appreciate American comrades your country needs a nuclear holocaust ASAP.
why do you want rape gangs patrolling Libya?
Thank you based Private Military Contractors™ for keeping EVROPA® white
Wtf i love Blackwater now!
I predict by the 2030's or 2040's war will be fully privatized, national military becomes more of a national tradition than an active fighting force, and Kojima's predictions about it will all come true, minus the nano machines and sophisticated technology it's just going to be boring, horrible, and depressing
sounds nice, that means no conscription, desertion would be a matter of professional pride instead of a horrible treachery, soldiers lives would be considered more expensive, thus dissuading throwing them away carelessly , and less war and less bloody war over all
/liberty/ pls go.
Maybe not that point, but by 2040's there will be some kind of advanced transhumanist techs applied to military.
Also Kojima is totally /ourguy/ about his war economy analysis.
Expensive in what way? Private soldiers are mercenaries, who cares about mercenaries life except their family? There's not pride in it unlike "defending his country".
They are even more expendables because they are just "human capital" for SMPs.
So that would be the opposite, more war and more bloody war, because war would become a business like any other and blood the new form of capital.
Yeah, what could go wrong with
fully privatized war, where armies can fight for the highest bidder
in the literal way as in they cost more money
the people ordering war would be just as detached as ever, but individual Private Militaries would have a say in whether or not they take a client and have some negotiating power and would not want to lose a soldier if they can avoid it for efficiency reasons as well as knowing them on a more personal level, then to add to that all the soldiers would be private actors as well, meaning they have a say in whether they take a particular job or not, if it is very dangerous or hopeless most would fuck off unless you have a very large amount of money hanging on it
as opposed to public war where they are forced to fight for the highest bidder and dont even get a chance to refuse
You seem to be confused friend,
both, they're not good
Shut up Miller
But what if it's more profitable to send private soldiers on a suicide mission and then recruit new private soldiers?
to do that it means the bidder must be putting a lot of money in, I am not saying it cant happen but it would become prohibitively expensive, at least to a greater degree then now
Yeah, it's not like African orphans and poor people in general get recruited all the time, or that there are whole cities in america where the only job available is in the military.
If only we only removed the government-created innefiency that is conscription a soldier's life would be perfect.
And who and why will prohibit this?
Are you the fag who defends soldiers in literally every fucking post it's brought up?
no I am not that guy, I might defend people who are conscripted since they had no choice in the matter, but choosing to fight wars for porky is a sin I cannot abide
have you never heard the term prohibitively expensive before? if english is not your first language then that might make sense, so I will explain this little quirk just in case
prohibitively expensive means it costs enough that you dont want to or cant do it anymore because your funds are insufficient
I dont care about africans, but while their lives might be worth very little SKILLED africans would be harder to come by for that selfsame reason
those cities would not exist if the US military didnt exist, so they do not come into play when talking about private militaries
So just like in medieval italy?
It wasnt that bad tbh,
Employers pay for the training of their employees in almost every single industry, you're assuming they won't on private military industries in order for your retarded argument to hold water.
This isn't a Holywood movie where the soldier goes off to train with the last member of a lineage of monks, the US military already developed highly detailed and cost-effecient manuals to turn the average 90 Autism Level Joe, black, white or latino into a grunt who can make use of his survival Instinct as well as follow orders, this knowledge won't simply be lost on the transition.
Unemployment is actually the government's fault.
Yeah sorry for that.
So do you agree that a SMP can accept any deaths as long the bidder have sufficient funds?
At least in the Bible the world ends in fire and judgement. In real life they will probably get away with it forever.
In the not too distant future wars will no longer exist, but there will be ==ROLLERBALL==
there is a difference between 90 autism and africa
that would depend on the SMP, but considering its all voluntary I dont care about the people who chose to go to war for porky and in fact wish death upon them
war… war never changes
Your post made Machiavelli turn in his grave.
Yea, that's the problem.
Please read up about renaissance Italy or the Thirty Years War.
It was horrible.
There is a reason why they were abolished and outlawed.
it was fucking horrible you brainlet fuck, mercs would often go against their contractors the moment they would see them lose their company, its fucking retarded as fuck and only fucking goes well if you have the most money fuck off you fucking historic illiterate godfucking damn READ A BOOK
they already had americans it surely cant get worse than that
It's funny how the West blames North Korea for putting out allegedly staged videos about full gorcery stores and people enjoying themselves, when they produce shit like this where they pretend that in a country bombed into Somalia 2.0 with ISIL and literal slavetrade is just free and awesome where the young people enjoy themselves at KFC. That's more fake and more propaganda the state media of the DPRK has put out, fuck this dude and his condescending attitude "do you know where Kentucky is?? Isn't it AWESOME?"
Remember in 2013 the US ended their ban on 'domestic propaganda'.
Erik Prince did nothing wrong.
Is Jeremy Scahill's book about Blackwater worthwhile?
These ships aren't trying to stop the invaders but help them, so it's irrelevant if they could stop it for free. Also Blackwater doesn't exist, they're Academi since ages ago which is gay as fuck.
Chinks must be paying them to stabilise the situation.
if libya was so good, how come they got btfo by chad in the 80s?
holy fuck
But without a state what incentive would mercs have to handover countries they have seized control of. I think the whole “mercs setup their own nation state”will come true and it will bite porky on the ass. The future is going to be like snow crash, with every suburban subdivision it’s own a nation state.
War was already privatized. We have an all volunteer army, all soilders are essentially mercs already.
The US has always done this, just in more subtle ways. American media rarely addresses poverty in its own country and everyone is portrayed as a wealthy suburbanite, regardless of their actual occupation, low end shitty jobs are usually used to portray a character as a "loser" rather than it actually making them poor in any appreciable way.