Have you ever said the word nigger to a black person?
Why did you do it? Did you regret it? Was is a stranger or did you know them?
Have you ever said the word nigger to a black person?
Why did you do it? Did you regret it? Was is a stranger or did you know them?
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Why would I feel incentivized to use a racial slur against somebody unless that person assaulted you or whatever? There is literally no reason to do this unless you want to be needlessly hostile.
yeah. No. Playing sports so a bit of both.
Why the fuck would you use racial epithet for any reason? If someone's being an asshole, tell him he's an asshole — why involve race (or gender or sexuality or whatever) in the conflict?
fuck off back to Holla Forums you utter faggot
I'm not a polack idiot.
I never used anyother word to refer to a black person. Both in friendly and unfriendly way. Both to strangers and people who I saw more than once (I don't have blacks friend, co workers or anything else). But I do this with everyone, I use a lot of racial slurs. That's how man talk to each other.
I don't know why this word is considered such a taboo. I don't know why words are taboo for americans.
Jesus christ I didn't fuck his daughter
who else but a Holla Forumstard would post stupid images labeled Holla Forums
How new are you?
That image means that we always take the bait you stupid bitch
you might take bait
How about a guy who see's leftypol always taking bait like how a faggot takes dick always.
Man first time I've said this but go back to reddit you stupid fuck!
newfag detected
It's not bait you fucking idiot
Also have another and I hope you get aids and die.
wanna know how I know you're a Holla Forumstard
Using the word nigger not only pisses off black people, it hurts their feelings.
Fastest way to make someone feel self-conscious and inferior to you. Try it sometime.
I hate pol retard.
I only come here because this is the only place that doesn't suck pols dick. Goddamn you must be one of those reformed polacks who is just as stupid as when he left pol. Just replaced his obsession with shills with I know your a poltard.
I'm literally loling @ your life right now
That's not true, like I said in
I talk like I'm out of a fuckinf scorsese movie but no one ever got offended, and if he did he should grow a fucking pair.
WHy do you need to hurt their feelings? Our goal is to bring everybody up, not hurt minorities feelings you shitlord
At work waiting until 6am to go home and wasting time on an image board.
Yeah my life is pretty sad..
That's overnight wagecuck to you Mr.
Still, you're slaving away to give rich white males an easy life
Damn this is fruity as fuck you stupid negro
Watch Peep Show
You need to go back to incel forums.
No seriously. I mate who's 100% honest with me and have 0 filters. What will be thin skinned people reaction to my shit as soon as I get a little bit mean with them.
You do know that you're contributing to racial oppression by doing this, right?
Totally. Everytime I say nigger one child dies in africa. That's why I can't sleep
fuck off
le epic snowflake triggerer has logged on XD
wow, what a shit thread.
totally didn't see that coming
This thread is really shitty but also really funny.
I was a little kid living in a shitty ghettoish apartment complex in Texas. My best friend at the time was a black kid that lived in the apartments. I told him my dad said the mall around here is "nigger town".
Saying the N word should be punishable by death
t. Reddit
Why do IDpolers think inner city blacks can't do math because of the word nigger, but all other races (especially whitey) living in constant fear of using a word that's constantly in their head because of black musicians has no negative effects?
Black people took it back completely. Using a word like nigga relies on the emotional charge behind it, they were able to alter it to their discretion. Are we going to make black people stop using the word nigga now? Because it's pretty ingrained.
Yes they should stop, they need to be educated as to why that is toxic and oppressive toward them.
Used to call me best mate it all the time when we were 14/15ish and it was all "lolz" then he got attacked a couple of times on buses and whatnot and yeh then it wasn't funny really anymore. This is why when i got to chans I was astonished at how people still find that shit funny. Not because bad words or whatever, just because I literally used to do edgy humour like that when I was young as hell, its kiddie tier and really not witty.
(best mate obvi a black guy if you didn't get that)
You should seriously consider going back to neogaf or wherever the fuck you are from
Racism is the favorite tool of the facist you sperg
they don't think its funny, they hate african-americans and say the N-word to oppress them
As a white male fucking end yourself. I want literally none of what they are offering. A good quarter of them literally believe women should be assigned to people by some kind of village elder cabal. No fucking thank you, have you seen most women? I do not fucking want to be assigned to some dumb basic who thinks watching kim kardashian TV is a good use of time, and gets her personality from such shows, and is therefore neurotic and spoiled as hell. Fuck.That.Shit.
but they do, I don't doubt they get a power kick out of saying it also, but most of them think they are on some sort of super high level of comedy when it is literally playground tier
like think about all the "funny" in jokes they come up with, and repeat ad nauseum, its classic playground mentality. "Soyboy" is a perfect example, its catchy, it rhymes, and you get to call people effeminate. Its total bullshit, but do you think peer reviewed data means anything to school kids? Nope. The entire alt right thing is built around this really shitty, embarrassing, pre teen/dad joke sense of humour, the kinda jokes your friend makes when you are trying to hit on girls and you cringe and they cringe and you don't get with those girl in the end
Words hurt people, you act like bullying has no effect. We have seen the damage the Holla Forumstards can do, do you really think it's harmless to let people say whatever the fuck they want? That's how we ended up with Donald Trump as president, I'm tired of the left giving up and letting people act however they want.
So? Racism doesn't mean fascism, you making the word fascism meaningless this way
You are the newfag here idiot
im not sure what part of what I said has garnered this response. I was simply say, they think its really funny, when it isn't. Or thats what I meant to say anyyway.
Racism and Fascism thrive in the presence of each other, they are similar enough mind sets that they can be fought in the same way.
I mean that if we ignore bullying, it just gets worse
wtf i'm ethno-nationalist now
Jesus fuckinf christ you are stupid
And whites have all the power. That's a white problem not a black problem.
Some serious mental gymnastics going on here folks.
There's a certain point where freedom of speech is dangerous and it is the government's job to not just protect people from fascist states, but from themselves by reeducating and eliminating dangerous and detrimental ideology and thinking.(PRINCESS TUMBLRINA WAS ESCORTED BACK TO HER IVORY TOWER)
The wealthy have all the power.
hey go ahead and try, i'd easily be okay with stopping the usage of slurs
all i'm saying is that it wont root it out, you'll just face more backlash. and with general freedom people will use words however they like as their property, government enforcement will not change that.
So long, faggot.
considering they can't ban heroin because its too easy to make a ship around, you really think they are going to any more successful with naughty words?
why am i not surprised, lel