Webm/mp4 thread?

i always end up saving a lot of good stuff from these threads so am making a webm thread since one isn't in the catalog. come in and post some stuff, lads. those who post soundless webm's will be shot on sight

Other urls found in this thread:



i tried downloading the webm pack but it's not downloading, will keep it in my torrent client to see if it begins at some point because there is 1 seeder.

anyone remember the name of the movie this is from?

It's the new Spongebob movie

this was not the answer i was looking to retrieve








This is why I hide and take a break when they call for a morning meeting.

Who is he?



The American prison system is frightening as hell. I mean, here in the UK our prison system is considered pretty severe by other Western European states, but compared to that in the US it's relatively cushy.

Literally fucking torture.


Norman Finkelstein.

yeah I remember when after the British 2012 (?) riots, people were gettin 12-24 months in prison for fucking stealing a pair of Jordans

but yeah America, more people than the Soviet union in peak Stalin era, that is scary shit, scary as hell

Someone needs to update the part about the Americans.





Can anybody make these two videos into webms?


not webm's but here's 2 mp4's. there are free online mp4 to webm converters if you want to convert them












Second vid is file name related


been in a uk prison, please don't call it cushy. Its better than the US. It is not cushy.


the real movement vs the revolution that feeds the children



ye, seriously. He (they?) look pretty good in some of those pics, wtf.



Never been in a prison but jail in Mississippi was fucking awful







the esoteric stalinism video is filmed like a cutscene from a videogame

Anyone has that montage of Charlotteville scenes that ends with Lenin's quote of "There are decades…"

Does anyone have the documentary that clips from?
I can't remember which one it was now.

It's blocked for me. Do I need tor or a proxy to access thepiratebay?


The offical site is blocked in some countries

Thankfully there's a billion copy cat websites you can access

Part 4 of this 6 part documentary

Thanks lad

Does someone have the Adorno webm?


What copycat websites? Thanks

With regards to the energy certificate, isn't this similar to food stamps?

It also seems worth noting that states around the world are dabbling with the idea of digital currency and abandoning physical currency so that they might better regulate and monitor the behaviour of their citizens. Yes I realise that the video is with regards to a benevolent polity serving society but it's interesting to see its parallel form take hold in our current situation.





Which soundcloud did you find this in?

Here's the background voice. Many thanks to the comranon who posted it in the last webm thread.






it's from a tokusatsu series called The Ancient Dogoo Girl




what the fuck is even happening in that first one





I think a major difference between EC and FS is that EC are meant to replace cash altogether while FS are a sort of parallel currency. I don't think any state in the US still uses actual "stamps," but it instead comes on a debit card. It can't buy you ready-made food like McD's and certain other "pre-made" type stuff or alcohol. Essentially it's just a debit card with money you can only spend on some food, and how its distributed depends largely on what state you happen to live in iirc( eg, you can only qualify for it if you make a certain amount of money over a certain amount of time, you might have work-hour restrictions, for students in my state it's 35 hours a week), rather than "everyone getting an equal share of the total" and "it is a right of citizenship and no one can deny you that right." I believe that also, if EC are indeed "methods of distribution" rather than just shitty money like FS, then EC should get you the same amount of milk whether you live in Sheboygan or Los Angeles, unlike FS.

If Howard Scott were around he could probably give you a more definitive answer.









Why couldn't this Bernie have run for president?

Guy in that video should never speak again.

I had a light kek until about 40 seconds in when I realized that this guy isn't trying to be ironic. Then I started to get mad.



not webms but i'm going to shill some goodies


give em the ol one two agent leonid


the TRUTH about cornboy the ruling class doesn't want yuo to know!!!!


evangelion shitposting

3:00 if you're an impatient twink

does anybody here know how to convert youtube vids into webms?

Oh god OH GOD

holy shit that ending



Requesting a classic animated webm about a porky getting rich from hoarding crops.

this caught me by surprise when I was listening to the lecture and i started cringing on the train. how could this sperg think this was a good idea


As I am watching this my fat stores are spontaneously swelling as my clothes change to red, white and blue. I am crying and my tears are becoming burger grease before they even touch my cheeks.

God fucking bless America!


The only way this could have been better is if they did this by busting into his home in the dead of night. Shooting the family dog would probably spoil the laughs though.



Only Chomsky would imply that this is somehow a bad thing. Everyone admired Stalin. It wasn't all that uncommon back then. He was a great man.


I mean he's not technically wrong. The issue is this civilization isn't worth saving. Also bitchy talking heads are cringeworthy regardless of what politics they have.

A very important point about this Gilens and Page study that people never point out enough: the data came from 1981 to 2002–long before the Citizens United v. FEC or McCutcheon v. FEC rulings. This is how liberal democracy actually works. Those who control the surplus use that power to determine who writes the laws.

He's absolutely, 100% wrong. Those banks should have been dismantled and replaced with state and federal banks.

I need to re-encode one of these at some point, there's no reason for it to be so large.

There that's better.


This Onion webm makes me sad that the left doesn't make use of post-irony the way the right does.


I need to make more Michael Hudson clips.

Any idea where that webm is from?

Always based

Kojima is a fucking genius

We have truly reached late stage capitalism

Well it ain't exactly clear.

Anything with Buffalo Springfield gets my approval, but could they have chosen a more random mishmash of different clips to include? I wanna see the webm that runs the full length of the song, and shows the Syrian conflict with complete candor.


It could be worse.

Is that sigourny weaver?

Someone needs to Matthew 21:12 the whole of America tbh.

Ah shit nevermind

Bob Dobbs detected.


When you're a better ML that our Board Ownr.




Have a De Leonist Bump.
(Syndicated by the De Leonist Gang)

Source to the second webm?

this is not the burn ☭TANKIE☭s think it is

>All the Kurds are one entity and part of the same faction!!



Porky is getting desperate.

I enjoyed this way more than I should.

