Opinions on our new Alt-Left meme manual?

Opinions on our new Alt-Left meme manual?


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Are they funny?

Is this rule for radicals, social networks version?

Im sorry, but writing a fucking book about how "w-we can totally meme g-guys!" is just pathetic.

You won't think you're so clever once we've memed you back into the caves you crawled out of, Holla Forumstard.

*drops mic*

er, flaseflag

I'm not even a Holla Forumstard. I just think it's dumb to even acknowledge this stupid "the left cant meme" shit because it comes off as us being defensive.


Sorry sweetie. Equipped with this manual we can't be fooled like this anymore. You've been exposed, BTFO, and the days of you fucking racist virgins are over.

lol fuck off Holla Forums

OP is Holla Forums

>get this: facebook.com/thedankleft/
every time

this is so retarded. Is this… I'm not even sure what to compare it to actually.

Likely a false flag, but there's hardly a way to know. You realize we're at point in history liberals can actually defend Saudi Arabia, right? And you know what, it doesn't matter if the guy's fake, the fact that some liberals actually take it seriously is proof that sort of book would come out eventually. Honestly we could probably determine by what is written in the book better.

why bother using the tools of pop culture when part of the objective is to break out of the feedback loop of production and spectacle?

Why americans do politics like this? Jesus fuck.

American liberals (left and right) are complete nihilists, it shows everywhere in their work and attitudes if you look for it, it's at the core of everything it just depends on how and what they use to obfuscate it.

Pure opportunism.

bordiga's critique of activism is precisely what lenin would call opportunism


I actually wanna buy this book now. Looks like a good entertaining read judging by the quality of those falseflags

Please stop.

Angela Nagle did nothing wrong

google bookchin

☘️☘️☘️Nagle☘️☘️☘️ made this anti intellectual narrative mainstream

read Bordiga

Eh, don't be too hard on Nagle. She wasn't trying to make a statement about the society at large. She was just trying to study the robots and the current events and politicization of everything caught up to her work.

It's not her fault liberals read her and are like "it's the poor deranged people at 4chan AND tumblr who are at fault for everything, certainly not us". Well, at least not entirely her fault.