guys Christian democracy is the ultimate red-pill for any leftypol. this ideology is even banned on /Christian/ because it supports "communistic ideology" like free market, labour unions, welfare state and reject the concept of class struggle.
I don't understand why you support systems like anarcho-communism which simply don't work. Isn't better to support systems like Christian democracy which is proven to work in countries like Poland?
Christian democracy
Other urls found in this thread:
yea because it is not anarcho-capitalism; thus, communism according to /Christian/.
I mean where would Christian democracy belong to?
None of those things are communist and your image is sad.
You mean Christian capitalism with a democratic veneer, and no. You and your false choice can die, and your insistence on a state religion.
I have no idea why you find this attractive or leftist in any meaningful sense.
The girl in the OP is so cute I'd actually convert to Catholicism if it meant I'd get to interact with her
Christian democracy support welfare state and labour unions. /Christian/ banned me for spreading communistic ideology
Double no. Christianity is poisonous
catholicism ( Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church) supports welfare state and labour unions.
Just because you got banned for "spreading Communism" doesn't mean you were actually spreading communist ideas.
Not what socialism is about.
Perhaps a quality of Socialism, but not a necessity.
/christian/ unfortunately doesn't know the first thing about communism or any leftist politics. Anything left of Paul Ryan is communist - some claim the pope is communist. Many of them still think it's a Jewish conspiracy and that Marx was a Satanist. Plus they have a ton of really hateful beliefs: try asking if interracial marriage is okay and look at the replies.
I am regularly irritated that the UK doesn't have a Christian Democratic political party.
brb dignitas
(not that the christian democrats would approve.)
religion provides a nice power structure for the management of society tbh.
when the state says "have more babies" it's creepy and oppressive (and while i like that, i understand it's not good PR), when the church says "have more babies" it's "the good news"
Yea sure
Nah Fam Christian stalinism is way better.
It dosent end into the demcuck for Christians kinda thing where It Just wants the burgeoi to be more taxed and have a half assed welfare state.
the absolute state of Holla Forums
Christdemism is to the right what socdemism is to the left. A limp and lame creature that gets in the way of anything that the real leftists or rightists want to accomplish.
OP, you don't belong here and never will.
Fun fact: in some countries christian democrats became secular and now are called center democrats
read it again, this time as far as the full stop.
you should defend good things with good arguments. period.
people don't listen to arguments, people do listen to preachers.
This. /christian/ is basically a haven of recovering Holla Forumsacks to which anything left of right is a socialist communist Jewish leftypol antifa plot. It's quite sad but there are a few there who aren't totally bad. I blame the Baptists tbh
What happens to non-Christians in you christian "democracy"
Left should exploit christianity, by all means Frank I is the greatest demoralization tool against the right. Everywhere on earth christianity denounces racism, xenophobia nd is rapidly warming towards lgbt issues. The left should ride christianity to smash the right.
Friend, the welfare state is not communism and was actually built first to sustain capitalism by giving concessions.
Video is okay:
Christian Democracy is explicitly anti-communist. See: West Germany.
Why do christian girls think they can try to convert you with thier vaginas?
I prefer Christian Marxist-Leninism.
You've never met an Evangelical, have you? A good chunk of them are openly xenophobic, openly anti-LGBT, and a few minute conversation about anything remotely race related will turn into a subtle racist comment.
Because it works. Guys convert all the time for girlfriends/wives.
It would never work on me
It only works on retards
Yes pls
wtf is this obscenity?
t. Guy who has never been in love.
You mean like Mama Merkel?
I'm a bit curious about Christian Socialism.
Do most of you lot follow a particular church or are most of you nondenominational?
What are your views on secularism and the enforcing of Christian Morality?
Do you still uphold Conservative views in regard to Women and Homosexuals?
Also what bible do you use/would you recommend?
I think the Left should use religion, but not Christianity exclusively. Having a nondenominational approach to religion would include more people and therefore invite more people to organize.
Only Christian socialism can stop the encroaching of pisslam. You all fucking KNOW it's true you just pretend to hate all religions because of latent literalism
Can I get some rule 34 on this chick?
No one cares. Go back to Holla Forums with that idpol shit.
Chrisoc here.
I am nondenominational but I grew up in the Church of England, have nothing against the Church itself: just not my style of faith.
I am quite individualist (actually my vicar basically described herself as an egoist once, she is an interseting one), I think it is up to every individual to find their faith and how to express that through their own moral vision. For example I am moral-bound when it comes to relationships and shit. As for secularism, as I like to put it, I believe in a separation between church and governance but not church and government. I think religious communities have a role to play in how a country is run, however no religious community should have final say over policy nor should one's moral values be enforced through governance.
No, although in other ways I am kinda conservative (I am a conservationist, I personally hold myself to traditional views with regards to relationships and cheating and shit). As for women: the early church was full of female vicars and there are plenty of strong women without whom Jesus could not have carried his message. The creation of the traditional housewife is one of capitalism, in the 1600s a woman on a farm would do as much as a man, women have been working for most of history. On homosexuals, well theologically deuteronomy should be upheld by no christian, the tale of sodom and gomorrah actually probably has no reference to homosexality at all and jesus says jack shit on it. Most anti-homosexual sentiment comes from pro-natalists (be it in the israelite or catholic teachings) that needed a high population count for whatever reason.
Eh it depends, for newbies an annotated version is perhaps best, just don't take everything at face value. If you want utter accuracy, get first-hand translations from peeps like Finkelstein. NEVER trust something like KJV out the bat because it is like a 5th order translation and thus is likely out of whack.
t. Some Polwank pretending to be a Christian.
Read the fucking bible and some wanking off the crusaders.
The issue with Christian democracy is that there is still exploitation of the proletariat: only with the removal of man's economic exploitation of his fellow man can the Kingdom of the Heavens truly come into being.
I wanna commission a comic of christ-tan getting fucked into prostitution and atheism.
Sage for absolute depravity
/Christian/ is a bunch of Catholic Nazis and Ultratraditionalist Orthodox scumbags.
Similar to how /Islam/ is 90% Salafi.
Which is really a shame.
It would be nice to hear something from socialists there.
Hi user, I'm a actually in a Chrisdem party irl and I agree it's pretty great but forget trying to convert these commies tbh, doesn't really work. I just hang around to steal and appropriate their praxis and theory bu they dont seem to have any anyway so I just shitpost occasionally.
Well ideally Christian Democracy is for Christian countries, but if we're not the only religious group we know how to compromise a live-together.
Good meme
respect the pope
Invest in Eastern Poland
I don't think Catholics hand out flyers
Fuck off pussy this is a TRADONISTA board
wow islam looks amazing i'm joining right now
fuck off cathcuck, you are to christianity what capitalism is to economics: just as the capitalist wants to insert a hierarchy (bosses/property owners) between man and the means of subsistence in nature using private property, you want to insert a byzantine hierarchy of men in silly hats with silly costumes between man and God. abandon your satanic idolatry and convert to based protestantism
What about Christian Maoism?
I kind of agree with you OP.
I really want to see the state churches strengthened, since future for fatherland and Christianity have been intertwined since conception of Finland.
Strengthened in what way? As in they get to decide laws or they simply get more funding and have government events (like voting or speeches) hosted in them?
We've already had this battle mr. proddy. You went with the bankers and the nation-states of Europe and are paying the price for it (declining church attendance and a flock that grows smaller every year around the world.)
The Catholic Church is the friend of the workers.
lol no it's not.
Most of the Church ignores liberation theology, and during the Sandinista struggle, they were a huge road block and went so far as suspend Sandinista priests.
He's saying /christian/ is a bunch of tards who thinks anything left of ancapism is communist.
Lol, you know nothing of the Vatican's history.
But honestly I don't really hate catholic doctrine, just the Vatican itself. Sort of like how I don't hate the military, just the Pentagon.
Daily reminder Jesus was a Not Socialist
Jesus was pure anarcho-monarchist.
Not religious, but i would totaly bang christ chan.
So we have Jesus Hitler, Jesus commie, Jesus capitalist and even Jesus Sonic.
Is their anything that does not have it's Jesus variant?
Serious question, how are Christians not communists? How do you read Acts, or the sermon of the mount, and still be a capitalist?
Judaism doesn't recognise Jesus, therefore for adherents of the jewish faith there is no jesus.
Acts? Just read Matthew bruv: two eyes on two posts and that.
Yes goy, your 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧rational atheism🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 is indeed the most intelligent of pursuits. Have I told you how skeptical and logical you are to believe what you're supposed to believe? Because you are very logical AND very skeptical, not to mention smart. So much smarter than those people you're not supposed to agree with.
Here, let's watch a 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧comedy routine🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 about them together, that will be lots of fun, not to mention stimulating for your ego.