Leftists don't make revolution. The working-class makes revolution. Our only purpose is to assist them if and when they're ready.
Also, fascism is just another form of capitalism, ya nub. No special consideration should be given to it in opposition.
Leftists don't make revolution. The working-class makes revolution. Our only purpose is to assist them if and when they're ready.
Also, fascism is just another form of capitalism, ya nub. No special consideration should be given to it in opposition.
What and working class can't be leftists?
Are you retarded? Bordiga was a fucking huge mistake
Ever considered that Bordiga might be wrong?
Its funny that the anti unity guy broke up the popular front in Italy, then fascism took over, and you now think its a good idea
you get that you need to have a job to be part of that?
Sure, workers can be leftists. It does not follow, however, that the Revolution will be made by self-conscious 'leftists'. The overwhelming majority of workers at the time will understand themselves, and correctly, as doing what is necessary in the moment, absent ideology.
90%+ of people don't give a shit. All revolutions are carried by a mathematical minority of people, and only when its clear the ways are changing to the mathematical majority join in (maybe).
[literally any socialist/communist tendency except (Bordigist) leftcom] >>>>> [(Bordigist) leftcom]
Quite the opposite. The February Revolution was certainly a majoritarian movement with support from the broad masses of Russia. It just so happens those broad masses were agrarian, with a tiny industrial working class squeezed into Moscow and St. Petersburg. and so the Russian Revolution could never have been a worker's revolution.
When the final Revolution comes, the majority of people - who are now workers - won't have the luxury of not giving a shit. Likewise, they're not going to be led around by the nose by some sect, whether Trot or narcho or MLM or whatever you please.
I don't disagree. As much as we insist they aren't leftists, there are many leftoids, liberals and "progressives" who would associate themselves with a broader left which doesn't exist. Communists and anarchists have nothing to gain by associating themselves with leftism except for claiming the heritage of the french revolution.
I don't even understand the value of claiming the heritage of the French Revolution. Contrast Marx and Robespierre on, say, the subject of 'equality'.
Robespierre, 'On The Principles Of Political Morality':
"What is the end of our revolution? The tranquil enjoyment of liberty and equality; the reign of that eternal justice, the laws of which are graven, not on marble or stone, but in the hearts of men, even in the heart of the slave who has forgotten them, and in that of the tyrant who disowns them.'
Marx, 'Letter To Sorge':
The compromise with the Lassalleans has led to compromise with other half-way elements too; in Berlin (e.g., Most) with Dühring and his “admirers,” but also with a whole gang of half-mature students and super-wise doctors who want to give socialism a “higher ideal” orientation, that is to say, to replace its materialistic basis (which demands serious objective study from anyone who tries to use it) by modern mythology with its goddesses of Justice, Freedom, Equality and Fraternity."
It is completely pointless to claim both Robespierre and his abstractions and Marx and his materialism.
Probably because you don't understand Marx
no-one understands Marx
- I don't understand Marx
- I posted an excerpt from Marx implicitly undermining Robespierre's stated basis for the entire French Revolution
One day, you'll read Marx apart from isolated quotes and sentences and you'll think back and realise how dumb you were, hopefully.
You think it's futile to look to bourgeois revolutionaries when you want a succesful proletarian revolution?
uh well I dunno bout that user
The working-class makes revolution and it is up to the left to guide humanity to the stars through education and cooperation.
Also, fascism is just another form of capitalism. This ultra-spooky form of capitalism must be resisted wherever it pops up.
leftwing communism and infantile disorder is a critique of leftcom praxis. Lenin didn't think private farms and the state being the new capitalist was socialism either.
Why can't we unite in order to better assist them?
idealism. predicates don't "make" anything, they just determine social relations which amplify the probability of those they apply to taking certain stances.
actually, they're even less significant than that. they're a (simplistic!) view of said social relations, not determinators of them
Sure. Not with liberals, though.
Unmaterialist, left coms really are memes.
Just noticed
Has reddit been treating you nicely?
Funny junk?
bordiga just leeches ideas off marx and appeals to larping ☭TANKIE☭s that like noises coming from their echo chamber
This but unironically
And yet the Bolsheviks, with a minority of support, ended up winning.
There cannot be Left unity because there is no Left homogeneity. The only thing the Left has in common is anti-capitalism, but how to actually go about abolishing Capitalism and what to replace it with is radically different. How can there be unity when we disagree in how to organize the working class for revolution, what to actually do when the revolution comes, seize the state or abolish it, allow the peasants and workers to organize their livelihood how they deem fit or force them to follow a carefully made plan. The only time there has been Left unity was when there was also liberal unity against illiberal forces, like Fascists or Monarchists.
I feel like Left Unity is ultimately a meme repeated by people without serious ideological convictions, if they did they'd realize there can be no unity between an ML and an Anarchist, a market socialist and a cybernetic planner. The most we can do is work together on common goals and projects, but we can also do that with liberals.
Yeah, while "a revolution happens when all workers follow the correct ideology, vote for socdems and upboat our dank memes" is materialism at its finest.
Bordiga never claimed to be on the same level as Marx or to have revolutionised revolutionary theory. He explicitly rejected the term "Bordigism".
The overwhelming majority of the proletariat is needed to make revolution, and unifying a bunch of tiny leftist parties doesn't get us all that much closer to that goal. (Nor does sniping at them, to be fair) It's far more important to grow one's movement by radicalizing workers than to unify a tiny and irrelevant left.