A case for the EU

Communists oppose all imperialisms. Today the two greatest threats are the rivaling US imperialism and Russian imperialism. The EU, especially Germany serves as an independent bulwark against both imperial interests and reptesents a progressive union against backwards nationalisms. Those who speak ill of the EU are either bigots or useful idiots for Russian imperialism.

Tsipras was wise because he kept his leftist credentials without being a shill for Putin and he made the right efforts to keep Greece in the EU. He may be hated for it but that just shows he's a principled leader willing to commit to internationalism instead of bowing to reactionary populism.

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Go back to r/Europe. I hear they are very good at sucking corporate cock.

no thanks

What do y'all think of DieM25? Do we need to save the EU from collapse?

The only way to save EU is to hijack it and make it red.

Tsipras tried it so we wouldn't have to. Trying to reform the EU isn't gonna work, ever.

The EU is imperialist too.
Although on this front I must note that I am very inclined to support a true "United States of Europe" solution. There are two pathways open to the EU at this front: Genuine unity with some form of federal government to engage in transfer spending (and thus end the present situation where Greece suffers bloodletting so Germany can live comfortably.), or the abolition of the Euro and roll back of that degree of integration.

Included in both plans, however, is the withdrawal of the UK. Charles de Gaulle was right to reject Britain as fundamentally incompatible with any such project. (Though British nationalists should note, I fully advocate Britain being a vassal of the European empire, rather than the American one.)

This all depends on what form the saviour takes. If we save it only to maintain the status quo, we have saved nothing.
Yanis does have a good point about the fact that if a collapse happened in a disorganised and painful fashion, the left is in no position to take advantage of this while the right may well be.

bump tbh


All states are imperialist.

"Anti-Imperialism" is an infantile disorder

Yet the Chinese are stealing islands from Vietnam.

Color me surprised

The idea of the EU was never something we opposed, it was the EU as it manifest itself that is.

That link is fucking tarded and so are you


I thought it might be a bit shit but then I learnt Zizek is an actual member, if he is onboard so am I.

Interesting concept, teaming up with local parties and running as a different on other areas: could generate a decent slot of MEPs.

yes, but I'm not sure if Diem25 is the right way or organisation to do it. I do like the idea of a truly European (party) political organisation, it contains the seed of communism-as-a-real-movement

How embarrassing.

stopped reading there

I don't understand that way of thinking.

Zizek isn't the kind of guy that would buy into a weaksauce socdem movement.

Is an argument really even necessary?

You have to believe that the class-rule of the bourgeoisie in Nigeria is to be taken as serious as other national-bourgeoisies, and that this is no longer the 19th century "ascendant capitalism" in which Marx or Engels tactically supported early bourgeois-democratic national liberation movements to eliminate the specific feudal forms across Europe.

Hmmmm…so how many countries has Nigeria invaded? It seems pretty obvious that Nigeria is a victim of imperialism rather than a beneficiary, the country is being absolutely looted by the imperialist powers. Nigeria can’t even conquer itself let alone pose any kind of threat of becoming a new imperialist power any time in the near future. Boko Haram controls/has controlled large swaths of the country acting with impunity, I’ll put aside the “crazy” dissident theories that the CIA basically created Boko Haram to splinter Nigeria and create sectarian obstacles to African unity. What does the mainstream press agree on in regards to how Boko Haram funds itself? They say it comes from stolen oil and who do they sell that oil too? I’d bet you 100:1 that is indirectly or directly sold to the imperialist powers and their flagship oil companies. Boko Haram doesn’t trade with itself— it gets the money somewhere, it’s retarded to think otherwise and you need the economic means before you can meaningfully apply military force. It’s the same with ISIS tbh

Nigeria doesn’t even have national sovereignty; it is an oppressed nation. I mean there are some stupid anarchists and armchairs who are so infantile that day don’t support Israel or Palestine because there are bourgeois on both sides —as if Palestinian proles are indifferent to the fact they are being ethnically cleansed!

Proles can exploit other proles and some proles will get the chance to become capitalists and succeed. Does that mean all proles are capitalist and there’s no point to the proletarian struggle? Obviously not. Even an idiot with a room temperature Autism Level quickly realizes there is only room for so many capitalists and wealthy people.

Similarly, you could make the argument that is made in that article that any nation could hypothetically become imperialist but what are the facts? There can only be so many imperialist powers and there can only be ONE dominant imperialist super-power. That’s why they have these things called World Wars because these know there isn’t room in the imperialist club for everyone. The vast majority of nations will never be imperialist.

I could go on but there’s no need. The fact that you aren’t called out by other users for your idiocy is only a sign of how far the quality of the board has fallen.

*wont support Palestine

If the EU collapsed 10 or 15 years ago it would have been a good thing for us, but if it collapses now the far right will take advantage of it. Anyway, I imagine the Eurozone will break up in 10 years and Europe will be fascist in 20 years.

Did you mother drink during her pregnancy?

I think there’s no way to do that but rip off the band aid. There will never be a revolutionary socialist EU without the break up of the capitalist EU, the EU constitution is one of the few in the world that outright states that it is founded on a capitalist order.

tankie logic

Well at least Congo and the Gambia, that I know of

With that argument, I wouldn’t be surprised if your mom did. Nobody fucking mentioned Russian sanctions. We’re talkimg about Russian military operations that fit the bill of imperialism that you guys completely ignore. Such as protecting the oil interests of Russian oligarchs by protecting the neoliberal Syrian government by military force.

First, proof? Second, isn’t it almost always the case that every war between two third world countries is almost always backed and armed to the hilt by rival superpowers. Thirdly, how is Nigeria going to become imperialist when it can’t control its own territory from being cleaved off by Islamic militants, it has massive capital flight, poverty, a huge population to care for and environmental devastation.