Rules for Radicals

Does anyone actually give a shit about this book?

In conservative circles, they act like it's the Bible of the Left, but I had literally never heard of it before dipping into conservative media. Is there even the slightest validity to their obsession over this book?

Other urls found in this thread:

Rules for Radicals? More like rules for reformists and eternal activists.

Wtf was Saul Alinsky anyway? A liberal socdem? Did he ever imply that he supported actually radical politics (like communism and anarchism)?

>A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals
Need I say more?

Right-wingers give a shit. As far as I understand, similarly to the Frankfurt School, they found out about it when they tried to explain progressive-liberal success in taking over the cultural zeitgeist.

Then, unlike the Frankfurt School, they started to use it as a guidebook, to some apparent success. Which makes sense, Alinsky was a good community organizer and I'm sure the book contains some good advice in that regard.

But if you're asking if it really was the magic grimoire that allowed the evil leftists to take over American institutions that right-wingers make it out to be, then, uh, obviously not.

I was asking if there was anything valuable in it and if there were lefties that actually followed its advice, or if was just the neocon version of the Frankfurt School.

Isn't it just idpol liberalism?
the title says enough


What's wrong with labeling yourself a radical?

it's opportunism


Right wingers are copying the strategies that made the new-left so pathetic. I'd say it's a good thing. Honestly just take a look at how autistic this nu-right movement they're building is shaping up to be:
^^ this was published just two days ago, lmao

Is this the radical centrism I've heard so much about?

it's sitting on my desk for a year. I will try to read it this week

It's actually anti-communist as fuck. Alinsky was basically a neoliberal in many ways.

It has some good ideas on tactics but is an obvious product of its time

Reading it isn't going to make you dumber, and there's a few bits in there (ridicule your enemy, tie a human personality/leader to your assault on a larger institution, simplify messages for the proles) that are good practice for media/public campaigns

Of course it is true that he's reformist to the core, but as a filthy socdem I'm okay with any kind of win

the second you do this you get a bunch of pseuds trying to have discussions with you and they end up thinking you're a "conservative" because 'radical' in modern vernacular means 'loud liberal'

Just explain what radical means then, right?

If they're unwilling to listen to that, they weren't arguing in good faith to begin with and can be ignored.

What is your answer Holla Forums? Thinking any revolution that happens in the modern era would look anything like the October revolution is seems pretty anti-materialist to me.

A great man broke his mind with speed to give us the answer to that.

most of it sounds like trotskite tactics