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Rouge mod is out of control

The BO had yet another tantrum and decided to nuke the board.

show conclusive proofs that that mod did all of it

Is there an alternate leftypol? I don't want to be beholden to a mod's will.


Most likely explanation.

Read the FAQ you stupid fuck.



Reading the FAQ will tell you how to do stuff.


That's one thread. Show us the log of him doing the others.

I don't think it's a thread. It's his post history.

either way it isn't proofs tho

Fact: Holla Forums bans dissent
Banning me will only proove me right.

Just like every board in history. What a breakthrough you've made there, user.


Wtf I hate Holla Forums now.
Name one board that hasn't done it.

8/b/ didn't for a while.

Well, most of the boards on halfchan, but I'll assume you're talking only about here.
In that case, it'll be more difficult to figure this out, due to the lack of archives.
Also, of course most of the boards here do it, because they can be made and run by anyone, thus people tend to be banned when they hurt the guy who made its feelings.
But despite that, Holla Forums and /bants/ seems to be free of that, although they're not the type of boards that see much discussion, so that would be unnecessary.
Sadly, those are the only boards that I'm familiar with, and thus cannot speak on any others.
But, regardless of anything I've said here, none of it actually matters because weather or not other boards do it is irrelevant to the fact that/leftypol/ does it, and that's bad.

Good example, but it never lasts. You live long enough to become the villain & so on & so on.

it's not bad

Uh, come on, man. Most of us are refugees from there because it's so bad in this aspect.
It's relevant when kids from 4ch come here acting like this is anything new for imageboards. Holla Forums used to be much better. Things are crazy right now, but they'll either calm down(as per usual after drama) & people will remain here, or we'll all move to /leftpol/. BO holds the answer to this, whether they want Holla Forums to remain or not.

Still desperate to take xir place, I see.

Holla Forums BTFO



BO had cocksucking tape released.

Just as always, Holla Forums is wrong. That's not BO, lmao. Don't you find it funny that every one of Holla Forums's "enemies" turns up in the type of porn they like? Remember Slave Ray, the scat porn actor who supposedly punched Spencer, but turned out he had been dead for a year at that point? Remember the antifa girl who got punched & them just finding a look alike from their fav porn sites? You guys take bait way too fucking easily.
You'd think Holla Forums would wise up to being trolled, but when you're off your meds you're not really dealing in reality I guess.

Also learn how to crosspost, halfchan.