The source of all the modern left's problems, including idpol, is the 20th century left's rejection of internationalism. There must be zero tolerance for nationalism of any sort "oppressed" or otherwise if we want to advance the COMMUNIST cause. Every time socialists make a compromise with nationalism, nationalism becomes victorious over socialism. There has never been an exception.
This is a really good book. A lot of people don't know that there was an entire antifa tendency that developed in Germany, which was defined by its rejection of nationalism:
The core aspect of the anti-national critique, is that it does not seek to "solve" the problem of nationalism through pluralism. It does not advance concepts such as multiculturalism, a multiethnic Germany, or a pan-European or post-national identity. It does not try to expand the category of the nation to be more inclusive. Instead it seeks to overthrow it completely or to break it open. The project does not flee into an "abstract" universalism, but directly counters the concrete forms of nationalism existent in their social context. It does not affirm pluralism as a political strategy, but harnesses the "power of negativity" to overthrow the concrete social forms of capitalist society and nation-states. - Robert Ogman
We should work towards recuperating the anti-national tendency elsewhere. Firstly because of the reasons you've mentioned, but also because antifa outside of Europe is fucking embarrassing.
Remove the globalist connotations behind internationalism and i would support it entirely. I'd rather not suck EU dick to be able to consider myself a socialist.
Globalism still has countries but is controlled by capital.
Internationalism means no more countries and is controlled by the workers.
you must be new here
It's okay. He'll come around when those first couple $oros checks come in.
world-wide confederation > countries/nations > federal government > state government > counties > cities/towns > communities > circles of people
Where does this system fit between internationalism or globalism, assuming the planet abolished capital?
If the planet abolished capital, it's internationalism.
This so much, we need to adopt the internationalist star over any other symbol and put any sort of national struggle in the trash
This. And there is only one way to do it.
kids and their hobbies these days
Having socialism in one city will sure show the bourgeois who is boss
i am amazed at the levels of irony you guys reach in your posts, your retardation truly is beyond imagination for mere mortals
Socialism in an isolated area has literally no power over the revolution at all. Just look at the Paris Commune, those guys had literally no effect on history at all lmao stupid nationalist BTFO lol
what makes you think there is reason for me to try and differentiate between shitposts and what you actually believe in?
that one actually works, that's clever
We need a revolution to grow to the point where not even economic embargo can have negative effects on the socialist society. Not a single nation today is independent and will not last long if it tried. Like capitalism, socialism needs internationalism.
Capitalism needs globalism, socialism needs internationalism.
Imagine if you made a substantial post about the ML success in fostering internationalism instead of shitting out a thoughtless turd just to childishly try to annoy strangers you have an ideological disdain for.
holy shit how fucking stupid can you be?
You literally proved his point.
I mean the communists did kick the Kuomintang out of mainland china so it kinda didn't
chang kai shrek remained an anti communist for the rest of his life. He only sided with mao to stop the japanese.
The Chinese Communist Party was firmly rooted in the bourgeois-romantic notion of revolution.They never made a break from nationalism, they were a left-wing faction of it.
This. Holla Forums talks good game on anti-idpol but when it comes down to it they're just a bunch of LARPers who try to pretend all their spooks aren't really idpol because mental gymnastics about "anti-imperialism" and "self-determination"
Esperanto would help with this a lot.
It was Mao's principle of "New Democracy" that sowed the seeds of Dengism and the Capitalist Roaders. You proved OP's point. Mao was an opportunist and class collaborationist of the highest order.
How are you going to have cooperation between nations if their are no more nations? What you describe is known as globalism.
Do you have any non-imperialist sources to back that up?
No because the imperialists control the world and so destroying individual nations is in their interests hence why they are all for globalism.