Why is fascism capitalist?

Historically, classical fascism is supposed to be corporativist ( I still don't know what this means,I've searched a bit and all results I've found don't answer anything) but from what I can tell, most people here will say fascism is capitalist, in theory and in practice. However, my question is: is saying fascism is capitalist comparable to how right wingers say socialism is communism? Obviously, any person with a half functioning brain knows socialism isn't communism, but is us saying fascism is capitalist justified? Kinda how the argument "not real communism", as juvenile as it may be, is still correct, so maybe fascists don't consider their ideology to be capitalist, shouldn't we accept this, as they just haven't had a chance to implement their ideology to its fullest? Not saying they should, fuck fascists but still

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Read Wages of Destruction.

fascists back in the day though of corporations as engines that can be used to help the people with government interference. It was more akin to state capitalism than anything, corporations are businesses with heavy government interaction so "corporativism" is just another name for it. Fascism does not HAVE TO be capitalist though, and if any of them were smarter they would hate capitalism for its effects on the economy and people who live under it.

Fusion of state and corporations is still capitalism. Better question would be, is fascism """anarcho"""capitalist?

yes it does. Without capitalist mode of production, it would no longer be fascism.

Yes, or more accuratly AnCap is fascism with pedophilic characteristics. It is no coincidence that AnCaps and lolberts ally so easily with fascists or suspend notions of nonviolence when the left, even pussy social democrats, is around in meaningful numbers.

Why ruin stim's segment with those lame ☭TANKIE☭ skeletons?


This is a good introduction to what fascism is, from a left wing perspective, and the relationship between fascism and capitalism (by Michael Parenti).

Thanks, I'll give it a look once I get back to my place

the numbers in the video changed, now its top 8 = bottom half



Get the tank

This is a good introduction, but i've never been able to find sources on some of his claims. Examples:

brainlet image


Read a book, you stupid fucking niggers.

Post-War Europe and even America was corporatist. Succdems are corporatist, Christian Democrats are corporatist, the Estates of most European feudal countries were corporatist, and syndicalism follows the same governing principle as corporatism and can be said to be a form of corporatism that involves worker's self-management. In fact, fascism's corporatism originates ultimately from syndicalism. Though, Italy never really enacted a corporatist system, and the Nazis cared little for it beyond vague notions of volksgemeinschaft, aside from Str@sser.


It means that socialists invented corporations a decade after the Bolshevik revolution. Communism was that dysfunctional as early as the 1920s.
It was done in the Soviet Union, and will be done by you too, comrade.
Come back when somebody decides to form the World Assembly of Capitalists.

The fuck do you think the UN is?

A group of people with better debating skills than yours.

>It means that socialists invented corporations a decade after the Bolshevik revolution. Communism was that dysfunctional as early as the 1920s.
What the fuck are you talking about?

Fascism is capital reformist position. Working with industrialists to attack the global financial banking system and the black nobility is good praxis. Cucking out for the black nobility and eating local industrialists is bad praxis. Infact the black nobility loves to promte class warfare to solidify their position in society as well as a form of creative desctrutction. Socialist revolution has been deteritorialized and incorperated by capital.

Can't tell if shitpost

Old european noble families. They are at the top of the shit heap capitalist heirarchy.

Not the one who posted the video but here are some:




Gino Olivetti managed to induce Mussolini and the (Fascist) Grand Council to accept 25,000,000 lire for the purpose of the Party


nazbol is a meme