On one hand, they earn relatively low wages in most western countries and most of policemen come from proletarian backgrounds. They do work that involves lot of danger, especially when dealing with mentally ill, sick, drug addicts and other lumpenproles and they often risk their lives to handle hot situations. In some regards, police does make communities safer, and state police allows taxpayers to focus their attention towards other matters instead of dealing with community safety issues like was done in pre-modern societies.
On the other hand, policemen are tasked to protect private property of the rich, and they are also tasked to violently oppose anti-capitalist protests (more so in burgerland) and there is some truth to BLM when they claim that policemen in burgerland disproportionately target minorities for bullshit victimless crimes such as smoking weed. It's absolutely obvious that policemen are front soldiers when it comes to defending capitalist property and their job is to keep capitalist system running and functioning, and to clamp down hard on anti-capitalist communes, for example (using the "we can't afford to have a safe haven for criminals to hide from our laws" excuse).
I'm curious, Holla Forums. Is your opinion on policemen clear or more nuanced?
Its nuanced for me at least, but overall I hold them in disfavor. They are class traitors, through and through. I guess it depends though. Faggots like the FBI will never be comrades. On the contrary, police forces in general are just doing their jobs. I'm sure a fair amount of them are conflicted by it, but they need to secure a paycheck for their familes. That being said, they chose a profession that put them directly at odds with the working class. They are often employed to put down strikes, as an example. And further, many of them are so cucked by their role that they begin to believe the bullshit, in protecting private property and porky's profits. If the revolution ever catches strides, they will have a choice to make, either side with their class or perish. Its that simple really.
Carson Allen
theyre the occupation with the most admirably tight unions, and worker protection culture
thats about it
Jordan Morales
Their function is the preservation of property and any communist movement will end up fighting them. I'm sure some cops are great guys, but seeing as their function is anti-communist they should be viewed with suspicion if not outright hostility.
Elijah Johnson
Is this common? Because I thought this goes more to the realm of private security force than state police.
Jacob Campbell
This. Your badge is a target, end of story. If you're standing on the opposite side of the mob, you're on the wrong fucking side.
Stupid corrupt that best black people with the tacit approval of whites. Lol right because black people getting questioned by police at 5 times the rate of whites has not material effect lol
Noah White
From the Haymarket article: porky_hidden_with_a_question_mark.jpg
Logan Lewis
Sebastian Jenkins
Counter revolutionary scum.
Eli Torres
Brandon Hughes
t. fed
John Morgan
Jordan Stewart
Nolan Jackson
Jace Brown
The majority of cops though has nothing to do with protecting private property or breaking up demonstrations.
Cameron Peterson
How come?
Cooper Phillips
Because the former is done by private security and the latter by riot police.
I've never had a positive encounter with the police. Been arrested once for possession and have been patted down a couple of times before that. A lot of them are uneducated bullies who get a rush from tormenting the people they arrest, they others just sit and watch because in the end they just want the paycheck and benefits. I don't want them all dead per se, but when the revolution comes, cops are gonna be the first group to get the bullet. I hope that some of them would "wake up" and join the revolution but that all comes down to material conditions
Easton Bennett
You have to understand that the socialist position is descriptive, not moralistic. It is a description of the capitalist mode of production, from the point of view of the class conscious proletarian. It is precisely because the police are proletarians, that we have nothing but contempt for them. The bourgeoisie is simply acting in its own class interest, for this we cannot be angry, as what we seek is the opportunity to do the same. The policeman on the other hand, is a class traitor. They actively work to protect the interests of the bourgeoisie at the expense of the proletarians. For this, they think of themselves as better than the lowly masses. They are the antithesis of class consciousness, and the epitome of a cuck.
Bentley Rogers
The "public meeting" was a protest for anarchists who had received death sentences. The dynamite was thrown towards the police. I probably shouldn't be surprised at the lack of neutrality on Wikipedia.
Lincoln Gray
nigger fuck them, they could've chosen to be firemen instead. Black people love firemen.
Nicholas Sanders
good post, thanks
Bentley Smith
Excerpt from an interesting book by a former policeman, current civil rights lawyer who realized how fucked the general justice system is. Although he still has some latent cop sympathies ("…the fact that cops are hunters is not a bad thing…"), he spends most of the book explaining just how wrong he is and how cops are essentially just one more street gang, except they work to feed meat into the private jail system instead of just to hold onto territory.
Mason Martin
Police family. This is not how they will see it, though.Unread brainlet here, take this with a grain of salt. Pig mindstream ahead:
Policemen will see it as unruly, misguided citizens, children having a hissyfit that can only be answered by violence.In fact, the beatings are only a natural consequence of your actions that YOU the misguided man-children forces upon the poor sworn defender of order by not doing things TheRightWay(tm). Poor enforcers are just your allies, that oppose you with lethal force, not your enemies. You are being unreasonable and not meeting reality half way (all the way to their exact demands). Look , there are a few fascists among us, and the musclebound gorillas with a taste for "civilians" are mostly a minority among us.We are doing our job , just like you so stop being uppity and forcing violence upon you.
Look, we know politicians are corrupt and have disdain for them too, you are just being a child about it,do it TheRightWay(tm) and vote instead of making trouble for us and yourself. If you dealt with the things we do you would understand the true nature of man and how awful people are. You are just ungrateful, son. If we weren't there giving our lives you , silly children, would get eaten alive by the "bad guys". You need us, even if we have to beat you every now and then , its for your own good.
Corruption? Yes, there is a tiny bit of it, like in every place you go.Not my guys though.Everything we do is "just" even if it may not be always legal. Actually, nothing we do is ever unjust so the legality of it is irrelevant, we protect our own.We are the law you know, without us you would be lost and fall victim to the "bad guys". We are just protecting ourselves from a wimpy technicality, no doubt put there by a wimpy politician, that you , ungrateful , selfish children want to use to give us trouble.You are the ones attacking us, we are just doing our job, which you should be thankful for. Also, that's never the full story you know. even if you show me a video of an officer shooting at someone in the back of the head while cackling madly and stroking his cock over the corpse.That's never the full story, I bet something made him do that.That's the real story, you liberals only want excuses to hurt the police.
Jackson Wood
Who's that subliminal face supposed to be interspersed throughout this?
Thomas Garcia
This is like hearing a christian cultist talk about how people who listen to rock music are betraying god by aligning themselves with the forces of satan.
Easton Torres
Read this sentence a few times, this is for everyone here.