Retail Apocalypse

This bloomberg video clip is from November 2017. Where they say the retail sector is going to get even worse in the future due to debt. Is it bad that even porky media is saying the sky is going fall even more?

Retail has been dying for years now, the major shit will occur when a major chain goes bankrupt. It could start a chain reaction that leads to 2008 2: 2017 mon deiu.

Several major chains have already gone bankrupt. Gander Mountain, H H Gregg, even Toys r Us. Sears is at death's door and even Macy's is teetering. Imo this holiday season is going to make or break the retail sector.

Probs break with declining income and online shopping.

Sears Canada is already bankrupt.

IMHO, I think the American retail sector is FUCKING DEAD! Been to like two malls in PA and they're fucking empty and full of clothes shops. Meanwhile in the UK the City's are bustling but towns are barren.

Interest rates for retail typically rises is the first to rise before a crisis. All the stories about retail chains drowning in debt and unable to get financing at a reasonable rate seems to confirm this.

The second sign in the lead up to a crisis is that stores appear understocked according to the capitalist press. Now this is anectdotal but the retail store I work at does seem understocked given the fact we’re coming up on Black Friday and Christmas.

When the next crisis occurs the underlying overproduction is revealed, suddenly stores are “overstocked” with commodities that no one has the money to buy.

The consumer goods industry is typically the industry that is hit hardest and recovers the quickest during the industrial cycle. Interest-rates for short-term purchases like retail fall first and then long-term financing rates for industry also recovers.

Now, this is anectdotal again but the managers at the chain I work in claim that we’re very healthy, allegedly they are not worrying, their opening new stores. Ever since I started there almost year ago the employees have been taking hour cuts and we pay absolutely no overtime because their profits are down.

To me that sounds like a sure sign that retail and consumer goods is leading the way for the coming crash which is just what Marxist crisis theory would predict.

Retail is dying in the US for four reasons:

1) Gotta pay those Obamacare premiums.
2) No more booming domestic oil or manufacturing industries to feed dollars into the average plebian family
3) There are less average plebian families due to the acid-like effect that feminism and homosexuality has had on them
2) Amazon and Walmart

All of this was engineered from the beginning.

Yeah it's not like people would be paying even more for healthcare without it. Also
Dude are you posting for 2004 or something? You sound like my boomer dad.

On the contrary, I think it's a good thing. It's how we've been bringing the US down for the kill.

No other country in the world has its citizens paying as much money every month for healthcare than the US. Obamacare was designed precisely to extract the wealth out of the average US citizen's ownership and then implode on itself to help set the stage ready for the revolution.

US oil actually is booming recently America became the number one producer in the world. But the prices are still low and that impacts the oil industry’s profits a great deal.

It won't last much longer.

Yep and the bosses paid themselves severance packages and fucked the workers as you'd expect.

Retail is dying due to a number of reasons, including:

1) Long term downward pressure on wages combined with runaway inflation and the ever rising cost of living.
2) Lack of worker protections/conditions, a ineffectual political system and the sad joke that is fiat currency combining into a general sense of uncertainty and unease.
3) Small retail businesses being driven to the point of extinction by industry super-giants.

All of these problems could quite easily be addressed by a government that cared for systemic reform.
Unfortunately the very same people that would need to give up the majority of their assets in order to address these problems are also the people who have de-facto control over the political system of almost every government on earth.
Every day that goes by without such necessary reforms (basically a more extreme form of keynesianism tbh), is a day closer to violent, forceful reform of either the far-left or far-right variety.

Anyone else get this strange sense of satisfaction when news breaks that a large corporation is going bankrupt?

Are you retarded, there has been no inflation for years. Fiat currency? Fucking hell Lolberts cant hide their shit at all

Hello Holla Forums.

I'm not the one with a Lenin hat user flag, friend.
There has been, ~1.5% annually.
But that is not quite the problem that I was getting at.

The problem is that there have been very little in that way of overall de-inflation for decades.
While ~1.5% on its own may not be much of a problem, it is over the long term.
Because a number of factors that effect the average consumer (such as minimum wage) are not adjusted with the cumulative growth in inflation, you end up with a consumer that who has less and less in the way of buying power each year.
Raising consumer confidence and certainty would be central to any attempt at refloating the retail sector.
Knowing that your money is actually pegged to a tangible commodity is one way of building such necessary confidence.
Please do try and not show off how new you are.

In this case, no, although normally, yes I do
Biggest issue here is porky isn't being overthrown or anything, wealth is just transferring to Amazon and Walmart primarily. Walmart happens to be particularly exploitative.

How is this a reason? Average person working at a chain isn't paying health insurance for their employees, they purposefully hire people under the maximum amount of hours to be considered full time, for the sole reason of avoiding the need to pay out for benefits. It might contribute but I would think its minimally.

this seems counterintuitive to me, shoes can run large or small dependong on brand and ordering them online would hence seem to be more trouble than it's worth
they're still around? lol
they also don't need any e-help to fail at life
I know the brand existed, this is the first I heard of them having actual stores
literally who
I guess I kind of live under a rock

Inflation refers to price stability Howard, an increasing cost of living is related to purchasing power. Words have meanings you know.

LMAO you dumbass you think that consumer confidence is in anyway related to whether the money is commodity backed or fiat? Consumer confidence is dependent on the savings of the private sector. Sales = income, but of course you wouldn't know this with your Austrian-school tier economics.

Fiat currency is backed by the power of the state, and gets its value from the productivity of the state.
There's a reason why the whole world accepts USD and that's because it has the biggest guns.

I honestly don't know if this is real or just a troll but I'm laughing. Well done Holla Forums.

Well they had to get paid running Sears Canada into the ground. How can you have a meritocracy of such failure isn't rewarded?


I worked at a Payless.
Nobody except poor people and stuck-up suburban moms with too many coupons shop at Payless.

Wow. All tripfags really are this dumb. Where do you get your news?

it kinda is

Building a guillotine and taking over the store would be a start.

It totally is. it's a concentration of power in to a monopoly that will compete others in do bankruptcy. it always works that way it always happens that way that's the inevitable conclusion and then the two big dogs are either going to absorb each other or battle each other out until one of them fails for whatever reason that was completely out of their control to begin with.

If it gets to that point then maybe the government steps in and does what they did with AT&T back in the whatever's.

Good post

Retail imploding would deliver a pretty bad system shock. 16 million people employed in the US, and it's been the sector that sucks up a lot of workers otherwise no longer employable.
And beyond that, it's a sector that is set to shrink badly regardless. There is ongoing centralization of brick and mortar stores, the increasing efficiency from starting automation and digitization increasing the intensity of remaining work (Amazon notoriously pushing the cart), and at the same time the pressure from on-line shopping. I'm not sure how much the new employment here compensates though.

What would taking over the stores accomplish in itself? For it to be workable there would have to be worker controlled suppliers up the supply chain.

At the very least if they took over the store and ransacked it, or at least managed to sell off everything inside it, they'd have a cushion to fall on before whatever shitty company they work for kicks them all out and does it themselves.
