alright guys, I'm tired of the bullshit. I'm gonna ask this one more time, and you have to tell me the Truth: How do we make America socialist? I'd prefer if we could get this done and sorted by the end of the week, but we can push back the deadline a bit if that's too much. So Just be honest, lay out the steps, and if they're correct, we can start knocking them out tomorrow.
Alright guys, I'm tired of the bullshit. I'm gonna ask this one more time...
just nuke it.
Eh… organize a political party that is affiliated with other organizations like unions, co-ops, mutualist groups and maybe an armed wing, and have it seize power when the conditions for it are favorable. Beyond that, I got nothing.
Unironically I think that the creation of strong Christian socialist movement and a strong leftist coalition would be enough to push socialism forward. The ideological crisis that capitalism is currently undergoing pretty much ensures that the left will be able to easily take power if they get their shit together.
The left hasn't had their shit together for 100 years.
Christian socialism is a good starting point. It can also counteract individual atomization by building sense of community around Church. Throw in some Church coops and you can have an economic base. Add some Church
sponsored "neighborhood watch" groups as a militia. You're half way to building a dual power structure to take over from porky.
Okay, solutions so far
1. Nuke it
2. organize a party that is affiliated with other organizations
3. make a christian socialist coalition.
Anyone want to add to these, or can we start deciding?
If so, make your argument for each of them, and then lets vote on which one makes sense.
nuke it twice
Christianity is a useless appendage to socialist organization. It no longer serves as a mobilizing tool for the masses, what little power it still has is dissolving with the travesty of Evangelicals supporting un-christian ghouls like Trump and Moore. To establish christian socialism, you would first have to re-Christen America.
Nuking, on the other hand would just kill us all and should be avoided.
Going further than Christian socialism, I think that the left should pivot towards being a voice of reason. The right seems to be going down this edgy, pseudo-transgressive route, and I think that embracing a more christian-style morality would be a really good move tbh. The new-left gave most people the impression that leftists are amoral and childish, a left with a christian ethos would reinvigorate the left in a major way.
Never said it was going to be easy. For every preacher that gives space to Richard Wolff to do global capitalism lectures there's probably 1000 porky preachers selling the capitalist koolaid to their congregation.
But then why bother with Christianity at all? You don't need religion to advance a new morality, if that is what you are after. Moral precepts should be pushed as and for themselves.
form a party for discussion and theory, engage in minor protests and seek to unionize workers as a first priority, you aren't going to overthrow the government yet, but this provides a good foundation in order to build a revolutionary party when a major crisis hits the nation and people start seeking alternatives, in America the two major solutions will be socialism and tea party libertarians, i might throw in the ultra-right advocating for white ethno-state but they've never been able to organise and work together in history before so there is no reason for them to start now. Revolutions have never been anything more then minor reforms in times of stability, there is no reason for us to waste our energy now and go out in the streets yelling for the blood of the rich to run down wall street, there just isn't that level of dissatisfaction. Best thing to do now is get people primed to point the finger at the rich when it all hits the fan, and just be there as the solution
4 Golden Rules for organizing, from this thread cus gay ass mods anchored it:
1) Make rules against IdPol
2) Ban dyed hair, and don't allow people from le whacky subculture.
3) Keep a quota of 3/4 full time workers and 1/4 everyone else (Students, NEETs, etc)
4) Keep the theory, but avoid using typical leftist symbolism (red flags, hammers and sickles) and to some extent typical leftist jargon. Because Socialism isn't about some hallowed aesthetic. Tankniggers bitch about bougie propaganda yet they themselves don't bother with changing anything.
Avoiding using these things is as superficial as insisting on them, even more so because you're basically being a bitch.
Fuck you man
We live in a superficial world boyo. Why bother using the symbols that immediately discredit us in the eyes of the public? Nostalgia?
Because bad publicity is still publicity, if you insist on using marketing platitudes. Nobody knows or cares about the obscure orange tinted shit that gets posted here on occasion, they are utterly powerless as symbols.
we're talking an ideology that is thouroughly despised though with decades of disinfo. publicity of the gorillians of deaths isn't really publicity that works in any favor towards socialism. symbols carry more power than you think. someone see's the good ol hammer and sickle?
Hammer and sickle is pretty on the nose I suppose. But red flags, stars, red-black, black flags, and so on, those are all perfectly fine.
Create a political party with other commies from around the internet. You don't need to register with the FEC if you're only going to be taking part in local or state elections.
NOTE: Don't use the hammer and sickle for fuck's sake, use something less controversial like in the first pic.
Organise a community of leftists within your town under the banner of this political party. Meet once a week to discuss theory/current events and once every weekend to campaign and spread awareness in your community. If you can, try and run for town council or something.
Build up members of your group and organise protests - try to aim for around 5-10 per year.
Meanwhile, practice your second amendment right and stockpile weapons. Around this time it's probably a good idea to hold a vote between all member to decide the main ideology of the group (syndicalist, mutualist, Marxist-Leninist, etc).
When the 2019 economic depression hits (see the second pic), it's time to strike. Assuming that you successfully gain political power in your community, you should declare your area an independent commune that follows whatever ideology you voted for.
Gather your weapons, raid an armoury or two, and then attempt to spread the revolution to nearby areas.
100% guaranteed to work
In burgerland there are existing, though declining, traditions of Church going and the Church has traditionally been a community center as well as a tool of cultural indoctrination. I expect turning existing institutions to our cause will be more readily accepted by the masses. Also could be easier than building dual power institutions from scratch. But who knows.
Wait for the country to lose a major war or two, and then make sure that at least one of the breakaway regions does so under socialist auspices. What are some good candidates for such an area?
It helps to have disgruntled veterans on your side but they may be a thing of the past if remote war and private contractors become more common.
drink sake
Even without veterans, defeat in a war with Russia/China/etc. would mean a tremendous weakening of the repressive powers of the state, it will be impossible to hush up all of the nasty things done as part of the war effort, and the civilian population will probably have gotten bruised a bit from attacks on the mainland.
A scenario like that would probably end up with full nuclear attacks on major population centers. Especially against China as they currently have a small nuclear arsenal that's only really good as a counter value deterrent.
Better off waiting for the ayy lamos if that happens.
Genetically engineer a virus to slightly alter the behavior of a small portion of the population to be less willing to follow authority.
Or create a communist culture bomb and push it into media that targets teens and young adults.
America experimented with socialism several times throughout its history. Read a book.
Introduce fascists to socialism through NazBol
Introduce the common man to socialism by forcibly pulling the wool off his eyes
Introduce liberals to socialism through fee-fees
Introduce NEETs to socialism by showing them that NEETism is only possibly in the long-term through socialism
Etc. etc. etc.
I've made a list of tactics to push people towards socialism, what does Holla Forums think?
These times of mass surveillance and police militarization call for completely new ways of fighting the system that past revolutionary movements failed to do. There must be combination of three main factors, on the ground or street presence, online presence, and insider/snitches/spies to inform the former two what the system plans to respond with.
Take both sides and rile up the most passionate of the ideologues, accelerate the conflict in any political setting whether it be online or in real life. This is easier to do online due to anonymity. Make them realize that reform is futile and radical tactics and policies must be adapted or else the movement is at risk. Make them realize there is no peaceful way out of this system.Say you’re passionate and you want to see change, a personal emotional appeal will get most people immediately on your side. Use profanity but avoid racial explicative (no one likes racism and it divides the movement), saying “this capitalist system is bullshit” says a lot more to the average worker than “material inequity is solely caused by capitalism” or some other pretentious leftist shit like that. People are dumb and/or straightforward so any message that appeals to them must be so. Always cast yourself as the underdog to gain sympathy from the fence-sitters. “WHOSE STREETS OUR STREETS” is unironically the best chant that left has used in recent memory. I say we go with something relatable like that.
Use patriotic rhetoric to unify the masses. The left has simply forgotten the need of reactionary rhetoric in revolutions. From the French Revolution to the revolutions of today, nationalism, patriotism, and parochialism have played a huge role in the shaping of revolutionary social movements. Leftists shouldn’t be patriots per se, in fact they should be anti-patriots who use the nations’ flag to dress up the cause of socialism to appeal to the local workers. Draping Karl Marx in an American flag will go much further in convincing the average American worker than by using the hammer and sickle or some other USSR imagery that American’s perceive as negative (or try harping on points of American labor history). Try to associate communism/socialism with positive changes and not dead social movements or bureaucratic super-states. Time and time again, reactionaries have dressed up their deceitful rhetoric in the cloth of leftism. Now it is time for the left to use reactionary rhetoric to make advances for the cause in the face of an ever-growing anger towards the capitalist system. For too long, leftists have ignored the superstructure in favor for the base structure and while the superstructure is a weapon used by bourgeoisie to divide the proletariat, it can be conversely used as a weapon against the bourgeois state.
While there is a certain criticism that protests and strikes don’t do enough, they are a significant way for the proletariat to flex their muscles. One strike is not enough, hell ten strikes/protests aren’t enough for even moderate reforms. Strikes and protests are useless if they do not constantly interrupt daily life for the workers. They should not be on a timely schedule either, that’ll make it known to police where and when it will be. The element of surprise and unpredictability would be a great asset to the arsenal of the revolutionary. Sporadic bursts of street violence would be akin to guerilla that was utilized by the American revolutionaries all the way up to the Cubans and to even the terrorist groups of today. Guerilla was is more effective in the era of stealth war where espionage and trickery are supreme. There should be fake dossier that would post fake updates and where and when the protests will be. Meanwhile, the organizers and supporters of the group can communicate on backchannels and private logs to stage a real protest away from the bait. There will be some confusion among some of the supporters on where the actual protest will be. This confusion can be utilized by having a small group of people attend the bait site to give it the illusion that it’s the real deal. Meanwhile, the organizers and supporters of the vanguard would be busy putting on the tour de force of proletariat strength. It is of upmost importance to target areas of economic productivity. Marching down a street screaming “capitalism sucks” and holding a bunch of witty signs does jack shit in the end of the day. Using cars and trucks as blockades to block busy intersections and entries into ports would damage capital’s ability to grow. It should be noted that not all lot of people are willing to risk their car for the sake of a protest (unless times were really tough), it is not farfetched to see cars becoming a tool to combat capitalism. A bunch of cars blocking the row? A lot of towing. A bunch people protesting in the streets? A lot of police enforcement on the scene. A bunch of people protesting AND cars blocking major intersection thus cutting off most economic activity? A bureaucratic nightmare for the system. This is why leftists should ally themselves and unionize truck drivers of all sorts, from the mail man to the pizza delivery guy. They will be valuable allies for a revolution and with the disappearance of manufacturing jobs, we should drop the notion that all proletariat work in factory and live in tin shack. “Driving a truck has been immune to two of the biggest trends affecting U.S. jobs: globalization and automation. A worker in China can't drive a truck in Ohio, and machines can't drive cars (yet)” (NPR). Not only that, but we should utilize renting moving trucks by using fake IDs to cover identities or by sending a proxy buyer to obtain the truck. The use of insider sympathizers would also be helpful because they would be able to provide law enforcement with misleading or untruthful information. The proxy buyer (or the company, whoever files the complaint) should plea that the truck was stolen, give fake names/faces, and then proceed to collect money via insurance fraud.
Financial white collar crimes are mostly overlooked by leftists, but they can be a useful tool in fighting capital at its core. Insurance fraud can be used en masse to overburden a financial system that has fucked over millions of Americans. Having insider insurance agents doing small forgeries like date changes can help cover tracing fraud. I know that credit card and insurance don’t look like a revolution but they attack capital at its core. Bombing a bank does nothing in the long, the capital will exist everywhere, you must attack capital itself and not just the institutions that produce capital. Although, attacking both simultaneously would make the revolution a reality.
Show force whenever necessary, don’t rely on pacifism. Use the law to the most maximum extent when necessary. The alt-right marches around with baseball bats and sticks, so we should be wise to do the same. Open-carry is legal in most US states so use that right to bolster proletariat strength. Since blacks are unfairly targeted by police, there is an added risk when black groups open carry. This is where white privilege can be used to help by having white workers and black workers marching together with arms. Not only would this boost solidarity in these times of racial tensions, but it could be a learning experience for the proletariat to learn about each other and realize that they all have the same material interest. Use the privileges that the system gives us and turn it against them. Unity the proletariat at all cost and ignore the race baiting media.
Make propaganda but call it anything but propaganda. Have your own crew producing information because going to bourgeois media is pointless.
I realize that no one will read these giant walls of text but I've saved it up for a while. Maybe it deserves it's own thread but fuck this thread is good enough. nb for pure autism