Why the fuck do liberals care about stupid superficial bullshit like political decorum so much...

why the fuck do liberals care about stupid superficial bullshit like political decorum so much? is politics just a gigantic play to them? why are they incapable of seeing through superficial political gestures?

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They’ve never played Deus Ex

They have unchallenged notions that have to do with the predominant ideology. You need to force Marx/Bordiga theory.

Admit it, Hillary WAS the solution to trump, and we have to takes small, and steady steps to get to socialism, and the democrats are the only ones that are going to be capable of that. Pull your head out of your ass.

What exactly are you trying to accomplish with this shitpost?

A lot of my liberal friends look up to McCain now because he opposed Trump that one time. One of them will complain about capitalism and almost immediately admire establishment Democrats and Republicans for getting along. Liberalism was a mistake.



Why are idols so lewd?

Leftists are mental children and easily manipulated. If some old neocon fuck repeats DRUMP BAD they froth at the mouth and roll over like a dog

It would be hotter if we could see her penis.


Ive seen them pining for the days of Reagan again, too. Mind boggling.

What the fuck are you smoking, theorylet?



Because liberals essentially make up the managerial class
>Children of the professional-managerial classes, as Tom Frank recently pointed out, tend to lack any ethos of solidarity. Solidarity is largely a value among working class people, or among the otherwise marginalized or oppressed. Professional-managerials tend towards radical individualism, and for them, left politics becomes largely a matter of puritanical one-upmanship (“check your privilege!”), with the sense of responsibility to others largely displaced onto responsibility to abstractions, forms, processes, and institutions.


liberals and clintonites are moderate republican at this point and therefore rightwing


thank god another leftist loves it, i thought only right wingers played video games (ironically)

I mean for a certain stereotype it sort of is. If you're a normal liberal middle class family with comfy secure jobs then anything that actually gets changed through the current political system at least in the US is not going to have that much of an effect on their lives so stuff like that becomes more important.


Because they want to appeal to right wingers (who don't actually give a shit)