I've been reading a lot of Marx lately, and frankly I've gotten fatigue. What else should I be reading? I want to read some 20th century philosophers like Lukacs and maybe the Frankfurt School, but I'm not really sure where to start.
Looking for Reading Recommendations
Fuck that google bookchin
Read Gaddafi
read chomsky
Google Bookchin
Read Laclau and Mouffe.
Reading more theory wont help the fatigue
read motorcycle diaries, or my disillusionment in russia, or just straight fiction or fantasy until you have evergy again
Odd that Shakespeare never gets mentioned here.
His theory is a mess.
Shit that could be read on a future date:
Georges Bataille (one of my favourites)
Nikos Poulantzas (he's an Althusserian with some decent essays on social class and stuff)
Cornelius Castoriadis (not a fan but whatevs)
Read Li Tso-p'eng and Lin Biao
Read revolution betrayed
Imagine something that can be taken in more than one way, something that isn't the literary equivalent of a stick figure drawing, messy, yikes..
Idealist bullshit.
The idea that the world can be captured in clean, one-dimensional axioms is idealism, since it works from the assumption that there is no lacking in our language and ideas.
Read Stalin
Read Baudrillard and Althusser. For the Frankfurt School I've heard Dialectic of Enlightenment is the definitive work. All this might be fatigue producing though. Perhaps a light read like Zizek's Violence is more what you'd want.
Read The Ignorant Schoolmaster. It's an easy read, an intellectual adventure, it will refresh you but you will also learn important lessons.
Read anything what you want, but not the frankfurt school.
t. Jazz musician
Jazz is working class and always has been.
If you're sick of theory read for fun, general learning. I got sick of trying to understand Hegel so I'm reading the Canterbury Tales. has the right idea. But when you want to get back in to theory read Lacan.
War is a Racket.
Read Althusser.
Google Kierkegaard
Start with the greeks.
heh, nice try.
Expand your horizons? Marx is good, but a lot of people expanded out of his thought pretty nicely. Some that I quite enjoy if you want diversity. Adorno's "Aethetic Theory" is good if you like art, Debord's "Society of the Spectacle" is arguably what started my shift to communism, and Lenin's "The State and Revolution" was pretty good, even if I disagree with him. From my own little corner, if you care to try it, Bordiga's "The Doctrine of the Body Possessed By the Devil" and Pannekoek's "Workers' Councils".