What should one read after reading Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher?
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What should one read after reading Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher?
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Ghosts of My Life?
No, Read Bordiga lol
Exiting the Vampire Castle
His interviews with Doug Lain and Doug Henwood
All his videos on youtube
His essay "Post-Capitalist Desire"
His essay "Terminator vs Avatar"
After the Future by Bifo
I read Capitalist Realism, I really enjoyed the book but his style of prose is like spaghetti soup.
Capitalism realism is really overrated because it just re-states a familiar idea in Marxist thought and coins a new phrase to describe it. Anyone who finds this book mind blowing should read Marx and the Frankfurt school, Benjamin, esp Jameson, and pretty much all the canonical writers on ideology.
Fisher has said explicitly that he sees his work as a continuation of Jameson's
He probably considered his work a continuation of all the writers I mentioned.
RIP and all that, Benjamin took the same route, but then he thought he was about to be sent to a camp. Personally I prefer my materialism terse and German rather than loopy and Anglo.
type random keywords you like into k-punk.org
n.b. may work less well if you're more interested in economic theory than british history
If you liked his pretentious British wankery, read Ghosts of My Life. Otherwise don't bother with it, it's a useless book.
fucking choon tho
If you think Mark Fisher's pretentious then you haven't read many books. He's actually very sincere
why's the op banned
So are people actually getting banned or what?
BO is sperging again so now we have to have 200 characters in an op.
I figured it was pretty obviously written to be a short and simple read for people who aren't going to or have yet to read other leftist writers.
I mean the constant pop culture references is what really tipped me off.
was that critique of the goth gf programme or what
Yes, people are actually getting banned over this.