What do you think of this guy?

What do you think of this guy?

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he's alright for the time he was writing. also he has nice bantz.

Is way of thinking is toxic as seen in this thread:

Why did he kill his wife

She was a humanist.

because he was bipolar

It was an accident. He blacked out as he was giving her a back rub.

I know I read his bit about contradiction and overdetermination but I can't remember what the deal was with overdetermination besides "stuff is complicated lol"

refer to Debord's theses on structuralism in Society of the Spectacle (1967), even though Althusser put out what was probably his best and most influential work on ideology a few years after May 68.

I don't like Althusser because he was full diamat pilled. Plenty of influential people were PCF like Sartre too but I dislike him for being a full t*nkie and his philosophy is the antithesis of Althusser. I bet Althusser didn't read Heidegger though.

From the quotes I have read from Zizek's work, he seems like someone who has master esoteric dialectics.

Read Althusser.


read the man himself. It's not too bad because he's very didactic and meticulous. Not what I would call dialectical exactly, but what he's getting at here is that we are constituted by ideology in the process of a certain dialogue or discourse (interpellation) but Heidegger was saying but not in the sense of state power, earlier in Being and Time (sections on Discourse, Idle Talk, Call of Conscience).

Yeah but don't sage the thread for people who want to discuss!

I haven't read much of him but what I have seen is interesting. Pllus Zizek and Wolff both like him

I legit kek'd what is wrong with me

BTFOs humanists and "muh base-superstructure" fags.
he's okay in my book


Zizek, Badiou, Wolff, Cockshott, the list goes on. He's one of the most influential 20th century Marxists, having much more lasting effect than, say, Lukács.

I'm not sure he'd deny the dichotomy, just complicate it.

Rancière > Althusser

Althusser is a tad beyond leftypol's reading level, I think.

What do you base this on? As far as I'm concerned the whole 'politics as aesthetics' is completely retarded approach by Ranciére.

Don't generalize, please. And besides, it really depends on which of his texts we are talking about.

Knowing what happened to his wife really makes me choke up.

He isn't really a hard read but you need to have a decent command on Kant-Hegel, Marx and Saussure

That Rancière actually appreciated and learned from the May '68 rebellion while Althusser reacted like a complete reactionary. I have not read either yet.

Also this isn't a very good sign either:

Is Poulantzas any good?

Good to know.

He unironically didn't read books. He was the muke of academia. Check out his autobiography.


omg only a few hundred? Scandalous.

Althusser makes a lot of dubious claims in his memoir. Honestly seems like he may have enjoyed the public shame. Read this review before you take everything in L'Avenir dure longtemps at face value.

Here's the link to the review

Mate, I am 18 years old and I have read a few hundred books. A grown ass academic who writes for a living should have read more than a few hundred. He didn't even read capital until after he wrote his major works.

Althusser is great. Who gives a shit if he tried to be shocking by saying that he never read any books? His generation of French intellectual would say anything for attention. He makes fucking Mark Fisher look like a 4th grader. Probably too hard to read for 20 year olds who think being a marxist means following a few ☭TANKIE☭s on Twitter.

This is why you will always be a pseud and not the most influential wife-strangling Maoist in history.