Who is the next aut-right e-celeb we could invite onto the red path, Holla Forums? PJW? Alex Jones? Molymeme? Lauren Southern?
Veronica "Nazbol" Bouchard aka Evalion
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Millenial woes?
All their e-clebs carry too much baggage. Do we want the RalphRetort or Matt Forney on our side? I don't.
Damn is she fucking smug in that pic
Veronica is a pretty name
Alex Jones is funded by Warner, there's no chance he'll change his mind because he's being paid to be wrong.
I'm thinking Stefan Molymeme.
Is that picture on the right how wimmen look like without a make-up? Spooky stuff m8
For some reason, all Christinas I've know have been blondes while all Veronicas I've known have been brunettes.
That's not Evalion, more like some fetish porn.
More retards spooked to the bone is totally what we need, OP.
That picture is mental illness personified
Dont put your dick in crazy boys it wont end well for you
Crazy in the head, crazy in the bed.
Just do it.
Is she crypto?
Ben "If its alt-right, kill it on site" Garrison works on commission and is a bit of a whore. We could crowd fund a lefty cartoon from him or an official version of one of our edits.
I bet Ben would be down with redrawing this,
alex jones quoted rosa luxemburg one time
Wait, what did varge do to become a crypto leftists?
Varg somewhat gets capitalism is the problem, but he's still spooked
He stopped blaming Jews, stating that capitalism is the real enemy of humanity, stopped being a nationalist completely, frequently calls the entire right wing too retarded to fight capitalism, and has angrily ranted about how leftists are smarter in at least six videos, although usually PS'ing with "but shitting in the woods and chucking a spear is better than all else". He also has a few videos where he rants about how socialism is better than capitalism, and that a communist system would be more beneficial. To top it all off, he has become a soft Sovietboo who occasionally can be found whistling, humming or outright singing Soviet era music.
He's still an ultra-reactionary, but he is far more sympathetic with the left than the right.
lol no
Lauren Southern has more integrity and is more of a freethinker than the others you mention. She is also quite young given her fame.
Whether or not you count her as a big name, Blaire White will probably eventually burn out on being surrounded by Christfag conservatives. Theryn Meyer is already well down this road.
Varg's views have to be understood in the context of censorship from Youtube and his living in France. With that said, Varg is a sophisticated thinker with some strong anti-civ tendencies.
I shiggy diggyed
absolute state of this board, the
It should be noted that the anti-capitalism from him is in relation to white people not humanity as a whole. Pic related.
You are now officially the dumbest tripfag on this board.
It's amazing that you fags never stop to think that these turd position-like people aren't drifting closer to the left, but are attracting leftists closer to the right.
She is a mentally ill attention whore who only caters to the audience that will give her the most attention. You are retarded for giving a shit about her
I don't want any of those cunts apart from Maybe Alex Jones. Lauren Southern gets gang raped by refugees forever
Also this bitch in the picture is really fuck ugly
Varg is literally one of those native americans who scream about "muh colcha, muh traditional living, civilization ruined everything" but with white skin.
I bet she'll become an authoritarian ☭TANKIE☭ like all the lefty trannies such as the admin of /r/socialism, the revleft mods and Holla Forums's B.O
Nothing wrong in wanting that imho.
Americanism is a virus
Why isn't Lauren Southern in jail for international piracy and trying to sink refugee boats?
You can literally walk out while the guards don't watch in most south italy police stations
Turd positionists get the bullet too.
Are they really trannies?
What the fuck is wrong with not-Lauren's mouth?
she is a muppet