This is the absolute state of American conservative politics. If the retard hat wasn't bad enough, he even had a fucking leather vest. This guy has a good chance of becoming a senator.
This is the absolute state of American conservative politics. If the retard hat wasn't bad enough, he even had a fucking leather vest. This guy has a good chance of becoming a senator.
how is that a problem?
i understand if you cant stand corrupt morality police like politicians
He's already a miserable reactionary culture warrior, I thought that he showed up to campaigns in a cowboy costume is what tipped it over into ridiculousness.
Ideocracy was right, burger politics is slowly devolving into wrestling
Literally, who?
its ridiculous but its how you connect to american lower classes
He's running for senate in Alabama.
Anybody got the Hillary cowboy copypasta?
sad thing is it will probably work. that's how dumb, gullible and impressionable the average person is
lol exactly what i was thinking
In Australia we have a whole party based on cowboy hats.
How did this happen?
when it comes to Australian politics that's all you can say.
Gotta love you "socialists" that completely detest everything the people likes
I'd say you are on high-horses, but I'm certain you also detest horses as they represent a part of the population that isn't completely cosmopolitan yet.
Fucking ivory tower liberal elitists can never understand the things the true worker loves, like fucking kids
He should have campaigned in vibrant African dress and spoken in ebonics instead. Then it would have been okay.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Honestly, I see no problem here.
And I bet that if it was some drag queen dressed in some fancy clothes then not only you guys wouldn't complain but actually would call anyone annoyed by it as le spooky.
I asked for a better left,but I suppose being fashion police is part of your theory or something.
14 year olds are not kids and the overwhelming majority of your female ancestors probably shat out their first kid before their sixteenth birthday.
And this is why there will never be a working class revolution in America.
I get that burgers are inculcated with politics as LARP from an early age but the fact that he feels campaigning on pure LARP is that helpful is a problem for politics in general
t. Tim Allen worshipping faggot
"Working class" isn't about cultural signifiers
I wouldn't say anyone was ignoring it, most people are just aware that bourgies won't face any fucking consequences for the shit they do.
Most lower classes aren't even cowboys.
On a large scale, they're rare.
I live in the countryside and literally everyone I've met to ever own a horse was a richfag.
no it isn't
Holla Forums doesn't know which hole babies come out from.
I'm not surprised.
newfag check the "do not bump" also the sage go in the email field