Black mirror and The new blade runner made me sympathize with the unabomber.
What to do? What's the solution to the tech question?
Links and Webm related is literally Joi
Black mirror and The new blade runner made me sympathize with the unabomber.
What to do? What's the solution to the tech question?
Links and Webm related is literally Joi
But I thought socialism would make anime real
The solution is putting technology to use as efficiently as possible towards eliminating as much labour as possible. The problem is not that the technology to project some waifu hologram exists but rather that its not being put to use saving the poor lad from an unrewarding existence of long hours at work for no purpose other than the perpetuation of a profit based system which leaves him no time in his life for the pursuit of self-improvement, relationships and human flourishing in general, thus filling that void in his being with a simulation of some basic human companionship.
Destroy capital to save your soul fam.
also the ad is unrealistic, that boy is too qt to not have a partner
What said. The problem of the person in the file attached is not that he has a hologram waifu, but that this technology is used to support his routine of marching out to the job and preforming it all day for the benefit of capital. If he were liberated somehow what from that slavery, the hologram waifu might well complement a more fulfilling existence.
Just kill yourself now, faggot.
t. buys hologram waifus
Pretty sure you actually meant to say "haha let's laugh at the incel".
Incel victimism now? Fuck off and die sociopath wannabe rapist
Google Bookchin
technology is not the problem, our capitalist system is.
under socialism, technology will liberate the human race, not enslave them.
Projecting much?
The topic of the video is clearly an incel you moron. That's what makes it so tragic.
I will never mock an incel that isn't being obnoxious.
This has yet to happen.
Definitely not what he did. Any solution that involve luddism or another form of rejection of technology simply results in it overpowering in the end: spears vs machine-guns style.
Technological crisis may indeed result in making a part of humanity obsolete/rapid depopulation. But does it really matter from a cosmic/evolutionary standpoint?
FOSS and a drastic reduction of social alienation (capitalism has to go first, of course)
More like builds them, my negro friend.
t. engineer, and future waifu architect
These are the people who go to work everyday thinking they are being "productive".
Just because you have a CS degree doesn't mean that you are an engineer.
I know I'm not being productive, but it makes me money, and one day I will make the most unproductive technology to grace mankind. This technology would be considered "disruptive" under capitalism, but under communism, it will be fucking wonderful. The drive to be productive is a capitalist spook. Free yourself and embrace your waifu.
Well, my FE exam says different. So there.
Read Camatte. The problem isn't tech itself, but that capital has deconstructed the human and rebuilt him in its image. Blade Runner was a critique of this, and offered a solution to regaining your humanity; by refusing your "purpose", (aka what capital has created you to do) and returning to what's real and naturally human(solidarity, love, social relations).
What happened to reading theory?
You shouldn't take op literally.
Embrace Nick Land.
Except making people unemployed doesn't liberate them. Giving them the means to create their own living does. The emancipation of the proletariat will come through planet-wide technological ascension. Capitalism will be abolished because we no longer need it.
It's transhumanism or slavery.
Unemployment is only a bad thing in a system dominated by capital. The working day/week should be increasingly cut back as the amount of necessary labour decreases. This is precisely giving people the means to create their own living as opposed to reducing them to the reproduction of daily life.
Also transhumanism is a death cult.
I still don't get Nick Land or NRx or Dark Enlightenment. What the fuck are they on about?
If I understood correctly the believe that Capital is increasingly becoming independent of humanity and purely self-serving, and they somehow think this is a good thing.
Yeah, that's the part I don't get. It's some weird shit, I tell you what.
Well, Nick Land believes that capital has become a Rogue AI controlling mankind from outside. So does Jacques Camatte here:
The difference between Land and Camatte is that Land wants us to
submit to the AI god just to see where the wild ride will take us, while Camatte wants to see a complete clean break with the power of capital and a return to the natural state of mankind.
It's some bullshit indeed. It implies that in the past there were always some rulers or sovereigns that directed society. Now, human society is not within power of will of any men, but all men are pawns of some (natural or spontaneously technological) force. Well, Marxism implied that much.
They're anti-egalitarian, anti-enlightenment people who worship capital and want some weird neo-feudal system. But this is a generalized view, like any other ideology it'll change slightly based on who you ask.
Based on that Camatte doesn't seem to think it is some kind of AI.
Well, maybe. He thinks it has become a power created by mankind but operating on its own outside mankind. Personally I think that it can be classified as an AI
I get that they're anti-egalitarian and all that junk. I just don't see why. Like why would anyone in their right mind think this is a good thing. And they're not even under the delusion that they'll be the kings. It's like they're the ultimate cucks.
" What's the solution to the tech question?"
By going even further, dummy.
I think it's anti-natalism to it's extreme logical end. Humanity is trash and will eventually reach a point where non-human entities take over, so the reasoning is that you might as well go deeper.
Maybe not but genocide sucks yo
The 21st century has completely squandered its technology. This is not the future we were promised in the mid 20th century. Imagine going back to the 1960's and when people ask you if we colonized the moon, you say that we did not but we holographic anime girls.
We are a living a 20th century dystopian novel, the vast productive forces wasted on useless frivolities while most of Earth lives in poverty. Pollution is out of control and over production has resulted in greater exploitation in workers. Yet we are suppose to feel society is advancing because have new means for people to pretend they don't live a sad lonely existence.
capitalism has succeeded in shaping humanity to its profit, every kind of "revolution" is now impossible; that the working class is nothing more than an aspect of capital, unable to supersede its situation; any future revolutionary movement will consist of a struggle between humanity and capital itself, rather than between classes; capital has become totalitarian in structure, leaving nowhere and no-one outside its domesticating influence.
Capitalism is caught in a worse crisis then the USSR was in the late 1980's. The rate of profit is plummeting where the bourgeoisie states had to bail out capitalists with huge injections of tax dollars. The result is a economy propped up by smoke and mirrors. The cycle of M->C->C1->M1 has broken down as capitalists shot circuited it go from M right to M1 without any real value being created. That is not to saw capitalism will implode in on itself but capitalism will have to go back to the draconian methods of the 19th century to restore profitability.
Not with automation they wont.
LTV means automation drives down the rate of profit. Machines don't buy commodities and have fixed costs. A steam engine has an optimal input of coal for load regardless what methods a capitalists employ, same for any other machines. You can get a render farm to pump out 3d animation movies faster then its computing power, or get robots to move faster then they their optional speed. Meaning capitalist competition would drive all machines inputs to the same optimal, a capitalists wouldn't allow a airplane suck more jet fuel then it needs.
So what does this mean? The elimination of surplus value, the market value of commodities would fall to the cost produce. Humans workers are special in that there is no uniform optimal, thus capitalists can get workers to output more for their cost then their competitors. On top of that the wages paid to workers comes back to capitalists as workers purchase commodities, yet machines are content to only consume what they need to operate. When a forklift ends it shift it does nothing but sit on a charger till the next workday.
This is true. Which is why they will introduce UBI to keep the system running.
UBI is a exercise in futility, it capitalists not understanding their own system and will only result a military strong man to overthrow it and install a capitalist military dictatorship, where ever increasing threats of state violence will be used to keep the system running. Basically a repeat of the Japanese fascists in the 1930's when capitalists there hit a similar obstacle.
any good books on this?
Blade Runner 2049 was a trip.
I really wan't to buy Fanged Noumena but I can't find it for under $30 dollars and am a poor college student. No I won't read it off of a screen.
Technological and scientific progress are entirely a product of generating income for porky now more than ever. I'm a biochemist, and have been in labs that have had to bow down and kiss the feet of whatever firm is willing to pay them off to research for them due to a lack of federal funding, which comes with an unspoken rule that their findings better make whatever interests the firm has more money, otherwise funding gets cut. With funding for research coming with the stipulation that findings must be beneficial to whoever is backing the firm in order to maintain funding, and with engineering/technology only being developed for the interest of these types of firms, technological and scientific progress are on the whole only being made to control the masses and ensure class division.
That's all to say that, in a society in which there could be impartial federal funding that is decided entirely by the needs of the people, technology and science would be inherently good. It's not science and technology that are corrupting in themselves, only the way they're being funded. Kaczynski was unable to see the true root of technology's danger, and following in his footsteps is only delaying the inevitable and setting us back into the cycle of technological progress, which will inevitably repeat itself until mankind is either destroyed or transcends the point we're at now