60,000 Nazis marched on Poland. In 2017. Sixty fucking thousand.
Also, FUCK the 200 character post rule. Literally everyone hates it, mods. There's no point. Please consider getting rid of it.
60,000 Nazis marched on Poland. In 2017. Sixty fucking thousand.
Also, FUCK the 200 character post rule. Literally everyone hates it, mods. There's no point. Please consider getting rid of it.
Other urls found in this thread:
should surprise no one
But, my lord, there is no such force.
mods can't change what only the BO can, m8.
They are not nazis lol
Oh is it a site wide rule now? I thought it was only on this board (my bad if true, mods)
Oh really? Who are they then?
They were all chanting "Europe will be white!" in Polish.
No, no. Only the BO has power to change the board like that.
Second Katyn when?
Pole here.
The initiative is called "the Independence march", it means to commemorate the day when Poland regained it's independence. The march used to be mostly patriotic, center and right leaning people, but sadly, it was hijacked by neo-Nazis and fascists. By this I am not saying that all people there are "baddies", but some good numbers were chanting racist, homophobic and even some fascist slogans. At the same time, there was an anti-fascist march, which I attended, but it attracted about two thousand people
Hahaha why is it that the 'niggers of europe' are always the most obsessed with whiteness?
They wouldn't become any worse mud people were they to open their borders completely.
This is what happens when you let Poles run their own country. They get a massive nationalistic boner like a nation-wide Napoleon complex.
You are retarded
It was always a ONR initiative
Poland is the Jesus of nation, thats our culture and you have to respect it you bigot
jej, nobody wants to stay in Poland
not even poles themselves
so I don't understand all the butthurt
I blame the Pan Europeans for making Poles think they're white
That must explain why there is still 38 000 000 of poles living in Poland and poland is getting additional 1 million refugees from 3rd world that being ukraine that is
I thought that they loathed Nazis. Do you just mean white nationalists?
It's the classic case of the anti-communist, anti-nazi as seen in pic related (one of the guys who participated in Charlottesville. They can't fool us though, but they're managing to spook a lot of people into their cause.
Somebody has to make a polish version of this
How do I un-pole myself, it should be easier than de-whiting.
Pick only one
Looks like we need Harry Potter to battle the nazi Voldemort again my progressives
See this is why the tanks rolled into Hungary, comrades.
Don't you mean the Nazi…fucking hell I don't know pop culture at All, Darth Vaper I guess?
unless you're being ironic fuck off that literal ☭TANKIE☭ shit
So that's why his voice was so fucked up.
Yeah of course, Shlomo.
Wow color me suprised
How could Soviets fucked up so badly here
stalin invading lwow instead of warsaw
sometimes I wish Hitler won WW2 so poles would have been wiped off the face of the earth
No wonder why so many polish people keep migrating over here to bongland…also the whole reserve army of labour thing but still
Don't worry, there was also antifasist march
but only about 3k pepole took part in this one ;_;
Who exactly are these people going to racial cleanse if they get into power?
Isnt poland already "Muh Ethno-State"?
I was meaning somthing like "well, at least not everyone is a nazi here" but, yes, thats very depressing
There's one black mma fighter.
Jews dont really live in Poland anymore
Poland is basically "pure" polish
I don't , kurwa, know. They afraid of muslims, European Union, G.Soros, they want polish indsustry in polish hands and so on
But mostly they're close borders for refugees and imigration from muslim/arabic countries
But mostly they're *want close borders for refugees and imigration from muslim/arabic countries
poland is finished. Call in the EU tanks.
There's a small percentage of Romani that live in Poland but I think it's more of a pro-Catholic thing if anything
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeah, no.
I want the EU seized, not destroyed.
Holla Forumsish neosomething
Nobody, we dont want to cleanse anybody
We want poland to remain only for poles
There a no "non poles" in poland
reforming the system dosent work
you know what's my biggest problem with this mindset is?
You can't fucking define who a "pole" is. Just go ahead, try it.
Is it somebody who was born in Poland? Is it someboy who speaks Polish? Does skin colour make a difference? If yes, does some random white American dude called Chuck Kowalski who doesn't even know what the fuck "a polande" is more of a pole than a black guy who speaks polish as his first language and knows everything about polish culture?
That's why they scared of diversity of nations, don't you see"? Those pepole think that they're living in fortress under siege
What's weird is your last shitty name is a few letters off from my irl name.
Person that holds polish citizenship and have at least one parent of polish ethnicity
you made a loop my dude.
When will Jews allow non Jews into Israel? When will Muslims allow non Muslims into their nations?
kill yourself
Truth and hypocrisy disturbs you?
no, i hate isreal, but you should still kill yourself
This video is just too good.
Except that common culture, history and language was immensely influenced by jewish poles: who lead the struggles for independence, who were writers in the tongue and who politically organised parties that help lead to independence. The anti-semitism of this parade spits on the entire history of Poland.
Mah niggas
Send the 'non Poles' to Israel.
Take the refugees into your neighborhood. Where do you live?
The same jewish poles that formed their own ghettos, refused to speak polish and refused to be even called poles? The same jews that stabbed polish retreating army in the back in Łódz durring ww2?
The same jews that poisoned the wells and steal small christian children for matzos?
I wouldn't care if people would move into my deserted shithole of a country.
It should be double gangbang from the start but with stalin being late for it
Without stalin polish people wouldn't exist
looks like a bunch of scary right wing meanies to me
Stalin invaded Poland 17 September 1939 while polish defense against invading germans was still going on
If that isnt stab in the back then i dont know what it
Then might look like ordinary right wingers for an untrained eye
But they are in fact NAZBOL
they're meanies who hate me
look at em stompin that rainbow flag
The Polish army Command sayd to their soldiers to no Shoot or resist against the soviets, not only that but the soviet Union alowd more them 600 thousand soldiers of the polish military to stay in their Land while germany was ocupying the western part of the country.
Are you sure that's also not anti-communist?
As well as the fact that the polish goverment had runed from the country leaving the Land without any administration and just leaving hundreds of thousand of soldiers to die in a country that was colapsing.
Plus poland got a huge compensation from the SU giving them the regions of Silesia, part of east prussia and eastern pomerania wich some good amount of the German industry.
Poland NO!
I think they mostly just want to prevent Muslim immigration into Poland. Then again, they could just ship any arrivals into Germany.
Comrade, this rainbow flag is a symbol of bourgeois idpol
Fuck Poland. It's a fascist hellhole that needs some proper bombing.
I think modern people sorta forget just how porous pre-modern borders were all around the world.
Not just that wars of conquest were more common, but that people just moved around wherever they could find work.
The ethnically mixed populations around border regions didn't come out of nowhere.
Wew lad that's some premium ideology
uhm sorry but i'm LGBT and prole
seriously do you think being LGBT is a bourgeois thing ? you're spooked
and spooky
well, polish socialist party also took part, they're demsocs, so they're using this symbol I think. Also that quite big part of them were anarchists. Most of flag were ancoms or black flags.
I dont know if there is more ancoms than normal communists here, in poland
Three arrows are anti oppresive way of introducing communism, not against communism itself I'd say, especially in our times
of course its a leftcom
how is it spooky ?
i'm innocent af
I mean it's another movement from the class movement but it does not make it bourgeois immediately, if anything it's just self-determination and class has nothing to do with it, in a Communist society it'd continue because the troubles that are given to us are separate from class, but you might find also that LGBT+ proles are less likely to find employment than your usual cishet prole.
LGBT+ bourgies don't have that trouble since everything is given to them but i'm diverging right now.
do you not understand how childish this is?
jews, muslims and christians are spooky and shouldn't be in, in the first place.
is that a pic of you?
But they do
it is
It looks like the possesed nationalist solder is killing the farmer. Pretty spooky my property.
God I love poland.
For all your gommie whinging, Poland is going to stay homogenous. "Whaaaa! B-b-but I deconstructed your identity! Why won't you bend over already???"
I really don't give a fuck whether or not YOU can be convinced if poles exist as an ethnicity, and I don't think poles give a fuck either
Remember the antifa supersoldiers.
Don't worry.
Another LGBTQIA+ person here.
You're super cute!
I Disagree with you on a lot things natezee
But i must admit that shit he was talking was just straight up stupid
Y-You too
Well yeah, nazi poles are obviously not thinking at all.
QT 3.14
feels > reals
Yeah she is cute like the leftcom baby she is. What she doesn't want to show you is her collect of stuff animals, and her pacifier. Which I think fits her being a leftcom.
My infantilism has nothing to do with my ideology
I-I mean i wish i had a pacifier..
and a bunch of stuffies, but as i said, NOTHING TO DO WITH IT !
Can someone start polish thread ? I cannot
Polaki, dawać
Color me fucking shocked OP.
Poles are a lost cause, they've always sucked nazi dick while being invaded and called untermensch. Literally the most cucked nation on Earth. They can get fucked as far as I'm concerned.
One can only hope.
Uh yeah, that's how genetics work, retard.
No one believes you, jewboi.
Normal eastern europeans.
niech ktoś mi się nie chcę
Further proof that lolbertarians are the biggest authoritarians of them all. This guy makes the Italian fascists look tame by comparison.
kurwa, nie mogę założyć po prostu, jakies 200 chers ode mnie chce
These people, faggot.
spamuj spacja na końcu zdania żeby obejść minimum znaków
k, dzięki
zaraz zakładam
They should have marched with "rapefugee welcome" signs instead then it wouldn't be so problematic amirite
Wow way to be a triggered little liberal
there is no such thing as a polack, this nation was off the map for over 100 years and only got brought back as a buffer state between germany and russia. there are only polish-speaking catholics and they don't count as nation, only duped slave-flock for money hungry clergy, and the "liberal" opportunists that prefer to identify as europeans anyway.
Fuck off, Homosexuality is bourgeois decadence and americanism aka cultural capitalism
I find the increase of mid-east and Muslim immigration to be a good thing
Hopefully the culture clash rips the EU to pieces
Also pretty much everyone ITT can only be reasoned with bullets, I'm so glad people are waking up to your Jewish bullshit
How about you fuck off
who fucking knows? poland is full of spooked faggots who don't even understand what they want. capitalist digital media and the internal conflicts within the international bourgeoisie made fertile grounds for nationalist larpers like these 60k retards to autistically screech on this scale. ussr did nothing wrong in poland, these people are beyond saving
How about you stop defending cultural capitalism aka homosexuality?
No one gives a shit Holla Forums go back to the cuckshed
We seriously need a rehabilitation thread for freshly converted Holla Forumsyps, they're fucking everywhere spouting this retarded shit.
how about you fuck off you spooked degenerate or i will touch you in the wrong places and all the slavnigger friends in your school will call you "pedau"
meant for
It's not a Holla Forums opinion. Read the "Liberal virus"
Poland was always Nazbol as fuck
I disagree with the first part but I agree that the EU should be ripped to pieces. Neoliberal trading blocs will never be internationalism. I'd prefer a confederation of European municipalities.
It's a shit opinion anyway
t. triggered tranny
We twatter now? Is BO deliberately pulling a GirlVinyl and trying to kill Holla Forums now?
wow what is wrong with you
why would you be so mean
no mercy for the bourgeoisie deviations
stop being such a faggot
im not the one that pretends to be a girl and take up dick in the ass you know
Neither am I, but I don't give a shit what people want up their ass.
Because of this, Poland is the European country who is the most similar with American politics, since their main party consists of a right-liberal PO similar to the Democrats and the religious right PiS similar to the Republicans.
SocDems (despite them being actual European SocDems) are considered socialists, while there are plenty of splinter groups on the right.
Poland for the poles!
Sand niggers go to Germany and UK!
But this is exactly the problem.
It's the Poles who go to Germany and UK, while sandniggers are mandated by EU bureaucracy to go to Poland.
The few Sandys who were sent there didn't stay there for 5 days and they joined the general Polish treck to greener pastures.
Fascist are always the best argument for fascism, don't they?
You know who else deviated?
Poland should milk the EU for every single shekel they can and by the time it is formally under African and arab control it can secede and enter into a defense pact with the v4 countries.
Sand nigger go home!
i.e. subhumans.
Poland might be one of the only European countries that's an objective downgrade for any immigrants and most refugees.
By becoming Jews themselves? lmao
If i'd say stuff like this about niggers or spics I'd be banned
Shitty example, the left is mostly anti-zionist (much more than the right)
They already do
when they return, there will only be Russians
And rightfully so. Not all "niggers" and "spics" are reactionaries, but every "normal eastern european" (according to the far-right view) is a reactionary and therefore a subhuman.
its their culture and we should respect it
You poles have too much jewish blood, it's too late for you. We can't allow you to create a second Israel.
oj kurwa its like another katyń you filthy polonophobe
We don't want to create a second israel either, we don't need muslims to come here so we can subject them to an apartheid state and treated as second class citizens, we prefer no Muslims at all, let Western Europe and Israel mistreat their muslim minority we prefer to have no muslim minority nothing Jewish about this it is simple and honest :^)
Fuck off idpoler scum.
This is not true. Also american tier.
Are they actual fascists, or just anti-immigration?
Whoah nigger calm down.
Poland deserved worse.
They are anti eu, anti immigration and some of them are fascist. Rightfully so imho. This is just backfire from years and years of anti communist propaganda, the iron curtain still exist
Can someone please explain this? My penis likes other penises, how does this relate me in any way to porky? ML, btw, kulaks, deserved it and all that.
if nationality is "genetic" then how the fuck is american, (or basically any latin american) nationality a nationality? Shouldn't they just be spanish, english, french, german and indian?
and no that's not how genetics work by the way
It doesn't, unless you use it to shift focus away from the class struggle. You're not special, and merit no special consideration on the grounds of your identity.
Back to Tumblr with your cultural relativism. This is a cosmopolitan board.
Israelis want to wipe out the Palestinians, the only reason they don't do this is due to international pressure.
Everything Jewish about the concepts of an ethno-state and a chosen race. These ideas come from the Judeo-Christian tradition. Thank the Heavens for the Aryan Macedonian-Roman tradition of tolerance, assimilation and citizenship! Enslave all those ethno-nationalists who resist the cosmopolitan empire :^)
Hey retard I'm criticizing their concept that a "normal eastern european" is a reactionary, this is not my definition. You triggered identitarian.
it isnt
Jews don't have a monopoly on ethnonationalism no more than "aryans" have a monopoly on "multicultural" continent spanning empires. Besides we don't consider ourselves special, we merely consider sand niggers an especially invasive species we would rather keep out.
Agreed, I just don't understand the posters who pull the "homosexuality is a product of fascism
" shit
Of course the Holla Forumstard scales back his retarded ideas when called out. Every Holla Forumstard worships white people to perverted levels.
hueue truly ebin xd
Most races are proud of themselves and worship themselves except for Europeans, thankfully that is changing by the day as naive retards like you who don't realize just how nationalistic and tribal the rest of the world is continue to get smaller in number.
PiS (the current government) purged the state broadcaster because some of its journalists said mean things about the government. Now it's a pro-government mouthpiece, no different from the communist days.
This kid is flip flopping real hard right now.
Is English your second language or were you typing out of pure rage?
I'm so glad, that my parents had left this shitty country.
It does't matter. As leftists we are against ALL identity, for us there is no difference between Whitey and Kikey, it's all the same idpol garbage.
Of course you do. The moment you divide people into identities, you consider your identity to be special, since it's your identity that you're going to fight for it, even if you don't believe it to be objectively special.
Nah, it's just individual retards like you in every nation and ethnicity. You have more in common with a racist black than a non-racist white. Even if that were true it wouldn't justify to adopt their disgusting primitive tribalist attitude.
I used to be a much more extreme racist than you but I changed.
Have you considered traveling the world? It's definitely not the impression I've gotten going places.
So at what point do people start being genetically "American"? Can you identify the exact haplogroups?
And those niggers didn't invade, they were imported to build cities and run plantations. And for several hundred years they economically enriched their white European masters.
When they get so mixed that all the others identifies blend
Basically when they stop having a real identity they can adapt america one
American "identity" is an artificial product of capitalism
You know, before they started acting up like this I never knew there was a kind of racism against Polish people. It just seemed random and nonsensical to me, like why Poles? Who cares?
Well now I know
Little King Story has such rocking awesome soundtrack
Really makes you think
Arguing for hours on end about skeletons and the polish people is probably the worst way to spend a morning, afternoon, or night
I thought soviet invaded to take land, push their borders forward and protect poles within said border
pls don't have a dick…
i do, you pervert
what a twist
respec me pls :c
shit taste TBH
lol pussies
Hahahah oh ok your right haha they are communists nothing to see here guys they will totally fight on our side and end class divisions hahahah cool thanks for chiming in the thread hahaha thought for a second they were shouting about jews and muslim hordes!#!! :)
but that would still leave the problem of Ukraine.
this is the most accurate answer in this thread tbh
"NAAAAZIS! oh no those naaaazis are threatening multinational corporations and banking!"
They're probably more class conscious than you, r/socialism
after seeing how this thread went on and the lack of respect people have for each other, i think i'll take my leave, also btw, you either defend muslims or LGBT+ peeps, defending the both at the same time is a contradiction, Bye !
Id rather have 1 000 000 Muslims in my country than 100 sodomites
same goes for catholics and since poles are catholics it's pretty clear that defending poles is homophobic
Man, I sure wish I could get some of that idpol grounds you're smoking
Is this a raid or just literal neogaf refugees?
3 arrows to me is just pure liberalism. maybe i'm wrong but it is anti-fascist-communist-monarchist(?) all at the same time. I guess I don't quite understand the motivation for waving such a flag and not wanting to look like a radical centrist to anyone that is pro-commie.
I personally think you can be LGBT and don't give a fuck. I think these issues are overblown and should stop taking over every single discussion when it comes to communism.
My only beef with LGBT is they think they are special and that somehow, communists are required to be extra nice to them *because* they're gay/trans/etc., even when the the more liberal ones are just taunting lefties in bad faith – that is, they don't care about hearing your "left wing" opinion on anything, they're just using their "gayness" to soak up attention and be a generally reactionary fuck.
LGBT lefties usually are pretty cool. Basically, they aren't all the same, but I will say that the reactionary ones are vile while seeing themselves as some kind of pacifist saviors of liberal democracy. Makes me want to puke.
Spooked by the spectre of anti-idpol. Amazing!
that's all they care about, they don't care about the poor they just want to kiss a polish jackboot instead of a foreign jackboot
They use their sexuality on here as a substitute for a personality. That's the easiest way to explain it.
That symbol along with antifascist aktion was actually started as just the militant wing for SDP social democrats to keep a monopoly on power.
They would shut down communist and nazi meetings alike
Yeah fuck off. You attacked me here: and I was nearly going to defend you against the anti-LGBT anons attacking you before that.
I'm not defending Islam nor "transgenderism". I'm defending people's freedom to migrate wherever they want.
Socdems were the original "radical centrists" then?
exactly, so i guess… idk, the whole antifa wearing three arrows thing doesn't really make sense to me. i don't see what is "communist" about an anti-communist symbol. …
There's tons of lgbt people on this board
I'd read it more as anti-auth communism, like how George Orwell was a commie but anti-auth
It's because they aren't communists.
They are radlibs who like using communist symbolism sometimes and dress in black.
Isn't it strange that multinational corporations want the exact same thing?
Yeah and a lot of them don't bring it up in every thread as their cool unique quirky personality trait.
There is a lot of nazis on this site too but it doesnt make them any saner, both sodomites and nazis are delusional idpolers
user…..reconsider this
Fascists want state controlled corporations
Commies wants state controlled corporations
they must be the same thing :OOOOOOOOOOO
You all deserve a gas chamber
A do polaków w tym temacie, jak tam prostest antifa ? Fajnie było dostać wpierdol ? Spotkamy sie drugi raz za rok o ile ktoś z was wyszedł na dwór. Komuniści za 2 grosze hahaha. Pedały jebane.
I'm just saying that when you call homosexuality a "bourgeois illness", or whatever, you shouldn't be surprised when there's people who are gonna call you out on your shit and blame it on a raid or neogaf refugees.
There is no such freedom
No elo jak było na marszu? Chciałem pojechać ale kumpel zachorował. o czywiście na marsz prawilny nie antifowskiego ścierwa
Also jak oceniasz w tym roku?
Getting fucked in the ass isn't IdPol
Było zajebiscie. Ja ogółem daleko od warszawy, pierwszy raz w stolicy byłem ;) ale warto było pojechać. Az miło jak się patrzy na to.
Call fascists fascists, not nazis, know your enemy
why does it matter, really?
but making a whole identity around it and fighting for your "rights" is
Ja też ogólnie północna polska, już któryś raz się wybieram i nie mogę wybrać.
Ale za rok na pewno pojadę xD
Because life is a zero sum competition for resources between disparate races with disparate values and capabilities.
Ja dolny śląsk, mała wioseczka. Ale był bus tam i spowrotem z pobliskiego miasta za 80 zł. Nikogo nie znalem ale od razu sie gadka zaczeła i miła atmosfera.
Do they? And why does this matter?
Of course not, which is why I'm here promoting it. Are you the same nazi that got BTFO earlier?
It doesn't have to be a competition. Do you not have anything else to be proud of besides something you had no choice over?
You will fail so just give up.
That's the most retarded comic i've seen about all this. The EU never gives free money, if you think the neoliberal autoritarian EU is about charity you belong to de DNC not here
It is a competition and it has to be.
Solid argument.
I never defended this, nor did you specifically attack this. You just shitposted about 'sodomites' like some preacher sending kids to straight camp, which I called out because I think it's IdPol bullshit to meddle in people's sexuality.
What's so bad about not wanting Muslim immigration into Poland? No one would endorse mass Catholic migration into the Middle East under current conditions. Clearly, Muslims are sufficiently oppressed, so a double standard is applicable. Isn't this just vulgar third-worldism?
sexuality IS idpol
It's bad because people should be free to live wherever they want.
I would.
anuddah shoah is real
Double standard much?
How can there be actual neo-nazi movements in countries like Poland or Ukraine is beyond me.
brocialism is a massive problem within leftism tho
straight workers need to recognize that they are more privileged than all gay people
But white doesn't mean Germanic, it means Indo-European, and Slavs are Indo-Europeans, as well as Italians, Irishmen, Frenchmen, Greeks etc. Only retards from America consider white solely Germans, Scandinavians and Englishmen
So much for the ex communist eastern block
Poland was always NAZBOL
they even expelled jewery in 1968
Ale było śmiesznie, pojechałem napierdalać nazioli, ale mieli przewagę liczebną i mnie przyparli do muru. Myślę sobie kurwa user, niedobrze… Na szczęście wpadłem na genialny i prosty plan: wyciągnąłem moją 25 centymetrową żydowską pałę bez napletka - w tym momencie te wszystkie niewyżyte nacjosebixy się na mnie po prostu rzuciły i zaczęły mi robić gałę xddd. Okazuje się, że najwyraźniej potrzebowały silnego żydowskiego pana, który by się o nich zatroszczył i zaspokoił ich potrzeby. To pewnie z tej frustracji wziął się ten cały marsz niepodległości. Wyruchałem wszystkich i poszedłem na skłot pośmiać się razem z kolegami imigrantami i Żydami z tego robactwa.
haha beka z tych no "nacjozjebów" prawie jak na KA RA CZAN !!!!!!
gay people will get the gulag like they always have
Literally the reverse is true only burgers believe in a pan European 'white' race
it is. The problem is not that you don't want muzzie fucks in your country, more that you are not aware that the only solution to this problem is socialism instead of run of the mill fascism. Also there was a time where everyone didn't want poles in their country. I give a pass to eastern euros because I like you and because of your past,
Because they got gulaged during a Stalin rule so he must have had a good reason for that
Unpopular opinions:
Being a homophobic reactionary is wrong.
Thinking you deserve you have a medal for being born gay is stupid.
There, is everyone happy? Get back on topic.
What is the actual point of this id/pol/ shitposting?
As in, it's not "Liberal idpol is wrong" but just "Stalin was right to gulag the gays for being intrinsically bourgeois" tier shitposting. Literally, what's the point of saying something reactionary when it doesn't even push an actual argument?
Is this fake news? From what I can gather, it's a preexisting anniversary celebration that now includes a certain number (hardly all 60k) of protectionists, an even smaller fraction of whom are neonazis. How many of each group are there?
Because it's slave trade 2.0, hurts the working class in both the 1st & 3rd world, and there is absolutely no humanitarian justification for it.
The EU forced Polish economic migrants down the throat of Western Europe after neolibs seized control of the EU and enlarged it to include poorfag ex-Warsaw-pact countries in the single market.
nice dubs and trips, also you're right. There is no such fucking thing as polish 'culture' or language thats original. Everything about Poland was either: Prussian, Austrian, Russian, or some shitty amalgamation of german and russian culture/language
Katyn massacre when?
Uh huh. My family was stolen from Poland, escaped the Nazis, some were sold out by the fucking polish resistance, made their own resistance, and after the war came back to their farm when a father, mother, and their three children were lynched /by fucking poles/
this is why the USSR's rule over Poland was good, it kept you fucking cunts repressed like you should always be. Poland should never be allowed to be independent
they formed their own communities because the Russians, Poles, and Cossacks were burning their homes and slaughtering them for being jewish. They spoke yiddish because a) no one would teach them polish, obviously and b) polish is a terrible language and yiddish is better
גאָט פאַרשווינדן פוילן מענטש, טייטן זיך
we're inferior insects/rats but also somehow devious, cunning, and the greatest enemy? neck yourself
read above, poles have been killing jews longer than germans
Poland wouldn't even exist today were it not for the communist soldiers that died for their shitty country.
It's not, though.
nazbols are antigay now?
Limonov was a huge faggot and believes the nazbol movement should tolerate lgbt
that wasn't me btw, that was another leftcom, i joined late thread
Not the first time.
You two, i meant religion pretty much
i mean
Marx didn't critique religion for nothing
Lots of pole-hate ITT. Not good. Lots of Poles work at my job and they're nice working class people like us.
Kek, unless I allows you to generalize the opposition.
Also, this picture is highly invalid, youtube demonetizes your video as soon as you have "trans" "gay" or anything LGBT in it, and all those companies just ride on the top of the bus, they don't really preach that shit, they just want the money, as soon as pride month is over or something they immediately forget and go back to discriminating
you need to get despooked my friend
idk why people are attacking on nationalities which is something you can't chose, if anything they should be attacking religion, the media and the popular politicians that made the people that way.
Spoken like a true philosophy major.
Wow. Europe must be suffering a massive tiki-torch shortage after that.
Neh, Hitler would have exterminated them too. And the Russians and the Belarussians. Can't have Lebensraum to the East if it's full of subhumans.
Youtube demonetizes everything. You can talk aggressively about the weather, they'll still demonetize it. That proves nothing.
As for "They only make money for a month". TD Bank in Canada is perhaps the biggest sponsor of homosexualism in the entire country. They pour millions in that "community" each year, it's truly disgusting.
Aren't you aware that the lack of sodomy is what kept the working man down all this time?
See ? they use the LGBT community as a crutch for anything.
They are the LGBT community. The point being that TD Bank will take 30 fags over 30,000 christians anytime, and that makes no sense with your argument that TD is running after money and that they'd do about anything to have that money. The truth is that they have a political agenda, that of promoting homosexual behavior among the youth especially. I don't know why you make a big deal out of these people. They're the most bourgeois lumpen people there is around today. Completely and utterly worthless in every single way.
When it comes to the revolution, they'll side with whoever permits them to penetrate ass the most. If that's the kind of people you associate with. I certainly don't want to associate with you.
What the FUCK happened to this board?!?
Neogaf & 4chan exodus
Yeah I think I'm leaving this reddit colony.
You can't claim to be for the poor and stand up for faggotry. You can't be against Imperialism and be pro faggotry. It will never work you will never "educate" the poor third worlders into fag acceptance people who live outside the western urban liberal bubble in Darwinian conditions will never accept faggots
You're also the problem you dumb faggot.
What kind of reminder is that? The PEGIDA movement also has a crossed swastika on their banner and they are still nazis.
Your Natseeee card has expired Jew.
Being against immigration is not "Nazi".
youre right, it doesn't. Displaying swastikas, spewing genocidal shit, and antisemitism does make you one however, and those who marched in poland displayed all three. Stalin was right, the poles don't deserve even life
I just lurk here tbh. I'm from a poor East Euro country and while I don't like the USSR it's still better than Western leftist faggotry. Imo Post Lenin USSR was just the Russian Empire with a retarded command economy that didn't have anything in common with Western left wing fag shit. People in poor societies join "the left" because they are desperate and have nothing to lose after everything collapses people in rich societies join it because they want more
"social progress" social justice they are already pampered and live in a bubble and want more free shit and fag shit. Imo Third world leftist movements were nationalist liberation movements and had little to do with western social progress fag shit even Bolsheviks received a lot of support when the Germans occupied Ukraine and after the entnte intervened in the Russian civil war. Whenever leftism is tried and fails like In Russia, Spain Eastern Europe etc what comes after is just a reversal into hard right values or just outright fascism. I think if leftists took over America it would become fascist after a few decades as a reaction.
Sorry but they should stay in their countries if they want racial purity. What are poles doing outside their white paradise? Depot them back now to their fascist paradise.
You know this is a leftist board, right?
You just want it to be Holla Forums with another brand of aestheticism.
When the fuck has this board ever hated gays?
There's being a homosexual, and there's being a faggot. Guess which you are.
These East European nations are allowed to be far right nationalists because it is directed against Russia and Muslims. America likes having them in a perpetual state of a paranoia and agitation because they are used by America to divide and conquer the EU and to reduce German power and to have them be very anti Russian buy American weapons and have American bases. America and the EU ultimately know that something like Poland can be nationalistic all it wants but it will never challenge the status quo of the American hegemony the EU or NATO America and Western Europe will put down nationalists inside America and Europe because their ideas challenge the free trade migration multicultural liberal ideas but nobody gives a fuck about Poland as long as it serves its purpose because Poland is not even an important part of the broader Transatlantic economy
hey guys how am I supposed to feel about this march?
I should feel like bashing the fash right?
Bigots get the bullet too
Fuck off redditor
OP is a faggot.
Isn't austerity in Poland pretty bad? I've heard that hundreds of thousands have emigrated out of the country.
I've been here a while now and I haven't even seen it. Did you mistake this board for something else?
boy do i have news for this bitch
didn't need to be reminded that they're disingenuous virtue signaling faggots, but thanks anyway user
Why the fuck did we give these faggots Prussia?
Fake and gay. OP is a faggot. This is from their dependence day celebrations. Poland remembers what Hitler and Stalin did to them and are against such things.
LGBBQ+ debauchees identify more with their fetishes than with class. Sad!
Guys look how nazis are taking over hte middle east!
drink a glass of bleach for the sake of this board
They're not Nazis, they're Rationalists. They are the last people on Earth with common sense.
I assume you're not really a pole closely following polish politics?
It's not exactly that everyone that went on that march is literally Hitler, but the organizers(ONR and Młodzież Wszechpolska) tick all the boxes when it comes to being fascist. It's kind of sad that out of all possible marches the one organized by our nationiggers got popular thanks to the latent promotion by the PiS media.
Well it's a fact that the Jews are the ones behind the curtain destroying the world. It's not our fault lefists aren't "allowed" to see that. You leftists think you are some kind of rebel counterculture but all your beliefs perfectly align with what the news and media tells you to believe. You're just sheep following the mainstream.
If the news had been pounding alt right beliefs into your head for the last 10 years instead, that is what you'd believe. Because you're lemmings. You believe whatever you perceive to be "safe" to believe whether it's true or not. You should watch the documentary "Hypernormalisation" it explains this behavior perfectly.
Including the Schlomo selling an ice cream in Tel-Aviv I suppose? :^) And I suppose the pure aryan employers have only your interest in mind? Like in Poland, we have pretty much only "native" capitalists and they are so fucking terrible that people prefer to work in the western companies or move to western Europe
Wew I didn't know abolition of the markets, wage labour, banking system etc is actually a mainstream thing, which mainstream media advocate that?
This is what you leftists actually support:
And yet everyone else is somehow the bad guys.
No. The Jewish mafia that objectively has control of the entire western world. If it was any other mafia that had control of the western world you leftists wouldn't have trouble believing it, in fact if it was a white mafia you would be preaching it from the skies.
Anti-semitism is the anti-capitalism of foolish nazis
No you fucking retard, elimination of the bankers and whatever people like to bitch about presupposes the elimination of the entire societal system that a) allows people to assume such positions of power b) rewards certain behaviours, in particular the ones centered on increasing profitability that will pop up regardless of ethnicity. At the moment you talk as if only the rich people with cut dicks were ruining the perfect and fair societal model, so everything will start working once they are turn into the bars of soap, which is fucking stupid.
And nobody cares about your race shit here, take that to tumblr or reddit, I'm sure they will be more interested in arguing about wypipo and joos
"Bankers" is codeword for Jews and you don't even realize it. There has never been a non-Jewish Federal Reserve Chairmen (just Google it)
You're still implying the federal reserve would suddenly become a force of good if suddenly all big bad jews got replaced by aryan uebermenschen, which is idiotic considering the inherently cancerous nature of the reserve
Also apparently G. William Miller and Jerome Powell aren't Jews.
You're right. I am implying that. Because it has happened in the past multiple times. Before WW2 Hitler threw the Jewish controlled Central Bank out of Germany and began printing currency himself. (This is the real reason for WW2, every other central bank controlled country was coerced to attack Germany to regain central bank control). Within 7 years this made Germany the only country to pull out of the Great Depression, and they became the most technologically advanced and prosperous nation on Earth. The quality of life for the average citizen was the best on the planet. That is why Germans fanatically worshipped Hitler back then because he was doing amazing things for them.
The population of Germany surged from 65 million in 1933 to 80 million in 1939 because everyone wanted a slice of the high quality German living under Hitler
After the war the population plummeted back to 65 million.
No, it's a deathcult and they believe that they're god's chosen to rule over all non-jews. Beliefs do translate into action.
There's a reason "reformed" and non-practicing jews exist, because real Judaism is insane and even more barbaric than I-slam.
Not even a nazi, just an honest atheist.
So remilitarization of Rhineland didn't happen and neither did the anschluss of Austria, Munich conference and the cession of Sudetes(which was supposed to be a final demand of Germany, see Chamberlains "Peace for our time"), a partition of Czechoslovakia, first and second Vienna Awards, forced cession of lithuanian Memel and the demands of Danzing and exterritorial highway from Poland which at last was met with a refusal?
You forgot a certain country led by a certain Georgian :^)
Wow, so you're saying religions are retarded? Who knew?
Pretty sure the majority of Poles aren't fascists, bro.
God looks like one of my old calculus tutors if he was on coke
I wouldn't draw such rash conclusions, the vast majority of poles are genuinely retarded
People that defend jews and muslims, aka ethno-deathcults, from criticism which is sadly most of this board.
Maybe so but Judaism is the pinnacle of dangerous religions because of their high Autism Level and being taught they should rule over you. "Goyim are no better than cattle" "If a non-Jew steals from a Jew he should be beheaded but if a Jew steals from goyim it is good"
Where do you think you are? Leftypol hates all religious cunts
Except maybe non-cultist buddhists
They coo
The fact that so many people are dumb enough to buy into fascism is proof that we deserve an asteroid.
Wow rude
Actually the reason why that nationalist shittery happens in here is not because Poles suddenly decided they want to bake a jew or two, but because the conservatives promised 500 bucks a month for every child starting from the second one, enough to get 10% more voters. Also our Blairites commited political sudoku
tfw podemos-like socdems are our only hope
So the fasc are using social ideas to draw in voters
It's understandable that you don't feel like browsing this board, but why do you make up shit like that despite it being blatantly untrue?
Yeah those holodomor victims must have loved starving to death to make city dwellers more comfy. It was so great Mao even followed in his step.
I mean, it's pretty understandable that people jumped on the first social programme since fucking 1990
You should've seen the butthurt from the liberals
tbf all religions are non-materialistic and will die out under socialism. Only reason spiritual religions are tolerated is because they don't let their non-materialistic ideals affect materialism. Like in the way abrahimic religions do "God is numero uno! Follow him or die!"
Jesus christ not even sweden pay out that much!
I wonder if lefty pol even knows about the holodomor. Where 60 million Christians were killed by communist Jews. But no we have to constantly hear about 6 million Jews being killed even though 7 million non-Jews also died in the holocaust but what do they get? Nothing. Also only about 271,000 Jews really died in the holocaust. Really shows who rules you.
That was also supposed to be an original plan of those conservatives, but even they realized they wouldn't find enough money. The best part is those cretins are afraid of raising personal income tax, so the economy is probably going to tank sooner or later.
Man what could possibly go wrong!
I thought we were talking about the economic growth in the thirties, why change the subject?
Man Stalin must have been so great to make the clouds not rain
Perhaps not fascist, but atleast very, very reactionary.
Well that can be said by most of the world's population
Ghaddafi paid $10,000 per child in Libya before the Jews had him executed. He was executed because he had openly made plans to remove the Central Bank from Libya and begin printing his own currency 6 months prior with an alliance of other North African countries. The Central Bank could not allow itself to lose control and had other Central Bank controlled dogs attack him. An exact repeat of why they attacked Germany in WW2. In fact this is why nearly all big wars in the last 100 years occurred. And who is behind the Central Banks? The Jews.
Decades of neolib propaganda does miracles. You should've seen the ass damage when libs and lolbets found out the tax plans of our podemos-like socdems, even now you can find accusations that people who explicitly say
are literally crypto-leninists and a spawn of Satan.
naw can't be the case, Hitler was a good boi
A lot of the more liberal/left poles moved away to other EU countries
Being an anti-semite must be great, rather than having to think you can just slap that "JEW" button every time you need an answer to something. Don't have to think or do research, because jews are behind everything
it must suck to be the only country more classcucked than the US
he dindu nuffin
Lmao wtf
I was being ironic about poles being retarded but now I kinda start to believe it
No, it's
cucks, the lot of them
What german hostages and why are you trying to say a demand of danzig and extraterritorial highway never happened?
Hitler had to attack Poland because Poland wouldn't release German hostages and he made plenty of non-violent efforts to reason with them. The Red Army invaded far more but what did we do with them? Allied with them. Because the Red Army was Jewish controlled. There were ulterior motives for WW2. Britain was the first to begin Air Raids on German civilians, Hitler denounced this and waited 3 months before he sunk low enough to do the same to them.
Man you niggers are so fucking reactionary holy shit you'll literally believe the cunts you masturbate to did literally nothing wrong
Since we have Hitler fanboys in this thread, I feel like telling my favourite hitler anecdote where he sent the King of Denmark a long gushing birthday card and got assblasted when the King responded with "k thx":
Holy fuck do I hate being half polish
The other "leftists" are post-commie blairites that should've been in the grave years ago, so it's that or nothing. Besides half of the voters already think they're commies anyways kek
There is no Polish ethnicity user, no need to be ashamed
it's pretty similar to the sob story that wehraboos come up with that "it took the whole world to destroy nazi germany :🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧" except when they did it to the soviets, they won.
Exactly. The COLD war. It wasn't even a real war. It was all a show.
Do you ever wonder what would have happened if a sperg like Hitler wasnt the one in charge of Nazi Germany?
Like if one of their competent generals were in charge instead.
Read Marx.
Elaborate? We're miles ahead in being neolibs.
The Bolshevik leadership was entirely Jewish. That is why the "Allies" (Jewish controlled states) intervened to ensure Jewish victory. The Russian Civil War wasn't a Civil War it was a rebellion of the good common people against the evil Bolshevik Jews.
Probably a war against USSR with weak support or opposition from the Allies, like in Spain.
You can't have a free market that isn't restricted in some way while having welfare
You'd be taxing the proles while giving money to the proles via the taxes you took from the proles. Kinda becomes a self-serving libertarian argument
The west waged war AGAINST the bolsheviks
Damn near the entire world did
It'd be more accurate they fetishize keynesian-era capitalism, which western europe has still some traces of, while we have absolutely fucking none of that.
Yeah that's fair. But that doesn't eliminate the whole reactionary problem you face
did you know a lot of us "nazis" support socialized healthcare? we just don't think it'll work in a non-white nation with too many destructive shit-skins.
Go fuck yourself
Read Marx
It'd help imo, as I told, the people have been pretty thirsty for any kind of welfare and around 10% voted only for that reason only.
Also those Razemites(Razem is the name of that socdem party) are socially liberal, which does make a change considering both our centrists have been lowkey church sycophants for ages.
As long as we force sterilize anyone with an i.q under 105, and have forced abortions and euthanasia and other eugenics in place I think it'll still work.
Pretty much that. That fucker was the worst thing that happened to soviets, first he was overly genosidal against his own people, and secondly he also was incompetent as fuck.
OH fuck offfffffff
It would help, but the polish economy would go into fuck if you don't tax the rich for it.
Social democracy can only work as long as you tax the living hell out of the bourg. Otherwise you'll tax people in a way the proles suffer and the bourg will grow richer, making everything fucked
Their plan is actually pretty solid from the economic point of view, there are enough tax thresholds in the Personal Income Tax to sightly lower the taxes for the lowest thresholds.
And as I said: libs and lolberts went apeshit over this, nobody in last 30 has admitted wanting to introduce new tax thresholds.
A spike in false-glagging. Holla Forums has nothing better to do and SJWs are busy pretending they didn't push a Russia conspiracy theory for a year. Just ride it out. I wasted years on forums and imageboards, and I can tell that shifts in the collectiv opinion take years. This is clearly some trolling to try to get people to leave the board.
made the rest of the world happy. The DDR would hav ebeen perfect if they could have just kept prussia
why isn't this poster banned? pretty clear its the same goy spamming retarded shit to derail the thread
In the 40's it was the shortage of gasoline in Europe that helped hold back the Nazis. In the 2010's it will be the shortage of citronella oil that will give us the edge.