This is a list of Reddit's Official Best Socialist Movies.
How do you feel about /r/latestagecapitalism's official list of commiekino?
Are they elite patricians, or are they plebs? Could Holla Forums do any better?
This is a list of Reddit's Official Best Socialist Movies.
How do you feel about /r/latestagecapitalism's official list of commiekino?
Are they elite patricians, or are they plebs? Could Holla Forums do any better?
Here's the pastebin for all of their recs
Really now?
I remember when marx said that in order to destroy capitalism we must spray silver stuff on our mouths and beat ourselves in our boss's office
kek holy shit that's awlul. Anyway here is a propper list of leftist films:
Snow Piercer is pretty based. Although the movie gives a bit of an anti-ML tone to it. Mainly because the main character gets the choice to take power of the train and in short causes the entire train to explode
They know shit about cinema.
Why Fury road is there?
Children of Men. Most sci-fi tbh
What's leftist about that movie?
they do have a few decent recommendations. For example, I'm gonna be watching this tonight
Basic bitch tier.
You're kidding, right? Have you seen it?
What is unique about the dystopia in Children of Men is that it is specific to late capitalism. This isn’t the familiar totalitarian scenario routinely trotted out in cinematic dystopias (see, for example, James McTeigue’s 2005 V for Vendetta). In the P.D. James novel on which the film is based, democracy is suspended and the country is ruled over by a self-appointed Warden, but, wisely, the film downplays all this. For all that we know, the authoritarian measures that are everywhere in place could have been implemented within a political structure that remains, notionally, democratic. The War on Terror has prepared us for such a development: the normalization of crisis produces a situation in which the repealing of measures brought in to deal with an emergency becomes unimaginable (when will the war be over?) -
Mark Fisher talks about it in capitalist realism.
I feel like bladerunner 2049 has some leftist themes, its a dope af film also.
Sure it is anti-materialist, but not exactly leftist
Tbh Tylder Durden did nothing wrong
Heard it's good, not seen it
Great film, not that leftist
Best leftist film.
t. Zizek
Like it or not Fight Club is pretty leftist. I can’t get over them choosing fury road over the original Mad Max
ITT: projection
damn reddit. i hated that movie.
t. was born in gdr
Are they in high school?
In all seriousness yes they are. That's why it is so unbearable. They are just bored liberal kids.
Probably. Also a lot of them don't even consider themselves socialist apparently.
I saw that thread earlier, seems like they're embarrassed by their own beliefs under scrutiny of the MSM.
Like the bookworm kid reluctant to be seen smoking cigarettes with the bad kids.
like Holla Forumseddit
thanks for this
In Time?
I think maybe reconsider the list to only include good movies.
posting again
this looks like a troll image, especially with Michael Moore at the top
I made it, and didn't intend it to be. I for one still think Bowling For Columbine is a decent doc, even though I can't stand anything else Moore does.
Read Walter Benjamin.
He made the right choice. You have to destroy the system that perpetuates social inequality not just try to lead it in a more "fair" way. Use bourgeois institutions to bring about socialism and all you will get is a bourgeois society.
Oh damn, you're right. I had forgotten about that, I'll add it
It's better.
Because it's a film thread, i get it.
wymynz power!!
"Capitalism: A Love Story" I think is better
Also you should make one just for documentaries
Opinion discarded. The new films took the most popular parts of the original films, sterilized them, then made them the whole basis of the new films.
I just rewatched this movie recently and I can confirm it is just as dumb as you remember it being.
Decent film but I hardly see how it's leftist or anticapitalist in the slightest
immortan joe hordes the water then max and the girl take power and distribute the water to everyone. it's more like a coup than a revolution though.
That's pretty tenuous but I believe reddit is retarded enough to see it like that