Leftcom = anti idpol

Say what you want about left communism, but you cannot deny it is the most virulently anti idpol and "class reductionist" ideology out there. I have never read or heard anything remotely idpol come out of a left communist group or individual.

Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.de/books?id=dtsgAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA148&dq=Bordiga fascists police&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Bordiga fascists police&f=false

they are utopia as fuck thought

They're far less utopian than anarchists and ☭TANKIE☭s.

Eh, I feel Stirner has the whole anti-idpol thing mastered. I just don't hear leftcoms talk about it much since it really has nothing to do with their ideology.

Stirnerites are still obsessed with their own identities and egoism doesn't have any political aspirations whatsoever. These don't make you anti-idpol in any way. The futile and infantile quest for your own unique and asocial identity is still a quest for an identity, and being against politics as such rules out any means to overcome this deadlock.

Do you not know what utopia means?

Leftcoms oppose idpol and anti-idpol at the same time.


leftcoms criticize ☭TANKIE☭s, workerist fetishists, antisemites, anti-lgbt leftoids etc

Unless you wanna argue that those things are technically idpol too, but of a reactionary/conservative variety.

There's a big confusion about anti-idpol types if they criticize culture wars/social issues in general or just leftist social issues, while defending the conservative crap.

This absolutely is idpol and should be criticized

Are there actual living leftcoms who publish content in magazines and on shows, youtube, etc.? Generalizing from Holla Forums leftcoms seems to be giving them too much credit.

Yes, leftcoms have actual criticisms of idpol because they have always been proud internationalists and rejecting all nationalism, whether from an "imperialist" nation or from an "oppressed" nation.

How do you think all these leftcom and ultra-leftist journals operate, if there are no leftcoms at all?

Lol how the fuck are ☭TANKIE☭s utopian??

Which ones? You linked to one (1) blog.

Nah. Capitalism is both class rule and a somewhat automatic system (M-C-M'). Leftcoms tend to emphasize the class part much less than MLs do, and caricature those who emphasize class more as having some sort of blue-collar only view and fetishizing hard physical work.

Well if you don't count reddit retards then sure, but I don't see any other tendency getting that benefit in general discussions so I don't see why we should.

The last two are in French but Libcom/Endnotes post translations of their stuff.


They don't describe themselves as "leftcoms", although that's what they'd be called here.

not really

fantasizing about an alternate reality without making any plans as to how it can be achieved.

But leftcoms do have organisational plans.

read a fucking book you all


neat, thanks

Lots, especially in the Communisation (Théorie Communist, Endnotes, Hic Salta) and Wertkritik (Krisis, Exit!, Palim-Psao) circles.

such as what?

Such as councilism or vanguardism.

Tankies are utopian af, their utopia is based on nostalgia for the Soviet Union and 'actually existing socialism', but it is an utopia nonetheless. Revolution cannot be worked out in theory, it has to be discovered in practice. Whatever you think of Communisation theory, you can't deny it knows how to keep it's ultimate goals in mind, that is, the abolition of commodity production and the creation of social relationships that go beyond labor. On the other hand ☭TANKIE☭ism has degenerated into apology of random third world dictators and a fetishisation of nebulous revolutionary 'authenticity', combined with moral outrage against anyone who dares 'disrespect' it. The immortal science of marxism leninism has become just another tactic for winning online arguments.

I guess hero worship doesn't satisfy me, I want actual human liberation. ☭TANKIE☭s make no effort no actually understand the 'third world' or the changing nature of productive processes. Deindustrialisation is a global process, even countries like Mexico and Brazil have witnessed a shift to a service based economy. Reviving 20th century authoritarian state socialism in this day and age makes as much sense as trying to bring back the roman empire. It's a pure fantasy, not realistic or pragmatic in any way, and besides, how did things work out the first time around?

Stirner is not even the best Yung Hegelian imo. muh spooks can easily become a spook itself, a tactic used to justify one's intellectual lazyness and unwillingness to actually engage with philosophy.



vague bullshit

Literally no way of proving that.

But Leftcoms are either weird ☭TANKIE☭s or pretentious anarchists.

What the fuck do you think Marxism-Leninism is? Is not like Marxist-Leninists have been rejecting formalism and dogmatism in almost all their revolutionary works. This is a very good speech by Kim Il-Sung:
I don't think you can make that argument that Marxism-Leninism is utopian and then shill for this shit. Communisation theory is self-refuting as it does the exact same shit it criticizes, by making a whole bunch of a priori statements whether or not they hold up against the real world.
You know that's a basterdized definition for socialism right? You basically cut out the parts of the Marxist definition of socialism (that are being quite useless without context) because you try to dissociate yourself from whatever tendencies you don't like.

Who here LeftCom Gang?



It's only vague if you haven't read up on what it is you're criticizing.

Define opportunism you meming fuckwit pls.

To be fair, you have to have a very high Autism Level to understand Left Communism. The praxis is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of historical materialism most of the theory will go over a typical reader’s head. There’s also Camatte’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his books- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov literature, for instance. The leftcoms understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these theses, to realise that they’re not just utopian- they say something deep about CAPITALISM. As a consequence people who dislike Left Communism truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in GMIL's existential catchphrase “Social democracy with guns,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Stalin’s Russian propaganda Dialectical and Historical Materialism. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Amadeo Bordiga’s genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂

And yes, by the way, i AM a very well read leftcom. And no, you cannot see my bookshelf. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 Autism Level points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎

Instead they are paedophiles and Holocaust revisionists.

that's definetely not what utopia means.

read Hakim Bey

Not seeing a problem here tbh :^)

how are we defining "antisemites" here, I have encountered leftcoms with amerifat republican tier stances on what "antisemitism" is.

Karl "the criticism of religion is the prerequisite of all criticism" Marx talking shit about people who criticised religion, lmao. Talk about being a piece of shit.

you have no idea about the relevance of the text you are dismissing so childishly in your reply

Wow scary adult user called me mean names

They didn't call you mean names, you fucking retard, they said that you have no idea about the relevance of the text you childishly dismissed.



Please don't commit suicide just because I said mean things about your husbando.

You didn't say mean things about Marx, you said uninformed things about him. The whole point of Marx's critique of the Young Hegelians is that a critique of religion needs to be more nuanced than "lol religion is bad, let's fight against muh illusions".

Because they're basically just autocratic failed succdems you daft bourgeois bureaucrat.

this is the first i've heard of this.
Explain how

This is golden shit coming from Molotov-Ribbentrop pact defenders.

I've seen leftcoms on this board defend highly dubious approaches to class politics, going so far as to say that agitation, propaganda, etc. fall under the category of "activism" and as such are idealist aberrations of (le true recipe™) communist praxis, which seems nothing more than absolute passivity. Now I'm not one of those to jump on any political opportunity and see in them the next big revolutionary step – far from it – but (some) leftcoms push this so far that it becomes outright defeatism.

And another thing: realpolitik isn't one of your strenghts.

Many of the French ultra-left have a history of meddling with negationists and some even ended up on the far-right.

Such as?

my main beef with MLs is how focused they are on retroactively justifying everything 20th century 'socialist' states ever did over actually understanding things. In the end, they are reduced to defending the holy state's basest functions, ie. shooting people who become inconvenient to power. Whatever happened to the ruthless criticism of everything?

Yo Marx is great, no lies. But his critique is completely "these guys didn't go far enough." That's it. Marx never even attributes anything to Stirner of his ideological change (The book settling Marx's seperation from Feuerbach's humanism) whatsoever but just one ups him constantly for not having fully developed a political/economic strategy in his critique modeled completely after Hegelianism/Feuerbach. Personally I find that Marx massively underplays the role of ideology in materialism, just to feel as though he has created the next step from Stirner. I'm not saying Stirner's work is perfect, it has a lot of historical holes that don't add up as Marx points out quite well, yet still.

Also please don't compare people who just placidly yell spooks with Stirner's full-fledged critique of fixed ideas. Everyone knows the spookposters that have no substance are dumb, it's obvious. Spook is just an analytical term used mostly in critique of morality, in that they are haunted by an idea that controls their actions instead of constantly analyzing ideas as your property which you can dispose of anytime.

Gib examples thx

leftcoms are basically leninarchists anyways

Why is that?

Dieudonne M'Bala M'Bala, known french ultraleft intellectual, recorded this song trivialising the holocaust

Most of it is French but wikipedia has this:

there was that one guy who kept posting a shitty meme saying that if you share commie talking points with proles you're arrogant because you're explaining things to them instead of letting them organize on their own. apparently leftcoms on this board think that the working class is star trek aliens and that we must not break the prime directive.

The bordigafags are weird leninists, the communizationfags are pretentious ancoms, and the councilcucks are closeted ansysns.

uhh, i think you will probably hear about the pact of steel in school.




he made a specific critique about a particular aspect of capitalism, doesn't mean it's the be-all end-all.

and the situationists are drunks

Except it literally is, assuming user meant utopian not utopia. We use this word specifically to describe the view that socialism can arise out of state subsidized communes and cooperatives, or to describe theory that articulates a "model for which reality will have to adjust itself" but the broader meaning is pretty much exactly what said.

🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧some people🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

Exactly this.

The Situationists were not leftcoms.

Yeah they don't usually use the term "leftcom" though. They just call themselves by the actual name of whatever their tendency is, or just say "communist".

Imagine being so retarded you go to this guy to ask him to publish your holocaust denial book.

Why the fuck did they get involved with shit? What does the holocaust have to do with leftcom theory?

These are absolutely idpol. Being against idpol means opposing all varieties of identity politics, not just the progressive sort. We aren't reactionaries for fucks sake.


I could've fucking sworn. it's the ww2 was imperialist stop guize :'(( bullshit again. bordiga was a fucking retard.

Bordiga didn't write this. Anyway, what's wrong with it?

It's bullshit, Debord wasn't a revisionist:

Lol what? He is neither ultraleft not an intellectual.

go back to Holla Forums retard

I should have said in context to The German Ideology, and his critique of Stirner.

You probably belong to Holla Forums much more than I do, retard.

Bordiga is rumored to have co-authored a pamphlet that denied the Holocaust, because he couldn't identify the profit motive in killing Jews. Silvia Pankhurst supported the neo-feudal, US-backed regime of Haile Selassie in Ethopia. Ante Ciliga became a fascist.

Leftcoms tend to develop really weird stances, I wouldn't associate with them.

Except said pamphlet doesn't deny the Holocaust. At all.


Tankies are the opposite of Utopians

In what context tho? Mol-Rib is usually spinned as a proof of the horseshoe theory.


Maybe it's not outright denialism, but it's trying to argue that the Nazis actually wanted to erradicate the petit bourgeoisie and not the Jews as a race. Why you would say this, is beyond me - I assume the goal was to make Nazis look like anti-petit bourgeoisie opportunists, so that they can be compared to the Soviets and their Dekulakization - Nazis = Soviets was always regurgitated by Leftcoms, come on.

Bordiga was an asshole anyway. He said anti-fascism was useless because fascism can't be stopped anyway:
The fucking fascist police didn't even bother to crack down on him because he was simply inactive:
books.google.de/books?id=dtsgAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA148&dq=Bordiga fascists police&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Bordiga fascists police&f=false

I mean, for all the shitting on Stalins alleged mistakes, this dude fucked up ten times more.

dude, germany being allied with japan and itally is pretty much one of the most important things that happened in WW2. the context is "here's the countries that weren't called 'allied countries'".

i've never been told this at school tbh. is this one of those american things?

You do realize that the Molotov-Ribbentrop pacted was fabricated after every western country refused to help the USSR, against a country that was outright imperialist and annexing territories and openly advocated for a war based on blood and soil in the east? Why would you not sign a non-aggression pact with them especially after the Red Army exihibited large room for improvement after the Winter War?

And about Poland: Would you have wanted to just leave the entirety of Poland to the Nazis? What about the territory that was occupied by Poland in a war of aggression against the USSR?

Stalin was handing Jewish socialists over to the Nazis you twat.

No, it's trying to explain why the Nazis wanted to eradicate Jews as a race. You know, try and analyse the material base behind ideologies, like a Marxist should do. You may disagree with the analysis, but implying this is a denial of the Holocaust or Nazis' anti-Semitism simply is dishonest.

he said fascism and liberalism are the same thing and thus it's useless to combat fascism to return to liberalism. Now how did he figure, during fascism, that fighting against fascism would simply yeld liberalism is… not known. And it's not like italy was some milquetoast country either, there's a reason fascism was born there, there were literal soviets in Turin's factories.

Now I'll give him the benefit to say that old school liberalism was ruthless against workers, but to not see the differences between that and fascism is pure retardation. The communist agitations in Italy coincidentally stopped when Mussolini's blackshirts started beating up striking workers. I do wonder if the two things are related!

Then when the war was over he said that the worst product of fascism is antifascism, because antifascism smothered revolutionary potential that fascism was bringing (babby's first accelerationism). Because of his let's-never-do-a-thing party line Gramsci died in jail, leaving years of theory incomplete.

Bordiga should be relegated to the dustbin of history already.

The holocaust was Anglo/Stalinist war propaganda. We are to oppose all false narratives spun by the bourgeoisie of all countries, and this includes the holocaust.

That's not why at all. He said that the worst product of fascism is antifascism, because it reinforced the proletariat's illusions about bourgeois "democracy" and class collaboration.

many contemporary european leftists saw the molotov ribbentrop pact as a betrayal much like the USSR's role in the spanish civil war. Makes you wonder, realpolitik for whom? By the 1930s, the soviet union wasn't an insurgent revolutionary actor but merely another state complete with its own imperial interests. Stalinist affiliated Communist parties around the world were told to stand down and oppose imperialist aggression against nazi germany, while in the popular front era they had been ordered to enter into antifascist coalitions with the progressive bourgeois.

Moishe Postone, a jewish leftcom, authored a marxist analysis of nazi antisemitis


How the fuck did he do that?

ok, random guy with a silly flag

Dieudonne is the leader of the french ultraleft he's also a rabid antisemite

Whatever you say. I'm German, and if I would argue this, I would jailed for Holocaust denial. That doesn't mean I think I should be jailed for it, but I don't see how you can argue that this isn't Holocaust denial if it clearly would constitute it by law.
Honestly, for all the shitting Dialectical Materialism gets for being a "Stalinist deviation" by Leftcoms, this is the most vulgar and economistic application of Dialectical Materialism I've ever seen. There is more value in listening to a psychoanalytic rant of Zizek about the Nazis than this.

do u actually support north korea?


Dieudonné is a stand-up comedian (not an intellectual at all, be it on the ultraleft or anywhere else) who at some point turned full anti-Semitic and thus started to express political views, effectively becoming a leader of some part of the extreme-right.

It clearly wouldn't. Have you read the text? It doesn't deny the Holocaust in any way.

I tend to agree. But like I said: being a shitty analysis doesn't make it Holocaust denial.

Thanks for the link user.

I'm a law student, and I can assure you that if I would publicly agitate this stance, I would get in trouble with the law. Most Holocaust deniers don't actually deny that the Holocaust happened, they deny the character of it. The law against Holocaust denial includes aspects like the industrial character of it - for example, when you say that six million Jews were killed but not through gas but through shootings and starvation, this would be Holocaust denial. The official stance is that the Holocaust is a singularity in human history, and thus, rejecting this, is considered denial.
Again: This doesn't mean I endorse this legal stance that my country and many others have. It just means, that by the offical definition of it, it would include it. You can surely use another definition I guess.

sounds familiar? ultraleft negationists are an international terror movement




No. North Korea is to be supported not out of anti imperialism or the right of self determination, but because it is a revolutionary socialist state that has not degenerated into revisionism.

That seems more evidence that kraut law is shit than the ravioli ravager was a holocaust denier.

can you point to the book by marx that says that socialism is when you force people to work abroad and retain their whole wage?

Oh shit, so the DPRK is a revolutionary state that rejects Marxism and is currently undergoing economic liberalization, and somehow you think it hasn't degenerated into revisionism? Please, tell me more!

I'm a socialist so I support socialism.

Well, for this part our law definitely is shit. The rest of it, not so much, I don't think there is a legal system that could compete with ours at all.


I don't think you have an argument, right?

Juche isn't Marxist, and the DPRK isn't socialist. They have generalized commodity production, the state has ownership of the means of production. If socialism is the real movement which abolishes the present state of things, the DPRK clearly isn't it.

Bullshit. Farmers can sell their surplus at local markets after delivering 70% to the state. That's primitive commidity production if even, and it is surely not generalized. What about the gift economy they have running?
The DPRK has a workplace democracy.
Furthermore, the state is democratically controlled by the workers.
That's vague as shit and when you don't see the difference between the present state of things between the DPRK and whereever you live, you are retarded.

Kim Jong-Il: On Correctly Understanding the Originality of Kimilsungism

Kim Jong-Il: On the Juche Idea

The vanguard is a democratic representation of the proletariat. If the vanguard has the wage, the proletariat has it. "Direct democracy" is a bourgeois utopian concept that cannot work in the real world.

100% bullshit. Stop believing Trot slander like it's dogma.


Nothing wrong with this.
Interesting how you define a socialist state based on the fact that they have Marx in their constition. Wtf, I love China now. In any case, they never did, because it was never in it, it's not like Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il have written extensively about the relationship of Juche to Marxism but you need your strawman I guess.
This isn't confirmed, they could very well be convicts. Even if it was, having a few contract workers working abroad doesn't change their economic base.
It's a democracy you sperg.
It's not like pesticide and fertilizer imports from the USSR don't exist! It's not like the DPRK has 30% of fertile soil and was boycotted by the entire planet! I also like how you post a picture of a famine victim as if this is funny or something when a country gets denyied its food due to imperialism.

The number of things you're willing to dismiss to support a pseudo-socialist state is wild.
They explicitly reject Marxism, and they also explicitly reject Marx's historical materialism.

None of this is true. You didn't read anything about Juche, you pull this out of your ass. Kill yourself. Not having Marx in your constitution (why would you even want that?) is not the same as rejecting Marxism.
First off, wage laborers aren't slaves. Second off, you still need to provide a source. And nom a Vice video isn't a source. Even if all this were true, it's not significant. Making a moral argument isn't usually a sign of competence.
No, why you claim this? If that were true, how do so many representatives get replaced every year, more than in the West? Read about the elections here:
The "Songbun" claim is based on nothing but a speech Kim Il-sung gave in the 50s about not letting ex-collaborateurs with the South into administrative positions. When you ask your average North Korean about Songbun, they will be very confused. It's a fabrication.
They also have better approval ratings than every Western politican:
They also get elected. You need to prove that a) these approval ratings amongst defectors are fake and b) the elections are manipulated.
Cut off Taiwan from global trade completely with no compromises. See what happens.
Sure. It just seems to be weird to make fun of humans who are suffering under imperialism in a leftist forum. I can surely also dump a bunch of pictures of deformed children from Yemen and complain about dumb mudslimes.

You know I'm in da group chat. Hail Dauvé

leave it to the t4nkies to always post the most bootlicky things possible

WTF slavery's justified now

because the vanguard says so, right? Should we trust the US government when they claim to be democratic representatives of the people?

it wasn't boycotted by china

You have bunch of criminals, and you are trying to survive, you may as well just put them to good use instead of affording their prison stay.

So what did the Chinese actually do? They traded coal, not food. Even that is banned now:
Seriously thinking that the Ardous March was because of socialism and not because of sufficient isolation including floods is Holla Forums tier.

Wow, nice refutation, you really got me here. I guess the 6th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea never fucking happened. The fact that you claim to know about Juche and yet don't seem to know a fucking thing when pressed says a lot about your support of the DPRK.
You were aware of the allegations, so I don't think I have to provide a source unless you have any objections that could theoretically be addressed with a source. Until you form an actual objection that requires a source this isn't an argument.

that is almost literally what the United States does with prison labor.

Whoops, wrong source, I meant to post this one

The US is at the wrong side of the anti imperialism line

I quoted some excerpts from main ideological works of Juche earlier. Address them or kill yourself.
The source is usually Vice, and it's a report of encountering alleged North Korean contract workers in Russia. You refuse to provide it so I consider this talking point dropped.
Because it's true. It's not a big deal. I don't care what you feel about this.
It describes as many North Korean elections as possible in great detail. You obviously have no argument, so you attack the source.
You quote the NYT later. I'm going to use your own argument against you and say that your source is shit and not worth addressing.
Again, provide a fucking source. I've been reading Myer's book only to find out that it is nonsense, so I would love to debunk some of this stuff here. Care to post some excerpts?
Untrue. You clearly havn't even bothered to read what I sent you, even if you think this is all a sham or the real Truman Show, this is just objectively wrong. Do you know what a dictatorship of the proletariat is?
I don't like to see workers in a socialist society being starved out. You do, because you rather care about your reputation as a left-liberal than defending actually existing socialism.

Alright, you still prove to not know what a dictatorship of the proletariat is. It's not about who is on the ballot, it's about who nominates the candidates. Are you aware how elections worked in the GDR, which is a good example of a unity front?
That's a straigt up euphemism for "hasn't actually visitied North Korea but wrote a lot about it".

The first work you cited, On correctly understanding the originality of Kimilsungism : talk to theoretical propagandists of the Party was written in 1976. The 6th Congress happened in 1980. This source is entirely irrelevant to the 6th congress.
The second work you cited On the Juche Idea was released in 1982, which means that it is relevant to the topic of the 6th Congress. In it, Kim Jong-Il explains that Marxism is in-fact, a departure from Marxism-Leninism. Wow, incredible, right? It's almost like you don't know shit about Juche, huh?

To quote from it a little:

The DPRK can hardly be called democratic because all candidates need to be elected by their "united-front", retard. The GDR allowed non-communist parties to exist, and also allowed there to be more than one candidate on the ballot for different areas.

That's what happens when you hide entirely in reddit or in Holla Forums

no idpol contamination

Reminder Marx got pranked hard by the spookman himself

lmao Dieudonné is nowhere near left communism, he is a socdem-turned-thïrd-positionist.

Yes he got pranked.
By Engels.

why is there no leftcom presence AT ALL on the internet except for ross wolfe

the ICT and ICC websites are dead and from 1990 or something

they don't make any effort to spread their ideas

These don't count?


PDF related was issued last month.

Stirner has plenty of room for idpol. Just handwave whatever idpol you support as a "union of egoists"

He was a Western Marxist, not a leftcom, and definitely not a Bordigist.

Dauvé is the worst thing that happened to left communism since Bordiga.

seems hard to believe knowing bordiga

Not at all, I've had massive arguments on twitter with leftcoms who will defend idpol to the death.

The endgame will be leftcom anti-opportunists and nrx passivists glaring at each others across the room and trying to hold their bladders for all eternity, waiting for the other side to stand up from their armchairs first so they can declare victory.
The apocalyptic struggle will be known as the Great Cuckuna vs Metapol War.

( freenortherner.com/2016/04/17/passivism/ )

learn how to grammar, retard

What a bunch of meaningless platitudes. Translating sun tzu was a mistake.

what the fuck is this even supposed to mean, what does eliminating one part of the petite bourgeoisie do to stop big capital? what is this claim even based on, how does he know? shit he even says they INVENTED anti semitism. this is ridiculous.

Oooh, of course, guys, they didn't do it CONSCIOUSLY. That's very convenient.

big capital was so happy that the whole of it waged war to three tiny countries, lol.

What exactly do you think your quote says they weren't conscious of?


Thanks for showing your true colours, theorylets.

Leddit, pls go.



You're the one who doesn't understand what exactly your quote says the Nazis weren't conscious of. And as a consequence, you're the one implying the author meant something he didn't, something you are actually the one to come up with.

Now English isn't my first language, but isn't it what projecting means?

Literally, what did he mean by this?