We can power the entire north emisphere with the energy from Hunter Thompson spinning in his grave.
So much for the united right. I wonder who else we can get in on this.
Top 10 anime battles
Things are about to get very interesting in Burgerland
After all, who is right?
inb4 no one
if ur an accelerationist like me this is a win-win
I realize now that the "OK 2 B WHITE :)" posters aren't so much a psy-op directed against SJWs but a make-work project designed to keep the aut-right from eating each other alive
I never thought about this but yeah, I see that too now. I feel that their influence is still weakening tbh
This is going to be great for porky because they can just blame it on a lunatic
If anything I hope that people realize that if the stock market keeping on climbing while Trump is president is clear that their interests don't align with Wall Street
Literal Neo Nazi reporting in. Laura is right, America is no "homeland" to white people. Only Europe is. America is homeland to Native Americans only and Hispanics have enough Native blood to lay rightful claim as most pure natives are dead.
Now having said that, I also don't give a fuck about their rightful claim because I'm a white identitarian and that means white race does whatever we need to get ahead. America is ours now, as unrightful as that is.
So it would be "rightful" for all hispanics and natives to genocide white people in America and reclaim their land. But as a white identitarian their rightful claims are of no consequence to me. As only white makes right.
so who's in the right here?
If the alt-right wanted to gain any credence, they would become the new anti-war movement. It would allow them to show they aren't like them ebil nazis.
This also helps because imperialism creates immigrants to the United States so it is a coherent worldview.
Americans are pretty fucking stupid dude, if Republicans blame something on FDR, who hasn't been President in 70 fucking years, they usually believe it
Nazis weren't evil though, they were a reactionary force formed by Jewish crimes on the German people. I thought this was common knowledge by now.
fuck off.
I thought you leftists claimed to be intelligent and open to debate.
I wasn't talking about the actions of the Nazis. I was talking about the public perception of the alt-right.
It is like you learned nothing from Trump
Wait, bring me up to speed on this. Spencer uses "identitarian" as positive?
Do you realize your rhetoric is completely incoherent? In fact it's very much a typical example of "belief in belief" which, to make things brief, means you're LARPing and your convictions are not genuine, but you're quite honest about your need to profess these convictions that aren't yours.
Of course. Us right wingers mostly think being identitarian is a good thing. Why would you betray what's good for your own people?
What are you even talking about. More leftists jibberish to my ears. If it makes any sense I don't get it. I'm basically saying "might makes right" so their rightful claims to American land don't matter.
Is that lleftist gibberish as well? Kys you larping american fag. You're all freaks of nature that must be exterminated.
And you still can't see any incoherence?
Pretty embarrassing to be honest. She had a canned final response and posted it without looking in to the 1790s act.
She's not exactly wrong. By the standards of the days those groups were likely not considered white, anymore than Arabs and other people now labelled white:
It must also be noted that it was a NATURALIZATION act, not an immigration act.
Pls get some of your own achievements
It is still embarrassing. Never have a canned response ready. It can only hurt you if you do not read the argument being presented and just assume you are in the right so whatever you have planned is right.
Not sure about weakening. They're certainly stagnating, many of the less-serious hangers-on picked up during the brexit/trump campaigns have already drifted away or have become disillusioned. The rash of doxxings in the wake of Charlottesville also made them jittery about going out and doing IRL stuff. It's why they launched the flyer campaign on Halloween - gave people an excuse to conceal their identity while putting up the posters.
If we see a few more surges of left candidates kikicking out right wingers/nationalists, it would probably be enough to destroy whatever momentum they still have in North America and the UK. You'd probably start seeing them splinter and fight each other in earnest like trots
spooked af
Wait so who was in the wrong here?
Because people aren't a fucking hivemind you smoothbrained retard. When you slave away for hours of shitty pay every day so your boss can buy his 3rd beach house, do you somehow benefit just because your boss has the same skin color as you? That's the exact same bullshit reasoning SJWs use when they claim that having more wealthy women and minorities would somehow help those groups as a whole. Trash like you cause nothing but harm to the working class, including the majority of the "white race" you claim to care so much about.
what mistake did she make?
Lauren Southern lost because she doesn't know what Richard Spencer is talking about.
I wish Southern would shut the fuck up and start making babies already.
This is the one danger with Trump
I think you are lost
>>>Holla Forums
You're arguing in bad faith, tranny. Things like White Nationalism are largely a product of the realization that global capital will impoverish and displace whites just as easily as any brown, black, or yellow third worlder.
The underlying desire of nationalism is to end exploitation of us by that which is foreign. too bad we can't discuss this on leftypol due to retarded rules.
This is true. But creating an in house exploitation wouldn't improve shit imho.
^this is the only correct answer
Too bad it's not the foreign elements ruining your country, rather it's the economical system of theft of labor and exploitation
What was a 'free white person' in 1790?
the cosmopolitan nature of capital forces it to be expressed almost always as a foreign force not tied to any particular nation or people. nationalist sentiment arises because of precisely this; the perceived appearance of domination by a foreign force, namely global capital.
Nigger we get your mental spilled on here 50 times a day. Fuck off.
So you're saying we should stamp "Made in the USA" on the boots we use to trample on your faces. Hmm, I'll send a memo to the PR department but we're already far ahead of you:
Nationalism is a tool the ruling class use to divide the working classes and keep them separated. Nationalism is a thing of the past and is no longer necessary to a survival of a nation. In fact such terms as nation are unacquainted and long over due to die, as they originated from a era long pass of absolute monarchs and colonialism .
Also like he said and a bit of my meme economics image. Nationalism is just justification for someone to kick out your teeth so you can beat up your neighbor.
porky will always blame it on someone.
So how are you not an SJW again?
Germans and Spaniards were 2swarthy to be considered white in 1790. He "won" only if you define white based on the standards of 2017 America and not on the anglo standards of the actual time period
Saw this coming a mile off. Hope the actual alt-right keeps putting pressure on her to step outta the alt-lite character she thinks she's better off playing so she gets baited into ruining her career and becomes a Tara McCarthy-tier kook. Her fans want some real red pills, nut just anti-feminism and Islamophobia.
LOOK AT HIS LIPS! *Wheezing laughter*
I dare you to go to 1790 and call an Irishman or an Italian white
I agree but the downside to this is that if the reformists are only allowed to go so far and thus get blamed during the next crises it will more than likely inject a reboot into the Aut-Right. In the United states even if reformists are allowed power the bourgeoise will more than likely cuck them at every opportunity and then when the collapse or stagnation hits they will be blamed for it just like they were in the 70s and another Trump or even worse will be allowed to come back to power. This is one of the reasons for the bourgeoise allowing social democracy at all after all
However if the collapse happens under Trump and reformists get a window to actually pass some real legislation that improves working class material relations to some degree I do think it will obliterate the remaining Aut-Right movement outside of Holla Forums and reddit at least. This still doesn't solve the problem of the reformists getting cucked by porky though