Happy one year anniversary, Holla Forums
Also, awesome revolution you guys had this weekend. You really showed those fascists that it is NOT ok to be White.((((WHITE))))
Happy one year anniversary, Holla Forums
Also, awesome revolution you guys had this weekend. You really showed those fascists that it is NOT ok to be White.((((WHITE))))
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Why are you celebrating one year of your trying very hard and succeeding to elect literally the kikest president in the entirety of US history?
thanks Holla Forums, I'm glad your revolution is going so well also.
I get it. You were only pretending to be retarded, right?
4/pol/ put up about 280 posters in more than a week and are calling it a massive victory
They have Bob Avakin-tier praxis, they're so caught up in their own ideology they don't see that most people can recognize a dog whistle
You realize that we hate Hillary right?
The Jewish machine is a well-oiled one, my retarded, commie friend. Banning the muzzies, triggering the nogs, sticking it to the chinks and leaving Holla Forums perpetually assblasted is child's play compared to taking on the mighty kike monolith.
But hey, you had a nice downvote there, girlfriend. You really showed me
I live in the UK dumb fuck, regardless, from my contacts in the US, literally no revolution was planned by anybody.
Regardless again, you haven't quite told me why you are celebrating the election of the ultimate jew president, a huge supporter of Israel, a warmonger like the rest, a pedophile like the rest, oh and your favourite haunts were astroturfed by paid shills and thats a fact, you were duped by them, well done, you are incredibly stupid and incredibly easily lead
Real nice work your fucking retarded faggot
Holla Forums is not Bob Avakian user. You got duped by a geriatric Maoist who lives in France.
As well you should. What's your point?
Seriously. If you're suggesting that you believe Trump was at least the lesser of the two evils, I'd love to screencap that. It would be like seeing a nigger saying they'll take George Zimmerman over Darren Wilson. The pain on his face as the words come out of his mouth would be priceless to me
do you realise quite how fucking gay you are? At leftypol, we discuss ideologies, we argue about them.
You just jerk off to a daddy figure. Do you know how much of a little bitch that makes you?
Look up the term: Basking in reflected glory.
Trump was the lesser of two evils for leftists. Hillary winning would have emboldened the Democrats, but now they are dying so a real left can take their place.
Trump was the worse option which made him the best choice.
we hate Hillary for real reasons not retarded polack reasons . We advocate for revolution. We want neither of these liberals, not liberal trump, not liberal hillary.
Best part of this is that she deserved it 100%
I'm pretty sure Bob is back in the US these days. His living in France was largely a publicity stunt, the charges against him were dropped back in the 80s.
Let's be honest, the Nov 4th revolution has failed. The antifa supersoldiers fled and the Antifa leaders haven't responded ever since
Fuck off, newfag.
Well, that didn't work out too well this weekend.
But my half-assed trolling aside, how do you plan to carry out any such nationwide revolution? Do you believe you have the numbers? The arms? The training? The logistics? The communication? The organization? Or do you plan on a disorganized, guerilla war? And what is your end goal?
cant answer any of these
so you just false flag…
George really let us down. I was going to go out and break windows and kill white people but Soros wasn't putting out enough with his checks.
they shall defeat the evil reactionaries by defending women online from slut shaming incels.
Hilary would have finnished the building of socialism in america that Barack Pokemongotothegulag Obama started but the superior trump supporter masterrace made Trump elected by sharing pictures in the internet tus saving america from gommunism
There was no revolution planned for this weekend. Its that simple.
Answer any one of my other questions instead of coming back to the same tired bullshit, gloating over your own sloppy dump and inhaling the fumes greedily
All of the rest of what you are saying is a distraction from the fact that you came this thread gloating over the president YOU CHOSE but have now been supplied information showing hes a total shill and you got totally shilled and you can't even bring yourself to reply to that information
You are thick as fucking shit.
Revolution doesn't just pop out the ground, you don't just plan a revolution for a weekend activity, no serious leftist believes this. Not one of them. Only retards like you even entertain the idea, hence how the subject has not been part of leftist conversation for the past couple months, but it has been part of yours. Chasing your own fucking tails like the retarded dogs you are.
G-guys what if Soros died and now Karltural Marxism is officially over? I can't live in a world like this, can you imagine my shock that I am literally shaking right now?
I might be inclined to believe you, if all the whining and protesting and social media shitposting was aimed solely on what he's done since taking office. But the #NotMyPresident shit started immediately following the announcement of his victory. And "B…but…Hillary won the popular vote", and "Abolish the electoral college" and so on.
Lefties are full-on tushy torn about the election itself. Who are you trying to kid?
I'd like to apologize on behalf of these retards that think Holla Forums is full of SJWs, liberals and antifa. I try to tell them you guys are different but they don't listen.
Soros might die but ideas are bulletproof Soros started the revolution against white people, we might have to finnish it witouth him
stop being such a fucking pussy and answer my god damn question. Why are you gloating over a kike president? Is this what you do with the rest of your problems? Pretend they don't exist? Storm of to your room ITS NOT TRUE MOM like the little faggot you are?
Trump was the better option precisely because he's so shit. Of course we're going to point out his headass policy.
We have antifas tho , just not the liberal ones
Why are you bitching about twitter memes to us instead of bitching on twitter? Seriously, fuck off and go ask them what their problem is, you seem to be really confused about who you're talking to.
Happy anniversary to you too. may you american faggots keep killing each other in great numbers like until now. I'm loving it.
im antifa, if you want liberals you are looking for Unite Against Fascism and such
You're talking about two different groups moron. We're not liberals like the twitter #resistance sheep.
Why are Holla Forumsyps so retarded? Just read the goddamn FAQ.
This kind of poster thinks Holla Forums speaks for and is representative of all leftists everywhere. Probably spams smug anime girls and fellates Trump nonstop as well. They make me hate Holla Forums sometimes.
I understand being against fascism because of corporatism and such but are you also against more leftist NutSac or right wing anarchists? Like are you in it for the anti-racist thing or the anti-capitalism thing?
I see you guys got your word filters back.
Go ahead, tell yourself you won and I'll be running away in shame any moment now.
I understand this. That's why I asked you exactly how and why you think you'd win any kind of "revolution" in the United States. You'd be met by a government that doesn't want to be overthrown, true conservatives who know what you'd do to them if you won, and you'd be largely ignored and eventually maligned by the normies who initially try to stay out of the fight, until you give them no choice but to take a side.
How do you plan to win?
B& from Twatter too many times. And 140 characters is for plebs anyway. Sometimes I actually like to take the time to spell out in full detail exactly why I'm calling someone a faggot/nigger/kike/attentionwhore/whatever. It's hard to do that in 140 characters, and sometimes just plain impossible.
LMAO en.wikipedia.org
Seriously drink all the fucking bleach you can lay your hands on, which is probably none, because your mommy probably hides it know that you are such a sad sack one day you will reach for it, some days she considers leaving it out for you, because you are such a pathetic sack of shit
Why would I do that capitalism still exists
this one is just a freebee your kike president is also a child molestor and hangs out with other child molestors.
So you are okay with the fact that your favourite websites were subverted by paid shills? And that he is a huge kike, with more kike connections than any other president ever? You are okay with a child molestor, who constantly lies, constantly flips flops?
So you are telling me you like getting fucked by daddy and are a huge, huge cuck?
Notice how your pathetic meme does not have one source, not one, its a bunch of totally baseless bullshit.
Will you just admit already you got played by YET ANOTHER neocon? Americans are so retarded, they honestly believe a millionaire TV star and real estate mogul is an "outsider"
You do know he called that off right? Its not going to happen.
Veteran of the Soros Army here, served my 10 years and now retired. Sweet $8,000 pension every 2 weeks. Bet you youngfags wish you'd sorted out your future like me. I will now spend the rest of my life teaching in the Frankfurt School of Karltural Marxism for the future generations.
Pick one.
What the fuck even is that? I honestly can't make out what it is
It's quite literally a hairy dude's ass getting ready to take a dump on a baby.
It's a (shaved head) dad kissing his baby child. Though it looks like an ass at first glance which is why this degenerate posted it.
There was never going to be any sort of revolution on Nov 4th, it was literally just one deranged LARPer named Bob Avakian and his dozen or so cultists holding a rally, we were making fun of you guys the whole time as you clutched your pearls over some imagined antifa uprising.
I'd say that orange Berlusconi was probably the worse of the two, but it might have the better result in the long run if the Democratic party collapses so the left can take its place.
The post you were replying to was a joke m8, not the OP false flagging…
Some nazis like Asser may have held somewhat leftist economic positions but the very concept of nationalism, especially ethno-nationalism, is pretty much incompatible with genuine leftism, as its still based on rigid systems of hierarchy and turns individuals into faceless representatives of the collective, as if human beings were fucking hive insects. Nationalism is just a tool for the ruling class to maintain power, while we wish to eliminate the power structures that allow a ruling class to exist at all.
As for right-wing "anarchists", a lot of them are just naive idealists who don't understand that eliminating the state but maintaining private property would just allow corporations to run rampant and make things even worse, most of them either end up becoming left-anarchists or fascists depending on whether they value freedom or property.
Huh, we say the exact same thing about communism since we see it as a purely materialist ideology that turns people into exploited, replaceable cogs in the mechanisms of production. I can see what you mean about viewing people as part of a group rather than individuals, but I think that pack mentality is just human nature.
Usually it's very populist, though I will give you that in practice Hitler kind of sold everybody out by collaborating with the industrialists and conservatives.
This makes sense and some other user convinced me that it's the environment created by capitalism itself that fucks us over, not just jews.
Oh I wasn't referring to ancaps, those guys are retarded. I mean more anarcho-primitivists like Varg or Kaczynski that advocate a return to traditional tribal agrarian societies.
I do other organising for the capitalism thing. I do antifa because you pricks need to know there is more of us than you.
I understand. I wish we could just work together to overthrow the system but I guess there's too much bad blood. and a lot of our guys are still fucking retard capitalists or think that conservatives can be allies
mate hitler himself was a capitalist, whatever he said, he upheld capitalism. Be a commie, we are the anti capitalists
kappa nazbol is cancer