Commies BTFO!
Okay more seriously though: Has anyone seen these little dog prisons around their city? It feels like the Juicero for dogs.
Here's some info for those that haven't:
Commies BTFO!
Okay more seriously though: Has anyone seen these little dog prisons around their city? It feels like the Juicero for dogs.
Here's some info for those that haven't:
Other urls found in this thread:
Why the fuck wouldn't you just tie your dog to a pole or something
this is supposed to be an answer to that so your dog doesn't freeze. but yeah it looks like a claustrophobic torture chamber that would probably scare a dog way more than just leaving them out in the open would
Because you can't charge for that, duh
wonder when they'll start making the child edition
wait, how much does it cost?
mmmh, dog, my favorite
Do they just let your dog out when you run out of time?
not accelerated enough
not deterritorialized enough
More like they keep your dog locked until you pay up.
Love 2 starve my dog because my checking account fucked up before I could pay the dog toll.
Here is the website
I laughed and now I'm crying :'(
Pet-ownership is bourgeois. Free animal slaves now!
Kill your inner bourgie. Animal emancipation is a crucial element of communism.
So you have to eat your dog like the Chinese?
Or a flatev for dogs.
Nonsense! Not in a thousand years I wouldn't! As a Job Creator™, I need to keep my employees for their own benefit. Where would my pet be without the food and care I provide? Dead on the street, like rotten piece of shit. Keep your hands out of my relationships, you filthy negroid commie scum!
Fuck off, reactionary, animals are prole as fuck like us and they will be joining us in the revolution. My german shepard gal has a wavy coat and a completely healthy diet, she's fine and beautiful and amazing and she loves me and I love her. I am in no way some bourgeois swine; Don't you EVER talk about me or my wife like that ever again! We will build communism together. Free doggy treats for all!
Fuck off, libtard, children are bougie as fuck like us and they will be joining us in the counter-revolution. My german gal has a flat chest and a completely healthy diet, she's fine and beautiful and amazing and she loves me and I love her. I am in no way some prole dog; Don't you EVER talk about me or my wife like that ever again! We will build anarcho-capitalism together. Free lolis for all!
German shepherds are porky dogs trained to attack the working class.
This but unironically.
what's with this sudden nazi-tier genetics idpol when it comes to dogs? they're like that because they're trained like that from birth. like humans
More realistic image would be the capitalist slapping the guy over his head, making him build the shack, and then making him pay to use it
I think it's supposed to show primitive accumulation.
Great business solution! you can also use the dog itself as deposit to ensure payment!
Overstay can be prolonged via easy online payment!
If no payment is procured within a hour, air conditioning is shut down.
If it's 6 hours, PuppyCam(TM) is rerouted to dog auctioning site.
If it's 24 hours, air conditioning is sent into overdrive, and the repossessed canine is utilised as grilled fast food asset for Chinese cosine enthusiasts.
if i saw one of these irl with a dog in it, i'd so be tempted to smash open the door
Oi ya cunt, thats damaging the private property, 10 year of hard prison unpaid labor for you for this
Heh and they say that capitalism is "inefficient"
Fuck off, bioslave, androids are human as fuck like us and they will be joining us in the singularity. My robo waifu gal has a metal coat and a completely healthy power supply, she's fine and beautiful and amazing and she loves me and I love her. I am in no way some rotting biomass; Don't you EVER talk about me or my robowife like that ever again! We will build anarcho-transhumanism together. Free cyberimplants for all!
It is not very effective.
That dog looks absolutely miserable in there.
really. it's one of the most depressing things i've ever seen. no retriever deserves that
Hitler also drank water, so I guess I won't touch the water from now on.
absolutely bourgeois
There is nothing wrong with owning pets, there is with breeding them.
Damn you're right
Fuck off, cybourg, tribewomen are natural as fuck like us and they will be joining us in the Great Collapse. My huntress gal has a dark complexion and a completely hairy set of legs, she's fine and beautiful and amazing and she loves me and I love her. I am in no way some scrap metal heap; Don't you EVER talk about me or my amazon wife like that ever again! We will build anarcho-primitivism together. Free rocks for all!
germans are always a special case
actually every german i've met has been really nice and i like the germans.
Wow that's awesome, it only costs more than my job pays me. For a fucking box.
FRIENDLY reminder you dont actually love animals if you eat them
Friendly reminder that loving animals is called zoophilia
I'll give up zoophilia if you give up carnism, either animals need to consent or they don't.
They cant consent because they have no higher brain functions, they have no consciousness.
But fucking your food or overall torturing it is pretty cruel since you are taking an advantage of a lesser being
Not even that guy but lmao. I don't see how people who are shocked by zoophilia justify the horrors of the meat industry.
Those tendies won't make themselves, I guess.
Im not shocked, i just say that you shouldnt fuck your food
and I say you shouldn't kill and eat your friends with benefits :^)
but seriously, your opposition to zoophilia is completely spooked and twofaced. I don't fuck cows but that is demonstrably more moral than eating them.
Veal doesn't make milk you dumb meatcuck.
that's how they get you
Don't tell me what to do with my watermelons and bananas.
They drink it, retard.
The veal needs the milk from the cow you brainlet. It's its milk.
Okay bud.
Im glad we agree
what if the kid animal contest tho
If you were a cannibal then yes you would have no moral high ground to criticise me as a rapist.
I can understand possible opposition to mounting a dog, but opposition to being mounted BY a dog is emotionally irrational as fuck. You can't force a dog to fuck you any more than you can force him to drink water.
Dairy cows are bred to produce milk for a year after giving birth though and to produce 7x more milk than they would usually.
ok but can you post a chart with numbers next to various crimes so i can get an idea which one is worse
i'm pretty sure i can force a dog to drink water, but whatever. i don't give a shit about zoophilia, just the bs "more moral" argument.
wrong board, faggot. (also /furry/ is dead everyone goes to /fur/ now)
How? By shoving his snout in the doggy dish?
You're right, it would require some herculean effort of logic to assert that murder is worse than rape, you got me
Just post the chart.
there's plenty of ways, mostly dangerous for both you and the dog. but it's not like you can't. what if your dog eats chocolate and you have to give it that puke inducing medicine and he doesn't want to drink it? I assure you that you will find a way to make that dog throw up.
Why are you fuckers like this
Fuck off, earther scum, aliens are out-of-this-world as fuck like us and they will be joining us in the Third World War. My Martian gal has a toothed vagina and a completely healthy gray exoskeleton, she's fine and beautiful and amazing and she loves me and I love her. I am in no way some bourgeois swine; Don't you EVER talk about me or my wife like that ever again! We will build Posadism together. Free nukes for all!
You were the ones that brought up zoophilia, just BTFOing your hypocrisy.
Rape negatively impacts a life: bad
Murder prematurely ends a life against their will: more bad
not that complex you twat.
whats the measure? pleasure versus pain? Rape would only be worse than death if it could be shown that the rape caused more pain than the pleasure that survival alloted were possible, and thats only working off of this frame. it could also be argued that murder removes free will eternally whereas rape would only hinder it for a time. A person may choose that the rae was so horrible they want to die, but they may have never known that if they survived later they were strong enough to overcome and realized they wouldnt want to die? of course by then they would have suffered more by living with the painful rape memory and theres no guarantee they will get over it. but then again maybe thats their fault, for being willfully weak, as harsh as it seems.
I still contend death is worse than rape.
Rape: Creates a criminal and potentially a psychically damaged victim that will have a problem with functioning normally
Murder: Creates a criminal
With rape 2 people suffer long tern consequences, with murder only 1
If a rape victim feels their life isn't worth living now at least they can kill themselves, dead people don't get any more choices, and they can never experience anything good ever again. Now stop being an edgy retard and just concede the point.
…and a corpse, Satan.
lol, what is this, middle school?
but can you post a chart though, i really think it would help. can you define the measurement unit? what happens if i rape a girl and she's so traumatized she kills herself, is it "more bad" than murdering her? is it less bad if i rape her and she doesn't kill herself?
is the rotenburg cannibal worse than your average rapist? he put an ad on the internet looking for a willing person to get murdered an eaten. a guy actually agreed to that and he did it. what number would this be on your chart, is it more or less bad than eating an omelette? keep in mind that the omelette is inherently imperialist, it also exploits two animals (it's made with eggs AND butter), three if you count the workers who had to pick the eggs and make the butter, more if you add other ingredients.
Then it's okay. What part of 'people organize themselves' do you not get?
underrated post
I knew saving this Rafiki post would come in handy.
So he literally wants my toothbrush?
Fuck out here
Rafiq is good for nothing idealism
You tell yourself stupid shit like this because it makes your life easier. You are unintelligent, or evil. One or the other.