Left podcast discussion thread
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what podcasts do you listen to?
Zero Squared and Street Fight are the only good leftist podcasts.
No podcasts atm, just Yuval Noah Harari's audiobook " Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind".
I swear to god it's just this one single (probably paid) user who even brings up Russel Brand's podcast.
here's the old chart to start us off, and I'll add Citations Needed and Struggle Session for one new serious pod and one new light pod, respectively
What's that book about?
The jokes you don't make with the friends you don't have.
thank you!
It's just talk radio for a different audience, user
Podcasts are talk radio for people who have to take the bus to work. That's my 2 cents
About history of mankind from evolution of human species to future of mankind by some left-leaning israeli history professor. I chose to listen to it since I though it's a good way to prepare/ease my brainlet mind for reading/listening leftist philosophy and theory some time in the future.
Or keeping up the kardashians for a different audience, or pewdiepie for a different audience..
…no? Those analogies make no sense. Podcasts aren't really gossip entertainment and have little to nothing in common with a gaming stream.
Why do you think I made Tomoko the mascot for this thread?
it's the same format, just with different politics and a different medium
The only one I would listen to is pic. related.
So cum town then?
Felix talking about the KSA is never not a bad time
Scrolled through Revolutionary Left Radio's feed. Only listened to the three that I thought looked interesting and they were great. The interview with Maoists, the anarcho-nihilist one and the Abby Martin one w/ her experience in Israel.
It surprises me that leftypol sayd chapo lacks enough theory chops yet never talks about the Dead Pundits Society
You want layered talks about Marxist theory, the limits of sucdeism and things like that?
Then go listen to it
The one where andy ancap screeches about the IAF and transparently lies about it for 90 minutes?
Are there even any leftist podcasts?
I can't think of any actually. Chapo is liberal, discourse collective and revleft are lifestylist aesthetic leftism, streetfight is a podcast BY leftists, but not a leftist podcast,
Personally I'd consider the ones you listed to be leftist podcasts, but what about Zero Squared? It tends to be fairly dry compared to those other ones but its pretty heavily focused on theory and philosophy.
I shill it here from time to time - it's probably my favourite lefty podcast. The current series he's doing on state theory has been fantastic so far, though I've been needing to listen to them at least twice to feel like I'm really geting any kind of grip on the discussions.
Chapo is succdem except for matt
Never heard of. Sounds interesting. Thanks.
Comrade celery should go on discourse collective more often
Felix is Hezbollah though, and what is Matt? Classical marxist?
katie halper is my girl
Dead Pundit's is good and so is Citations Needed and Zero Books if anyone is looking for more serious leftist pods. Chapo/DC/etc. are fine to just relax but people need to stop making them more than they are.
Felix is basically a Hezbollah/PFLP memer, Amber is crypto-leninist, and Matt oscillates between being an ortho-marxist and more anarchist tendencies and is also probably the most well-read of any of them. The rest of them are just typical socdems.
Which is why Amber is the best chapo.
More like femLenin
Not sure if these count as podcasts but Eastern Marshlands, SocialismOrBarbarism and Hoxhaism Maoism always do videos where they chat with other Leftists.
Comfy Kino tbh
I like that Amber once implied that Nick was somehow the most left of any of their friends group while on cumtown and he got really uncomfortable and changed the subject
I thought SoB was more of a meme channel? Haven't heard of the other two though
Amber is Hoxha gang
Are there still basically no Marxist-Leninist podcasts?
Sometimes he does bants with the boys. Check out "Bolshevik Bistro" from EML
Not sure who andy ancap is. The guy on the podcast was an egoist-communist
Between FinnBol for serious shit and Jason for the memes you're basically covered.
I wish FinnBol would do an actual podcast. His videos are usually just long rants anyway.
His podcast would probably end up being even more incoherent than his videos are, and that's saying something.
Not leftist but recently I been listening to Good Point, its a podcast about fine art, tech and all the philosophy and business in the middle of them. Each episode is about a really ambiguous topic like 'laptops', 'web browsers' and they always bring up that that really make you ponder the subject. The tone is very serious and sober, like a conference in a museum.
Anyone got a link for the black wolf rss feed?
I tried listening to Discourse Collective once and it was some of the most obnoxious shit I've ever heard.
I just think that Nick sees himself as someone who is consciously antipolitical in order to preserve the integrity of his comedy. He obviously detests the current trend that demands that all comedy ALSO be social commentary that punches up
Some episodes are better than others. What really kills it for me are the awful production values. Shit audio quality at varying volumes between casters is too annoying to deal with when there are tons of other good podcasts.
Yeah I'd say that's pretty obviously the case, but the image of him getting off the pod to seriously study Lenin or whatever is pretty hilarious
Political Commissar of Power Tools
Nick doesn't need to read Lenin; he's already Lenin reincarnated.
=MODS pls ban me=
155 - The Antifa Treason and Plot feat. Will Sommer
153 - Dry Goys feat. Eli Valley
151 - Cass Rules Everything Around Me
149 - Live @ The Biltmore Hotel feat. James Adomian
147 - Gun Kata
145 - Return of the Blob feat. Derek Davison
143 - Splattering of the Juggalos
141 - Chapo Comic Cavalcade
139 - Enter The Noid
137 - HUMINT Centipede
135 - Barron Protectors feat. Leslie Lee
131 - Deep Dish Chapo: Live @ the Hideout
130 - The Milk People feat. Libby Watson
128 - Tabletop Game Theory Pt. IV: The Russian Interference
126 - Tabletop Game Theory Pt. III: The Russian Interference
124 - Gabagool
122 - The Virgin Suicides feat. Adam Friedland
120 - Fearless Girlilla Mindset
117 - Kill All Nermals feat. Angela Nagle
115 - Austin Shitty Limits feat. Brian Gaar
113 - Hit and Run feat. R.L. Stephens
111 - The Goddamn Freaking News
109 - Media Twatters feat. Libby Watson
107 - Fight Club feat. Karim Zidan
105 - The Grey Ladykillers
103 - Decision Desk La France feat. James Adomian
101 - Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc
I feel like Barbie has some trouble thinking on his feet to come up with something to say sometimes unfortunately
I was considering making a podcast called real ☭TANKIE☭ hours
It'd basically be ☭TANKIE☭ chapo but I just don't have the time or the cohosts to make it work
Is it me or is discourse collective sort of bad?
Like there are episodes I like and stuff but for whatever reason I just feel like a lot of the culture shit they do is way too deep a cut half the time and pretentious the other. The theory ones are okay but not really much beyond that.
Also Vicky is the only one I really like for the stirner knowledge
holy shit I hadn't listened to that comics episode before; it's one of the better ones
We hear this everyday. I wanted this episode.
I like some episodes but the biggest problem for me is just that they're not very funny even when they try.
they're not funny, they're amazed (with themselves, embarrassingly enough) when anyone makes a half-insightful point, there's like 80 individual members and they're all weirdo dweebs, and their chapo idolization is really transparent. what i'm saying is that we need to bully them into becoming alt right.
or suicide
I seriously recommend you niggas to check out Eastern Marshlands. Its THE leftypol podcast consisting of non-sectarian non-sperg lefties.
They don't even pretend anymore.
Is this in reference to anything? Pretty sure people in the """""dirtbag left""""" have views ranging from anti-idpol to idpol-critical
Nick has the mustache to lead the revolution, if not the charisma
We need to ban/filter the term "idpol" already. It's just a reactionary dog whistle at this point.
I mean it always was, but it's more annoying than ever.
fuck off
It's true. You don't know what it even is.
t. someone who has murdered a black person
The interview they did with the artist from Night in the Woods was p good
Self-defense isn't murder.
seriously though more leftypol posters have been on their show than anywhere else
The absolute state of this board
We'll see what the Jury thinks.
Nobody knows what it means anymore so it might as well mean nothing
Yeah, no. I call bullshit.
IdPol only really started to become a problem after wr got flooded with newfags following CV and the Youtube Drama.
I've been here since day one. "Idpol" was by used as an excuse by "leftists" here to condemn the Ferguson protests and side with cops, and the term continues to be trotted out whenever somebody suggests there are dimensions within the larger framework of class struggle that disproportionately burden certain demographics.
I realize that this has always been and will always be a board full of porn-addled kids who are genuinely angry about video games, even all these years later, but they've been designated multiple revolving threads in which they can be perverted and minutiae-obsessed to their hearts' content. They shouldn't have license to torpedo genuine leftist discussion.
Everyone needs to listen to the most recent Trillbillies' with RL Stephens on
RL nails it in this episode>>2244607
"idpol" that is actually bad for leftism isn't antiracism its chauvinism masquerading as liberatory politics.
I like RL. I will check it out.
good discussion with marxist economist michael roberts
gonna chill my own leftypol originated, discord organized project. Here is a greek dude reading an article, lemme know if you wanna release videos on our channel. youtube.com
t. not a Holla Forumsyp
downloading, thanks you!!
Post more Tomokos please
good lord the absolute state
Are Chapo/podcast threads now doubling as Tomoko threads?
Because I'm cool with that
Why is she associated with these threads again?
Podcasts are a lonely medium.
latest cumtown patreon is the third or fourth episode in a row where Nick obsesses over pizzagate.
It's getting kinda stale imo.
It's a longform bit where he may or may not kill himself after a weeks long coke bender. You just have to wait for the payoff I guess
Tomoko fucking sucks
fuck off retard
The manga sucks. Everything about it sucks. This isn't 2011/2012 anymore it's time to latch on to a new fucking disgusting Japan exported incel weapon.
Naruto is fucking more entertaining than that bullshit.
"Oh look at me I'm a ditsy black haired bitch who is begging to be raped and kidnapped and sent to a sex island" fuck tomoko
please be more respectful of women
Tomoko isn't a woman she's a bitch
A disgusting bitch who does't wash her asshole.
Go to
It needed to be said.
Nobody gives a shit about your cartoon characters. Fuck off.
Quality praxis with these guys
hey can someone post the dl link to brazile nuts
seconding this
The Rand Paul cold open is fucking perfect
Jimmy Dore live in 5 minutes.
Well, it's true that they don't like identity politics. But they also happen to be money-grabbing pussies who don't want to show that anymore because they want their left-lib audience to remain happy, paying costumes.
Is this your podcast?
the Discourse Collective dude who tries to be Felix sucks dick
thank you my friend
I'm listening to it for the first time and yes, it sucks.
There's one kid who is trying way too hard to sound like Felix, the jokes even have the same cadence and rhythm to it and it's really transparent and obnoxious
Also they have no fucking idea of what they're talking about, I listened to the first Theory episode, and the amount of basic shit they got wrong is astonishing. And they're just like, introducing the Communist Manifesto, so If they get this wrong I'm sure the episodes about Marxist economics are great
I'm starting a pod with some friends, i think it'll mostly be comedy bits we write but we're all marxists and socialists so were gonna throw some political stuff into it i think but were only doing like 40 minute episodes to start so itll be hard to fit everything in.
anyone here listen to "season of the bitch"
they're a self-proclaimed socialist/feminist podcast and I was wondering if they were any good or just idpol
New General Intellect Unit episode
Have a look at this article before, if you're not familiar with the book:
There's your answer
The USA is so far gone that genuine social democracy is a revolutionary position to hold.
Also episode 32 is a talk with his former professor about sucdeism and he is far more critical
that is correct
reminder that in half an hour Nick Mullen will be on Legion of Skanks with Jamie Kilstein
Jamie pussied out
Adam Friedland shot and killed a Palestinian boy on his birthright trip to Israel in 2006.
You have to be a dumb redditor to like it. That or a rapist, if you believe the news.
Nicky boy bringing the dialectic forward
The Daily Shoah has been going left lately, saying Stalin was right and whatnot.
anybody got the inside zero books mega link? i need more CDV
Do any anons listen to Srsly Wrong or Swampside Chats? I never really see them discussed.
Here you go.
u a hero
Zero Squared is great but Street Fight was the worst shit I've had the displeasure of listening to for a while.
KYS, Street Fight is awesome
Street Fight probably varies more depending on the episode. Some are a bit boring, but others are fun. Either way I like listening to them while I drive or play vidya.
Did something happen to it? It was working fine for me yesterday but now its just displaying a blank page, anyone else having this issue?
i'm getting an error page saying "currently unable to handle this request."
new chapo is out…
somebody fix the black wolf feed
someone please post a link to the latest chapo mp3
bby pls
t. Date rapist
anyone know any good leftcom podcasts?
I listened to the episode "The Soviet Union: The Russian Revolution and Joseph Stalin" of Revolutionary Left Radio, with Gregory Afinogenov. I thought it was pretty good. Anyone else have any thoughts on it? Did he get anything wrong, or does he have DemSoc bias? What do other ML's think of it?
This new producer sucks ass, bring back Brendan.
bugs can't use firearms tho
this isn't as witty as you think
which episode?
never understood why such cute anime girl as Tomoko can't get herself some girlfriend to cuddle with
I wish I remembered exactly. Some day I'll be autistic enough to go through the catalog for eps with Amber in the background and find out
Zero Squared is the closest and he's still pretty far off. Podcasting is still more "respectable" than youtube so you basically have to hide your power level behind SocDemism and/or do the Citations Needed-style radical leftist thing where you only criticize and never put forth a proactive plan yourself
She's supposed to be disgustingly ugly. But she's drawn cute so it would sell better.
the cold open where rand paul gets his ass kicked is the best opening the shows ever had
Joe Rogan open though
just got back from a chapo live show.
i'd fuck amber's unorthodox brains out of her adorably stacked bod.
but atlas, she was moving quickly through the bar and I didn't get a chance to stop her and administer my charm
anyway, the show was fine. they played some big-retailer recruitment and training vids (from the fucking 90's). decidedly entry-level riffs on capitalism coupled with lively and biting commentary = raison d'etre of the live show and the podcast.
hell yeah dude
late arrival to the pod, so missed when they had a show nearby. ticket price was a bit high for me, but i'll check them out the next time they come to town.
You don't have to like liberal feminism, and in fact you shouldn't, but if the "f" word frightens you, then you are spooked and need to stop caring so much about muh video games or whatever other bullshit pop culture reason that has fostered your unjustified standoffishness.
You watch some right trash.
Ignore these reddit idpols. They're trying to avert their trip to the gulag.