I noticed that the board restoration has removed the moderation thread. Direct all hotpocket related inquiries here.
Moderation Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Make me board owner
I blame the board revisionists for this
And capitalism
Maybe tito as well
BO can not be judged; he is judged already. He is condemned, or the Board is not absolved.
How do I get a flag by my name? I know I know newfag question
Get your shit together.
Thanks mate
BO needs to get shot
why is bumplocked?
haha dank memes m8
Wait, what?
The Nazbol flag is gone?!
Excuse you, antisemitism isn't racism.
Hi can you make the new podcast thread a cyclical? It replaces the old CTH thread
is torposting be ampersand again?
saved and thanks.
bring back virginmod
So when are we getting a new B.O.?
We got an infrographing Holla Forums agent in this thread boys.
Well sick it's gone
What is this? Did I miss something?
When BO resigns, which he's under no obligation to do
Can you fuck off back to reddit with this shit, faggot?
Can we please get rid of this bullshit "SAGE!" at the top of saged posts? It turns what should be a form of polite communication into a big, passive-aggressive thing.
Yeah, sage shouldn't be a downvote
Jesus we are moderated by fucking redditors. Remove both
So why were the Nazbol and over a dozen US military bases in Syria flags removed if BO supposedly doesn't care?
Would a mod be willing to unlock ? It's actually developing into a pretty interesting discussion about automated content generation. (And the whole bots taking over the internet in general)
I'm still here user.
Something I always haven't been able to tell was if the (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) in red text stuff was a moderation message or if they purposefully put it in by said OP since usually it seems these are always on controversial posts
Thanks for unlocking the thread!
Me and another vol are planning a vol meetup this saturday, no specific hour, just show up.
Can we please ban people who argue in bad faith. It’s really shitting up the board
You forgot Trotsky
Truly the life of a janitor is full and productive.
Sorry m8, BO needs to do that.
The board was so glitched it had to be restored to a prior state, which fucked up quite a few cycled threads.
People who are clearly arguing just to fight and "prove le commies wrong xD" without actually considering what they are saying are already banned. A lot of anons perceived as arguing in bad faith, when you view their post histories, are just dumb, not malicious, and genuinely trying to learn more.
Why this thread is anchored?
Why do you get banned for saying Israel is shit? How can you even call this board leftist if you get banned for denouncing Israel?
the bo is a retard and there's a couple rogue mods doing basically whatever the fuck they want.
What's it with people getting banned for posting anti-commie shit?
I never read anywhere that you get banned for posting something that isn't leftist; only that this is a hub for it…
What does the leftcom's screenshot say? Any more context and what the vols think of it?
If it's what I think it is, it seems like an incredibly low-brow and inconsistent move that needlessly pisses off some users, considering that non-leftists are allowed to post here with as low quality that they can get away with as opposed to leftists making similar quality posts.
LMAO, that guy on the left was actually me, i remember going through wikipedia finding commie starvings
and your solution to that is to ban them, not argue them?
i thought freedom of speech was an inalienable right; i shouldn't think that i've been given some gift that i can speak my mind.
first off, define low-quality; that sounds to me like code for something you don't agree with, also referencing that above screenshot, i gave my counter-argument (check), evidence (check), and my analysis (check). If we were in HS english, i would've completed all requirements on the paper.
Can the 200 character limit be pushed down to 150?
Just self moderate and keep it as inoffensive and watered down as possible, that way if you still manage to catch a bullshit ban, you'll probably get it revoked on appeal. I'm not saying I agree with having to do that, and I'd be the first to advocate for a return to the good old days where you needed to be saying really terrible shit, or outright spamming the board to get banned, but that's probably never going to happen. As boards grow, the schism between moderators and users grows in turn. This always happens, I mean come on, you're dealing with a bunch of 20 something kids given both anonymity and absolute power over an imageboard. What do you think is going to happen when you say things that piss them off? Every imageboard is like this.
Now you can view it from the glass half empty perspective that the rules (including the "secret rules" that are not made public) are stifling, and that you don't enjoy feeling like you're walking on eggshells. Or you could look at it from the glass half full perspective, and treat it like twitter's 140 character limit; a challenge that you can exercise your brain to work around and best formulate your posts so that they comply with said limitation.
If it's specifically the BO being 'out of line' with those really sketchy bans that keep getting posted, and all of the vols disagree, why don't you talk some sense into him? Surely if you're trusted enough to moderate the board, your opinions would be valued and taken into account.
Why did the vol claiming that the BO was behind all of the bullshit bans delete his own post? What is going on here?
I deleted it because the sketchy ban in question expired ages ago and was likely appealed. I can't see who made it, so I didn't think it was right to put out an assertion like that. Whereas no mod but the BO seems to uphold the "imperialism" rule, that ban in particular could have been made by anyone.
Why are the flags fucked again?
seems to work on my end
Since the /leftpol/ doesn't seem to take off, can we take over some of their flags? Their Marxist-Leninist flag is pretty cool, not everybody who is a Marxist-Leninist wants to post under a fucking tank. "Tankie" should be reserved for Marxist-Leninists who defend Krushchev, Brezhnev or Deng, that's the original meaning of the term.
Their other flags are also decent, like Cuba, Juche or De Leonist.
Can you please put the limit characters down i coudent make a post becouse of that and honestly the subject dosent need a wall of text to be talked about.
Is writing a two extra sentences related to thread topic on board promoting reading such problem?
Some people are concise writers. Stretching a sentece can be as bad as shortening it.
anchor this idpol thread please
Holla Forums shitposts were getting out of hand in this thread:
When are you mods gonna permaban this guy already? It's the same guy with the nazi flag that shitposts constantly on the board everyday.
Serious question. Is the BO of Holla Forums a transgender dick sucker?
Body Oder is a dick sucking faggot
Aren't we all?
If the board owner were not crashing this board with no survivors, I'd be outraged over this. As the former is not the case, neither can the latter.
As far as I know, nobody's ever provided any evidence of that. No data with the images or videos that I've seen leads back to anything. No source cited, which kind of suggests that it's literally someone creating these and then just posting them - or they're from some long-forgotten camwhore.
It's probably an up-and-coming camwhore who tricked an army of teens into performing hours of unpaid marketing.
They never provide any evidence that it’s the B.O., so who know? B.O. needs to be replaced regardless.
I think you meant to ask
who cares nobody here likes xir
may as well see what happens, it's worth a shot
i made a meme
For an ancap it’s a good meme
Well, there don't appear to be any children in it so whatever it is it certainly exceeded my expectations.
I mean who knew a twelve year old ancap could make something funny.
no one has ever provided any proof of that person being involved in any way with this board. it's just a random person that Holla Forums found and started saying was the b.o.
BO posted it with a capcode and some story about their life.
I don't have an archive, but someone must.
Either it's BO or they are the one pushing this person as themself.
without proof that claim is worthless
What kind of rapscallion would report someone like that?
Hey BO is that video of the dick sucking going around you?
there's also another video of him taking it up the ass
Yeah I want BO to either confirm it’s them or say it isn’t them.
Why are you doing that to me? I do it for free
Can someone dethrone the mod already? Can't be that hard, right?
Head mod, that is. B.O.
Why would someone report this, I see nothing wrong with it
Yeah, this seems to be a pattern.
It should be spoilered.
I'll never know if it's still the same Holla Forumstard posting the same pic and vid of some literally who tranny knowing it's not the BO or if Holla Forumsacks actually believe it's true.
The fact that we ban them for being massive faggots is probably what they use as "proof".
There are people who actually waste their time like this.
It's been forced enough that it shows up in google images as "leftypol board owner". That was probably the plan all along, it's pretty clever actually.
The pic is a thumbnail so reverse image searching doesn't uncover the tranny's identity, and the BJ vid has been posted recently. If I had to take a guess, whoever's behind it is gonna leak a new pic/vid from this literally who tranny every now and then.
The video of BO was releced by /leftpol/
Btw, what was the story with that thread on this topic that got pinned the other day - some nude of like a Japanese girl or something? What was that about?
Why'd you bumplock the Zimbabwe coup thread at >>>2251497 mods? Shit OP but still a world event that merits discussion.
Yo Why'd you let him film you suckin dick though. Money that low?
Thanks to B.O. descent into crazyville we're now literally in the same situation as /r/socialism.
Think about that for a second.
We ban people for saying "stupid"?
Nazis are more welcome than leftists?
When did this happen? Good job, this has greatly cut down the low quality threads.
I'm seriously tired of hoochie. She derails every discussion she percive as Holla Forums.
Is she even a communist? All I see if antifa tier "le anti fash" and deeply triggering and problematic shit.
Hoochie is a controlled weapon.
That thread was golden, why did you delete it instead of lock?
No it's not controlled. If she was it would be cool.
She's reached an understanding with the board. She won't shit up a thread until the Hoochie Signal is sent. Post it with care.
Do we really need 4 threads a day mocking Holla Forums?
This board had become just that latley.
When are we going to make every post have a 200 character minimum?
I support this.
Is this even possible?
I hope not
when Xir thinks xir can convince Jim that doesn't technically count as making the board delibreately unusable
Give it a month.
Someone stamp 'Holla Forums' on this.
Please anchor incel threads:
One of those threads is not incelshit, but rather a namefag making a thread to fight strawmen that he has set up and pretend to be smart. Holy fuck, what a pathetic nigger. Thanks for alerting me to it, user.
that massive faggot should kill himself, as should all tradcucks
dang, i thought my post was pretty okay and may have been my part of my own personal development culminating in coming here. i just wanted to make a wordy post on a topic thats pretty relevant to the site and its communities. it is a real social issue, incelibacy I mean.
Your thread was totally fine, I bumplocked it because there are tens of these threads daily and you had already gotten your point across, with everyone in the thread seemingly acting as though it was winding to a close.
I'll unlock it, though, in case anyone wants to bring up counter points or argue. It's better to have one of these threads with a good OP than 50.
ty bruv
*clears throat*
ha ha you want to fuck trannies
Can we stop the 200 characters shit? It does nothing to stop spam considering they just use copypastas
Can you all fuck off back to reddit with this shit, fucking faggots?
Can we please get rid of this bullshit "SAGE!" at the top of saged posts?
Stop whining, you'll never get anything accomplished by bitching at people online.
You mean that I won't get nothing accomplished by saying what's wrong in a thread that exist to point out what's wrong?
What the fuck is even the context of your post?
Neck yourself idiot
Yes, I'm saying your post will not accomplish anything. That's pretty obvious.
I'm getting the strangest sense of deja vu
Somebody is raiding us with a spambot
that one assclown is back, pls anchor his spam
Could we start a zero tolerance policy against these "200 characters 200 characters" et al. threads? I'm fucking tired of them. I fully support having a minimal char limit on new threads, but what's the fucking point if people are not made to obey the rule, ffs? I recommend 2-3 hour bans on OPs at first to let them get the message, and bump-locking char-evading OP's that are otherwise useless.
You can actually use your "normal" sage by typing "Sage" (with a capital S) in the Email field..
You aren't a martyr banned for having the wrong opinion you fucking dipshit. You're a shitposting fuckholster whose entire post history contains not a single contribution of any substance or merit.
Appeal denied you worthless cumsock.
What a shit board this has become.
you must be new here, comrade torposter
No I'm a libcom that's been an on and off poster here for about two years. What's making this worse is the B.O.'s mounting insanity and the community's inaction. It's a vicious cycle. We could be so much more than some fucking board on nazichan but people here don't seem to really care. "It's just for shitposting, so what" people say, apathetically. What a fucking waste.
This dying website is a husk of what it was 3 years ago and is doomed to die a slow death. The Holla Forums you knew is gone and cannot come back.
I really wish you faggots would stop mischaracterizing what is essentially minorly annoying behavior the majority of posters neither notice nor care about as some fucking crisis. It's shitty and dumb but it's just typical forum moderator bullshit and you fucking morons aren't doing your cause any favors by treating it like anything else.
Next you're going to say "sup bo" because you're an intellectually stunted nimrod with no fucking argument.
Holla Forums was made to get away from "typical forum moderator bullshit ", you buffoon. Just because mods are usually power-hungry idiots doesn't make their behavior acceptable. Neck yourself, faggot.
I knew you didn't have an argument and it feels really good to be proven right, thanks.
Is this B.O.?
I'm not that other guy, nice try though.
fuck off lol
I'm okay with getting rid of the low-effort Bordigaspam tho
You are on the spectrum my man
I refuse to ban people for not keeping up with the 200 character limit. Feel free to report shit threads, but bypassing the limit alone isn't bannable.
Great job you retarded goth tranny. Go back to reddit.
you are making quality arguments my man
How do we gulag these liberal mods and replace them with real communists?
BO, I know you're just a human like everyone else. But next time please read my post history before ban-deleting me.
I know the Nazi flag is confusing and all, but this was the second time it happened.
Here, have a complementary aryan QT.
I don't agree with the limit, but if it's not going to be enforced, what the fuck is the point of even having it? I'd much rather read a 1-2 line OP than a 1-2 line OP and someone spamming 200char200char200char200char.
selective enforcement
I was saying we should get rid of the rule because it's shit. Learn to read my good man.
Really makes you thonk
I don't understand this logic. This is an amazing place to have a leftist forum and I love the butthurt that comes from it. Why would you want to leave? We're converting polyps every week.
You have the 200 char rule for what, if you don't enforce it? It's much worse to read the same threads with a bunch of spam at the bottom than it was before without the rule. Either enforce the rule or scrap it, you gotta choose.
Because we could be the influential leftychan that doesn't contain 30% Holla Forums shitposts every hour of every week simply due to being in the pocket of a nazichan that no other demographic (except us) uses.
We could be converting normies every week.
False. This board remains alive due to in part, the reputation of Holla Forums and the fact that its existence as a bogeyman to stormniggers causes them to ineffectually try to shill against us. There have been many leftist political imageboards, and almost all of them have failed to gain any notoriety and died. Anokchan immediately comes into mind. The moment we leave or Holla Forums dies is the moment that they don't have to view us gaining members in the middle of their safe space whilst they bleed theirs out, and thus they'll stop the free advertisement. They serve as a constant stream of newcomers.
What makes you think normalfags will come to an obscure leftist imageboard with no prior reputation as a spooky and interesting place? Why would those interested not go for far more reaffirming and liberal places like Reddit?
we're closer to 899 active ISPs than 1000 and the numbers have been dropping though
The character limit is BO's doing. I don't agree with it.
I feel like some of you overestimate how much BO communicates with us.
Yeah, but that doesn't mean I want to be around them. That's half of the reason I'm on Holla Forums.
Did you count every cringe convert larp pasta of leftypolyps or do did you measure that by the amount of offtopic shitposts on leftypol?
>thinking if Holla Forums has gone to shit maybe Holla Forums has especially with that recent incident
No discussion on Holla Forums is allowed anymore it's fucking retarded. I've always browsed like 10 or so different boards and Holla Forums is just boring fucking shit these days. Leftypol is looking like it's in pretty good shape and has actual fucking discussion without hotpockets getting in the way.
Posted from Tor
Get this humanist rhetoric the fuck outta here reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Let me tell you how I know you haven't been here in a couple months…
Really makes you think…
The catalog looks much better with the limit enforced, tbh. Also, it allows for a great way of telling if OP is full of shit or not. If OP is just there for banter, shitposting, making a one sentence "point" (commies btfo, etc.) he struggles with the limit.
I for one won't be missing the "JUST" and "is x /ourguy/?" threads.
no it wasn't.
Why was this thread bumplocked?
Remove the "Holla Forums reading list" sticky already or at least rename it "/marx/ reading list" since that's what the OP is about.
Yeah, the "Holla Forums reading list" in its current state is just as effective as posting the Holla Forums "GOMMUNISM GENERAL" copypasta thread and stickying that.
That's all to do with BO, not Holla Forums.
Realistically speaking board exoduses don't work, they always lead to a shattered community and a lower membership, a big site has an inertia all of its own that attracts people.
so is pic related now carte blanche to shitpost?
Seconded. It's especially cancerous when people make a thread (pretending to care) about THEORY or some book and then can't be arsed to write a paragraph about it.
We already have made a reputation for ourselves as Holla Forums. We have memes, media personalities like Wolff mentioning us and a rebellious relation with other spaces like /r/socialism.
Lapse in logic?
In case you forgot - we aim for the liberation of the proletariat through abolition of class society. Which literally is the mass of online users, are predominantly working class. Our aim as a leftist board is to read theory and recruit more users through making normies conscious of their class position. This board needs to shape up and stop being such a cesspool of navalgazing manchild bullshit it makes me fucking furious. Anonymous imageboards are so much more powerful than forum-style websites. The catch is the community also becomes far more collectively responsible.
>>>/r9k/ is that way, this is a leftist board.
Fuck B.O.
>>>/r9k/ is that way, this is a leftist board.
Is that supposed to mean something to me? I know that, that's why I post here.
top kek, I'm glad that larpers will go away
Vols not deleting/locking/banning these threads are actively undermining board quality. There are at most half a dozen posters who currently create fake threads that serve as simple alibis for their childish revolt with their "200 char 2000 char" shit.
Uphold board quality or leave your job, for fucks sake.
Also, by some mystical chemistry when the "200 200" spam threads are created 1 or 2 "le BO is a tranny" spams are created as well. If vols are complicit with this shit BO should ask for new recruitment.
What if BO stopped being a faggot and removed the 200 char limit?
What if you stopped shitting up the fucking board you scum?
Considering how fucking low the quality was before the whole drama, the 200 character limit was the best thing she could do.
Stop falseflagging BO, nobody likes your retarded new rules (inb4 saying retarded is bannable like on r/soc)
Compare the exact style and phrasing in saved pics:
It might be just 1-2 autists.
Thanks for pointing them out! Also, please continue reporting them if you spot them, I's easy to miss some of them!
Is this sarcastic? I keep reporting them because I find it hilarious.
I'm dead serious. Thank you for your help.
Anything for a few more Tsuruko reaction pics
I need to go get more
ignore shitposting flag
Can BO minimize the limit to 150 characters or whatsoever the fuck Twitter's old Max was. This seems really dumb and has hindered a fair amount of discussion and the "general" threads as well
This vol ignores legit reports; bumps, stickies, and cyclicals the /leftpol/ thread, pretty openly talks about ending leftypol. Why is he still allowed to be a volunteer?
death of leftypol
cycles, bumps, stickies
ignores legit reports
wow it looks almost like good thread topics can be made in under 200 characters and like you're a huge faggot
what if you made an actual argument instead of adhoms?
I'd never have guessed
fix your site Jim you fat loser mangina
It would have taken the faglord OP to add one (that is: one, singlular) link to his thread to reach 200 characters, but because he'd rather ruin board quality he leaves it out so he can make a point about his butthurt. This is, my dear mustached cartoon friend, is objectively ruining the board quality and the vols not addressing this issue should give up their positions.
read the arguments, look at the evidence:
Were you dropped on your head as an infant?
Feel free to argue anytime.
your numbshit conspiracy theories aren't evidence, they're your opinion. take your meds.
hold your horses, hillary
Meanwhile, on leftpol: calls for posts with political agenda.
If you can't create and run your board without ruining another maybe your presence shouldn't be tolerated here.
Also, a lot of content on /leftpol/ is just /leftypol-meta/ & leftypol-modding-meta right now. If you can't create at autonomous board that can't stand on its own without being a parasite on another maybe your whole raison d'être is a joke.
one keystroke off from Holla Forums, the transformation is nearly complete
Where are the arguments, billy?
yup this seems conclusive and not fake or really fucking easy to fake
Reading might not be your strength, the link was provided as well:
Which points to a post made my a leftpoller on leftypol and calls for a certain kind of posting. Vols can look up that my posting history doesn't match that one.
Who's the conspiracy theorists here, again?
never said they were, Mr. Defensive, I just said it's easy to falseflag on anonymous mongolian fingerpuppetry webrings
why was the robespierre/french revolution thread just deleted?
Attention all mods and posters!
I don't know if they're desperate for more posters or what, but a particular mod who obviously supports >>/leftpol/ has stickied and cycled their shill thread. I could just delete it, but I want to just get a general idea of what the board thinks and to announce that I am doing so so that anons don't complain about transparency. Discussion and shilling is allowed, but it can be tantamount to spamming sometimes imo. What y'all think?
I think you should stop being a bunch of retards and cease the 200 characters tomfoolery.
The BO wants people to leave, you dramahog. Keep it.
There's only one person who was posting with the >>>/leftpol/ thing - and that idiot should get a slap on the wrist for having no style nor grace.
Someone deleted my leftyv thread? Wtf dude?
Not for me to decide. Plus low effort OPs has been killing this board even before the whole R0java thing. I personally only ban people for 30 min to an hour if it's actually a serious topic and I hope other mods use the same descretion since we're trying to encourage more effort posting and better topics and not scare people off. Unless someone convinces me otherwise I don't think it is that hard to have 200 char in an OP.
BO does not want people to leave. BO is merely biased on who stays. My worry is that if some mod is seriously salty than they can delete the reading list or do something equally annoying.
Uhhhh…Checking out the board log. Who the fuck is deleting all of these posts?
Gosh, maybe being an absolute, turgent prick isn't the best way to run your forum because it leads to situation just like this one.
Read your posts before posting.
Since the mod logs are anonymised now I guess we'll never know :^)
Perfect M-L leadership as always
you can decide not to enforce it
pic related
is it working? because it doesn't look like it's working. i mean there are less threads, but there's no more "effort posting" at all. plus anyone who isn't retarded can circumvent this without you noticing.
it's not, it's literally the lenght of a tweet, that's not the point though, it's a dumb rule.
There is a difference I believe. BO being biased is not the same as BO wanting people to leave. Not to mention that the mods have been very lenient on leftpol shillers but if a mod is going to sticky and post stuff without the rest of the moderation team's consent than they can potentially just cause havoc whenever they want.
Is this motherfucker on the mod team now?
jesus fuckin christ mods
Wait what's happening…
Where are all them boards going?
What the fuck just actually happened
good work appointing dumbasses as mods.
shit *threads
This is historic
wtf is going on!!!
bo literally said he wants people who disagree with him to leave and has invited them to go to the other board.
Like I said, not for me to decide. Even then I disagree. Less threads I don't think is a bad thing if people are going to post gorillaposting-tier threads ok. Other mods should tone it down, but honestly it's a new rule and if people are not going to follow it then we have to enforce it.
I think it's that >>>Holla Forums mod, but I have no clue.
My God.
so who do we blame for this
well you certainly got what you wanted
we no longer have a BO
it starts with b and ends with o
It's probably a rogue volunteer. If it is the BO I will be surprise.d
👏 😂
what makes you think that based on what they've done so far
It's like another Yezhovshchina.
oh boy here we go.
Read your posts before posting.
Anarkiddies strike again.
Eat shit BO, you wanted to destroy this board all along, you're just getting what you asked for, if you didn't do it yourself.
this never would have happened if mods hadn't needlessly antagonized the bookchinfags
It's funny that I come on for the first time in a week or so to see BO still doing this pathetic shit, clearly acting like it's anything but their own cum and amphetamine fueled schizophrenia that wants this to happen.
Let it burn. Leftism a shit.
>it was muh anarkiddies who burned the reichstag catalogue
That's a vol not BO.
Yeah whatever m8.
Hey man, I tried asking people what do they think about a potentially controvertial mod action. Shit goes down outside of any of the mods control and then in the end people continue to whine about mods when it was ultimately some lonewolf who did it.
Am not BO dumbass.
Fyi everyone.
by the way, i've seen the leftpol thread get cyclical and then having it removed at least three times this week. i thought you guys were sperging among yourselves.
we're mostly whining about the bo itt. people are mad because you've made asses of yourselves because of him lately. it's not our fault.
This. Do you really not grasp that associating yourself with someone who has nothing but contempt for their users makes you look bad by proxy?
You know this really gets my fucking noggin joggin.
Edit: This is a post history of one of the users.
You don't like posters, we get it. Maybe consider resigning if you can't show compassion to your users.
It's the post history of one of the users here. They are posting in every thread with each post flaming on BO and the mods. I am certain this either damage control or COINTELPRO or something.
yes, and…?
Poor volunteers
This is getting embarassing, BO.
I'm posting in that other thread, cracking jokes, as well. Hardly the sign of a shitposting cabal. People are - or rather should - extract some comedy from the situation as there is nothing anyone can do as long as the BO is not available.
There is literally no purpose for doing this unless you want people to be angry at the vols enough to leave. You're not even providing criticism. YOU ARE DELIBERATELY TRYING TO EXCLUSIVELY BLAME THE MODS AND ULTIMATELY THE BOARD for this shit. Fuck you. But I won't ban you since you haven't broken any rules.
BO's mental breakdown continues.
It's a vol
He's not BO, BO is not even online
This is Holla Forums: users being skeptical - hell, outright hostile - towards any form of moderation should be expected. If you aren't at fault, don't take it personal - you definitely can't stop everyone from posting hotpocket memes.
Some sick fuck even edited the otherwise politically correct image for this thread - I am appalled. #JusticeForMods
For all we know you're BO, nobody's word means anything anymore.
BO must step down and the purger must be removed from power too, this has gone on long enough, we need real democracy.
I can't see what you say you dumb nigger.
Nice try BO.
Bless his cotton socks. There's only one way this will end.
Can you hear me now
It's not the BO
BO will post as ##Board Owner
also why would BO want to destroy this board and send us to /leftpol/ it makes no sense.
BO wants people to leave.
Also, the other poster is clearly joking.
This is what you dumbasses get for messing with 4/pol/. Stop kicking the fucking hornet's nest.(USER WAS SENT TO REDDIT FOR THIS POST)
I'm so scared I can literally post.
BO wants people he disagrees with to leave,
Which is the vast majority of posters. Ipso facto.
Never said it was likely, but ya know, might as well hope. I would settle for mods that aren't just powerhungry and actually have the community's interests in mind
Which is why the majority of posters didn't want to post in the dead board that is Leftpol right? Even if the mods were shit, the board didn't deserve this. Fuck you rogue mod. Fuck you.
Boards are only as dead as you make them. Besides, nothing was stopping you from posting on both. Don't put all your eggs in one basket - as you can see one can slip.
ya think???
right, because it's not criticism if you don't call it criticism
no actually, fuck you and your false 'why do you hate America'-tier equation of my criticism of the faggot BO with criticism of everybody on this board
o thanks you massa fo' not gibbin' me a hwippin' today you is a gud massa fuck you, you pathetic sadsack
God shut the fuck up
You're worse than Hoochie
Nice reddit spacing, oldfriend.
Look m8, all we do is delete shitposts and sage bait threads. I'm pissed that people think that the mod team is some sort of homogenous group wanking over a fucking imageboard. Not to mention that the Leftpol shill thread was pinned and cycled right before all of this crap happened. I ask people for input in the mod thread for what to do before this shit went down and before I know it all of the threads are gone.
what, so this board will finally die?
I said shut the fuck up. Start listening.
No so you will. You're annoying.
If you check the board log it's pretty clear some vol unstickied the /leftpol/ advertisement thread, in response to which the vol who stickied it in the first place - or so I assume - went berserk.
Care taking is a thankless job, best you can do is adapt.
yeah I'm way worse for posting images and words than whoever nuked this board because their feefees got hurt
Increasingly feeling this was you and you're a vol shilling for leftpol.
where do I mention /leftpol/?
Yeah sure m8.
Right. Which is why you mention all of the vols in your shitposts too.
Because I think calling your shitposts "criticism" is frankly intellectually dishonest and your post regarding posters being assmad over a extremely disruptive event is a fucking cunty thing to do.
You're welcome.
Here's my counter theory to yours:
>people finally have had enough and someone makes a new board
For today:
Hanlon's razor and Occam's razor.
self-defining say-so arrest bullshit on the level of 'wrecking'
which like the common Holla Forumsyp, you attack rather than refuting the argument
right all criticism needs to be at least 200 characters or it doesn't count how could I forget lol
that's right, if you dislike it or disagree with it it's a shitpost, just keep repeating it and it will be true
Okay so, to be clear, you think I'm a cunt for complaining that somebody nuked the board for no or dogshit reasons? heh
Leftpol was no one's boogieman. They were some people who had legitimate criticisms and made there own board. People joked around about Trots because they splitted, but the mods allowed leftpolers to shill their board and you guys are included in the fellow leftist boards list in the FAQ. The fact that somebody in Leftpol's name is fucking bullshit and certainly does NOT fucking inspire trust between the two boards.
I'm in contact with the BO right now. We're considering banning anyone who mentions leftpol, keeping the post limit, and making a small team of 5 critical Volunteers.
t. former vol
Yes. Please shut up.
I never thought I would see the internet reenacting Krondstadt. To be honest it's bretty funny
no, and nobody was talking to you, you triggered faggot
Are you kidding? People were treating /leftpol/ as some carefully orchestrated conspiracy to split the Holla Forums community (see the other post). Sure, there were some jokes, but the amount of people who took it for reality was shocking.
Yep and this serves as an excellent example of the type of meaningmaking I am referring to: rando does something absolutely idiotic thing while relegating their brain as cranium filling and everyone assumes said rando represents a group they are only a miniscule part of.
Pic related.
I told you to shut up. Please listen next time, and do not reply to me.
Everyone can see your ID you know.
don't listen to anyone saying theyre a former mod or in contact with the BO unless theyre a mod
this guy is just replying to himself with different ips in other threads
BO retire binch
Top kek
Not an argument. You weren't argueing then and you're not now.
"Fuck BO and the mods" is not really an argument
Not an argument
Pics related.
Insulting people and not arguing can be considered shitposting.
Because like I said, your arguments consists of namecalling and "fuck mods".
Nope. Stop strawmanning. I am mad at you for blaming posters who are mad at what have happened and for not doing what /leftpol/ is doing and leave. Your post No. 2263375 insinuates this unless you have some context to share.
BO you really are a salty dimwit. Why not just give up the board?
Bravo user. Bravo.
Purge the Holla Forumsacks the board has already gone through enough
Are volunteers assigned to a BO when they're given the board?
I thought they just had to give them the credentials and that was it.
Real talk, if the B.O. Dies irl can a vol stage a coup against the dead B.O.?
It's purely rhetorical. Nothing is stopping BO from assigning themselves a volunteer key. Most volunteers hated BO until recently, when all the supporters came out of the woodwork.
This is correct.
Also, BO's can post with the '## Board Volunteer' tag. Not claiming the vol currently posting in here is the BO: they're obviously not.
Unless they shared their login creds, the board is lost.
Yeah, from all the evidence provided and all the earth shattering opinions on BO that aren't milder forms of the opinions of BO held by the board, it's abundantly clear it's not BO.
I'm joking, BO only comes online to act like a total cunt and shill for themselves, which makes it a 50% chance that it's BO.
The BO is far more direct and asinine. Go by writing style, not sentiment.
Are you fucking satisfied?
How can I be satisfied when it's a volunteer key handed out from the BO? The BO can take a shot like that.
pic related
whoops, wrong pic sorry
Refer to:
Shut up. Keep quiet.
Suck my dick, newfag retard
This is to the BO:
Regardless of who is responsible. You may want to make up for it by removing some of the hated rules and namefilters, and revoking anonymous moderation. It's the least you can do right now.
Now your first intention may instead be to double down or ban mentions of /leftpol/, but it's going to backfire. Things are shaky right now. One more round of drama and all the people that prefer to stay here may just decide to move. It's up to you now to deliver a killing blow, or end this nonsense.
This tqhboethianf
They do, what u.s. political party do.
Make bullshit up for the 'lower class, lower lives, sheep'', or there followers who would eat any bullshit they make to create a reaction, feel, or forced opinion of dislike, hate, love and etc. It's nothing new.
Here's recent news of this for example:
bait pls go
A user who is mod on both leftpol and leftypol isn't just some "miniscule part of" either community. That user has actively undermined this board and it is documented:
bait pls go
B.O. listen to them and
This is how you cause a massive dip in your user base you faggot
Shut up anarkiddie, this is an ML board now, Hoochie made it official
Implying anarkiddies are the cause of these problems and not an imcompetitent board owner you secretarian shithead
What'd I miss?
It was a guy asking for a ban on anarchists, I think
Tank wanted to ban all non-MLs and called the rogue vol an anarchis
Well isn't that depressing
Here you go
Less than twenty-four hours later, things are returning to normalcy.
What a waste of moderation privileges. It didn't cause people to migrate, and instead vilified /leftpol/. Good job whoever is responsible.
Miniscule part of the /leftpol/ community, you sophist. Nothing in the posts you link prove the opposite: they weren't elected nor acknowledged as representative of /leftpol/. They were acting on their own accord and there is no prove for the opposite.
Your claim has the serves the same function as claiming every person who spams on Holla Forums is a Holla Forums sleeper agent: nascent paranoia and mass hysteria.
I was there through the entire when it happened live; I know the sequence of events. Rather than try to find some error in my post which aligns with your petty, preconceived narrative, actually read it and connect it to the broader theoretical background I am referring to in the very post.
Don't edit posts just because they hurt your feelings you fucking retard.
die choking on a dick idiot
Can xir tell xir new board volunteers that Holla Forums doesn't blanket ban Nazis? I keep on getting bans for simply making one post that doesn't break the rules. Please familiarize your new board vols with this board's policies thanks.(Ban evasion. 3rd time this morning. )
I'm not ban evading I have no clue what this psychotic vol is on about(4th ban evasion)
You had only one post in your history, the first post you made. After a lot of ban evading nazis were banned yesterday. 1st suspicion. Subsequent ban evasions confirmed my subsequent suspicions.
It's the oldest trick in the imageboard book - ban someone for whatever reason, then keep banning them when they "dodge" it. After a while, the original offending post disappears and you can be banned forever for "evading".
Well obviously I'm going to ban evade after I'm getting bans for "ban evasion" after one post. You have no evidence you and were simply going off a hunch. I suggest you reverse the bans and only ban me if I'm actually breaking rules tbh..(5th Ban Evasion)
Lot's of nazis who have a history of one post after previous get banned for rule violation. Got an itchy feeling…
It doesn't matter, I have full confidence XIR will set things right. Do keep on humiliating yourself and banning me for basically no reason by your own admission though!(3day ban for your 6th evasion. Thank me. )
Who will give out first - the hotpockets, or user's VPN?
It kind of does matter m8.
I'm banning you for evading bans, and I have reason to suspect your ban evading the first time because I banned someone with your MO and typing style yesterday. The fact you made a long post suggests to me this isn't your first time here, and yet it was your first post here. True you could have changed your IP, but that doesn't seem likely to me.
See, I think you're ban evading. If you really want to post here, I'll be generous and let you off with 3 days.
XIR will set things right and relieve you of your board vol status because you're clearly clueless. I'll make sure of that.(7th)
What was the reason for this ban?
It might have been stupid but it was probably his/her legit opinion that didn't show malintent.
In any case,
isn't really funny.
Yes I'm clueless because I banned someone who typed exactly like you, and then you make a near identical post a day later that's little under/over a paragraph that suggests you've posted here before.
My willingness to ban you for evasion comes from your lack of willingness to give an answer to why that might be.
Despite my better judgement, I will still just give you 3 days. You can do a lot in 3 days, this board is recovering anyways.
Is this necessary? So far moderation used this very, very rarely. This is like the second one I see in 2 days. Such attitude from the mod team incites paranoid conspiracies in the userbase. I advise against this, especially now.
Behold, the arrogance of the moderator. You clearly can't stop him from evading. and yet you still act like you're meting down justice from your high horse. This is why anyone with "power" on imageboards is worthy of ridicule.
Use your vol status if you are replying as a vol.
I mean basically. Yeah, I am "melting down justice" from my high horse.
If you're going to quote someone, quote them right, faggot.
If the initial ban was legit and the user is ban evading outside the moderation thread then re-banning is legit, tho.
This bickering on the other hand is completely unnecessary and unprofessional.
I'm a new addition of several to the board volunteers, and I don't quite know how to tag yourself as a board volunteer. I tried "## Board Volunteer" and it didn't work.
Im assuming there's no permanent way to get rid of the guy with the Nazi flag that keeps ban evading? Either the guy is obsessed with shitposting on here or is just autistic.
I noticed, that's why I'm trying to give you tips. There's supposed to be a mod chat and you can get help there. Ask other mods to review your modding actions for a while.
Also, can the site administration do anything about it? Or is it just confined to individual boards?
Stop feeding the obvious troll. If he tries to make his case in an honest manner, let him. Otherwise ban and delete until he's tired of it.
if this faggot's complain about your actions being inconsistent true, stop, and let another experienced mod review the case
Then why the hell does he constantly shit up the board everyday? He's been banned permanently several times & just changes IP's constantly to get around it.
Welcome to imageboards, you fucking rube. People who post here with no ways of ban evading are just asking for an assfucking.
So you just made a longer post that familiarized yourself with posting on this board, that was the only post in your posting history.
And you refuse to explain why that might be.
And I banned someone who word for word typed what you said yesterday for about a week.
You know if you have an explanation for all of this I'd love to hear it but as far as I'm concerned you haven't really given me an explanation, so I have no reason to believe you aren't ban evading. This could have easily been avoided if you gave me an explanation as to why it was your only post in your history to begin with, but you didn't. So anything after this is just going to seem suspicious. It's beyond a hunch, you're making yourself seem as if you're guilty of what's being suggested.
Take a 3 day break.
It may be several posters. I can't tell; I don't see what you do.
this p. much settles it then
Its a guy that constantly complains about blacks, "Apes", "Go back to ape Africa", & of course Jews. His posting style is very consistent.
The entire point of banning him hinged on that. That I banned someone similar, or another mod banned someone similar yesterday. And he made a longer post this morning that was the only one in his posting history.
He could have explained a reason as to why his IP changed, and maybe I would have believed him, but he went immediately on the offense instead of providing a decent appeal, so I considered how I dealt with his what, 7+ ban evasions this morning pretty generous.
You know, I would appeal, I really would, but the appeal page doesn't even show up. It's been replaced by some new pop-up box. Pic related.
I really hope xir sees this post before the vol deletes it.(I'll leave it up, I wouldn't know why you couldn't appeal.)
They are trying to rewrite history now. Fucking ☭TANKIE☭s
Ah fuck, I can't believe you've done this
Oh come on. You don't have to be a phrenologist to realize genes and their expressions affect behavior and capabilities. And that certain environments and material conditions will eventually select for certain traits.
Races don't exist though.
Because clear (geographic) boundaries between most populations and their neighbors are impossible to identify.
Except for perhaps a few genetic isolates like the Sentinelese.
Genetic variety is more like a gradient rather than role-playing game archetypes.
Intelligence differences between populations are much more easily explained by differences in education, health and nutrition; the Flynn effect has been universal.
Why am I talking in spoiler-text?
Here have an old-favorite from earlier this year.
Women everywhere are beautiful tbqh.
If you disagree you're an ethnophobe and probably a humanist too :DDDDD
Vols, please refrain from 1-2-3 word(s) bans. Respect even the shittiest poster by writing a complete sentence. This is the principle that will save you the trouble of pissing off a comrade when you mistakenly ban one. Otherwise this will have bad consequences on the long run.
The spoiler text pretty much hits the nail on the head. Also there's no point in racial discrimination based on genes as individual mutations will always override their "races" generalized genome.
Have you tried using your eyes?
Have you? At one point does someone stop being "white"?
Slanted eyes? When their skin color is below a certain threshold? Weak jawline? Dark eyes or hair? EyeQueue
I don't know where you came from (probably reddit) but you need to go back there.
Vagueness does not imply fallacy. But all the definitions of "race" I've seen are arbitrary, and often down to personal appetite. Have you noticed how different Central Africans look from Ethiopians? The difference between North American natives and South Americans? Dravidians and Hindustanis? Or Norwegians and Greeks?
In the end, it's still specifically genes and their expression (epigenetics) - through environmental factors - that matter. Something like low and high I.Q. crosses ethnic boundaries. So why obsess over race?
Actually an oldfag going back to before /n/ became lolberg/race-realism central.
I just don't like alt-faggots, ziocon Trumptards, and "Nat-Socs" that can't follow Hitler's example and read a fucking book.
Hitler was actually well versed in philosophy, art and history; read Kant, Hegel, and allegedly also Marx; And had a wide range of intellectual interests.
Just because it isn't impossible for a teapot to be in orbit around the sun, doesn't mean it actually is.
You have the soap box, and I'm asking you to define race. How is it defined? Genome? Haplogroups? Skin color? Is there a checklist? I.Q.? Pic related isn't "white" right?
Are Sicilians white? What about Slavs? Are (Christian) Lebanese white? Syriacs? Copts? Some of the whites Hindustanis?
/n/ wasn't the sort of "race-realist" board as Holla Forums is today, not from the beginning. It was also removed, changed and reinstated several times.
Okay, my fault. I should have been more specific. Define the existing races. Now you don't have to list all of them or even type it out. A few links - Even if it's to some blog - will do. Even one (well-defined) example will suffice as a starting point for debate.
The same Orgone theory and the Electric Universe are real? Belief is not proof.
Bringing up the continuum fallacy is actually interesting as you haven't even begun to define races yet. See above.
To where? The shitposting bot nest at 4/pol/? Or should I go back to 8/pol/ where people spend two years declaring Kushner an honorary Aryan, and are now together with the other ziocons cheering for possible war with North Korea (an enemy of Israel)? Though people seem to be getting off the ziocon train now, so perhaps Holla Forums can still be salvaged.
Nazi poster I don't understand you.
Nonetheless one thing of interest, the Negrito people of South East Asia:
Perhaps more ammunition for you, but the are a people that you would think are black or African in decent based on their looks, but completely and utterly distinct in regard to their genetics. Sort of highlights how genetics =/= looks. Pic related, a negrito, not an african
What, like a full list of genetic ethnicity or a full list of stereotypes about people from different genetic ethnicities?
BO, you might have another mole.
Žiž flag pls
stop downloading so much porn
I got banned for an obviously sarcastic post.
What do
which one?
I posted as a nazi in this thread
Wow, thank you, dear user, for your input, we will consider it!
a vol
already exists
read a book, nig
1. printscreen the ban message and post it
2. explain your position
3. explain your intentions
4. wait for reply
5. follow up in an honest fashion
I keep on getting banned for no reason at all, then I get bans subsequently for "ban evasion", wtf is up with this place.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
u r nazi
Posting under the Nazi flag isn't against the rules last I checked. Perhaps XIR should get rid of it like XIR got rid of the nazbol flag.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
How new do you have to be to not understand why you're getting banned for fucking ban evasion
I am appealing my ban! I am appealing it in the public moderation thread!
This vol is cray cray and on a power trip!(Ban Evasion)
By…ban evading?
By the way there are like, 3 mods banning you not one.
How am I supposed to appeal my ban if I keep on getting banned for appealing my ban in the moderator thread?
Hmm, one of these vols is clearly off kilter(Nigga you stupid)
There's absolutely nothing wrong with the Nazi flag.
Ban evasion is against the rules, true, but I wasn't banned for anything that actually went against the rules, I merely expressed an opinion about NN that the vol didn't like, why shouldn't I evade a ban that was completely baseless?
Clean yourselves up! All five bans should be reversed, because the original ban was completely baseless and illegitimate!(Ban evasion is against the rules, true)
This vol is cray cray!
I am merely trying to appeal my ban in such a way that I know XIR will see it and I'm still getting banned! Why have a thread where you can criticize a vol if they will just ban you? This is outrageous! This is sick pathological megalomaniacal behavior!
Holla Forums is truly circling the drain
This vol is cray cray!
I am merely trying to appeal my ban in such a way that I know XIR will see it and I'm still getting banned! Why have a thread where you can criticize a vol if they will just ban you? This is outrageous! This is sick pathological megalomaniacal behavior!
Holla Forums is truly circling the drain(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
is it hoochie? it's probably hoochie
someone is trying to start a raid on a board that has nothing really to do with politics
It's two or more mods.
No mercy for Nazi cucks. Ban them all and let the Machine God sort them out.
I could understand the 200 thing limit if this was a srs bsnss board like /marx/, but come on, this is supposed to have all sorts of threads. Yes, I expect theory threads or news discussion threads to have a big OP, but gimmick or joke threads don't. All this retarded rule is doing is sucking the fun out of this board.
PS: reminder that /leftpol/ was payback for /ggrevolt/ and none of this mess would have happened if BO was less impulsive.
200 chars rule is gay and shouldn't be on Holla Forums
This "user" namefag may be the stupidest poster this board has seen
200 chars is retarded
He posted on /marx/ too.
The guy is a fucking leech
Why have you not banned this guy?
Also ty senpai for spoilering the third image. I wanted to spoiler it, but codemonkey won't let me spoiler individual images.
Can you guys just bumplock this thread and give OP a time-out (if all the following BS is the same person)? It starts with a flaming post with nothing to back up. Then the thread devolves into the question what's a proper definition of art, apparently with OP's heavy participation, even though that has nothing to do with establishing or demolishing the original hypothesis, and he also makes up quotes (one is reposting a troll from boards.4chan.org
Dunno man, the op is 200 characters, looks like quality to me.
why was the Hoxha flag removed?
you're not going revisionist, are you? mods?
It's still there just called bunkerism
Holla Forums mods are asleep, so if anybody wants to have fun, now is the time.
nobody cares dude
Would it be possible to merge these two threads? The first was actually going somewhere.
NRx cyclical when?
The fuck is this reddit influx?
People are unironically using prouns like womyn, xir ecc.
What the fuck?
Yeah look at >>2280108
We need to build an iron curtain to stop all these reddit rapefugees.
Why the fuck did this ( ) get anchored?
char requirement fag
They may be going a lil overboard with the giraffe funposting, and is kinda starting to bury the requests and that
Not that is too bad but just a heads up
So I noticed this earlier and first I thought it was some kind of mistake but it keeps happening. A mod keeps deleting without any perceivable reason or system some of my posts. Two recent examples:
from the "Remembering assasinated/KIA comrades" thread these are replying to my posts on Inejiro Asanuma
I sure as hell didn't delete them. The content wasn't defying any rules, it was just commemorating an assassinated comrade with a brief explanation and a quote about his anti-imperialist views on the USA. Pic#1 related was the attachment.
Another deletion is from tonight, from the draw thread. It was in reply to this post and pic#2 was the attachment with the post only saying "cant".
Someone cares to go after this?
Just noticed. Several other posts of mine from the "Remembering assasinated/KIA comrades" thread was deleted as well. I also made a post about sacco and vanzetti (pic related) with the same format: explanation + quotes from our assassinated comrades.
Why the fuck would you delete that?
This is in reply to my post (same format) about Lenin's brother who was executed after trying to kill the Tsar:
Noticed another deletion from last night:
It was an OC from the alt-right cringe thread. (pic related)
It seems like that picture triggered Jim
for what possible reason? it makes fun of poltard wewuz
It's either bug in 8ch software, or post >>2279940 was in another thread which fell off catalog. If it was deleted by user, board volunteer or board owner, it would have been loged in sys.8ch.net
OR there is also possibility that all posts made by his IP were deleted, which I just realized that is most likely scenario, so person who made it was shitposting faggot
It wasn't, and that's the discrepancy. The deletions took place periodically and selectively without any systemic reason. Some of my posts remained, some didn't.
Except that clearly wasn't the case as I've outlined here:
Selectively deleting my posts in the "Remembering assasinated/KIA comrades" while not touching others is the weirdest part of it all.
Look at the rest of my posting history in that thread:
Posts were selectively deleted in between these posts from the same IP and they were made in the same vein: pic of comrade martyr + description of the person and the circumstance of his assassination + quote from him. These were clearly not shitposts and I spent considerable time hunting for the info.
Please refrain from scrapping my complaint. If I had been given a ban I could at least appeal it and would have faced some kind of reasoning. This way it's just dishonest mod practice.
Did other users report similar issues?
Why is alt-right cringe thread pinned? I'm going to assume it was misclick and unpin it.
First of all, check if action deleting those posts is in sys.8ch.net
Nothing I know off. Recheck board log, please. If it's not there, make thread on >>>/sudo/ asking how the hell is deleting posts from board possible without logs. If you make thread on sudo, link it there, I'm honestly curious what is going on.
There are 3 options how can I delete your posts. I can delete either specific post (post number will log into log), I can delete all posts made by your IP, OR I can delete all posts made by your IP in a specific thread. Are you absolutely sure it is not possible that some mode used one of those options, specifically 2nd or 3rd?
>1. I can delete either specific post (post number will log into log)
I think this is what happened. See for instance from last night: >>2281114
While another post of mine in that thread remained:
>2. I can delete all posts made by your IP
The evidence rules this out in all three threads: 1) drawfag thread; 2) "Remembering assasinated/KIA comrades" thread; 3) and alt-right cringe thread.
>3. I can delete all posts made by your IP in a specific thread.
Same as before.
From alt-right cringe general thread 2279940 isn't in the log. (Yesterday)
From Remembering assasinated/KIA comrades thread 2274558, 2274556, 2274468 isn't in the log. (Saturday)
From Draw and tan related stuff thread my post made between
isn't in the log – searched for "22801*" where number must be smaller than 2280126. (Yesterday)
So… 8ch mods?
>f it's not there, make thread on >>>/sudo/ asking how the hell is deleting posts from board possible without logs. If you make thread on sudo, link it there, I'm honestly curious what is going on.
if there's no log of it getting deleted it's probably 8ch's piece of shit software losing posts and threads again
Not spamming, I just want to pin down the exact post no. of one of the deletions and check it in the log.
>>2280100 >>2280102 >>2280104 >>2280106 >>2280108 >>2280110 >>2280112 >>2280114 >>2280116 >>2280118 >>2280120 >>2280122 >>2280124 >>2280126
Are there other reports of this between Saturday and yesterday?
Is it possible that 8ch software drops every second post when in meltdown mode?
check this poster. Bet my car that this is the same guy from that bullshit thread about gender prouns
He says that he's been here a long time, but he's obviously a redditor
wait wut (again, not spam)
so it seems this is not a case
What a cutie
Can someone tell the socdem poster to stop spamming his questionable shit? That pathetic lewd kawaii garbage is never even spoilered as per blue board policy, and I don't see how that shit being everywhere is conductive to leftism more than it is demeaning to it.
I don't really mind it.
Anime only advances whatever political cause you are pushing for user
Marx said so
I wish I knew who sends these reports so I can ban their ass instead.
Only report threads if they're spam, please.
We were told to report them:
Y did you delete my deliver
Is porn not allowed now?
Probably because you didn't spoiler it?
Why is this thread 8ch.net
char count
Man you guys were treading new territory with that cycled incel thread.
Why would you anchor this thread:
What rule did it bread?
So imperialism apologia is still bannable on here or not?
Why instead of sperging against anarkiddie, we ban people who defend the #troops?
Look at his posts, he's in every anti military thread defending the troops. Is this allowed? American apologism? #Notalltroops?
I'd rather have over a dozen US military bases in Syria fags tbh
He's been banned. I just wanted to wait and see how long it would take for him to digest the horror of it all, but when he decided on defending the deaths of children at the hands of the military I knew this was going nowhere.
In hindsight I shouldn't have waited.
can you retards do your job and ban this person.
They've spammed everything single thread with that one video.
I liked the old checkers better
is dat rly the bo? tbh
Nobody knows who BO is, Holla Forums randomly picks people out and accuses them of being them. Post porn of them, because all they can link people to is porn (they totally don't watch), and say ahaha got you lefties when they get banned.
When they spam an accusation that they found out who someone is out of the blue who isn't them, and get banned for spam or bait, they automatically confirm its true.
So, nobody has an idea who the BO is
because the solution to exceptionalism and handwringing is more of the same
Jim is awesome at web design
should this dox thread of a literally who still be here?
Am I still banned?
Also can I be a board Owner?
Dear BO, can you please make it so that the Y.PG, R.ojava and D.FNS worldfilters require a space before them so it doesn't break offsite links to articles?
Regards, the resident Nazi.
Somebody still keeps deleting my posts, this time EVEN IN THE MOD THREAD:
This was referencing my first post ITT regarding this issue. It had pic related.
This list was all red before (with several (you)s for me) except (>>2280100) and now more are missing!
Again, not showing up in log! Somebody is trying to cover up his modding tracks!
ignore shitposting flag
All were (you)s!
Correction: this was the original missing post from the drawthread that I wanted to pin down and did. All the others were still there last time I checked.
Two more deletions.
In the "Remembering assasinated/KIA comrades" thread I made a post referencing my complaints in the mod thread before this post:
It has disappeared since.
Similarly, in the "alt-right cringe general" thread I reposted this deleted OC:
The repost disappeared, and if I have to take a guess this post is referencing it:
I was able to post from the same IP today, so no ban occurred. Other posts of mine (made from the same IP) stayed, e.g.:
The same pattern, again.
zoinks scoob i hope we can solve this mystery
It follows.
At this point I'm actually appreciative of all and any posts replying to mine since it helps documenting the deletions.
Testing if I'm banned or not.
Seriously, this "user" guy with the gay nazi flag triggers the fuck out of me. I know he doesn't do anything specifically against the rules, but holy shit.
What are we now Reddit?
I appreciate that the moderation team is a lot more active, but we went from an extreme to the other. What's wrong with Holla Forumsacks opening some threads to discuss?
Fuck off m8
He has done nothing but shitpost since he got here.
he made three threads. Cry me a river.
He's been here a lot longer that that you stupid faggot. You're the only one crying over that braindead retard and if there were any justice in the world you'd join him.
Can you not recognize obvious trolling attempts when you see them?! He opens every thread with "Questions for "real" socialists" and has shown no intention to actually respond to arguments, all he did was derailing discussion.
I wonder how many times people trolled you IRL and you didn't even realize it
Oh wow you clearly got me. Really beaten, don't know what to do now.
And I'm not crying over that idiot, I'm just tired to see bans flying left and right just because people can't be bothered to write two lines.
Mods are on a rampage these days.
As you wish, but I'll watch it
why the fuck did you ban a guy for saying rape is bad?
Except he wasn't. He was banned for being a massive "how dare you question the accusations of rape victims" SJW
No I wasn't.
I was explaining that 8can is inevitably going to take the side of men who employ over women under them in the work place. When it comes to manager relationship positions this is rampant, I was pointing out their employers, and how that creates a negative attitude about the entire situation that's full of actual idpol.
What we should be doing is talking about how we can do better. If that's honestly worth a ban, than that's ridiculous.
Maybe I was exaggerating, but I was meaning the worst of it at the rest of 8cfhan itself
That's literally what happened, and you were banned for parroting that nonsense.
Help me out here, in what way is that not the "this wouldn't happen if we had more female executives/directors/etc" type of SJW rationale? Because that's what it sounds like to me.
So I was banned for you not being able to take a joke. And really, don't deny that happens here, that's just silly.
No, my job is to clean this board, I made a mistake by offending you. I literally never said that and you put words in my mouth. I said sexual harassment takes place in the workplace regularly in America between employer and employee, these are just facts. Nowhere, absolutely nowhere, did I say more CEOs would be a great idea, Jesus, you jump to conclusions. Reread something if you're confused.
You obviously have some confusion of what sjw means (I don't blame you, it depends on convenience at any given time). I think the key phrase here is that, "It sounds it to me".
go to /leftpol/
Nope. I am an active board volunteer and without me, frankly, you would have a lot more pol/yps phone posting with only one post in their history, and getting rebanned. I agree with, whatever BO's intentions are in improving board quality by making threads longer than usual.
If we get rid of the Holla Forumsyp phone posters with a post history of one or two posts, we should be fine, and that's what I'm intent on doing.
*pushes you down*
You may push me down, but I will return stronger than you can ever imagine
I get knocked, down but I get up again
You're never gonna keep me down
You got banned for being an SJW and the more you post the less I think that decision was incorrect.
Cool, then stick to that instead of being a moralizing brainlet.
No, I really don't believe I do.
This is counter-intuitive.
then plead to the bo to get rid of the limit you tool!
What's the reason for this ban?
its a 1 second long joke ban
Could we not have those?
ur gay and possibly new to imageboards
I'm an oldfag who've seen on other sites what effect >le funny moderation can have on the long run. You are a mod; if you really have to inject your sense of humor while being on duty, restrict it to polfags. Otherwise you are just taste policing the community in ironic clothing.
It's a one second joke ban, its shorter than even the joke bans that Holla Forums used to occasionally give out. What great terrible effect is it going to have in the long run?
Why was the "Former leftist" thread shoah'd? People were actually BTFO'ing him.
Whoever the volunteer is that keeps doing this, can you please just anchor it next time? BTFO'ing Holla Forumsyps is as much about the bystanders as the posters themselves.
I've notice this trend as well. There were other threads where OP got seriously owned in the first 3 posts – some effort posts –, just for the thread to disappear.
Can we go back to the policy of bumplocking threads instead of deleting them
What the last guy said.
I just saw the thread on "scientific evidence for biological differences in race" disappear before my eyes.
As if the community couldn'thave BTFO'd him themselves!
This is a very belittling position to take towards the users. We are also capable of self-moderating.
It's especially sad because I had a pretty good response typed up in regard to his first point…
I'll recreate it later maybe, just to allow us to properly formulate a response towards such a thing. Otherwise, we would just be circlejerking or be sectarian.
Completely agree. If I wanted threads to be deleted to protect my poor eyes I would go to r/socialism.
How dare you do your fucking jobs as moderators and clean up the board by deleting trash threads bait and spam this is a fucking outrage
Just bumplock them if you are so annoyed by them. There's no reason to delete threads where people have spent time answering. Bait or not you are throwing that away.
Much of the threads you want preserved, are deleted not because they're pot stirring by themselves. But because They're the only post made by an IP. Now, sure, everyone knows about VPNs, but this is so common for low effort bait threads that I have to assume it's people who drop in by phone for either reasons of ban evasion, shilling, or stirring the pot, or all of the above really.
You really don't know how common this has become, and I'm trying to reduce it. We need this board to be a lot less user friendly to people who just hop in and jump out with no investment in the board whatsoever.
So you basically want to turn it into a circle jerk where only people with established post histories can post without fear of unnecessary bans? You're going to kill this place by turning it into the equivalent of an obscure subreddit. This is not reddit, this is an anonymous image board, you're defeating the entire purpose with your paranoia.
No, I want posters who post absolutely one thing, and that one thing just happens to be bait, to reconsider how to introduce themselves to the board without shitting it up with useless threads that eat up board quality, energy, and time. This is how moderation has always worked and if you have a problem with it, go to a more unmoderated board, there are plenty here on this website.
This is not doing this for ideological reasons like Holla Forums. It's done to contain the amount of phone posting, ban evading, and threads clearly made for bait with just a singular post in their history.
This board needs quality control, as do most boards. I am sorry that upsets you.
Ok I see your point of view and to be honest I can get behind it. The only thing I ask is that if someone takes the time to answer the bait that thread should not be purged. Maybe bumplocked but not purged.
idpol driving a porn star to suicide thread got deleted
sasuga mods as always you go out of your ways to do a shit job
The mods control discussion, not you. Now get back to your thread, peasant.
Both sides were idpol. The reverse SJWs aren't arguing in good faith.
Tbh Twitter drama needs to stay on Twitter
There was nothing to argue though… but honestly I'm more surprised at how you think you are able to tell who is posting in "good faith" and who isn't
and here I was searching catalog for that thread
wrote a long ass post about the bourgeois roots of anal sex too
fuck you mods
Wow, we fucking missed so much
If anal made me a property owner I wouldn't be on the verge of being homeless in fucking fire season
Fuck you
Is it me or board quality has improved dramatically since leftypol dropped like 200 IPs a few weeks ago and the 200 characters rule?
Care to explain why I got banned for that? I had a perfectly normal debate with the other guy. I mean you can check my post history, I'm usually not baiting at all unless maybe harmless 2-3 shitposts I made. Ban came out of nowhere really.
Don't know what the deal is here. Ban removed.
Wow thanks. Faith restored.
Why did Bat'ko get a 4 week ban?
He spoke out against questionable policy, thus he had to be put down.
So a FOUR week ban is justified. Not even a slap on the wrist one hour ban, not even a 24 hour ban, a ban for FOUR WEEKS
This is a fucking joke post, right?
Please stop censoring anarkiddies. We are literally one of the only non-idpol leftist discussion platforms on the internet and I don't want you fuck it up.
God fucking dammit lefty unity not retarded sectarianism, the world is too different for only ONE style of socialism and im sure that there are places where anarchists will flourish where ☭TANKIE☭s wouldnt, you are promoting incest when you do this and give the board a bad name
The new mod is almost as bad as a American police officer.
Ok, even I don't get this. And I disagree with it. But I respect your right to do it.
The Board Volunteers speak to eachother like police officers wtf
I got that vibe too, but I wasn't sure if I actually had any reason to say anything. But fuck, man, it's really bad looking.
I wasn't the one who banned him. I'm just recognizing that the ban was due larger machinations for board restructuring than individual fault. It's a dreadfully common occurrence for a while now.
Why can't we just ban obvious Holla Forumsyps and people causing trouble?
If we can't have free discussion on Holla Forums, then what's the point? Don't get me wrong, ban people peddling NeoCon nonsense, or whatever, but some leftists don't think NK is socialist and I think we ought to be allowed to have that debate without fear of being banned.
I've been working on this, and believe I've made a pretty significant dent in it. I try my best.
Thanks for working on it, m8. I just don't want to see the community fragmented.
Am I still banned?
I disagree with the bans but I also disagree with idiots turning random threads into dprk bantz when we have a general for it.
So let me get this straight, triggering liberals is banworthy now?
Whoever banned me - got a non-imperialist source to support your claim?
The new vol is power tripping
Just appeal your bad with kind words and hope a good vol sees it
Please work
delete this
clarify please
FUCKING hoochie Minh I bet she was a hall monitor growing up
This. Stop censoring anarkiddies. This is what creates alternate boards that are shilled.
If this was ☭TANKIE☭ dominion, we would've had Communist flag.
Well when one group of posters brings it up as evidence that their theory is correct, what do you expect to happen?
I received a 4 week ban for this post and appealed it and the ban appears to have been lifted due to it but I'd like some clarification as to why I was banned and how to best avoid it in the future. The rule relating to this states "[do not] post any porn depicting underage (including drawings)" which I did not violate. If simply speaking about the side effects of denying a human sexual activity is against the rules please make the actual rule more clear. Simply pretending that pedophiles don't exist and that this won't need to be addressed in a stateless society is a very dangerous game. I notice the recent posts in this thread about a powertripping volunteer and if this was the cause of my ban I'd also like that to be clarified. Transparency is the key to any healthy community and I don't feel like my ban was handled in an appropriately transparent manner. I can only imagine others getting banned without transparency and not thinking of asking why so instead they just leave this place.
You're just going to get banned for ban evasion.
I'm using the same IP I used to make the post I was banned for so I know the ban was lifeted. I know this because I have a (you) next to post .
I'm not aware of anyone who is banning anarchists
Like purposefully going after them with intent. I don't see it.
I know of at least two members of the current BOard staff that do take potshots at anarchists/leftcoms when they can justify it, even going so far as laying traps to catch them.
It's not always a consistent thing, but it does happen.
Why diid you anchor
"What are the motives for the #metoo witchhunt?"
but not the thread that is explicitly about feminism?
Your inconsistency makes it so we have no fucking clue what is allowed
One is talking about the economics of sex work, the other is talking about social justice warriors mindlessly.
I've noticed at least two individual cases of this. Are the new mods mostly MLs?
Dude, it's talking about the hemmoraghing of people from positions due to false rape accusations, and why that is, and it linked more intelligent thought about the subject at hand than the sex work thread
the left is mindlessly obsessed with sex "work" already, but not cultural witchhunts that can be explained by strictly political reasons as well that were in the article as well
I want anti-feminist mod back
You underestimate the problem of sexual harassment in the work place. Should we just shut up about it? Remember saying nothing is true is certainly a way to get out of it. It's a clusterfuck topic that deserves to be anchored so people can talk about it but not necessarily get bumped by it.
Because it's value, it's not recognized, and it's illegality causes violence towards the labor itself. Nobody is "mindlessly" talking about the economics of value compared to the other thread.You've got vice versa.
Board volunteers used to just ban polyps, not just censor every opinion that could possibly be construed as coming from an alt-righter,
you used to allow basically free-speech, now you're turning this place into basically a leftbook group where the mods decide what is ok and not ok thought
this place used to be good before the paranoia about Holla Forums infiltration
Jesus christ, we have an actual SJW as a mod
That's not what I said. I said one topic is about the Marxian economics of sex work, its value, etc etc
The other thread was doomed from the very start to be a shit posting thread. I am sorry you think I am an sjw for thinking this. But it is my belief that one thread simply has more meaty discussion than the other. It was kind of doomed to devolve into shit posts.
The woman in the article said that actual rape and abuse is bad, but she was pointing out the #metoo campaign has gotten sociopathically out of hand, not that it's 100% without validity
Social issues threads that generate enormous amounts of Holla Forumsyp bait and shit flinging, are less on my priority of importance than threads discussing actual value-form. If a mod disagrees with me, pm me.
But I just don't see the thread turning out the way you think it was going to turn out.
I agree with whoever locked it, it's a shit thread.
what we should have instead is a discussion of why the porkies appear to be "eating their own" with the hollywood panic. we should also be digging and trying to expose the porkies for having underage sex slavery rings (without falling prey to disinfo/red herrings like "pizzagate").
The sex word thread had 3 sentences with buzzwords. The #metoo thread is 1. related to current events 2. talked about in a huge article written by a leftist (in a conservative journal who cares)
And since when have women not been able to talk about being abused in the US? They have literally everyone on their side, and no one on the side of men. Franken just got dropped for kissing someone
social things that are caused by economic factors are just as valuable about talking about than economic things strictly or you don't know what to do when you craft economic policy
If you haven't experienced the ramifactions of the overzealous witchhunt going on as a man, consider youself either an outlier or lacking introspection, or ovlivious to what is going on in the US
Fucking up a rich person's life for reasons that can fuck up poor people's life is bad praxis
Accusations out of the blue sexual harassment are seriously less likely to happen than actual harassment. Anyways the thread wasn't going to have any discussion on the nuance of this and reject it outright. It was a controversy thread. Nothing better than tabloids.
But the discussion isn't about the economics of it, or let's say, the solutions for it. In a realistic way. That wouldn't be filled with bait, and shit flinging.
But it's setting a standard for all men with thumbs
Fuck I put a space after Board Volunteer. This was someone you hate, don't worry.
not getting the point
"Women, I’m begging you: Think this through. We are fostering a climate in which men legitimately fear us, where their entire professional and personal lives can be casually destroyed by “secret lists” compiled by accusers they cannot confront, by rumors on the internet, by thrilled, breathless reporting denouncing one after another of them as a pig, often based only on the allegation that they did something all-too-human and none-too-criminal like making a lewd joke. Why would we even want men to be subject to such strenuous, arduous taboos against the display of their sexuality? These taboos, note carefully, resemble in non-trivial ways those that have long oppressed women. In a world with such arduous taboos about male purity and chastity, surely, it is rational for men to have as little to do with women as possible. What’s in this for us?"
from the same article in the OP
Look, if you want to talk about the social economic impact of mass reporting sexual harassment in the workplace finally fine, but that thread was born from the start to not talk about that specific issue even if it said it was. It was going to devolve into shit flinging and wasting energy that could have been made actually having a discussion.
Totally infantile.
1. The bourgeois state won't ask our permission or approval to fuck up the lives of the working class regardless. The state already has the power to kill you, imprison you, smear you, deport you, etc. They do so regularly.
2. You're advocating that we eliminate taboos? As long as there's something we condemn people for doing (rape, murder, child molestation, etc) it will be possible for the bourgeois state to frame someone for it! It's pure idealism to think we can or should eliminate said taboos.
3. If you're communist, if you're critical of the police, if you're against imperialism, if you're against mass incarceration or any number of other crimes, then that's reason enough for brainwashed reactionaries to hate you. When they start rounding commies up, they won't have to frame most of them for other crimes. Communism itself is illegal and will be viewed as a valid reason to arrest or kill.
No thanks
You know that leftists have made columns in the magazines like American Conservative for years right? Because the professional left journals are steeped in the kind of low-key feminist guarding you all are engaged in
they're crypto-strasserists.
ITT, BO trying to impress female-mod
what happened to the mod thread that had a pic that made fun of feminists, did the BO change
…. I think the BO changed
Since when did BO and volunteers start banning iconoclastic speech and try to stay 100% to internet-leftist-orthodoxy?
I'm fairly sure there's more than one volunteer who happens to be a woman. What would BO even be impressing anyways?
It's not a conspiracy. Why does every board have to come up with a wide ranging conspiracy suddenly about why their shitposting thread was anchored. It was just anchored. It happens once it becomes clear the shitposting has reached saturation point.
I am sorry you think we are all going to get you and turn you into the Wom Police, but we're not.
Given demographics of chans and assuming vols are representative, one female volunteer would be a rarity.
when I link my youtube vids on here there is never 1 female viewer, it's all 20 something leftist gamers
I can tell from my analytics
You would be surprised how much women post on /mu/ and how much overlap there is from there to leftypol. I mean it's kind of an open secret.
I have no doubt that Holla Forums has more women than most boards, and certainly more than Holla Forums, however we still are mostly dudes and assuming mods are representative a dominantly male mod team seems certain.
What are your thoughts on x ideology I found on Wiki
What are your thoughts on x ideology I found on Wiki
What are your thoughts on x ideology I found on Wiki
What are your thoughts on x ideology I found on Wiki
Literally what the board has turned into when you anchor the fun threads
Yea in a way, that is it's own form of idpol, the obsessiveness over what ideologies are good or not
we literally have a mod that'll delete a thread relating to false rape accusations and false abuse allegations and male sexuality policing because they aren't threads about real sexual harrassment against women
I miss this mod and want him to be more active
Fine then let the alt-right have a monopoly on the voice of reason in this moment. That surely is a good strategy /sarcasm
If you think that's remotely close to reality, you're a reactionary.
on a few very specific subjects, they are voices of reason, along with left-populists.
But the thing is leftist spaces keep banning the left voices of reason, letting the alt-right monopolizing being the voice of reason, mainly on sexuality.
Again, it exists on the left too, it's just suppressed by the gatekeepers
I can't post in the reading thread because it allready has 750 replys.
Now what we must do is somehow properly be able to archive all of this crap. Now people use the Wayback Machine, but the links to our pdfs don't work unless people actually archive it themselves. So unless anybody else have any ideas, it would appreciated if volunteers would archive everything on there. I personally do not trust Holla Forums's beta archive shit yet so yeah. IF ANYONE HAS A BETTER IDEA PLEASE SHARE.
for fucks sake
Personally, I believe archive.is ought to be used. Wayback will remove entries on request, and they rarely investigate to see if takedown requests are good faith.
it was a useless thread that nobody cares about just delete it
idk I found it useful when I first arrived.
Perhaps it would make more sense for someone to create a website, split into various sections, containing those books on the reading list. For example, a dedicated guide solely for beginners, and then various tabs by which one can navigate the site and visit each collection (i.e. communism, anarchism, etc.) with these collections being further subdivided.
Could be an incredible resource - like marxists.org but more easily navigable and containing a wider variety of content.
apologies but i dont know a better thread to post such a question. where the hell is everyone going? the entirety of Holla Forums is losing numbers it seems, but i expected you Holla Forums to grow despite that as people become disenchanted with the lies "right wing" shills have been feeding them. for a while you were more active than Holla Forums. what did i miss? i only drop by once in a while, but now i feel like i need to stay around and chat it up to try and keep you active.
The Board Owner decided that it would be a good idea to groom ☭TANKIE☭s and purge the anarchists. Some anons split into >>>/leftpol/ but mostly it just made people fed up with imageboards and the radical left in general. I'm not sure where they went.
If you want to find good online leftist places, stay away from the ones run by ☭TANKIE☭s, they always do their best to ruin them.
Enjoy your idpol pozzed hellhole.
what i want is for the political boards to merge again so i can stop worrying about the brains on the internet no longer challenging themselves and being subverted all the time. the left and the right i mean.
my secret weapon the internet has been all but destroyed and now theyre gearing up to neuter and capture it.
We are being raided
Well I just hope Kim is going to drop the bomb on burgerstan one day.
Raids used to mean something back in the day, Sad!
None of the mods are online. How sad
BO, pls stop being stupid and banning people for being critical of fucking Kampuchea for heavens sake.
Mostly to twitter and discord.
However I would imagine that 4chan and Reddit have received a good share of refugees.
This has been as issue with the idealist kids on this board for years.
Holla Forums is simply not a good venue for attracting people.
In real terms the entire site has been shrinking ever since the last migration wave several years ago now, if it were not for the election last year this whole site would be damn near dead by now.
This latest drop in users is just an overdue correction.
If the anarcho-kiddies had simply accepted the proposed move to bunkerchan (the first time this was proposed, not the second), then this would not currently be an issue for us.
Just like with most of the problems this board has had to deal with over the years, the majority of the blame rests at the feet of the anarcho-kiddies.
While I'm certainly not a fan of the BO.
That is simply an embarrassing post.
The massive loss of users is a site wide issue that has nothing to do with the BO doing what he does best; Fucking things up.
Could you please not? It's cringey as fuck.
Criticizing KampuchCIA is definitely allowed, what are you referring to?
I think 100-200 users have definitely left this board because of a mix of wordfilters and the char limit. However, some of that is just that the board is moving a bit slower (from char limit). Overall I think it's been a net positive. Growth for the sake of growth is porky logic.
Anyone know how to use wget or whatever on that thread? I tried it but robots.txt seemed to be causing a problem?
Ah, you've gone and done it BO. You've fucking killed the board. The only good leftist space is now dead because of an idiotic and irresponsible BO. Good job :)
It's a mercantile relationship. A prostitute is not working class, he's lumpenproletariat.
Shut your fucking mouth.
Requesting to have my thread unanchored. I understand why it was but there is unironically good discussion in that thread
Am I still banned?
You should take a cool off time after each time you're banned and try to reword your threads a little
Hoochiemod could you please not be so harsh with gay nazi user? being dumb is not a banneable offense
you should be
I wish
Seems like Holla Forumsyps have figured out how to write 200 chars
inb4 they take a screenshot of the front page while spamming the board and then claim it is evidence that we're using bots
And it's gone
Just leave it alone for the time being, imo. If it gets too cancerous then intervene.
Sorry for chiming in with the Marxist perspective.
The BO is being a complete dickhead. He's off his fucking head!
It's is now against the rules to misgender the Board Owner. Who is on the idpol infested hellhole now?
You should be thankful to be honest. If I was BO I would literally ban everyone who's not a ☭TANKIE☭.
Could the vols clean up the Cockshott gender thread (edit OP, delete obvious troll and zero content bump posts) instead of bumplocking it? There are some legit posts in there.
Was this deletion necessary? OP was a fag but thread clearly had potential.
Nvm, I see now it's spammed.
Hoochiemod is on a powertrip again
I made a new thread, they keep deleting and permabanning me
If they keep banning discussion we can always try >>>/leftpol/
It's not spam, the mod is just deleting it like the undemocratic fascist that he is
You are undermining your own argument here (help_help_im_being_repressed.webm) by your actions (spam), dude.
It's not spam. Power concedes nothing without a demand.
oh, wow
oh, wow
Begone amerimutts mods
Is there really any justification for the BO keeping the rediculously unpopular rules or is this just a classic example of a internet moderator taking their ball and going home when people disagree with them?
Some people enjoy seeing the things they control get destroyed since it gives them a sense purpose.
Spite. I've been saying that for months and people still ask this. Why is that? Is it not obvious that the BO wants to kill the board?
Thanks, I'll take note. Hoochie is a cunt.
lmfao did you people see the state of the board during the november 4th/neogaf/rojava fighting episodes? The catalog was 90% idpol and shitty bait threads. Board quality has gone up dramatically since then.
And you remember the board prior to that?
Fuck off, newfag. I hate it when assholes like you come here and stick around for 3 months and think they've assimilated.
The last time Holla Forums was this good was around the 500 or 600 UID mark. However, it was never this focused, for good or for bad. The amount of meme stuff on the catalog has dropped off dramatically.
No it hasn't.
everyday until you like it
I'm surprised you're old enough to know that meme
wat was it
Can the mods wake up and delete the tranny shit?
Have "Cultural Marxism" filtered to "Cultural Capitalism" if you kindly wouldn't mind
/liberty/ bait should be deleted, not anchored
Please change the Albanian flag from "Bunkerism" to "Hoxhaism"
Criticism of Albanian bunkerization is nothing more than chauvinist imperialism that tries to legitimize 3rd world self-defense.
I'd like to file a complaint against Hoochiemod, she clearly doesn't understand sarcasm and the nuance of debate nor the realities of realpolitik, and the length of time I've been banned is disproportionate to the so-called "crime".
Do you really expect this to happen?
If so, I'll also request proper Communist flag (either as Marxism-Leninism or Third International). So far, there is only "ironic Stalinism" flag that is a blatant anti-Communist propaganda that implicitly supports "State Capitalist" point of view that USSR of 1930s was non-Communist.
Yeah, we need more serious flags so we can properly represent the multitude of ideologies under leftism. All these "ironic" flags merely hinder the progress of communism throughout Holla Forums, as it drives people to take us less seriously.
If you want to be taken seriously go to reddit or something
You're being quite rude, I'm trying to help spread socialism here and you're actively trying to stop that. Are you sure you belong here while the rest of us are actually trying to do something?
Comrade Che is doing good work cleaning up this board. She already removed the over a dozen US military bases in Syria and Nazbol flag. now we just need to make the Marxist flags command the respect they deserve.
please do something about the deleonist shitposters, it is getting out of hand
What's wrong with De Leon?
two thread too many on the front page
Can someone please filter "monkey men" to "people"?
Your existence confuses me
Like are you a stormnigger or not?
There have been 4 new posts posted in the page 15 minutes I'm a little suspicious tbh
requesting "BitCoins" be filtered to "AssPennies"
Can we filter BitCoins to "DigitalMudpies"?
Why, because they’re taking support where they can get it? They literally can’t survive without the help. This board is irredeemable, and what the fuck is this bullshit about Hoochie becoming a mod?
wtf i love islamic extremists now
the people defiling Assad's puny, effeminate chin are over a dozen US military bases in Syria,
Xie seems to lack reading comprehension. I made this thread and was immediately banned when xir read "Censorship and the Left". I simply wished to engage in a discourse with you over an observance and Xie thought I was attempting to shitpost about censoring the "left-wing".
I was the one who banned you. I was half awake and skimmed your post, I didn't read enough of it. You're unbanned.
Well, thank you. I had remade the thread on the newer board /leftpol/ but am unsure if I should attempt to make a duplicate thread here. This board is much more active, I will admit.
You may make it here.
no, hoxhaism is a joke, as evidenced by your post history.
I'm seriously interested in what your opinion on this is BO. Surely you don't believe the YP-G should just have let ISIS run over them?
Also, are you really going to ban every retarded opinion on the board? We can BTFO the neocon propaganda ourselves; we don't need mods to protect us from ideology-driven brainrot.
Accepting aid from capitalist powers is peak opportunism, but not unprecedented in the history of the socialist movement. It was either that, or Qamishli and it's surroundings ending up like the Sinjar district and the Yazidis.
Also co-ops aren't socialist.
Socialized commodity production is still commodity production
Hoxhaism is the only legitimate socialist legacy. Hoxha took a principled stance in favor of Marxist-Leninism against revisionists, imperialists, and leftcoms. Anyone who believes victims of communism tier "He mistreated his people to build bunkers" is perpetuating an imperialist lie that A) Albania wasn't under immediate threat, B) the Sub-altern don't have a right to self defense, and C) That the bunkerization program was any serious drain on budget and building resources (no more than 2% of concrete usage during any single year).
And what is the reason for not adding serious ML flag?
it's the 'stache
for Leninists/neo-leninists there's flag related
if u ask me u r somewhere bw the 'stache and tank flag
Why are you no longer using flag related?
There are no Leninists who are separate from ML. IIRC only Trots attempted to coin the term, but it never stuck.
Because it is based on an anti-Communist propaganda. It might seem useful to use, but everything it implies inherently contradicts the very basis of ML:
Ideologically, we do not recognize Stalinism as something that exists in the first place. Soviet policies of 1930s are a natural continuation of Marxism (and, yes, Leninism). It is our opponents who try to (unsuccessfully) argue otherwise.
Historically, we do not consider Stalin to be dictator and the sole man responsible for everything that happened in USSR - since it contradicts both our approach to history (we don't even operate with such concepts: "great man theory" is rejected) and historical evidence. Moreover, it is a propaganda piece which attempts to present Bourgeois Democracy as the only true Democracy - a position which we do not accept as well.
Sure, we might eventually adopt this term (due to peer pressure and to distance ourselves from all the new "Communists"), but it would require both creation of properly defined position (via some sort of International; so as to combat strawmanning or attempts of nationalists or revisionists of all kinds to hijack the movement) and some qualitative improvement over the position of the Third (Communist) International we default to.
Consequently, at the moment, the only proper way for me identify myself would be either Communist (as supporter of ideas of Communist International) - or as Marxist-Leninist (since that is the recognized name of the ideology).
Please filter "All baboons to the zoo" to "All nazis to the wall".
Welcome to the 21st century.
read Hoxha. then you can use this flag, once che comes to his senses and renames it.
Another thread deleted rather than bumplocked…
It was actually evolving into an interesting discussion.
Filter barrel bombs to smart bombs pls
That's a good one.
Also "Bye bye baboon people" should be filtered to "tough luck, spooked cuck"
I wish I had control over word filters, but I don't. I'll talk to the BO about whenever that may be.
Fair enough.
Such Leninism, much wow.
In case you aren't aware, "Leninism" doesn't mean parliamentarianism. Consequently, using SYRIZA as an example of success story (which the authors do) - is flat out retarded for supposed Leninists. There is nothing new about SocDem parties getting a lot of popular support. It's just this support is cheap and those parties are doomed to turn class traitor and implode - when faced with real resistance from Capitalists.
Were more flags removed? At least half of them are blank on my end even if the select option is there
Unironically listen to this nazi.
Filtering every dumbass 1 liner saying the one Nutsack poster users would be great
When is Hoochie going to be removed from the mod team?
My bad, I forgot my flag. Now when is Hoochie going to be removed from the mod team?
Where did my inquiry about Hoochiemod go? Is that line of questioning verboten?
I just want to take a moment out of the day to thank comrade Board Owner for cleaning up the board. Don't let those revisionists and anarchists tell you what to do, quality control is the only way to stop Holla Forums retards and imperialists from subverting our board.
Which one of you forgot to use the tampons today?
What do you mean by "stupid shit", precisely?
Are you that faggot who reported the Holla Forums screenshot thread?
If so, go fuck yourself
I told you, the mods are on my side. Don't be mad at me that your shitty template thread got bumplocked. The mods did nothing wrong.
So this is why Tanks are hated so much, I understand now. They constantly have sticks up their asses
he was a falseflagging troll, you dunce.
To be fair, this wouldn't happen if it wasn't so easy.
??? it's easy to falseflag troll as anyone.
Easy to get a good reaction from people. Holla Forums is incapable of not taking bait, especially when you're wearing a non-shitposting flag.
This board has gone to shit lately, what is with the heavy handed moderation all of a sudden?
I would like to clarify: is this board officially it's not about Socialism(tm)?
Because - as I see it - what we have here is a 4-week ban for choosing Socialism over Anti-Imperialism:
A most cargo-cultist stance.
>People being banned for opposing post-80s Mugabe
BO do the board a favor: Leave moderation to the volunteers.
Perhaps also consider reading PDF related.
kys mods
No, anti-imperialism and socialism are inextricable from one another. That's a ban for saying imperialism is irrelevant. Fighting imperialism is one of the highest forms of class struggle.
mods, stop being faggots
I got banned on my desktop for "imperialism" for claiming, with sources, that Mugabe's policies were terrible and demonstrably made his country worse
Why do you insist on ruining this board? I wasn't even being an imperialist you fucking moron. Kleptocracy third world leaders are bad AND imperialism is bad. You must truly be a brainlet if you see the entire world in two sides
ML trip should be unbanned, I don't think he was trying to downplay imperialism.
Oh, it was actually BO
I guess we an official ML board now
Pic related
No, it's not.
"It" being irrelevant is the "it" that is being "rejected":
>> To anyone who rejects the democratic confederalist project in Syria: what is more important, socialism or anti-imperialism?
> Socialism. Anti-Imperialism is just a tool. Also, I do not "reject" it. I find it irrelevant.
This is a ban for saying that Rоjava is irrelevant.
If that's what he meant, he can be unbanned.
What else could I've meant? It's literally written right there. Not to mention I've been repeating the same thing in the damn thread:
Also, can someone tell mods to cool down on "ban evasions"?
Okay. Apparently, I'm unbanned now.
Absolute STATE of BO
Che, when are you going to finally kill yourself so somebody less retarded can take over Holla Forums? Your incompetence has been detrimental to this board at least since that failed attempt to force an exodus.
Eternal BO strikes again
you reek of mautism
"highest form"
"we must support national bourgeoisie in their struggle against imperialism"
hope you'll get lynched in one of your struggle sessions
This is your only post
ever heard about VPN?
Do you guys plan to ban the people who go off-topic every time to attempt to force the latest supermarket-of-ideology personality? Because this is by far one of the worst aspects of this board, and I see it starting again with the retards from the De Leon thread.
I thought one of the worst parts of this board were the overzealous mods who ban leftists before they ban nazis?
One more thing - having a single post means nothing. Don't abuse your mod powers to ban someone just because you don't have the luxury of seeing their post history. Only a fool posts here without a VPN or some way to ban evade, otherwise this board would just be fucking dead because you guys banned everyone.
I wish you could get cockslapped with a banhammer for a month just so you know what it feels like.
Wait what
Last time I checked, we had a beta archive last year and it died too.
Also, as I said in other threads, I might be able to host an archive, if someone knows of decent software that works with Holla Forums's idiosyncracies, seeing as I sadly have neither the time nor the knowledge to port Foolfuuka_Asagi to Holla Forums. Speaking of which, the old 8archive.moe used them, didn't it? I never found such software on the internet, I'm guessing Drybones never released it. Tho it would probably need quite a bit of updating.
BO, I have stuck up for you in the past because, despite your spergouts of Swiss-like regularity, you didn't actually mean harm to the board and a lot of people whining about shit like wordfilters are newcucks unfamiliar with imageboard culture. But now you're approaching /r/socialism territory, and I'm not saying this lightly. Please engage in self-criticism go through a struggle session try some introspection.
Mods have been kinda ban-happy lately, naw?
It's because of a new mod that's probably Hoochie Minh that has been banning a lot of people over petty things and has spazzed out at the other mods who have disagreed with the bans
No it isn't. There's been more than one mod banning posters, and the board owner as well. Stop thinking you have a grasp of every detail when you don't know, anything that's really going on.
You know, people probably wouldn't be misinformed about what's going on if you assholes would FUCKING TELL US!
It's the holidays. There's usually an influx of shitposters. People get snippy about banning people. People are also stressed during the holidays, maybe they ban more than usual who knows. Who cares. Try not to point out you're evading a ban, it just makes it so another IP on a vpn gets used because now someone has to ban you for ban evasion. And those bans tend to be longer. Someone might catch that ban while using a vpn.
Make sure your candy canes don't have glass in them.
Stay out of trouble.
I was too hasty, it's all unbanned.
The trademark of shitty powertripping mods since 2005.
I like how you didn't actually address anything I posted, you just tossed out a bunch of platitudes.
They've been stressed for the past year, then? That sounds rough. If real life is too much and it starts to bleed into your online life, you should probably take a break from being online all the time and focus on yourself. If I had a job that made me stressed every day, I'd quit it.
In case you can't read subtext, I don't care how "stressed" any of you are, that shouldn't turn you into authoritarian goons. You are making board quality decline, not the posters, but I know you can't and won't see that.
Holla Forums mods always wait until the damage is done to try and alleviate what's happened, but they never try to prevent the shit from happening in the first place.
That's the downside of allowing anarchists onto your board: They tend to not fall for your bullshit.
why do people do this
It's bad for mods to lie Nguyen
Hoochie pls, the ban log is 60% you
you just banned another mod for posting a pic of the banlog for fuck's sake
Are you bullshitting me right now or is this finally confirmation that Hoochie was actually made mod?
All signs point to yes
I'd bet money that I could pick out her bans from everyone else's. The sheer asspain in her ban messages almost emanates from the screen.
Yes, he's the only mod that leaves messages, that is how you will know
Please filter "baboons" to "nazis".
Can Hoochie just be demoted already? Also I swear to god if I get banned for this someone better unban me
At risk of admitting everything and the charade is over, I'm working on getting the ropes. I'm sorry. I am working on being better at my job, and despite what you may think, I just want the board quality to increase. I want to decrease the amount of pointless arguments that detract from board quality, and I admit I went overboard.
I'm sorry. I will work on being better. I am not a mod because I want power, I just don't want the board to slide back into a torrent of shitposting. And I'm hasty to make judgement, because sometimes a user just posts to stir shit all the time. Making me think its part of an influx of shitposters on Winter Break.
If you have any worries, concerns, feel free to ask them to me. I want to serve the community, and I'm sorry that I came across the wrong way.
if you were truly sorry, you would've timestamped your tits ages ago
Apology accepted, let's get ahead of this now
Merri Kurisumasu
If you really are Hoochie, then you should know by now that very, very few people will accept you as a mod, regardless of how much you "work on being better at your job". Your history as a shitposting tripfag is far too much for most anons, including myself, to handle. This is rather spooky, but I will never allow myself to be beholden to the whims of a tripfag, and I imagine other spooked anons feel the same way.
The fact that you were ever made a mod in the first place, despite the very vocal outcry against it, is another sign of how little the BO cares about this board. I remember being here when the BO asked you to check your email, and everybody flipped the fuck out because they thought you were becoming a mod. As it turns out, they were completely right to be afraid and the fact that the BO never explained their decision and ignored everyone who asked them why the hell they were doing this has only exacerbated the bad feelings between the Holla Forums moderation and the userbase. The recent Mugabe fiasco is only a speedbump in a long road of problem. I don't generally don't like you, but even I have to admit you were much more tolerable as a tripfag with no power whatsoever. Now you're just a cunt mod like the rest of them.
Also, the fact that you kept up this "charade" is damning enough. You were a tripfag, Hoochie, everybody on Holla Forums knew your name, and you expect people to tolerate all this backroom dealing and not be upset once they found out? If the users were going to be pissed that you were made a mod, then why make you a mod in the first place? Why the deception? It's entirely avoidable and unnecessary. It makes it look like the BO is deliberately giving people power to piss off the userbase. I'm drunk enough to not shitpost angrily this time, so I'll ask you straight up in good faith:
Why was any of this deception and falsehood necessary in the first place?
m8 there are no ropes, being a mod is like being a trusty on a chain gang, just don't assume you know better than the users or that you're above anyone.
You people will bitch about anything. The fact is the BO thought I was a good candidate for moderator because I pay attention to Holla Forumsyp shit posters the most, and that's that.
You don't have the freedom to know every single thing moderators think about, quit bitching about secrecy.
For all you care, I've been banning spam bots and Holla Forumsyps with no interest besides saying "Nigger apes go home!!!" and who can forget "Baboons in zoos! Baboons not on sidewalks! Zoos? Zoos! Baboons in zoos! ZOOOOOS!"
I am up to hear with spam bots and then people bitching about how I do my fucking job, or why I was made a mod. If you give that much of a shit then just go post on /leftpol/. It'd make me less irritated being the quality control you would otherwise bitch at me if I wasn't by saying "BTFO! She's not doing her job!". And if I do my job it's "POWER TRIP! SHE'S POWER TRIPPING! POWER TRIP!"
Just calm down for two seconds and realize this is a board on Holla Forums and none of this matters.
Absolutely none of this matters. My identity doesn't matter. My posts don't matter. I am just, a mod. I got selected as a mod. And that's what I plan on being. Not to torture you with anything else, perhaps my presence since you can't stand the thought for whatever immature reason.
And about the spam bots I have to constantly reload the recent posts for.
These spam bots, or I hope not people ,do not stop for fucking hours. I don't see many other mods online at the time. So here I am spending hours a day making sure there aren't possibly ten more posts about this dumb bullshit by nipping it in the bud. If it wasn't for me, there would be 30 every thread.
I also loathe when people tell me how to do my job. So you can desist with that as well.
In conclusion, none of this matters, if you want to get mad start stamping your feet. I'm going to try to help this board regardless. Dig a hole to China with your stamped feet. Stamp your feet through Taiwan into orbit past Jupiter you are so upset I'm a mod. It would be a breath through for space travel.
And I like being a mod because I like this board.
just make sure you unban everyone who gets banned in the over a dozen US military bases in Syria thread and you'll be fine. pretty much all Holla Forums mods do anymore
speak of the devil and he appears and gets lots of (you)s
please anchor him back to Hell
I think what would be useful is if the mods put out a list of what is and isn't allowed to be said with regards to r*java. I have an interest and would like to learn more, but I went through that thread and I'm just confused af why people are getting banned and I don't want to get involved myself and start posting when I don't know what the board rules are here.
so, mods, please post a specific list of things that will get you banned.
Is there some way to ban people who are deliberately trying to misinform people about Marxism?
Like yourself?
I'm guessing you are the one who refuses to participate in a honest debate, using all sorts of tricks to muddle up the issue.
So - no. Like you.
Why is bumplocked
could be a nice meme if it had a message other than the creator of it being retarded. she's absolutely right.
He's right, throw in some ban messages too.
if you're so triggered how about you go back to /marx/?
oh, I forgot, you got triggered by ismail too kek
Okay. Enjoy your larping.
Lmao at that pic. Would only be better if u could actually get that pic circulating on Holla Forums
Come the fuck on, the question was clear enough in less than 200 characters. This limit is cancer.
It's a shit thread m8. Redo it with some actual substance.
Why was this thread anchored? It's a legitimate issue for most people running an org.
I was unaware that this was a rigorous academic board. If those are required for new threads, then put it in the rules.
Why was this person banned?
Hey BO, I got a question for you
What mod action did you take during the 2014 protests following Michael Brown's death?
jesus women are completely useless at everything besides giving birth
100 euros that was hoochie the liberal skank who banned him
it was BO
the original ban wasn't BO
I think the fed flag should be removed because it's a federal offence to pose as a gov agent and it encourages that very behaviour. Even if someone is joking an actual fed may take it serious.
thankle happy merchant meem I'm not amerilard
I still think it would work best if you just filtered "baboons" to "nazis".
>Someone makes a dumb 200-char thread: 2 year ban
>Hysterical deep ecologist proposes mass depopulation, get's banned 2 years. Other poster was banned for advocating against this.
Is this just another case of "learning the ropes" or what is going on here?
I agree with all of your points.
Although there are clear physical differences as shown in your picture, there are no other differences at all.
Apart from things like cellular makeup, lung capacity, pronation to diseases and conditions, blood type, brain size/crenulations and the accompanying level of intelligence, proportions of brain regions, visual accuity, height, life expectancy, gestation and infant development rate, total development maxims, skin consistency, bone density, muscle types, skull shape/thickness/features, proportional torso length, hair type, body hair distribution, sweat gland distribution, gait, secondary sexual characteristic, fat distribution/accumulation, dental structure.
Apart from those things, we are all identical clones that just have a surface coat of paint that is very very slightly different.
I paint a 9 character HEX code on my forehead every morning just so I won't think I'm looking at a mirror when I see other people.
Then again, I could be deluding myself in an attempt not to offend some people who fall short in what is classified in civilisation as useful attributes.
Definitely by mistake. Or a new mod.
A …. devoted support of Green politics is not new here. I've been getting bans for "eco-revisionism" since 2016.
You will keep being banned until you tell them the correct answer for how many fingers they are holding up.
Not at all what I argued. My point is that it's not possible to discern geographically distinct races using "current popular definitions". And also to question to what extend the physiological characteristics you listed are relevant to current definitions of "race".
Instead what we see is a gradient, which is a consequence of a species that - outside a few examples (that I already listed) - does not have geographically isolated populations. Yes: Japanese are 'isolated' from Irish and Icelanders, just as the Malagasy are from Patagonians and Sami. But all the territories between them are also populated.
If you don't believe this is relevant, perhaps you should consider actually studying zoology or genetics. And see for yourself how difficult it is to discern distinct populations within a geographically continuous population.
Regardless: why are we even talking about race, rather than genes? "Racial science" is to modern genetics what alchemy is to modern chemistry.
Did it ever occur to you to stop and think about overpopulation before going on that banning rampage? Overpopulation is a looming crisis will might necessitate unpalatable, dystopian solutions.
Are you trying to kill this board?
Yes, they are. Month-long bans are absolutely ridiculous for any non-global rule offense, but that's not really up for discussion ITT. Or anywhere. Honestly, I'm scared to post in this thread half of the time.
I'm having the strangest sense of deja vu…
One month later: still no reply from Codemonkey.
Do you think all that alphabet soup cares you're not ? They don't know till they look into it.
Mugabe also compared himself to Hitler, I think we are an official nazi board now like the rest of Holla Forums, but anti-imperialist of course.
Things that get you ban :
-Defending over a dozen US military bases in Syria foreign policy
-Defending America (or their allies) foreign policy
-Criticizing third world dictactors
-Criticizing third world dictactors
Wait what the fuck?
If a country was unironically Asserist I have no doubt that BO would remove the filter and anyone making fun of Asserists will automatically get banned for imperialism
Are you the guy pretending to be a chick who is sucking dicks? I suppose that's a personal question so I do not expect a response. The response I do request though is why is it that Holla Forums has such a massive beef with Holla Forums. Don't any of you faggots remember the good old days when normal discourse, greater disagreements and debates could take place in a controlled and centralized environment? Let's suppose all sides have been lost… but as BO I ask you this, is there any possibility to bring back reason to the insanity we are seeing take place?
prefer lefty vibes
it's just sad to see the right get it right so many times… it's like you're so fucked on idpol that you forget the subject matter
also Godspeed
may I say God? Or will I trigger somebody?
Communists getting banned from 8/pol/ and forming their own board, such a great discourse that was back then.
Why do you make shit up?
It was never proven that was BO, besides lot's of people re-posting the same image and claiming it was.
Remember how that antifa guy that hit Richard Spencer supposedly had a scat fetish? He later turned out to have died way before the event
Because most of Holla Forums today consists of bootlicking neocohen enablers of the status-quo? People that now unironically cheer for war with NK and Iran, support tax cuts for ultra-rich zionist jews, and spend months claiming Kushner was an honorary aryan and all of Trump's jewish friends, connections, family, campaign members and allies were part of a game of "4D chess". And banning those that disagreed
Outside the occasional moderation drama, the discussion here is actually better than pol. There were a few quality posters on pol before the election and right after the first exodus, but for the most part it was just endless screeching about "kikes" and "duhgenewacy". Later on it became even worse with "kekistanis", "meme-magic", "MAGA-pedes" and the catalog looking like the front-page of the daily mail.
Remaining quality posters were either shunned or banned for not playing along, or just left on their own. And any community initiatives since have been neutered or denounced as honeypots.
The end result is that Holla Forums looks more like the worst corners of Stormfront, or youtube/facebook comment sections, than an actual serious platform for political discussion.
Populism attracts the lowest dregs of society, that really seems to hold true for any political movement.
Current gen pol is an absolute cesspit of schizophrenia and neoconservatism. I swear down the election absolutely destroyed it, every time I glance at a thread on it it seems like some like every post is made by some highly retarded AI.
Can this seriously end already? Is it really necessary to delete anchored thread?
I agree, those type of threads shouldn't be anchored. In fact, mods should encourage the further humiliation and defeat of the Holla Forumsyp
fuck your no strаsserist rule BO and fuck you
oh, the ip string isn't ridiculously long anymore?
It is, but only part of it is shown inside threads. You can see the full thing on the IP history page.
The BO honestly needs to terminate the volunteer who just openly advocated for assassination - with his vol trip on, no less. That was irresponsible, it derailed the whole thread and let's face it, it was just plain stupid and wrong.
Can the vols stop posting with their vol trips on and furthermore, can they stop calling for the assasination of heads of state with their vol trips on?
It's in evidence some vols didn't ever lurked around imageboards before. I can only wonder where did they come from.
yeah it was dumb, they shouldn't do it again. the posts got deleted.
yo when is the 200 chars rule gonna die ?
It's improving the board a lot, so no time soon. One thing Volunteers should note is that it's not against the rules to make a low char-count thread, it just makes your thread fair game for any mod to bump lock if they think it's useless/low-effort/whatever.
It will never end. BO is too much of a brainlet to be able to discern between other brainlets and people that can actually run the board better than them. It's like asking a child to vote for president
Can that batshit insane vol be demoted?
Who the fuck were they anyway?
So now you get banned for criticizing actual theocracies?
hey hoochie I think is pretty low that you banned me for telling people to go to /leftpol/
Din't try again I can unban myself
I think you should stop making random threads and posting in random threads about how you should go to /leftpol/ if you get banned. You did in multiple threads that had nothing to do with the fact of /leftpol/ at all.
I think it's pretty shitty, if you are a mod, you can advertise boards randomly in a thread about fucking Iran
I tell people to go to /leftpol/ when I see a wave of bans for ideological reasons and I'm sure BO will have no issue with that people leaving.
Yet again, you disregard my point. The thread for these inquiries, is this thread. You do not have the right, nor privilege, to post off topic in threads relating to various issues UNRELATED to moderation and issues taken with moderation. The fact you can unban yourself for spam, speaks volumes about your capacity for moderation. And your inability to responsibly partake in it.
can you tell me what you did on Holla Forums following Michael Brown's death and the ensuing protests?
This has nothing to do with moderation
Telling people to go to /leftpol/ maybe offtopic according to you but I think other wise and I think letting some people go will be good
IIRC I told people to stay in a containment thread and stop posting copcuck shit.
I actually want people who I ban to go to /leftpol/, it's ok if someone shills leftpol in threads where there are lots of bans.
Can you explain to me what your issue with bans has to do with the thread about Iran. I'd love to hear it.
In fact, why are you even arguing with me over the purpose of this thread? I fail to understand your decision making here. It's very clear you have an agenda.
Why allow that at all, we have a thread right here about issues with bans.
So its okay if I make a thread telling people that if they're banned they can go to /leftpol/?
Because several people on that thread got banned
So I can stay anonymous
Is not about bans is about ideology
Hoochie being a mod was a mistake. Or perhaps it wasn’t. Speaks volumes nevertheless.
delet this
Damn that shit was disconcerting. Not sure why.
HoochieMane I’m joking I couldn’t fuck about none of this shit btw.
I try my best.
Have baboons filtered to literally anything else. Even "bafoons" would work
baboon bot is a treasure and you should be ashamed
What’s the deal with that poster?
I remember him, then he started getting banned before and it literally broke him. I don't think he's a bot, he's articulated before. But getting banned 596 times has melted his mind into mush.
Lmfao wow. I’ve always wondered. Like what does this guy think he’s doing, does he really think he’s gonna dishearten is with talk of “muh baboons gotta go”. Or win converts or something
Like ffs spamming every thread with that too is effortposting but completely fruitless
Idk /rant, just had to express my astonishment/amusement
Why don't you just let posters deal with radlib brainrot? Is it really necessary to ban scores of people for making fun of ☭TANKIE☭s, or having spooky opinions?
You may think that you're helping the board in this way, but it doesn't really help convince anyone.
Someone that's lurking is not going to see a reasoned argument. They just see butthurt moderation, think this is some kind of hysterical echo-chamber, and either stop posting or leave the board altogether.
It makes it seem like you don't actually want to run this board. And if that's the case, why don't you just give the board to someone else?
I wish ☭TANKIE☭s were roasted. But instead it's just endless butthurt.
This level of reading comprehension and blatantly making shit up is so bad and so representative of tankiés recently, that I'm almost certain you have to be new migrants.
nobody says this
Most didn't argue that though. And saying there are additional reasons for the rioting/whathaveyou is different from saying that the US wasn't involved somehow, or that we should support these protests or regime change.
The official Iranian position is that the sanctions over the years have exacerbated economic hardship and inequality, leading to protests.
Besides, even if they did: Why don't you explain (to them) why they're wrong? You don't convince anyone with bans. Which is the whole problem. Only a few people in the thread made an effort to dispel the "USA dindu du nuffin, muh theocratic despotic dictatorship!", and write up a materialist analysis of the situation.
Look at Holla Forums: They've lost roughly ~50% of their userbase ever since the moderation crackdowns.
Push your own views, don't merely silence the opposition. Drown them out instead.
Also what is up with the 26 week long bans for silly violations?
mods sadly think all acts of dissent are rightist acts of sabotage. Anarchists have a point when they say {insert shitty country that opposes US} is bad but the tanks have a point when they say said countries are good because they oppose america. In conclusion leftism is a land of contrasts.
My only wish for this year is that mods stop banning anyone disagreeing with ☭TANKIE☭s
What the fuck is with all the bans in the DPRK thread?
*Juche wins again thread
Get in the modchat
I could go into another tirade about bans, but I'll just put it this way: This place is turning into an absolute bore. The sort of dynamism that was still here beginning last year - and which was the whole appeal of this place - is being smothered.
The whole having to walk on eggshells for advocating even the most concise materialist anti-imperialist stances - and then still risking a 4 week ban - has a chilling effect that kills discussion. And it's not just these positions either.
I'm sort of beginning to see the same trends that I saw on Holla Forums: Vivid discussion is replaced with a top-down demand for orthodoxy, and zero-tolerance for deviation. The end result is a regurgitated propaganda outlet that doesn't look much different from reddit or a tabloid.
Before you were incentivized to engage. Someone makes a dumb post? You counter. Now? There's no discussion, no debate. Just another wave of bans. Why would I bother trying to talk to someone that has no ability to talk back?
Even if some are unbanned, it still amounts to dozens of people receiving bans every few days, and it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of them turn their backs on this place entirely.
I'm but one voice out of many. But there comes a point where even I will wonder why I should bother coming back to this place. I don't know exactly what plans BO has for this place; but if the goal is Holla Forums 2.0 with slightly different flavor, you're right on track.
Fuck… This was the best answer I've ever seen.
Just go to >>>/leftpol/, you're a good poster and the board isn't complete without name and tripfags.
CPUSA should be filtered as CPCIA
Overall I agree. I just stay bunkered down in /trash/ most of the time, now.
Tbh I wish Holla Forums or 8ch in general had a dm/pm function…
Y'know I was just about to make a post about the recent bans. As usual, Naziposter says it best.
Y'all are fucking this place up. Either fire the offending mods and ease up on the bans, or this entire joint goes down the tubes.
You know, at one point this board was #3 and headed to match Holla Forums. Then the crackdowns happened and since then we've lost hundreds of ISPs. The board is right back where it was exactly one year ago, losing over ~50% of the IPs since September. (This is much more than previous yearly seasonal fluctuations)
I guess I'll just ask outright: How much would it cost, or what would it take to convince you to hand over the board to one of your volunteers?
This was by far one of the best political forums on the internet. A refuge from the cesspool of partisan normalfag politics. And right now you're working very hard at taking the sledgehammer to it.
You've been banning scores of people, for everything ranging from nuanced positions, to making jokes; You've even banned MLs.
At this point I'm not at all convinced you're running this board in good faith. In the Iran thread you banned people supporting the official Iranian position. Which looks less like being trigger happy, and more like trying to find any reason to ban people.
There is another nuclear option; and that involves scraping every post on the board and using bots to repost it on leftpol, or another alternative. I'd seriously prefer not to go there, but I'm totally willing to. You've said it before: You don't even want to run this place. Just consider the offer.
Naziposter will inherit the board via popular pressure and nuke it, calling it now print this.
Plot twist: BO is Naziposter
… I'd be okay with this. Not gonna lie.
You don't realize it m8. The BO no longer cares about Holla Forums as an actual discussion forum, his current motives is it turn it into some kind of tankié propaganda outlet and that's why he is actively encouraging people to leave if they don't like. If he didn't care at all about the board one way or another, he wouldn't be coming here and banning people, he's clearly purging people in order to fulfill his ambitions. The reason he's not purging all non-MLs is probably because he knows a dead board isn't useful for anything.
You cannot reason with him, he's only gotten more irrational and destructive. All we can do is migrate to an identical board with one less letter and encourage others to do the same.
Fucking lol
BO has gone completely bonkers. You can keep banning me and deleting my posts but here's what I'm going to do anyway
I'll keep getting a new IP and posting things that I know will deliberately make the BO look bad for banning me
BO will keep banning me
Other posters will see that the BO is making an echo chamber of idiocy and leave too
Which I'm pretty sure is what BO wants anyway. What I don't understand is why BO doesn't just relinquish control of the board, since it's now so clear that BO has no interest in running it
To whom?
To one of the volunteers?
To literally anybody with an interest in running a leftist image board. He (she?) just seems to hate his users and doing his job. That's ok, but the appropriate response would be to place ownership of the board with someone with an interest in running it, not deliberately trying to ruin it.
And who of the volunteers wants to replace BO?
"Literally anybody" IRL often means someone specific. Also, I'm not sure this "anyone" can differentiate between Right and Left.
Not the OP, but people have been getting ludicrously long bans and if you're not interested in getting VPNs it will push away those people from ever returning. And if someone New gets one of those bans it could very well push them away from leftism as a whole
Since I'm gonna assume somebody is going to make that argument, it's vital that some people actually try to make conversation, even arguments if they're going to turn leftist to figure out what the hell they're going to be.
I've been getting them a year ago as well. There isn't anything new about this.
This board is barely Centrist, and you are arguing for further Right-wing shift. What's the point?
Literally how?
I really wish BO got back to us on this. We need debate, not indiscriminate banning.
< I can't differentiate between Left and Right, but Holla Forums must be Left - it's in the name
Please, give a list of Left threads you see.
Nuh-uh. You made the original claim, so the burden of proof is on you. As a counterpoint: Provide proof that the majority of people here do not believe in worker's ownership of the means of production.
it is not like anyone can do a better job at harming this board than our beloved BO sperg
so I'm not worried about cointelpro or whatever, we already hit the bottom
by banning every dissent from officially approved position?
listen, I'm not against ML in general
I'm against ML spergs like yourself and BO, whose first reflex is to smash every dissent
even your collective spergout at Ismail in that SU thread at /marx/ shows that you just cannot contain your autism and were it the real world you would purge his ass while screeching about the correct tru marxist definition of petty bourgeoisie
and inb4 anarkiddie it coming from a person who thinks NK is socialist
Why are mods so trigger happy tho?
No one seems to answer this question
The original claim is that we need more Right-wingers here:
Substantiate it first.
I'm sorry, what?
BO is not ML - and you clearly lack any awareness of Left spectrum to see that.
> to not see that
I don't see a problem with more right wingers as long as they argue in good faith.
funny you say that when your position in almost every thread is indistinguishable from official board position
you're not fooling anyone, BO is a subspecie of ML even if he/she/it doesn't directly states their ideological position
the only significant difference in opinions between you that I can think of is your screeching about global warming, eco fascism or whatever you were screeching about
you got banned for it once and now you shove it into everyone's face as a proof of how actually persecuted you are
what a fucking joke
show me where else you disagree with BO
do it faggot
nigger you can't just say that without informing people where the 'mod chat' exactly is
just give it to me tbh fam
And what is the "official" board position? Where does it say that USSR was Socialist? Where is the fucking ML flag? Why aren't Anarchists presented by yellow-black flag? I'm not even talking about Wolff, or bans for deliberate distortion of Marxism.
And here we have a confirmed liar.
You are a false-flagging polack. You need to go back.
Right now I've been banning lots of people in the Iran and DPRK threads.
Iran: America has been trying to destroy this country for decades. If the Iranian government were to collapse for any reason, America would immediately take advantage and bomb the shit out of Iran while sending in their Al Qaeda mercenaries. Millions would die, just like in Iraq and Syria. The rest would be enslaved. Right now, the CIA and Mossad are clearly making another attempt to destabilize and overthrow the Iranian government, and that's not up for debate among any well-informed or reasonable people.
DPRK: After WWII, America killed a million "South Koreans" and three million "North Koreans," in one of history's most intense campaigns of bombing and political cleansing. In the 90s, America starved possibly hundreds of thousands of Koreans to death with sanctions. These attempts at genocide by America are ongoing. Just recently, the American puppet government in the South intercepted ships carrying oil to the DPRK from China. If America were to succeed in fully blockading these oil shipments, it could result in another period of hunger or starvation.
In both cases, the CIA and other American intelligence agencies are proven to be spending millions of dollars on domestic propaganda. They spend all this money on propaganda because it works, and it helps them carry out their plans for genocide. Not only do I not want to help them carry out genocide, I want to help prevent it. As such, I won't let people use this board to advocate or insinuate for the overthrow of either government, particularly when an intense propaganda op is clearly underway.
I don't think this is "anarchists vs socialists" or even "liberals vs" socialists, there are anarchists, liberals, socialists, and even conservatives who are capable of understanding this. This is a matter of total analytic and investigative failure on the "left."
Whiny crypto-Trots will scream and throw a fit because they absolutely can't stand being prevented from spreading their murderous poison on the internet. If you look at >>>/leftpol/ you can see what their contribution to this board really amounts to. The only thing these types accomplish for the "left" is to make it compatible with American mass media, which is to say, make it compatible with propaganda for regime change. As such, if a hundred or even three hundred of these people stop posting on Holla Forums I see it only as a benefit to the board.
This is great and all, we ought to understand and oppose the role of US imperialism in these situations, but the proper response to people spreading views which may exist to further the aims of imperialism is to counter those views with evidence, not to attempt to silence them and make it look like you have something to hide. Patiently explain, that is your role. Not attempting to moderate this board like it is the vanguard of the revolution.
I actually do post links and evidence in threads, but I don't think that's something for us to do with our mod tags on. However, it's not like allowing all of this imperialist propaganda on Holla Forums will cause a coherent refutation to materialize. To the contrary, it would drown out such a refutation. If the goal is actually to refute propaganda, then there's no point at all in allowing people to replicate it here. People can easily go find stuff to refute in MSM publications.
I'd like Holla Forums to not be a vanguard of reaction to start with.
When you ban 10-20% of the active user base every week, you are not running the board well. You are essentially relying on people to evade their bans, otherwise the number of posters here will quickly dwindle to zero. With evasion being so easy, and bans being so frequent all you are doing is cultivating a disregard for yourself and your rules.
Yes, we all know our history. But how does this make those regimes beyond reproach?
You are very optimistic. Or a liberal.
Has it ever occurred to you that not all disagreement is propaganda? Especially when it comes from leftcoms and anarchists? You're beginning to sound like Holla Forums with their rampant accusations of "shilling" to silence wrong think
If you're a vol you should know were it is unless you're one of the new ones
What exactly is the value of having a board that allows regime change propaganda? If banning people for this kind of trash kills the board, the board shouldn't have existed in the first place. However, I think that Holla Forums will not die from these bans, and some of the IP losses are exaggerated by the holidays.
Look at >>>/leftpol/, why does that board keep dwindling? Holla Forums was able to survive for months with only 100-200 IPs. As far as I can tell, the people I keep banning don't even value their own contributions enough to keep posting on a different board. Their contribution is in the negative.
What is the Trot obsession with "reproach" against sovereign governments the moment the CIA launches a new offensive? Endless denunciations of America's enemies, but zero investigation or research into the actual regime change operations. Just stuff it.
Yes, propaganda is propaganda.
kek, the BO is deleting posts conflicting with this paranoid pile of shit. I reiterate, if you are concerned with removing CIA shills, why are you removing completely reasonable posts, for things as simple as pointing out Iran's status as a highly reactionary state, or that Syria is a firmly right wing dictatorship which has enacted neoliberal reform and de-nationalization which has basically destroyed the achievements of its past and Hafez Al-Assad?
It keeps dwindling because it's easy to avoid bans and we really want to love this board. We have good memories here. We're just asking you to stop trying to ruin what was once a good thing
So why don't you just explain this, instead of merely banning people? Hell, I'm willing to put it in a screencap or a slick infographic if that's necessary. So you can repost it every time the whining about "Muh evil theocracy" comes up.
Is it really that unthinkable that people who've been fed anti-Iranian propaganda all their lives think Iran is some kind of totalitarian 1984-tier hellscape? Half the people on the board haven't even read Marx. And you expect them to be aware of the nuanced intricate details of Iranian culture, politics and recent history?
You want to counter the narrative: You have to convince people. While the MAGA-pedes nextdoor fill the airwaves with Langley propaganda - spamming Twitter and Facebook to their heart's content - you choose to disengage. You won't alter perceptions if you don't counter the narrative. And you don't do that through blanket bans.
See. THIS is the thing that needs to be pointed out: But who is doing it? We actually had great discussions regarding this until you started purging everyone. Remember: Even if you can't convince someone, there are still people that lurk. And the impressions you create are very important for shaping their narrative.
Countering radlib brainrot isn't as much about convincing posters, as much as the people on the sidelines. When I created the thread about Nazi genocide and slavery of Europeans I wasn't trying to convince resident polyp shitposters (as much as sow doubt), rather the point was to challenge the Holla Forums narrative for lurkers not yet on-board. The people that browsed or lurked Holla Forums but grew disillusioned with Trump or the moderation, the people that got curious about Holla Forums, or new posters that still think "Nat-Soc" is 'Socialism'.
I appreciate your pragmatic intentions, but looking at the past it's clear this doesn't work. It's an endless game of whack-a-mole. The people you ban will just continue believing or spreading these views, except you will no longer be there to counter it. It for sure has never convinced me, and I've never heard of someone who was convinced that way either.
The solution is to drown it out. Instead of bans and deletions, actively reply to every single dumb post or bait. Always have the last word. Always have an infographic, link dump or screencap ready to BTFO neolib/polyp propaganda.
That's why Holla Forums has been so effective: They always have an argument to counter the narrative. They've written books and pdfs on this. They actively encourage arguing in bad faith. And that's why their views are so viral.
I didn't know you were the absolute arbiter of what is and isn't propaganda. Perhaps you should explain your opinions more like a reasonable person as you did earlier in this thread, rather than summarily banning people. This is literally the exact "shills REEE" logic that Holla Forums uses, with different terminology
You need to take a chill-pill, famrade. I dunno if you're dealing with a bout of depression or anxiety or what, but all you're doing is disservicing your community.
I'd reckon it's high time you took a step back, disconnected for a while, and contemplated things.
The Iranian government, which has provided extremely important support to the Syrian government against America and Al Qaeda, and to Hezbollah against Israel, and which itself is a bulwark against American mass murder and enslavement, is objectively progressive. I'll happily ban any myopic, gullible idiot who argues otherwise.
If that were the case, Holla Forums would still have 900-1100 IPs. These people are gone for good I think. If they valued their wallowing in chauvinism so much, /leftpol/ would be well on its way to 300 IPs by now.
Are they really Trots, though?
t. Trotsky
Trotsky would icepick most of the modern Trots himself.
You can't ban people for disagreeing with you
200 have left and a hundred have moved to /leftpol/ tho those who use /leftpol/ dwindle
Well that's in part probably because people like me are now posting with about 10 or so IPs where we used to post with 1-2. I think the absolute number of posters in meat-space is definitely dwindling
You legitimately sound insane.
lol are you implying that BO doesn't think that SU was socialist?
are you for real now
what a fucking autist
oh, so tru ML would ban anyone who doesn't follow the holy scripture to the letter
got it
dude you bring up your ban every time someone points out that MLs don't get banned nearly as often as other tendencies
eat shit peanut brain
This works if they're in the minority, like Holla Forums visitors. When they are most of the thread, nobody will get anything productive done, and serious attempts will be ignored and drowned out.
Well, a significant number of them have clearly stopped posting, unless all the IP losses are just from the holidays.
This basically seems idealistic to me. If that was the solution, it would have happened already. Instead, what has happened is that post quality improves whenever I do things that piss people off, rather than when I go on vacation. The 200 char count has given way more breathing room to informative threads.
Mainly I have free time due to holidays right now, and so I'm paying more attention to Holla Forums.
This is true, but I think VPN inflation was happening well before now. After the 8ch hack, way more people have extremely short post histories characteristic of VPNs, and probably did add at least a hundred IPs to most boards. I think this is because people are (correctly) more wary of this shit site.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little trot? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Wikipedia Leftism, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on /leftpol/, and I have over 3000 confirmed bans. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the greatest hotpocket microwaver in the entire trans community. You are nothing to me but just another IP. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this board, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with talking shit about comrade Khamenei over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of janitors across the mod discord and your VPN is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your posting privileges. You’re fucking dead, stasserist. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can ban you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in community moderation tactics, but I have access to the entire Holla Forums modkit and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the internet, you little lib. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have supported ZANU–PF. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, anarkiddie.
did a trot fucked your wife or something?
you need to let go of the throttle and triple the dosage of your meds
you have a severe case of paranoia
Is sectarian shitposting going to be the end of Holla Forums?
no, mentally ill Board Owner is going to be the end of leftypol
Wow, a really stunning rebuttal. I'm just using Trot as a vague term, since I don't need to list all the various kinds of self-proclaimed ideologies of people who get banned. The truth is, many people who are calling themselves leftcoms, anarchists, mlms, socdem, or whatever else would feel right at home in some Trotskyist party when it comes to international issues.
And this is the problem. You haven't actually convinced anyone by doing that, rather you undermine the counter-narrative by coming off as petty. Which matters even more for people that are lurking.
I completely see from where you're coming from, why you're doing what you do, and why you think it will work. But it's not working. Not in the sense that you're actually convincing people rather than killing activity. And considering you have detractors even amongst your own volunteers, this doesn't spell anything good.
Then there's another problem with trying to force orthodoxy: People here generally don't want a propaganda outlet, they want a discussion platform. If people can't discuss ideas freely - whether they're on one side of the aisle or the other - why should they even bother coming here? Holla Forums has been dying a slow death for the same reason. Orthodoxy is boring. And in an age where alternative entertainment is one click away, that means people would rather leave entirely than put up with this shitshow: Even if they otherwise agree with your positions.
I also want to re-iterate that while it's possible to go with the nuclear option (and pull a cloned exit), I really do not want to go there. Even if there is contention about what should- or shouldn't be tolerated, the fact stands that a dead board doesn't convince anyone. And right now the board is in free fall. If leftypol dies, all we'll have left is places like r/socialism, or the DS.A. Unlike polyps - who could just move to ironmarch, 4/pol, or similar sites if they ended up being banned, and continue like nothing happened - if leftypol goes, it pretty much ends.
Holla Forums is a great example where something like this happened. It wasn't /nat-soc/ central until later on. The lesson is that you can pull this both ways. Hell, you can write a bot to do it for you, if only to post a few infrographics/screencaps whenever a keyword comes up. Censorship doesn't work, not anymore.
It's almost as if there are a vast spectrum of different viewpoints among the left that disagree with you. Oh well. Better ban them
once again
Really gets that noggin joggin
It sounds like you don't know what you are talking about and you are using broad strokes to demonise people you disagree with. Using the term 'Trot' to name every and all opposition makes everything you say far less valid.
Why should people believe you when you talk about the "truth"? What makes you the arbiter of leftism?
He's coming buckos
And? Who gives a shit? This is a place for leftist thought, discourse, debate, and discussion
Not anymore. Go to >>>/leftpol/ if you want that.
Whether it works or not, it wouldn't be immediately evident either way.
But this is always just a matter of what the focus is. Holla Forums was never a place with absolutely free discussion, it was a place where discussion outside of some vague "left" perspective was mostly banned.
I think this is a major problem, most websites are deliberately designed to get people addicted and behaving in an ADHD manner. Fast-moving, shitpost-oriented imageboards are an extremely unhealthy example of this. However, some imageboards put an emphasis on quality instead.
I don't see a problem with this, and actually I'd like it if someone just went ahead and started cloning Holla Forums OPs right now. It would get rid of the monopoly Holla Forums has on those posts, which is one of the many things I really hate about 8ch's halfassed design.
What works for fascists often won't work for communists.
Marx told the BO that the only way to establish communism is to kill the board.
leftpol is shit because it's a mirror image of this board
here you have raging tanks screeching about imperialism
there you have raging anarshits screeching about ☭TANKIE☭ conspiracies
same shit different color
what is this deluded trash? I hate to burst your bubble this way, but Holla Forums and Holla Forums are not diametrically opposed political and economic systems, they are boards on the same website. There is no magical commie shield to protect the board from the fate of every place which undergoes endless purity spirals and autistic shill hunts. Pic related, multiple places which either totally died or completely changed for the worse because of these policies.
Enjoy your month long break.
have anything to say about the actual content of the post?
Pic related. He probably defended us on the basis of the board being one of the final places on Holla Forums with some semblance of open discussion. Kek, guess that's out of the window now.
It's not delusional to suggest that what works for fascists (rampant shitposting, lies, MSPaint pictures, hypocrisy, shapeshifting, mysticism, idealism, endless HAPPENING threads, etc) is counterproductive to the goals of socialists.
Why bring this up? I've already made it clear that I accept responsibility for losses in the user count. The counterpoint is obviously that 4chan is worse than ever with 50% of it being phoneposters and /r/TheDonald. Many imageboards really just have a limited amount of time they'll put out quality content. If they get too big and inclusive, they turn into a shitfest. If they get too small and exclusive, or simply too old and lose their novelty, people stop caring.
Isn't this exactly what you're promoting with the infographic thread? You don't think anything coming out of that thread will wind up different from Holla Forums's shitty infographs, do you? Remember, the infographs we used to make fun of?
who "us"?
BO and his band of runaway mental asylum patients?
kek, what? That's not what Naziposter was talking about, he was referring to the fact that the endless shill hunts of Holla Forums are what transformed the site into what it is today, as many of the original quality posters left for good and only faggots were left to replace them. It's deluded trash indeed, to believe that this is some kind of super SPECIAL purity spiral which can only end well because of magic leftism.
Besides, what you are saying would hold water if the bans were in any way designed to curtail this. You are outright encouraging people to make shitty "propaganda", and hypocrisy? Don't make me laugh, you practically run the board on it. "Left wing shitposting and trolling is allowed, but only if I agree with it". Pics related. There are many more cases of this.
Holy shit, are you inebriated or intentionally missing the point? Aside from 4chan, which, I agree, lost its novelty and grew too big for its boots, the rest of these sites and boards were drastically changed and even killed from their increasingly closed nature alienating great swathes of their users. I do not see how this purity spiral is any different.
Why wouldn't socialists be better at creating informative content than fascists?
I don't think so, and your whole post comes across as off the mark.
Because we're all autists posting on imageboards. If you want to make infographics you can share with your parents on Facebook, then go right ahead, but you should probably look for grunts outside of Holla Forums. You seem to have some serious misconceptions about the userbase of your board.
Where did this post go?
Censoring criticism are we now?
wew, almost "socialism gives you special powers" tier
you definitely have a severe case of "imageboards is a serious business" disease
And saved
I don't even know where you are coming from with this. Marxism is a solid theory based in history and material reality, it is clearly far superior to fascist dreck.
Do imageboards have some kind of special status as media that prevents them from functioning as propaganda outlets? When propaganda is posted and reproduced here, it magically has no effect on people's thoughts and feelings? I don't know how anyone could seriously argue this after 2016. Again, I want no part in the propaganda that leads to millions dying, just as has happened over and over again in Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc.
kek, between and>>2337804 I think we have enough evidence to show that the "CIA shill bans" are purely torture chamber motivated.
only the immortal science of Marxism can save imageboards fro boring, shitty srsposters!
Little do we know that B0 is actually using us as puppets for her own political ends and to strengthen /marx/'s position. We are nothing but a propaganda tool.
We are all being played like a fiddle
Uh, considering that Holla Forums has under two thousand members at best, and an increasingly shrinking userbase now, it's practically infeasible to use for any kind of propaganda. Hell, this site is too small to begin with.
Are you referring to Trumpshit spread by Holla Forums? Not only were the democrats increasingly unpopular after Obama's "change" shit, which turned out to be Bush ++, Hillary's campaign seemed to be more of this and completely alienated a great deal of potential voters. Despite this, by grand total of votes, Trump still lost by over two million. Such a fantastic, successful propaganda campaign that was. Don't "B-BUT" me on that, either, if imageboard shitposting is such a successful propaganda vector, how come these faggots absolutely and utterly failed to replicate results anywhere else? Where are the successes of UKIP, BNP and Front Nationale, which had the backing of both Holla Forumss, and their "le rational centrist" e-celebs?
You are not going to get a tower of propaganda wizardry, you are going to end up with a dead board.
why do ☭TANKIE☭s have to ruin everything
meant for
sorry no, shilling for theocracy is not superior to anything
no registration anonymous dynamic nature of the chans
chans are for discussions and shitposting
not for organizing and propaganda work
so you want to follow in Holla Forums footsteps?
guess all that meme magic quality pol propaganda finally got to you huh
This is bullshit, and you should know it to be bullshit, before you changed the FAQ, it for a long time said:
But how can we expect you to know what's in the FAQ you didn't write? It's obvious you're a cointelpro takeover, since you're unable to answer what mod action you took in 2014 following Michael Brown's death (the first wayback machine capture was in January 15, unfortunately for you).
Mate I agree with you in principal but the way to solve this isn't to throw crazy accusations (cointelpro) at BO. It doesn't matter whether they are cointelpro, trying to turn this into an ML board, or going crazy from hormone treatments. What matters is that we preserve this place as one of the last great bastions for leftist discussion on the Internet. The intentions don't matter as much as the consequences
I also think a mongolian throat singing board reviled by 99% of the internet is a viable propaganda arm.
If you are organizing on chans your shit deserves to be cointelproed because the feds are watching. I don't post about commie shit i do irl because i know this place is being watched. Posting isn't warfare. If you want to change shit go outside and join an org instead of staying inside yelling about who is the real imperialist.
Let shitposter shitpost.
Did anyone get the rest of the posts made by that mod? I tried taking a screenshot of that thread, but forgot that 8chans in-built screenshot function only works like half the time.
some questions need to be answered, why is BO online at times other mods call unusual or uncharacteristic? Why has BO disabled anonymous TOR posting? why has is he unfamiliar with his past actions?
Can you lot decide on the story you are spinning?
Is Holla Forums low-quality shitposting board, or is it non-Marxist, or is it a Last Great Bastion for leftist discussion? I'm getting more and more confused.
Nope. Khrushchevite revisionist.
I'd say they are (or better be) opposed. As a Fascist outlet, Holla Forums is about intellectual degeneration - which makes it absolutely unsuitable for any serious discussion. I'm not sure if BO's idea is correct (for me it is only DPRK against US that is non-negotiable), but your position is flat-out insane. We simply don't have the numbers to resist flood of Fascists and Liberals.
What is this gay shit? This is what the board has done literally since its foundation, and it has only been extremely recently that BO took a hard line stance against basically everything. As a matter of fact, there was a time early on in the board's history where at least a third of the catalog was Holla Forums bait. That time has been over for more than a year, and the board was coasting peacefully until the dumb "anti shill" bans were put in place. Now that it is in, the board is dying, bleeding members and suffering the largest exodus in its history.
You are clearly very new here, and I strongly advise you go back to Reddit.
The fact that this confuses you belies your newfaggotry. Holla Forums is all of these things and none of these things. The paradoxical nature of imageboards is so obvious that anybody who takes it seriously outs themselves as someone who should never be taken seriously. Trying to pigeonhole a board into being anything other than a place for like-minded people to discuss a mildly related topic is ludicrous and kills boards 100% of the time.
I want all the Twitterposters and Redditors to leave.
So what are you arguing about then? We have a position that we should have more not like-minded people here -
Nope. That is patently false.
Generally speaking, I'm arguing that leftists shouldn't be banned on a leftist imageboard for wrongthink. I don't know why I'm arguing with a tripfag, though, you people never fucking understand anything.
How? Are you going to substantiate or just spew "NO U!!!" alongside your newfaggotry? For the first year or so of the board, the BO and mods didn't even clear out Holla Forums bait in the interest of open discussion. When they started doing it, shitflinging and infighting amongst socialists was still allowed and encouraged, and right wingers were encouraged to argue and participate as long as it was in good faith. It was not until well after the April Fools hack drama that imperialism bans and such started to be implemented, and it was only in the recent weeks that they started to become aggressively enforced. So going by what I said, the BO has been "anti-everything" for under a quarter of the board's history, and only a mere fraction if we're going by the aggressive approach taken now.
I do not think you are well versed in this board's history. May I, again, suggest that you return from wherever you discovered this place?
Lel, are you lying or really this new?
That misses his point entirely you complete nonse. His main point is about limiting the scope of the board not the ideological composition. You are a living testament as to why tripfags are trash.
You retards should start substantiating things yourselves.
False. I've got ban for calling Paris Commune an attempt at AnCap long before that. That's 100% "infighting amongst socialists".
Substantiate your opinion. Ban for not being aggressively pro-refugee during late summer/early fall.
A common trait of imageboards is that posters are far outnumbered by lurkers. Back when Holla Forums last had around this many IPs, I think the facebook pages were getting tens of thousands of likes, which were then used to promote Bordigism or something. You seem confused. I'm not doing anything right now to try and turn Holla Forums into some kind of newsroom, I want to prevent it from being a vector for regime change propaganda. Again, I refuse to take part in any way in the destruction of the DPRK or Iran.
I actually did answer your inane question about Michael Brown in some other thread, I can answer again. IIRC I made a sticky, told people to post there, and banned or deleted some other threads which got people up in arms. How this would disprove your theory, I don't know, since there are screencaps floating around and it could be archived.
There are more possibilities for a board other than "shitpost central" and "organizing out in the open."
I can testify to what said, that is definetly what I have observed. There really isnt much point in saying "PROVE IT!" when we're talking about things that have taken place in front of the users eyes.
Iran and DPRK aren't going to be invaded because a few dozen posters on a taiwanese fingerpainting forum refused to acknowledge them as the last bastions of proletarian struggle you horrendous cocksocket.
I'll repeat what I said. The CIA, GCHQ, Mossad, MIT, etc. all spend millions upon millions of dollars on propaganda, twitter bots, paid-off journalists, think-tanks, pundits, and more. They spend all this money on this influence of public opinion because it's useful to them. Does the greenlight for Operation Bomb Bomb Iran depend on whether or not Holla Forums is a safe space for regime change regurgitation? No. Does it partially depend on public opinion? Yes. I am against allowing Holla Forums to play a part in that.
But whatever, you're a four.
Holla Forums users are doing a fine job as it is. if we can shout down Holla Forumss retardation we can deal with liberal horseshit. I don't think saying "Iran shouldn't be invaded but it's still a shitty place" is an unreasonable stance. There is no need for mass bans over legitimate debate.
LMAO you're the same person
I'm not sure what the argument is. I absolutely have increased the enforcement and enumeration of rules in the past several months. I don't think the ramp-up is wildly inconsistent with the original rules against Zionism, SJW shit, or Holla Forums posting.
They're not.
It is. On what grounds do you think you get to say Iran is "shitty"? That's pure BS, and it's a farce of opposition.
Can I place a formal request to have the banner I made for Holla Forums removed from rotation?
What banner would that be user?
You have proof of this or are you going full r/socialism? Screaming imperialism at everything that hurts your feelings and then banning people isn't good moderation imo.
Iran crushes left wing dissent in favour of right wing theocracy. I don't think islamisists shooting comrades is cool.
If you hate this website, and you think your users are shitty, then why are you still here?
I'm being 100% serious.
So it is your sincere belief that peopel who are here who support regiem change are for the most part spooks?
user are you sure you want to do this? Remember the last time someone asked for a banner to be taken down from a leftist forum.
I just don't want my work to be used to enhance the image of this place any further. If you want to see my other banners, I recommend viewing them in the banner thread on /leftpol/.
Good, this may showcase BOs autism
You banned me for merely calling the protests a "mass" movement. (I even put it between parentheses) after I had already pointed out I didn't support them anyway. Before that you banned me for a post that merely pointed out that the protests (partially) started because of discontent about unemployment, which just so happens to be the official Iranian position.
Another time you banned me for giving feedback in this very same thread.
Some would call the lack of LGBT rights "shitty", or the fact that there exist a death penalty for "waging war against god", or a 27-40% youth unemployment rate, or inflation outstripping wage growth, or communist movements having been banned for decades now.
Now you can call it overblown, you can blame western sanctions, you can argue they're whining snowflake liberals, but they're very real concerns that affect millions of people, some of who decide to take it to the streets because of it. That these movements then get co-opted by imperialist powers is not a position anyone was denying.
Hell, I myself pointed out some really suspicious events. And yet you banned me (and others) anyway.
This so very much. If you don't like the users, if you don't like the volunteers, if you don't appreciate the culture of the board: Leave. Give the board ownership to someone else. I don't care who. One of your volunteers, fucking Space or Ismail, even Hoochie would be an improvement at this point.
My point is that I didn't notice any significant changes. Not to the level that is being suggested.
Al-Qaeda is Sunni, Iran is Shia. I'd say Saudis have much more sympathizers.
fuck off sock puppet
Why have 6 posts been deleted?
BO deleted some posts. atleast one is because is a BO sock puppet
a 4 week ban also is attached to at least one of the deleted posts.
exactly, so stop being a cunt.
I don't suppose its even worth pointing out at this point that someone arguing that these protest movements may have arisen, in part, down to economic conditions, which is something even the Iranian government is acknowledging, and not just as a result of cia meddling is not support for western backed regime change.
BO, since you did the removal bans I'm going to ask. Why remove the texts? Why not include the carbon copy "(User was banned for this post)" removing shit in mass bulk will get you noticed and make people angry, so why? Why delete the messages? People will think you're hiding something, and these weren't shitposts. You're shooting yourself I need the foot, so why?
Oh yeah plz no post removal on ban.
why should someone with zero reading comprehension run a board? See the quotation marks arounds "reject"? As in, he is quoting the person he is replying to. Maybe you could read where "reject" appears in the text he is quoting to find out what "it" (see, quotation marks) refers to? Then you'll see he is saying Demconfed in Syria is irrelevant, not the tool of anti-imperialism.
or you can give out 4 week bans for posts your too monumentally retarded to understand. anyway, keep trying to ban me cucko. your volunteers are just going to reverse it. how does it feel that literally no one in your mod team stands behind you, and basically all have defected to another board? even your lackey Hoochie reverses your ill-intentioned bans.
Why was the go to leftpol thread deleted which had been pinned?
he does that sometimes too. some guy said "I critically support Iran and North Korea against imperialism, but not in any other regard" with no further arguments. he got a big red ban message. a few hours later, after he saw how bad a decision it was, he hid it by deleting their post. he does this with all the controversial posts he attaches a ban message to.
Some of the deleted and banned posts.
BO is completely loosing it and banning anyone who dares disagree with her and then censoring the posts.
Are you guys trying to get all your posts deleted?
Nevermind it just was really far down the list
We missed you baboon-poster!
naziposter is the intellectual heavyweight the right always needed
I hate 8ch because the board software is extremely bad and the site owners are total scum. There's no real solution to that unless a real, superior alternative to 8ch cropped up. I don't think "my users are shitty," I think some of them are. Who in the history of board moderation hasn't disliked some users?
Primarily I think they're gullible/stupid/chauvinistic. For whatever reason, I don't suspect a large number of spies and actual paid shills have posted here.
Banner interface is still broken for me.
lurk moar, he's reactionary as fuck and advocates monarchy
Believe what you want, I keep getting this no matter how much I refresh. Otherwise I'd have removed the Roj*va stuff by now.
I'm going to call bullshit on this. It's been over 6 months since that crash and /leftpol/ has been able to do all this shit, all of Holla Forums also seems to have affectively been fixed. Complain to moderation if it's broken STILL after this long because that means their site is broken and it could affect other boards soon.
Because like most politics today, it's just an empty "brand." Most Nat-Socs today have never read Hitler, Goebels, Rosenberg, or other nat-soc ideologues. Scores of them even actively support zionists like Trump, and see absolutely no problem with this.
This is a problem with mass politics in general, and modern politics in particular. Ideas or coherent positions no longer matter, it's all about "branding" and supporting your "team". The swastika is just another hollow symbol therein, accompanying hollow words and hollow propaganda.
There is also the whole problem of assuming symbols somehow have an innate meaning.
I think I should've swtiched mass politics with modern politics, but whatever…
So until it's fixed, Apo and this lady are going to be stuck in rotation as a big fuck you and a reminder of the days before your became an infantile brainlet liberal.
BO people like you are the reason comunism will never work.
Incidentally, I checked out /r/socialism out of curiosity, and the mods there are allowing full-blown shilling for the riots. Look at the comments on these:
So it looks like /r/socialism is far more tolerant than I am to enemies of the "evil Iranian regime" as long as you don't trigger them by saying "stupid." So if you got banned in the Iran thread, you could give /r/socialism a try too, they are very inclusive.
Someone did complain on /sudo/. I think it could be my adblocker, but I'm not going to turn that off for shady businessman.
Oh no, I guess so.
Many of the early protests were legitimate worker protests. The Iranian government under Rouhani is neoliberal and has been removing many of Ahmadinejad's subsidies (for oil, food, etc.). Similar to Ukraine, I think the original protests (which weren't calling for the overthrow of the government) have been taken over by US-supported "protesters" who do want to overthrow the government, but, if you only saw only the first part or saw a misrepresentation in the media, you could easily be mistaken or misinformed.
I wouldn't say the people supporting it are necessarily reactionary, since if they'd been shown only the first part of the protests they could have easily been misled. I think it deserves dialogue rather than banning.
This is brain-rot, why not go to /r/socialism where the mods will agree with you.
It's an obvious liberalization plan that negatively affects workers. I'm not sure why that would be under dispute.
Being a ML has rotted your fucking brain to obvious facts apparently.
The whole promise of Rouhani was that he would try to get the sanctions lifted with concessions and the "nuclear deal." Calling this neoliberalism is infantile, and only further confirms that "neoliberalism" is the fantasy obsession of Berniecrats and similar simpletons.
Hey BO, you dropped your trip :^)
In order to get updates on this thread, I have to have it open in a non-mod-view tab. If you post as ## Board Owner when you're not in mod-view, it shows up as a tripcode.
He has had quite a lot more room for maneuver for quite a while and he is using it on economic recipes that fuck over workers and strengthen the entrenched Iranian porkies and their future business partners like the EU because he has no desire to dootherwise. Are you really going to claim he has no alternatives?
That was never under dispute. I wasn't even disputing that the current protests demanding the government's overthrow smacked of US (and probably Israeli) interference.
"Neoliberalism" is widely used for the particular developments in capitalism since the late 70s/early 80s that proceeded from the prevalence and institutionalization of neoclassical economics. It's a useful term, and it'd odd to see it called a "fantasy obsession." Some people treat neoliberalism in particular as the source of all troubles to deflect attention from capitalism by itself. I was only using it to point to the Rouhani government effecting certain economic liberalization reforms that would be generally classified as "neoliberal."
Shouldn't Berniecrats and such be educated? Throwing a fit because new people who don't know better are bad at leftism is elitist and damages the left as a whole. If we don't try to educate newbies we are no better than the holier then thou idpol puritans we all hate.
Why the fuck was my thread reporting Iranian Communists' statement deleted…?
Let me guess, you also believe Assad's policies somehow didn't qualify as neoliberal?
^ that is probably why
Can you honestly say the quality of the board has improved over the past few months? Because it seems like you've only succeeded in pissing off everyone who doesn't share your views down to the letter. I'd happily sift through a few shitposts if it meant there was more intelligent discussion overall, and I think a lot of users would agree
And what do you think the recent changes are doing?
Based BO
purge the idealist trash
Don't pretend that you have any sort of moral high ground over /r/socialism.
Can the vague and unspecified bans which last for at least 4 weeks, stop? Because with the ban happy attitude it's hard to tell if someone was banned for raids or because they didn't like X country.
This is the correct thing to do and anyone who believes otherwise is an idiot.
Or y'know, a Trot.
As a ML myself: no, fuck you
how about no
Why must you do this to us, BO? Was your end goal to alienate your users and drive people further away from your personal political beliefs? If so, you've succeeded with flying colors.
I think that Holla Forums is taking advantage of the chaos caused by BO's attempt to be r/socialism. The more aggressive shitheads (usually posting with a ☭TANKIE☭ flag but not always) will often begin yelling about DNC shills, libshits and cucks if you push against them enough.
call it what you want, it's not /r/socialism, see:
oh god
mass banning for wrong think in this case for implied "imperialism" is the same as mass banning for ableism and serves as an excuse to purge those with ideological differences. way to miss the forest for the trees dude.
/r/soc pls go
Premonition post: why is locked?
/premonition post
I support comrade BO in their fight against Holla Forums imperialism.
I saw that deletion and the original message BO.
i didn't say it was. I said that BO is using their insane definition of imperialism as a reason to carry out a sectarian mass ban is the same as r/socialism's mods using their insane definition ableism as a reason for sectarian mass bans.
the only Iranian communist that matters is /ourguy/ comrade Khamenei
they both have pipes so it checks out (to LARPers)
I miss funposting
Can the one Stalin stash in the news thread be tested that they aren't from Holla Forums or a very new poster. Some of their posts seem, suspicious to say the least.
Their history doesn't show anything weird, they are just mad.
Alright, I'll accept that
since you think all forms of criticism of Iran are just trotskyism and therefore bannable, why do you even allow trotskyism on the board? there's a 4th international flag still.
it's basically like this flag right?
What the fuck happened?
BO gained a chromozone and is melting down about imperialism again.
The baboons must leave!
No more baboons, they are a drain on resources!
and here i was thinking i haven't seen a baboonbot post today
I checked the logs, it was a Volunteer.
I thought you were talking about the current Iran shitshow
go away
Get on the modchat
Hahaha using this dumbass logic, you would support Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan over the USSR, UK and US.
Jesus christ, you've completely lost the plot fam, you're supporting right wing fascist theocratic reactionaries over fucking SOCIALIST, COMMUNIST organisations within these countries who are taking advantage of the situation.
Real life isn't Star Wars, nothing is black and white. You can still oppose the shitty theocracy that literally hunts down and murders Socialists and Communists while opposing American imperialism.
you're posting with a BAN ME flag?
Why are you banning people for giving feedback in the moderation thread?
Why is bumplocked?
I like your OC, but someone anchored it probably it's shitposting thread
The thread is important because it turned into an important discussion about how to deal with anarco-liberals.
reason for bumplock?
Why are people arguing in good faith being banned in the R*java thread?
People were actually dealing with it. Seriously, what part of is ban-worthy?
Doing stuff like this actually hurts discussion because it prevents people from addressing arguments.
I'm completely willing to have a discussion as to why R*java in it's current form is not going to work out, and why it will end in an imperialist disaster. But for this to happen you need to let us have that discussion. Which can't happen as long as you keep banning them on sight.
Can someone redbull me on how this festering shithole of a board has gained a couple hundred users? Not been here for months. Also, where did the retarded redditfags like uLSSnt0y8Q come from? They used to be told to fuck off almost immediately, not be allowed to shit up the mod thread with their newfaggotry. Is there a connection here?
I love how one of the mods says this every now and then and nobody tells hoochink how to get on it.
I'm curious as to why posts that use "drumpf" that aren't bait are being allowed to stay. Also let's not forget they're being cycled
Just another Hoochiemod's
BO is such a fucking coward
Am I supposed to ban whoever says it? That's a more unreasonable demand than my more unreasonable bans. I'd be banning like, thirty people.
And I cycled it because the Administration is throwing a metric shit fit and their best friends the Mercer's demanding to cut funds from Breitbart (already cut funds from Bannon) if Bannon isn't flung out of Breitbart, while staff there loyal to him don't know what the fuck is going on.
It's a situation about a book not just because of its comedy, but the events surrounding it. I thought it was worth cycling because somehow they made the publication of a book a legal issue by trying to use a White House lawyer to stop its publishing, give Bannon a cease and desist, even though they're claiming it's blanket "fake" and not giving examples about what in it is fake.
It seems absolutely ridiculous, and I thought it should require temporary cycling.
I mean I fail to see why criticism of the US president, in whatever way, is a bigger sin than Holla Forums posters who want to stir the pot or spam when they aren't evading and switching VPNs.
Why should I care if someone says Drumf. Sure it's obnoxious, but why should I care
Resign already you stupid whore
>Accidentally banned yet again
I'm sorry, you were in a thread with Baboon Poster and I had a hot trigger finger waiting for his next picosecond return. I'll never do it again. You're a good poster, and a good man.
It's okay. They're but shitposts.
Okay I'm done, can someone clean up all of my posts and ban monkey man (who is also shilling for Andy Anglin)
Bro, respect. You're a good namefag but what even are you?
Like are you an actual nationalist socialist or just using the nazi shit as a way to be unique?
Are you just a voluntary egoist fucking with leftypol in order to get rid of it's spooks?
Explain to me please…
He's an unironic monarchist
That's some interesting but undialectical as hell shit.
Everyone has their flaws. Who am I to judge.
I prefer the term neo-absolutism.
You need to be a very good looking trap to look for a daddy that hard.
Jesus son, at least be sensible and go for neo-feudalism
Feudalism is a meme though. Besides, absolutism without capitalism and with tax-in-kind results in the same thing anyway.
vassals are not a meme. do not insult my hibernian lineage you teutonic degenerate
Wait… Wait.
Pedo rose is a fucking mick?
don't act surprised
i like this image
the nazi will look at it and admire the knight that in his delusion is trying to get some aristocrat pussy
the communist looks at it and sees the peoples just anger
nazis are lackeys of the elite because they want to be them and are willing to be cucked just for the mere hope of a chance
Stop over analyzing shit jfc
>Implying I don't want to be the princess.
I'm asexual though.
take your pills
Pls stahp.
There's a difference between being nice to girls and being nice to aristocrats girls.
No there is not.
Even after dozens of lewdposts about my big titty mazacon fantasies people still come at me incorrect
broke: defending the princess to fug her
woke: defending the princess out of mutual respect for your feudal duties
bespoke: defending the princess with health regen and defense buff spells as she charges the enemy with her warstaff
Being nice to a princess or a nobleman's daughter makes you a cuck.
This is the only "privilege" aristocrats deserve.
Hi, can someone replace the youtube link in with the following mirror link?
Several people in the thread want to avoid some reactionary dipshit getting additional clicks from us.
the children were bayoneted iirc
let us embed videos when
They let the other thread die.
Can we get the cyclical again?
Also one of you nuked all my previous artwork and now I can't post them
Maybe it's a bug with the archiver?
Why was >>2348995 in deleted, then banned for 26 weeks? (Reason: Gore)
Isn't the rule to spoiler gore/porn?
It wasn't even a spam/joke post.
Seems excessive when a file deletion would have done just fine.
Hoochiemod only know the ban button and nothing else
Do teratology count as gore now?
Unachor this thread: we haven't had a good shitpost thread in ages
Unsaged now
Seems somebody is saging thread that are simple fun like
I don't know who that vol is but he needs to relax and let users have fun, if everything became serious they will leave.
Allowing Holla Forums threads will cause more of their disgusting ilk to come here thinking that they're welcome. That shit's got to go.
Its not a Holla Forums thread, they're laughing at /pol7es
Did the entire mod team shit itself is has everyone been offline for the past 3 hours?
Bans should not be an excuse to censor people.
A few days ago I got a bullshit ban for a harmless shitpost a made a week ago. The ban was successfully appealed but I found that most of the posts I had made on this board had been deleted.
Interestingly this ban happened straight after I made a post on the DSА thread complaining about B0 censoring and banning people on that thread for simply disagreeing with B0's shit opinions. My posts on the Rojаvа thread are also gone but a few posts I had made elsewhere are still there.
I can understand having shitty rules but censoring people you disagree with and wiping any trace of them from the map is cowardly and despotic.
you are a meme spouting faggot
Why was tripfag in the doom thread banned for "Climate change denialism", when he stated that right now pollution is more ecologically damaging than climate change?
That hit too close to home.
Carly(Carly who?)
There is literally NO indication of US involvement in the Iranian protests you fucking retard.
How about you actually read about how the US does revolution in other countries in the modern era?
Where is the colour revolution prefix? Where is the constant media wank over opposition figures? Where is the round the clock media disingenious reporting? Where are the National Endowment for Democracy shills all over the place?
None of this exists because it's actually organic protests and revolt from fucking LEFTISTS you fucking idiot.
Compare Iran to Ukraine coverage which was a US led revolt, the difference is literally night and day.
The media for the most part has been completely disinterested in Iran and it didn't even get a colour prefix out of the NED which is the first thing that comes out of a US backed revolt.
But alas, you're a dumbass ☭TANKIE☭ piece of shit who supports right wing commie killing regimes because you don't give a shit about Socialism but just petty teenage anti-US sentiment. You and the other dumbass ☭TANKIE☭s don't even know about the changes to US foreign domestic actions being taken away from the CIA and being centralised under the State Department and the White House and how they conduct their operations these days.
Oh also forgot, the Urban western aligned neoliberals that do have connections with the US? Where were they in the protests? Couldn't see them. Oh wait, they didn't turn up and stayed home and didn't involve themselves.
Funny, these protests from the poorest sectors of society and rural and industrial workers were the ones protesting, but the groups and parties that literally have US connections didn't protest at all.
Yet, these protests 100% were caused by the US and were a US plot.
You've lost the fucking plot you ☭TANKIE☭ retard. Supporting a right wing regime that literally murders leftists over fucking workers, the poor and far-left parties.
Oh wait, those brown third worlders can't actually do revolution themselves, they need the glorious first world ML's to come teach them how to do it properly, which involves, living under shitty right wing theocratic regimes that kills communists and do nothing to oppose that.
Can be unlocked please? It's actually developing into an interesting discussion, rather than the typical idealistic Holla Forumsyp brainrot.
Banned for the reason "crypto" what does this mean?
Hoochie I'm disappoint today you deleted two Holla Forumsyp thread that could had been entertaining
You should give more room to dissenting opinions so there can be debate and memes can flourish
Yeah, why was it even anchored in the first place? The opening post makes it clear this is an earnest question and there is literally no Holla Forumsfaggotry going on in the thread.
I'd like an explanation: how is saying that pollution is more important ecology-wise a "Climate Change Denialism"?
Since this is not the first time "Climate Change" is being shilled (thread was created with "Volunteer" tag, so it's hard not to assume that a specific point of view is being promoted through the use of Volunteer status) to cover or deny other problems of ecology or to argue against Socialism, I would like an additional clarification: will we also have bans for support of World Revolution, since it implies that there are more pressing concerns than the problems of climate change?
You do make a good point man pollution is definitely a more immediate concern. Especially the offshore drilling, which creates something called “produced water” that contains all kinds of shit like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, hosts of toxic heavy metals, organic acids and radioactive radium isotopes. That shit ultimately ends up in the fish we eat.
At the same time though man you can’t say climate change isn’t contributing to mass extinction, rising sea temps are fucking with all sorts animals, including coral reefs and the associated schooling fish that rely on them, sharks, whales, ect. They are sensitive to subtle changes. And I mean there’s been studies on trees which show that rising average temps in the winter mess with the trees root system and make them quite unhealthy.
This two problems should be addressed in tandem not seen as separate issues
Can you guys stop anchoring non-troll threads that people are actively participating in?
>not posting on >>>/leftpol/
So are you guys just anchoring any and all fast threads now? I mean I understand anchoring Holla Forums threads but threads with actual leftist discussions shouldn't be anchored just because things get a little hairy.
That thread is a can of worms, those topics always end up badly.
Dang I was ready to see how far the retard hole goes with that Keynesian econ causes bust/boom thread
Why did you delete that polyp thread? I was about to btfo the (gender) essentialist brainrot.
It's kind of shitting up entire threads, can't even see what people were replying to.
Do not worry, spic Holla Forumsyp always returns to spam his beliefs, refuse to engage with anybody, get banned then return to do the same dance again and again.
You're slipping, buckarooni. I want my damn ban.
Nvm, unbanned now. Still want to know why I was banned in the first place.
So who exactly is that mod that keeps deleting my posts? They deleted my post in the OC thread because I made OC to banter Chaya and another time in for no apparent reason except that the mod thought it was a "shitpost" despite that it had the most effort in that thread. And just now my bona fide post in /wagecuck/ was deleted, a shame too since I accompanied it with some OC.
BO, please have some control over your mods. Also, I wanna know, is it Hoochie that's wrecking havoc across the board and banning people for posting things that offend her feelings or is it some other dumbass you took in? Please do the right thing and purge your shitty team.
amazing, they even deleted my post in /leftytrash/ of all places
were you banned as well or were they just deleted
I'm guessing you were , because this is the only entry in the BL from around that time
>Deleted all posts by IP address:
The only posts deleted specifically that could have gone in the reptillians thread were all deleted by the poster.
Why did my post get deleted? >>2358600
I've been posting here for over a year. Are you not allowed to advocate for cryptocurrencies as a communist?
it looks a lot like you were shitting up the thread with your autism
maybe ya shouldn'ta did that
Is this the power of neo-leftypol?
yes user that's right you're being specially persecuted because you're so smart and no one can handle you
Im calling you out Holla Forums mod, why the fuck are you guys pre banning VPNs? Why do you keep deleting my posts but not banning me? WTF are you guys doing? Ive been keeping a record. I know you fuckers are datamining just like back at 2ch. You and your fucking dad james can go fuck yourselves. You are doing to this community what your dad and hiroyuki did to 2ch.(Gee, could be because you're ban evading for spamming and you can post with a vpn and you told me, for some reason, you wanted people to beleive a rumor we banned vpns, you're proper mental m8 a nut)
lol nice cover you fucking theif. Thats fabricated you peice of shit. You and your dad are fucking criminals, thats why youve banned all vpn IPs becasue your dad loves his data collection(Let's leave our Dads out of this dude, not cool)
Whos posting this?
Spammer who's grand quest is to…get as many vpns banned as possible…? Some autistic guy
You can post with a vpn, you always could.
James watkins has been collecting user data since 2ch him and hiroyuki never stopped being partners in crime. Its no coincidence jim and hiroyuki came to own 4chan and 8ch respectively.
I just checked, you cant use them at all. Are you gonna fix it?
I don't know why you can't just admit your moderation is garbage.
I was looking through my emails and saw that I became a vol on august if 2015
I'm the oldest vol, doing it for free for 2 years and 5 months
I don't know why you can't just admit your posting is garbage.
I was also banned
that wasn't me and I didn't delete any of my posts I'm posting from a different location so that is the reason I don't have any post history right now
Every day it gets a little easier to stop posting.
when everybody was an ancom who didn't read theory, or even further back when it was reverse soviet Holla Forums with reddit characteristics?
Back when "read Stirner" was unironic.
hey some obvious Holla Forumsyp is in the Holla Forums larp thread advocating that we vandalize shit in public places
please take care of it
Who got banned that lead to the noticeable drop in replies on a lot of threads?
Why was the one dude who started the profit motive thread permabanned?
He evaded 6 times and spammed the same thread. And posted it.
His initial perma was unrelated, I assume.
If that's the case, then carry on, maybe.
Why did the first reading thread lose its cyclical?
Would the other mods come and join me on tox for a bit?
Mods banning people for shit reasons
That was me. Posting from cellular data now. Mods don't bother banning this for ban evasion, I found a new home over at /leftpol/. This is my last post in this shithole.
I would if you'd message me your details. Check for me in the mod log.
Why do you have such a hard time containing the baboon poster?
He's a locust swarm of IPs posting every other minute.
He does it for free
ya could we get a hold on these volunteers that do this troll ban shit
the r9k shit, I mean really if you're gonna troll ban at least come up with something better
it was also to shut down an argument against an anarchofem who had bad arguments.
Those are all Hoochie, that's his worst streak so far.
At this step he'll ban the whole board in a couple of months
Hoochie's not a volunteer anymore. Baboon poster is getting promoted in her place.
Even though she went overboard, she also got rid of a lot of spam and Holla Forums posters, which was usually evident in the ban logs. That means more work for us again.
Does't matter we have more work, now we have more justice
Plus the baboon poster is easy to deal with if we just use range bans
If Baboon Poster has another big chimp-out, I don't think RBs really help. Lots of attention from mods probably encourages him, better to just clean up the droppings periodically.
rip me
On the bright side, you get to trip again.
How can I live without you
I want to know
How can I dream without you
Who actually replaces Hoochie tho? Or nobody? Which trip is getting the doot?
hoochie was the best damn mod leftypol has ever had.
The only good thing about Hoochie being mod was that I didn't have to see her fucking trip everywhere.
Can you not permaban me for joking with the BO, that'd be swell.
No shit, Baboonposter is more leftwing than Body Oder
Can the mods not be useless sometimes?
I better not be banned for this
Are you for real?
You know he was joking
Can we please come down harder on the false-flagging shit?
Same fag false flags should also get punished more
Seriously. Keep this place clean. And crack down on pedo false-flaggers especially.
Seriously, can you guys not be useless and take care of these Holla Forums spammers? It's like Hoochie was doing all your jobs for you.
Chill out you fucking faggot.
As if their "sacrifice" were the biggest problem with them…
You say it as if it were an overtalked topic. When, in reality, real-life transsexuals are totally unaware of their bullshit. user made a valuable contribution and you stopped it.
Hi, user.
>>>Holla Forums
>>>/italefty/ ?
Is that mod team design?
What the fuck is with the 4 week ban trigger happiness? It's always the most common ones so fucking why? It always seems fucking excessive especially with "unspecified reason" bans
Is transphobia still against the rules, because I've been seeing quite a bit of genuine transphobia posted lately, along with other kinds of GSM discrimination, and it's pretty disheartening.
Here's an opportunity to reflect on the scale of your stupidity. Are you going to waste it?
Did I step in the midst of an echo chamber?
Why have people been banned in this thread of all things, and why do the sloppy "remove posts" one?
Suggestion that goy filter as gobshite and the Anglo filter go back to the shamrocks
What's going on with the text size. When I'm viewing the catalog, the search and update options are large and bold.
BO is not tech savvy and is just learning about CSS
If this works, thanks for being reasonable and repealing my ban
You guys really need to consider post histories, otherwise you risk banning productive users for bants
Why does every time I try to create a thread, there's a pop up screen saying I need a 100 chars?
What exactly are chars?
chars = characters
just hold the space bar for 15 seconds and then try submitting
Or he could put some effort into his post and not be a piece of shit.
If you get banned for shitposting it's your own fault.
BO, a mod locked a thread criticizing ecelebs and refuses to lock a thread about incels full of shit posting
It's anchored, not locked. Not being on page 1 doesn't stop you from talking about your retarded twitter personalities all you like.
If you don't like it then try reporting it and ask another mod to unanchor it. Better yet, make a less shit thread, faggot.
First of all, I didn't make the thread. Second of all, I never talked about twitter personalities, but a mod locked a thread about it. Third of all, mods shouldn't just be masturbating waiting for a fucking report to spot up, that's shittty moderation. Do better.
Just lock the incel thread. It doesn't serve a purpose. Don't be biased towards ecelebs, including Phil Greaves
Report the thread if you don't like it.
Once again, the thread is anchored, and if you don't like it you can report it and appeal to another mod.
If you really think mods could or should be constantly surveilling the board then you really are too stupid to bother responding to any more.
Why did you ban an user who hadn't even made two posts in the thread for spam when he was shitting on Phil Greaves but refuse to lock the designated /r9k/ shitposting thread
Just do your job, it's all people are asking
BO, if you're going to ban someone for the crime of making fun of an eceleb, at least dont be a fucking coward about it
Didn't BO say it was ok to do that?
Holy shit your right it is the BO
BO, you said it was perfectly fine for threads about E-Celebs to be unlocked.
Why did you lie. And why did you ban a person who made two posts in that thread
Answer me BO. Why do you have bias towards threads about Phil Greaves. What him your daddy? Was he the guy who's cock you were sucking?
To be fair, I was also the OP
But I only made two other posts in the thread before being banned for "spamming". It's very clear Body Odor is just insanely triggered.
Don't worry bud, I'll post the thread for you again.
Dont bother, they might just straight up delete it to cover their tracks.
Sent ;)
Dude I appreciate the sentiment but it's really, really not worth it. All I wanted was to make a thread where we could laugh at some stupid shit that Phil tweeted. I never asked for any of this ;-;
I don't like seeing Alunya wearing black and yellow. It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth
you are all being more tolerant of eccentric posting instead of random anchoring and banning.
This I am pleased to see
Holla Forums is my home again
Retard, you were banned because you wouldn't stop acting like a faggot, not because you're some poor persecuted martyr for free speech. There's no need to be such a fucking drama queen.
You're overusing the word: trannies are faggots, faggots are faggots. Get it right next time.
So is this a board for classical liberals and nazis now or something?
Maybe if we didn’t have to constantly tiptoe around criticism of reactionary positions this wouldn’t have happened.
why did you anchor the thread just as I made an effortpost?
thanks for removing the anchor mods
Stop using goon terminology
could you not be a faggot
Too many defeatist threads( >>2392615) and posters recently, maybe a soft raid happening or just one autist, some posts are blatant like .
Are the same guy. I don't think he's raiding, just not very bright.
Was pure COINTEL/POL/ though. 99% of "this is it everyone hates us we lost ;~;" threads are.
Is it just me, or have there been a lot more Holla Forums shitposters showing up as of late?
Today they were especially bad. My guess is they've either noticed the leftypol/leftpol split and smell blood in the water, or the dowpocalypse thread has increased our profile a bit.
Or it could just be a bunch of bored polcucks pulling each other's pud on discord.
Seriously. Mods need to start getting more aggressive with bans.
I second this. 1-week bans should be handed out at the first sign of demoralization or derailing legitimate threads. Ideally users would not respond or just sage, but it never happens in reality.
Moderation is severely impeded by other users' insistence on Holla Forums being a shitposting board, and "not banning people for 'wrong' opinions."
I don't think users should be banned for not towing the "party line," but just take that borders thread for example. It's full of quasi-Holla Forums bordercucks that really have no business posting here. Supporting the existence of borders should be in the same category as Asserism or national bolshevism or supporting slavery or any other inherently reactionary shit.
IMO Leftypol is
1. A space for leftists to discuss leftism.
2. A free speech board, but that doesn't (or shouldn't) be at the expense of Leftypol as a conversation space.
3. A non-leftist outreach board. Generally speaking, Holla Forumsyps and various other reactionaries are allowed, as long as they're arguing in good faith. They should be able to come, ask questions, and support their arguments, but within very narrow confines specific to the thread, and if they don't like it then they can fuck off back to their containment board.
And there are a lot of posters here that both shit this place up and don't belong here. I don't think they're real leftists or even interested in leftism. I don't think Holla Forums would be any worse off if they weren't here.
But this board isn't run on how I think it ought to be run. I have to follow the rules just like everyone else, and for now that means we have to share space with brainlet cunts and Holla Forumscuck spastics.
I can smell the irony and hypocrisy up the sky.
Can whoever keeps deleting polyp posts please stop doing this? You're making threads unreadable and creating a bad impression.
moderation has been more sane lately
No Hoochie, no problem
Hoochie was a mistake and it's good he was demodded.
The following thread is a serious discussion, because there is a joke in the OP does not change the serious nature of the discourse taking place thus the bump lock should be considered for removal. In fact the joke was purposeful in the attempt to have a serious discussion while realizing we are all enjoying the discussion not taking it personally, having some intellectual contest on who knows more theory, in a way I saw it as a way to minimize negative ruts many discussions fall into.
As a community we must realize that we can engage in serious dialog which can arise from the comedic arts as much as philosophy which go hand in hand with the same roots in humanity to bring us all together.
can someone delete this already
thank you kindly, please feel free to put back the anchor if the discussion devolves into nonsense wasting board space :D
Is there a way to see who files reports?
impressive, I always gotta do the white bit like 20 times
wasnt even listening to the shit he said
Is it just me, or have the Holla Forumsyps gotten dumber?
Compare the ID
What mod is this?
Incase you're referring to the video, it's a surf map for CS:GO. I never played CS:GO but I've played that same map in TF2, a lot of the more popular surf maps are available on both games.
They're flaunting their retardation in every thread and it does nothing but derail.
Can this be unlocked again please? It's actually evolving into a pretty in-depth dismantling of fascism, and is pretty lacking in the usual boonposting/screeching.
agreed, please if a volunteer or mod can review the thread its been a great discussion without spam so far. This thread was already unlocked previously allowing for a great sparring of ideas not possible on other forums due to the nature of the discussion.
- Original Request for removal of lock
- Approved removal of lock
Its nice seeing the discussion in the community move forward taking apart arguments of fascism which due it not often being discussed is sadly rarely seen.
This thread was already unlocked previously allowing for a great sparring of ideas not possible on other forums due to the nature of the discussion. Who ever applied the bump lock may not be aware of the previous review of the thread.
agreed, please if a volunteer or mod can review the thread its been a great discussion without spam so far.
(You) - Original Request for removal of lock
- Approved removal of lock
Its nice seeing the discussion in the community move forward taking apart arguments of fascism which due it not often being discussed is sadly rarely seen.
Thanks for the unlock
Thanks for the unlock its been a very interesting discussion into many types of alternative ideologies that arent confronted often enough.
Can we talk for a moment about thinly veiled imperialist trash like ?
There's been an uptake over the past weeks of "anti-imperialists" openly cheering for a NATO invasion of Syria, or outright advocating genocide.
Including card-carrying Nazbols "ironically" supporting Turkish ultranationalists (Nationalist Movement Party, etc).
I don't understand why this garbage is tolerated, when neocon shills were banned-on-sight whenever they parroted neocon propaganda, or advocated bombing NK or Iran "for the betterment of the people!!!".
Advocating imperialism under the pretext of "eradicating the Turds :DDDD" is still imperialism.
When are you people gonna start getting more aggressive towards these/pol/yp shitheads? It's not like most of them are here in good faith.
Like this shit 8ch.net
May I ask, what is a red liberal? I post every once a few months and I never before had encountered this term. Is it idpolers and people who voted for Hillary, Sanders (people who voted at all to begin with for socdems)?
So the thread concerning the new Trump-Russia nothingburger hysteria was deleted or what? good
It's a liberal who claims to be a socialist/communist, when it's just a brand to them, and they have no intention to actually advance the communist movement.
They wear all the "communist" regalia and use it's language, but in the end they just want capitalism without "capitalism".
Like "Market Socialists" for example
Reason for this ban?
Can we just ban the baboon poster already? I'm sick of threads being derailed by him and the mouthbreathers that try to argue with him
Mods try to ban him, but he ban evades so much it's almost unbelievable.
One of the Mods here said he continuously switches IPs.
how many layers of irony are you on dude
Bans.html doesn't seem to be listing any bans mods are making without a reason. The banning actions are visible in the log.
Can someone ban this autist already?
Can someone unlock this please ? (See last post)
Don't be surprised that this stuff keeps popping up if you're not willing to deal with it in a concise manner. Which is sort of the pattern these days.
Every time some polyp walks in it's the same incessant meme/shitposting, teaching OP's nothing and leaving a bad impression for whoever's lurking.
Almost no-one these days is actually willing to deal with the main point. And why even bother? They're probably a. going to banned within 10 minutes, or b. (and more often a and b) the thread will be bumplocked no matter how much people effort-post.
Posters here have become intellectually lazy, and it shows
Also just unban the guy unless he was spamming. The whole board is dying due to the insistence some that his board serve as an echo-chamber and nothing else.
If I had originally found the board in it's current state, I'd still be an unironic fash/ancrap
Start banning the baboon boy anytime
thanks for reporting.
I would like to question the anchor and the bans in this (>>2404939) thread.
While I fully agree that supporting American war machine and the men that participate in it is not acceptable, I fail to see the flaw in supporting former members who regret their past flaws and openly criticize it from the unique position of authority that is their personal, intimately inside experience.
Do you believe that these men can work to redeem themselves from their past sins, or do you decree them to to be tarnished to eternal damnation for once having been young, mislead, and misinformed?
Do you decree this despite their regrets and despite wishes to bring to an end the system which blinded them with its lies in the first place?
I hope you all the best, and wish that this understandable misunderstanding will be rectified and put to rest. Thank you.
I was banned for 4 weeks here . I looked at the ban log and found everyone else recieved hourly ban. I've been a regular poster since all the way back to early 2017 and I don't understand why I deserved such a punishment for discussing a topic.
Wow, a real "old Bolshevik" here.
I'm not claiming I've been here as long as others by any metric, I'm just saying I'm not immediatly new. I've been on imageboards and boards like /tg/ since 2011 though
approve my ban appeal already
snitches get stitches
Mods just delete or anchor this thread already. The guy you keep trying to ban is only attracted to that thread.
No. Let him ridicule himself. Whenever these polyps come over to whine about 'kikes', point out how they're behaving just like the 'jews' Hitler described. Call them out on their Gish Galloping, diversion, and other slimy sophistry. Rub their noses in their own hypocrisy, and expose them to everyone for disgusting liars that they are.
Wrong image
Just delete the thread already.
It seems that my appeal has been rejected and I still don't understand the ban. I'm not even an anarchist, I legitimately was just trying to employ a materialist view on why people commit the actions they do. Help me out here, I can't keep posting at work on my phone all the time
BO being an undialectical hysteric again.
When you're trying to pull off a revolution, you're going to need all help you can get.
Veterans, and active duty soldiers and sailors were instrumental in the success of the October Revolution. That doesn't mean you have to encourage people to be imperialist stooges (which practically no one in that thread was actually doing), but rejecting veterans (not active-duty or aspiring) outright is self-destructive ideology.
It's flawed from a pragmatic point of view, and flawed in terms of optics.
Disillusioned soldiers are prime revolutionary and insurrectionary material. Though not always
Please come to >>>/leftpol/ with us while this drama goes on.
Why was banned, apart for just being a "canadian soldier"? (according to what I read in the ban log) All he was doing was remarking how there's a real chance that, with the current situation down in the states, he might actually have to fight against imperialist aggression by the US.
BO just doesn't like ex military
If that's true, then it's incredibly stupid and goes against just about every example of successful socialist revolutions across the globe.
Unban this user
oh hey look I'm back from the depths, thanks to all the comrades who came rallying for my demise
also get a leash on these volunteers, this is the second time in a month this sort of shit has happened, the last time I was called a "crypto"(still can't decide if crypto-fascist or cryptocurrency), if you're gonna go for a troll reason for a ban at least make it a good one, "canadian soldier" is weak. "Leafs can't carry guns" would have been much better. Weak mods with weak comebacks.
as said before BO doesn't like the military
just bookmark /leftpol/ if this happen again
Can this user fucking not be banned for this bullshit?
do you support the Canadian military?
Don't they still have draft like Norway?
Do us all a solid and take care of this little shitstain
So I think I've been stripped of my mod powers
I'm not content.
Please get on the modchat, we need to talk
ebin bot spam or distilled autism?
both mah nigga
Is a stealth /leftpol/tard mod mad again?
alright so I got banned again, this time for absolutely no reason, and the appeal was rejected after 5 minutes of waiting(it's a 4 week ban and I'm only posting this on a nearby Tim's wifi)
I don't know why the BO has such a vendetta against me, I heard it's something about me military, but their personal prejudice I don't think should translate into hard bans.
also my last post that got me banned didn't even have anything wrong with it, military themed, or whatever.
so can I just be thrown a bone here please? I don't know, don't understand and don't wanna get involved with whatever is going on with the mods, but can I please just not be banned for posting ANYTHING? please?
I'm a bit of a dink, so errr what's bookmark(in this regard) and how do I do it/use it?
I'm a dink, I don't fancy techno stuff that isn't shoved down my throat, I can't find anything that might be a bookmark(or something close to it) on the main index.
please act as if I have the intelligence of a small infant. or a MAGA supporter.
Bookmark it in your browser is what I meant.
As long as you remember the address it's okay
how does that stop me from getting banned and/or getting around being banned?
it doesn't, I'm inviting you to /leftpol/ because it is an alternative.
you mean we're not in leftypol right now?
Whoa I need a moment
on a serious note the BO stalked me to even the trash board so I dunno if just trying browse the rest of board is gonna do much good
we are on leftypol, I'm inviting you to leftpol so you can post while you're banned
come here 8ch.net
wait does it really work like that? does it really get me past the IP ban?
thank you dear comrade
holy shit I just fucking noticed the "y" difference,
holy shit I'm an idiot
It doesn't bypass the ban, it's a different place.
I hope you get it now
ya I do now
that just took me a while
I feel like it was too long to realize that, even for me.
I hope you understood as I expected
Wish to see you around on leftpol soon enough.
Oi, BO, do you ban members of any military, or just imperialist ones?
No, not any military. It should be pretty obvious which ones. NATO members, European countries, NATO allies, fascist/comprador militaries… If like, Chinese, Cuban, Venezuelan, or whatever military members want to post here and fill us in on stuff without breaking their security procedures, that's fine. Doubt they would though.
get in the modchat
Based BO
so you ban everybody from Finland and Switzerland? Because pretty much everybody is conscripted there. I get that you ban NATO army members, those are usually all volunteer based, but still
So let me get this right. You will allow literal reactionary quasi-NRx porkies to post here, but proles joining the military to escape poverty (something common throughout history) is ban-worthy?
Mein gott
Yeah, I mean he let you, a nazi, to post here.
If you're a drafty does this rule still apply? Because you're going to have to ban every Norwegian, Swiss, Finnish, S. Korean, and Austrian posterposter here if that's the case because of mandatory service
Drafties are a bit different, yes. If they have an actual contribution to make, they could discuss it. However, if a communist in those countries is drafted and is on active duty, they'd be pretty stupid to discuss their communist politics online anyway. They shouldn't be talking, they should be doing what they can to leave, or to wreck operations.
14/88 basement dwellers aren't even a tenth as useful to empire and fascism as even the most "socialist" willing imperialist/fascist soldier.
This is a complete BS narrative promoted by liberals.
You know how Holla Forums has geolocated ISIS photographs for the RuAF? Could we make a thread for geolocating ЅDF fighting positions for the tsk?
sounds like LARP to me.
You do know that the National Defense Forces (the Pro-Government Militia) has moved into Afrin to help the YP.G fight the Turks? Right?
Or how the Syrian government and YP.G/PYD are on the brink of an agreement?
Please, fuck off right back to wherever you came from
It's not about Binary options, kid.
No, it's real.
Alright BO, I see your priority is shielding Kurdish ethnonationalist imperialists rather than seriously contending with geopolitical issues like big boys.
Why is it called Politically Incorrect if you guys are politically correct??
Obongo is a moron.
Pick one
that "anti-turkish resistance" is literally just an American Proxy force intent on destroying the Axis of Resistance. I challenge you to dispute this, so I can report you for the imperialist you are.
Man BOmarc is on a roll this week
maybe he's trying to embody the stereotypical image of a commie by beating the 3 hundred trillion gazzillion bajillion people killed by communism through bans, and taking his own opinion as law.
Sounds a lot like a Trots to me
nice praxis dweeb lmao
Sorry m8, this board is for aut-righters arguing in bad faith and militantly retsrded "marxist"-Leninist red fetishists. If you wanted something better you should have come here a few years ago.
Read the faq, dumbass.
So, you guys going to join in on the fun too?
Do your hotpockets ever get annoyed they can't delete the video of your BO choking on cock off of other boards?
Is this you guys subtly memeing about how everyone on Holla Forums is a neckbeard autist who dreams of implementing an ideology that has never worked before because they are contrarian hipsters and too many normies like capitalism? lol
upvoted my fellow redditor
BO-kun, it seems the bans on /leftpol/ liberals have expired and as expected quality has dropped to new lows even for 8ch.
When can we expect the next purge?
pls BO stop banning people, we are already losing users every day
banning people only benefits /leftpol/, let him continue.
please make the faq the top stickie.
Regarding the ban (and repeal of ban) of
I'm glad that my 1 day original ban was repealed in under 2 hours. Yet, without trying to make a big deal out of it, I can not but feel that it was the vol's personal taste that ruled against my favor.
I know very well (and accept as justified – up to a rational limit) most imageboards' disgust at Reddit. However, I can not accept dogmatic attitudes, worse, the taboo-culture surrounding it. The site in question is one of the most visited sites on the internet as of today. Taking advantage of it (either as resource/target of propaganda) can not be denied from comrades without proper justification. (I'm speaking as someone who has been banned from several of the leftish subbredits for ridiculous reasons.)
The ban in question wasn't placed on a post advocating for a raid, trying to "bring in" faglord redditors, spamming, or being out-of-context as related to OP (also me, btw). It was simply an attempt at popularizing an author favored by our board on other platforms. In other words: harmless, if not beneficial.
If so far we agree, please inform comrade vol that his personal disgust at specific sites in itself (reinforced by the le le le imageboard culture) does not justify his actions, especially if it does not take into account our communist tactical considerations.
>omg im turning to leftpol rite now
In the appeal I've already mentioned the counter-productive nature of placing bans on comrades with simple one word reason – in my case: "stop".
Please refrain from this if modding comrades, but otherwise as well. Write a fucking sentence, for crying out loud, if not dealing with clear Holla Forumsraids, spam, etc.
The community will benefit from it.
Is such preventive action necessary/wise?
BO, these exact same measures were implemented in Zimbabwe. For whatever reason, the new private ownerers couldn’t match the output of the previous ones and there was a massive famine.
You need to relax and stop arguing using bans.
reason for bumplock?
/r/ing is reddit terminology. Recreate it with proper chan - /???/ - title
Since when do we care about this kind of shit? Is this a new trend in moderation, cracking down on irrelevant terminology? Language policing? It is most certainly NOT in the rules.
Very similar to this and I bet it's from the same vol:
We are communists first, channers second, and not the other way around. Get it through your thick skull. You can't just force "chan-culture," any culture, for that matter, on people. Even if you are obsessed with "chan-authenticity" you are doing it the wrong way: it needs cultivation, not enforcement.
lmao the vols are new and probably never used chans prior to 2017
/r/ is a request board on 4chan and /r/ing means requesting
it is not reddit terminology
hey BO, thanks for repealing my ban
I'm glad you read appeals and actually consider them
Weak attempt at justifying your modding.
Restrict your answer to:
is still bumplocked and there has been no justifiable reasons for it being so. This faggot vol is actually crying about the title including the term "/r/ing".
Is this how far we have fallen? Is this where we are at, as a community?
If so, just make it clear, and I'll start by posting at /leftpol/, ffs. Otherwise either justify your lock or ask for forgiveness, you asshole. The RULES of this community go against your shit-tier vol decisions.
I await your wailing.
Stop with this shit!
Not every ban is made by BO. Not every repeal is made by BO. Just think about how this community is actually run, modded, you faggot!
Otherwise, if you can't comprehend actual processes go to leftpol, a community that has been promised "more democratic" modding, that hasn't actually delivered.
I checked the modlog after my ban and saw that it was authored by the board owner specifically
I assume volunteers don't override the BO, so presumably the BO was also the person appealed it
I'm gloriously late, but just wanted to say this reply is the first thing ever that made me like stacheposter instead of hate him
Naziposter is more rational than BO
Why was the Cockshott thread deleted???
what post number was it?
No idea. Cockshott made a new video, which I wanted to share, so I wasn't sure if it really was deleted or if I was the victim of a bug before I make a new thread
Found it in my browser history:
Check the board log. User deleted his own post for some reason. Maybe he got butthurt how derailed it was getting.
If I were still a mod we won'r get rided like we're getting rided now
Thanks for the unban.
Could you faggots start reporting obvious Holla Forums shit, reactionary posts, and shit threads? Thanks.
if che could stop being a faggot I would.
Maybe if we had any trust in your ability to do your jobs instead of dicking around for hours on end while people sage the fuck out of troll threads only for nothing to happen, then sure, we would gladly do so.
well if you would stop using the "throw enough shit at the wall and some of it will stick" method of banning half the board and SOME of them will be Holla Forums we would
it's just that anyone who gets in your line of sight is seen as a target even if they're trying to report a Holla Forumsyp
like chill
This has tunred into a shitshow where one dude keeps spamming "gommies owned XD" webms and another guy spamming the same "aut-right btfo" images over and over again.
So is Holla Forums anti-tankie now because in the ACAB thread a user was banned for stating police are not proletariat with false consciousness in a uniform and that would described soldiers better.
Also curious. I was banned during the late December/early January spergout and want to know if this dumbass BO is still being a dumbass without investing a lot of time reading and posting
This. BO bussed in scabs from shitty idpol infested subreddits and ☭TANKIE☭ Twitter who aren't actual chan users, and are the *type* of people who spend a lot of time policing internet leftists. It explains their behavior, it's not hard to figure out
you don't need to be a ☭TANKIE☭ to loathe red-liberals.
Thanks for shitting up the board you fucking retards.
This isn't "a job" you idiot. It's moderating a forum full of faggots arguing about books they haven't read. Sometimes I have other things to do and I don't doubt that's true for the other mods.
You are seriously one stupid asshole.
This Board Sucks.
First they came for the SocDems, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a SocDem
Then they came for the R*java larpers, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a R*java larpers.
Then they came for Naziposter, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not Naziposter.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
really though, why did you ban naziposter, he was kind of well liked here
Big if true, can you point me to which thread? Because if Naziposter is gone, the only identifiable good poster left is Hoxha-poster given that Ironic SocDem Keynes poster, commonwealth user, OG leninhat, OG Tito-poster, the leftcom Pannekoek effortposter who actually read, cynical Debord user, and that one other theory christcom who also actually read are all gone. We're actually dead theory wise and discussion wise now if this is the case.
Please don't ban communists who argue in favor of exploiting democracy.
Holla Forums's running for office could be potential comrades, and voting on them in some cases is probably helpful to the cause.
Nobody got banned for that.
If they're talking about who I think they are, someone got banned for a post that was claiming to be "Controlled Opposition," and it could have been read as being a reactionary shitpost, but considering their appeal explanation I think they were trying to ironically advocate for democratic participation, and it just didn't translate very well, so I reversed the ban.
My understanding is that advocating democratic participation isn't a bannable offense in itself. I think it had more to do with the way the poster framed it than what their intention was.
Yep that's what happened. Thank you for reversing. I'm a word salad sometimes, and gotta be clearer.
No sweat. I appreciate you explaining your position in your appeal. Most of the time ban appeals are just incoherent rants about how unjust it is that they've been banned.
Things like irony and satire are difficult to convey online, and especially when they sound or look just like the kind of things reactionaries would actually say. The difference isn't always readily apparent. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Some shithead is either false-flagging or trying to actually coordinate targeted harassment of some kid on Youtube.
actually reactionary
You aren't being politically persecuted for your super dangerous wrongthink you clown. Next time try not to make duplicate threads or write like you're retarded.
I am moving permanently to /leftpol/ because the posters there don’t constantly bump garbage threads
Welp, we got another one.
Patently false, because I also post there and I make sure to bump every single bait thread.
Go be a Holla Forums Vol!
>>>Holla Forums11366673
snitches get stitches, obviously.
How do I become mod? I frequent this board daily, don't hold one sect over another, rarelyshitpost and I'd be a damn good hand at keeping the place tidy without needlessly utilizing a banhammer.
I'll ask BO if he can take on some new vols.
ty, volpai
reason for bumplock?
Jesus, that shitwreck of a thread.
Good fucking riddance.
The worst part:
do me a favor and put in some effort in reporting
I see Holla Forums bait posts which have 5 replies to it and not a single report
Jesus Christ, this place is really on par with Holla Forums. No wonder why only south americans and other shitskins post here, anyone who doesn't have a shitty third world dynamic IP ISP is probably permabanned.
At this point it's undeniable that even commies larpers who make a single joking post merely pretending to not be commies often get permabanned on their own board. Just look at the amount of people thanking the mods for their "generosity" in unbanning them.(>banning shitposters like you is a bad thing)
Probably the same reason is: butthurt mod who won't accept other tendencies view their ideas as ridiculous.
Please provide a justification for this two bumplocks:
Pls ban this fascist.
they're shitposts and reek of Holla Forums falseflagging to start shit
already did, no need to post here, I check all reports
They are leftist shitposts, something we allowed from the very beginning (within reasonable limit, like no spam, etc.). There's nothing false-flaggy about them: from the very beginning we had anarcho vs. Marxist shitposting and debate and they weren't just fun, but enlightening. If you are automatically going to take leftist bantz for "pol falseflag" this place will become a desert.
Either be open about it if you are going to bumplock every leftist bantz thread or unlock them.
Why the fuck was the thread making fun of hippies deleted?
How much do you wanna bet that this Holla Forumsyp is gonna bitch and moan about having his free speech rights "violated" after he gets banned for acting like a dipshit
vol is an unwashed hippie and got mad we were calling him out
there are baboon raids occuring. I've removed what I could, but they could switch IPs any minute. Please be vigilant and report baboon posters(i fucked up my name this is real)
Oh boi
was this really BO?
I doubt it.
BO would never be as accepting or reasonable as that. Probably just some LARPer.
ok, but how did I do on a scale from 1 to 10?
not very convincing.
There's an autist spamming
I've been reporting them, so…
Mods seem asleep
We want our board back.
Banning the communist parties would score rather high on the list for a communist, don't you think?
That amerimutt soldier should be permabanned. He's the same that a few months ago made apologism for the troops in Niger and even justified killing children because "HURR MUH ORDERS" and also the same guy who went on fighting with Korean stache for 100+ posts when he said that Americans soldiers in South Korea don't commit crimes and rapes where fabricated, even linking a "stripes and stars" article.
pick just 1
how about this, mods?
i could do it myself but since nobody ever likes the shit i have to say i'll allow myself to ask others to do it for me
write up copypasta, reply with it, bumplock and ban Holla Forumsack shitposts on identity politics
getting tired of that crap every day with a new thread
we had these discussions enough times already, idpol is tiresome cancer and these faggots need to fuck back off to their shithole
Yeah, that's the sort of thing that should be reported. "Social conservatives" can fuck right off.
So, permission to report "social conservatives" if they're UTTERLY retarded/ pol tier?
That's a little redundant, but yeah
jesus fucking christ, what's up with that autist talking about women he stalks in all caps
Can Tor posting be turned back on?
when the hell are we gonna get rid of the character limit ?
I miss shitposting
This please.
Fucking kek.