What the fuck was his deal? Was he a nationalist? There's no wiki in my home language so I can't be bothered to read the entire thing since I tend to be unable to compute anything after reading English for too long
(It's Karadzic btw)
What the fuck was his deal? Was he a nationalist...
Other urls found in this thread:
He really hated ustašes, so he was at least teensy bit leftist.
He hated kebab and loved water. Some say a little too much.
I hear he will lead the serbs (will lead the serbs)
Show them that they are not afraid of anything (They are not afraid of anything)
Yes, he was a anti-communist Serbian-orthodox nationalist.
He hated the Ustashas because they were Croatian-catholic nationalists, therefore rivals to his own serbian-orthodox nationalism.
Stop user, you are making me cry. I almost believed the "reds remove kebab" memes were true.
Isn't he a Bosnian user?
smrt fassizmu, smrt nacionalizmu
another photo from streets of Belgrade
ubi se ti prljavi anarho-trockisto, tvoj pokret je onaj naj gori liberalni LARP za razmazenu decu sa faksa.
kako mi se gadi marks 21, oca ti jebem.
But the PKK is doing that right now. Removing Turkish fascists from the premises.
wats dat
No, the Chetniks were also anti-Utase but still fash. Serbian fash is not better than Croat fash.
t. Tito Gang
Ethnic Serbian in Bosnia.
Oh, I see…
First off there is little distinction between Serbs, Croats and Bosnians, they speak the same language with small dialectical differences. The actual distinction is between religion: Roman Catholicism (Croatia), Islam (Bosnia) and Orthodoxy (Serbia, Montenegro). So while he is a Bosnian as in born in Bosnia, he identified himself as a Serbian-Orthodox.
He was the first president of the Serb Republic which is now an autonomous entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
No such thing since they are all basically the same ethnic-linguistic group. Better to say he was a self-identified Serbian-Orthodox.
Well, he used to be not completely spooked.
the actual distinction is between nations
religion plays a big part, of course
Yes but the original basis of those nations was religion.
If I'm an atheist, who am I in the Balkans?
A Yugoslav, maybe
lol no, the nations go back before they were christianized
sorry about the sage, though it wasn't in the email field so didn't do shit anyway
he dindu nuffin
who is that qt?
Karadzic was a "nationalist" but a progressive secular nationalist which is 9000000000x better than US backed neofascists (Tudjman) and Islamists (Izetbegovic). To deny this is to put your head in the sand.
Give sources or fuck off. And even if he was anti communist, the communist movement should have sided with him against the arch reactionary US backed Croats and Bosnians just like we side with 'anti communist' Gaddafi against the US backed jihadi 'rebels'.
'Religion' in the Balkans is an ethnic statement. Very few people there are genuinely religious.
How is she so perfect?
Chetniks were Monarchists not Fascists, they wanted to restore the Karadjordjevic Monarchy the Fascists were called Ljoticevci and they were a part of the movement of National Salvation led by Milan Nedic.
they all get Goli Otok though
It could be argued that the religions is why they have remained different nations though. Burgundy used to be its own nation too.